85-715 M�HI7E - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. �� `�� BLUE - MAVOR . . ouncil Resolution Presented By ' Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the City Council adopted on February 12 new fran- chise ordinances permitting Northern States Power Company to use streets and public property for supplying gas and electric service, and those ordinances were subsequently approved, published, and accepted by NSP; and WHEREAS , NSP filed with the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission on February 29 a request to increase its gas rates, citing as reasons for its increase request competition with No. 6 oil , competition with District Heating Development Company, the City franchise fee, and the effects of energy conservation in limiting gas sales; and WHERERS, the City Council had no knowledge of the content of NSP' s rate increase request when it adopted the franchise, although the issues involved in the franchises are similar to the issues raised in the request for increased rates; and WHEREAS, NSP has refused to discuss the franchises further with the City Council to compare information submitted during the franchise negotiations with information submitted with the rate increase filing and additional recent information; and WHEREAS , informa�ion which the City Council does have is relevant to the NSP rate case and should become a part of those proceedings ; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul will petition to intervene in proceedings and hearings held with respect to NSP ' s request to increase its gas rates, and will be a full party to this rate case. COUNCILMEN Yeas ��ew ,� Nays Requested by Department of: — Masa!?% � In Favor _ N�cos�a c��� � _ __ Against BY — Sonnen �-- — Tedesco — Wdson MAY 2 3 1985 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date — Certified Y� •sed by Council Secretary y BY g�, �- CJ'l�tc�.�� lappro y Mavor: D _ �MAY 3 0 1985 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY - BY PUBLISNE� J��� 8�� -' � G� d`5 �/.c 4+`G�TTO� , CITY OF SAINT PAUL o ya OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY � ��������� '3 EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY • ull 11 It +? o� �Qe �Q �..� 647 City Hall,Saint Paui,Minnesota 55102 612-298-5121 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR May 24, 1985 _ ._ To : Council Members Mayor Latimer From: Phil. Byrne �' Re: NSP Gas Rate Case � Attached is a copy of the City' s Petition to Intervene in the 1985 Gas Ra.te case. It will be extremely important to make a decision as quickly as possible on the intervention, its scope, the primary interests of the City in the case, and whether to retain outside counsel and experts . The schedule , fixed by order of the administrative law judge as the result of an earlier prehearing conference , provides that Intervenors ' testimony (ours) must be submitted on or before Monday, July 1, 1985 . Enc. . � � � �- ��-_ ��� BEFORE THE MINNESOTA OFFICE OF A.DMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS 400 Summit Bank Building 310 South Fourth Avenue Minneapolis , Minnesota 55415 FOR THE MINNESOTA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION 780 American Center Building 150 East Kellogg Boulevard St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 In the Matter of the Petition of MPUC Docket No . G=0Q2/GR-85-108 ; . Northern States Power Company OAH Docket No . PUC-85-018-RD for Authority to Change its Schedule of Gas Rates for Retail PETITION OF THE CITY OF Customers Within the State of S 0 I NE Minnesota The City of Saint Paul, pursuant to Minnesota Rules , parts 7830. 0600 and 7830.2200, hereby petitions for leave to intervene in this proceeding as an interested party, being a municipality in the area affected by the proposed new Schedule of Rates , and in that it will be bound and adversely affected by the outcome of this proceeding with respect to interests peculiar to itself as a municipality. In support of its Petition, the City of Saint Paul states as follows : 1. The City of Saint Paul is a home rule charter city, within whose geographic territory and governmental. jurisdiction Northern States Power Company operates pursuant to a franchise granted by the City for the period from April l , 1985 to P�arch 31, 1996 (Ordinance No . 