85-686 Ci of St.Pa 1 COUNCIL FI NO. — ��
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FIXING TIME OF HEARI G THEREON File No. 18361 Assessm nt #2540
Voting In the matter of the as essment f benefits, cost and expenses for installatioa of 8 TrBf iC Sigt�al
Ward on Smith enue f r Pedestrian Crosswalk at United 8ospitals to arking
2 Ramp betw n She n and Walnut Streets.
under Administrative Order " approve --
Preliminary Order �"172 approve� February 1� 1984
FinalOrder 84-332 approve a ch 13 1
The assessment of ben fits, cost d expenses for and in connection with the above improvement having been
submitted to the Council, and the Counc 1 having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory,t refore,be it
RESOLVED, That the said asses ent be and the same is hereby in all respects approved.
RESOLVED FURTHE That a p blic hearing be had on said assessment on the 11 th day of
June, 1985 , at the hour of ten o'clock A.M., in the Council Ch mber of the
Court House and City Hall B ilding, in the City of St. Paul; that the Director of Finance give notice of sai meetings,as
required by the Charter, sta 'ng in sai notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvem nt, and the
amount assessed against the 1 t or lots f the particular owner to whom the notice is directed.
COLJNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date MAY 2 r 1985
Yeas Drew Nays
MssBnz Certified Passed by Council Secretary
Nic�' In Favor By `
S onnen r -!a-.�
Tedesco Against �
w�ison MAY 2 1 985MaYor�
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