17210; Council File No. 85-36) . Said franchise permits the Company to use streets and other public property for the supply of gas for all purposes upon the condition of payment " of a gross earnings franchise fee. Said franchise fee is based . " � - ��� y�� -2- on a lower percentage rate for large volume commercial and industrial gas customers than for other customer classes . Such lower rate permits more effective competition by the Company with other energy suppliers not required to have a franchise within the City, and thus preserves and maximizes the franchise fee as a revenue source for the City. Said lower rate reflects a carefully negotiated balance in franchise fee rates , taking into account state law benefits for residential customers , city revenue expectations , and considerations of fairness . Rate design changes either sought by the Company or which may be approved in this proceeding for large volu�ne commercial and industrial customers will have an adverse impact on the balance of equities in the agreement negotiated in the current NSP franchise within the City. 2. The City of Saint Paul has of recent years funded and sponsored a number of major energy conservation initiatives , and has adopted a significant policy position supportive of conservation measures for all classes of customers , but particularly for residen- tial customers . Rate design changes involving residential differen- tial rates , standby charges and others will seriously and adversely affect City policies and programs in promoting energy conservation. 3 . Service of all notices , orders , pleadings , communications , discovery documents and ma.terials , correspondence, and any other documents with respect to this Petition and the proceeding herein shall be, until further notice, made on the following: . � � - � � ��- 7% -3- Edward P. Starr, Esq. Ci:ty Attorney 647 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Attn: Philip B. Byrne WHEREFORE, the City of Saint Paul respectfully requests that it be permitted to intervene in this proceeding as a party with full rights of participation as to all matters raised in the Commission' s Order or subsequently determined appropriate for consideration by the Co�ission or the Administrative Law Judge, pursuant to the applicable rules and regulatio.ns of the Public Utilities Commission and the Minnesota Office of Administrative Hearings . It is specifically requested that such participation include, but not ba limited to , the right to have adequate and timely notice of all conferences respecting procedural matters , to cross-examine all witnesses , to present evidence through witnesses and exhibits , to participate in any oral arguments which may be held, and to submit briefs to the Administrative Law Judge and Co�ission. Dated this �¢� day of Ma.y, 1985 . EDWAR.D P . STARR City Attorney . � By - �� Phi ip B Byrne Assistant City Attorney 647 City Hall and Court House Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 298-5121 Attorneys for Petitioner City of Saint Paul �Y�r 7i� 1 t�e re�son wny �the C; i -ty `nou ! c�± i n�tt�rvE�ne i n N5�'s g�s r��tE� casc� c�n be summc�cl up i n two worcf�> : compet i �L i on ��nd conser v���t i on. ! IlE'.�E''. 3i'E� �r1C: 1"'Ed;�Ofl`.=i !��`Jf� (: 17�E",':i f"QY 1 't;S � O��t Clci� �i�9 � E?� � cal"1C� "tl"lf.' �, i t.y ha� v i ta 1 t nt.�r���,t i n t�ot;r�� ;are���� . N�:t="5 ,t�t�men�cs �bc�u�t ! c��s�r� ! ��r qe vo 1 ume g�s sa ! e�� c1�.iE:r �to curnpr�t i 1�. i or� i nvo 1 vc�:; i#�i o i '! , OHUC, ;�nd t.h�:� C i ty fr�anch i �e� ff�e. Wt•� �=��C r.ni s Gaunc� i ! t��:,vr; cc.:>n�, i r.;1�r�r�c:i �thF��,e ����rnE: i .°�sur�s.>. W� n��vc� i r�f��r�rn�t i ori ��n e,�r_�i o'= �t:nf��;r:� i s�,uE�; , �:,nri our i nt�or-m<�t i ��n ��nc+. c�_�r�c�:r�ns �nc�u 1 d bc: p�.,r•t c�r t:���«� rr�r�orr� i r� tr� i �, r�t� car_�E�. .I I"1 1 a l,U U Il i_ 1 I �'1 U E�:. t'l c,t f l r�a:;C1 t.O C�l' i""r�ftl 1 (1 l�f'C7 U'F" 1,t�t:? (= 1 't y� i i rivestrnentS I UI"1 C:'on:���rvt1-C 1 011 c�Il(:9 -CtIE' ext.er��t. �t.o W"11' C;II �tlC:���E: conservat i c�n i nvestmen�s ri��vt �een jo i nt pro jer_ts wi �h NSP. 1 n �ti� i � r�te e�s�, N��N cic�c.:ri ��. 1 o.:,�t ga� �a 1 es c�ue to c.on�,F.rvation , and ra i sed r��:es, espec i � �I 1 y to those rP� i aen�,i�� 1 c:on�umers who r�dve been t��rcaet.ec� by consE�:rvat i an progr��r�s . 1 nterven i ng i n the� rat,e case y i ves us �n o�aportun i ty to ex�mi ne �v�N's i nforrnat i on �nc� c I �� i m�, very c 1 ose 1 y. We hav� qu�st i ont�d trie i nformat i on NSP ���v� u� on UHOC:, on #�i r�i 1 pr i ce�, and ��n��r rnatters. Now I under,-t�nc� �tn�� t N5N n�s qone ta the Lec� i s 1 at:ure �:o cut oft anyon�' s access L-o the �� �arge VO I UIT1E' customer i nforma�t i on. l-h i s rat.F. ca�� rn�y b� tne �n I y good i nform�-t i on we � nave to f i nU ou� wr-���t i � r��,:a 1 1 y go i ng an . ,'