85-678 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GI Y OF SAINT PALTL Council � �/ CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. ~ d � � � uncil Resolution 1 � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That t e proper City officials are hereby authoriz d and directed to execu e an greement with Dunbar Motors, Inc. , a copy o said agreement to be k t on ile and of record in the Department of Finan e and Management Services. COUNCILI�EN Yeas " '�N��f Nays Requested by Department of: ,FFe4eh°r ����2 °feN' In Favor Masanz Nicosia c.�+e� _ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date AY 2 r 1985 Form Appr City ttorn c Certified assed by Council Secr tary BY sy c t�pproved b 17avor• ate . _� � �� �_ �� 5AP by Mayor for Submis on to cil . B _ B l�� ��� 1 1985 pol i ce • DEPARTMENT ����� NO 156$ Lt. Thomas L. Reding CONTACT � � 292- 500 PHONE May 2, 1985 DATE 1 Q/�r� Qr ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING 0 DER (Cli Al1 Locations for Si nature : � Department Director 3 Director of Management Mayor Finance and Management ervice Director City Clerk Budget Director � City Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TA ING AC ION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : The St. Paul Palice Dep rtment lease of unmarked vehicles from Dunbar Motors, Inc. RE EIVED MAY 7 � COST/BENEFIT BUDGETARY AND PERSON EL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: CITY TTORiVEY $8.00 per day to maximu of $2 8.00 per month per vehicle. FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVI Y NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of Transact on: quired if under $10,00Q) Funding Source: 19 5 Budg t Activity Number: 04 07-283 082 ATTACHMENTS List and Numbe Al1 A tachments : Four (4) Copies of Agre ment DE�'ARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW X Yes No Council Resol tion R quired? Resolution Required? es '` No Yes No Insurance Req ired? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No �/� Yes X No Insurance Att ched: ��� (S E REVE SE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 ����.� , - �f,�' . AG RE EM ENT �?�`-�—.�—.- THIS AGREE�fENT, P1 de and entered into this day of , 19 by and between , , hereinafter called . "Supplier," and the CI Y OF S INT PAUL, hereinafter called "City"; �JITNESSETH: IT IS MUTUALLY A EED BY AND BETWEEN THE SUPPLIER AND THE CITY AS FOLLO S: 1. That at all imes S pplier will keep the terms and conditions of t is Agree— ment confidential and shall ot disclose usages hereunder to inquiries of t ird parties without prior consul ation with the City's liaison hereinafter name . 2. That automob les fu nisHed to the City by the Supplier hereunder s a12 be for the exclusive use of the City's Police Department's L.E.A. _and Pdarcotic Units, and no other division or un ts of the City's Police Department shall make se of such vehicles. 3. That Supplie will ave available during regular business hours fo the City's use, automobiles whi shall be of 1981, 1980 and 1979 calendar year manufa ture or another year of make and mo el as may be agreed to by the parties. 4. That, in co sidera ion of the use of Suppiier's vehicle(s) , the C'ty agrees to pay Supplier the um of ight dollars ($8.00) per day, per vehicle, to aximum of two hundred forty—ei ht dol ars ($248.00) per month, per vehicle. 5. That the Ci y agre s to save and hold Supplier harmless from any nd all - claims arising out o the C ty's use of vehicles hereunder and shall, addi ionally, repair at its own ex ense a y damage sustained by the vehicles during the ourse of _ City's use, normal w ar and tear excepted. 6. That the Ci y shall be responsible for supplying each vehicle ren ed here— under with such amo nts of asoline and oil as is needed to make the vehicle opera— tional, but no othe maint nance obligations shall be the responsibility f the City. �. That the C ty wil not use any vehicle for a period of more than sixty (60) days without Supppl er's c nsent, but the City reserves the right to requ st and re— ceive from Supplier a repl cement vehicle of a type and make as above des ribed at any time, time being of the es ence in fuifilling requests for replacement ve icles. 8. That the C'ty ack owledges the right of the Supplier to demand t e return of the vehicle rent d here nder upon twenty—four (24) hours' riotice to th City and upon such notice, t e City will return said automobile: 9. That the se of t e vehicles rented hereunder are for the use of the City's Police Department nd for the purpose of the administration of this agree �ent, Lieu— tenant Thomas Redi g, l00 East Tenth Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota, phon number 292-3501, shall be its li ison. , /J _. �Yt. .(_j�'' . ( ' . � + ' _2_ 10. That this Ag eeme�nt shall be for a period of one (1) year and shal auto— matically be extended for an additional period of one (1) year, providing n written notice is submitted b eithe party of an intent to terminate this Agreemen at least thirty (30) days prio to th expiration of the first year. IN WITNESS HEREO , The arties have set their hands �.he date first aho e written. Approved as to Form: SUP�LIER 'i-�>%� //J] � �✓,f!:- ,�-L'�-<'t��.i %/L�:: �� t%<'''L,�'--. f�'� 'i/ c.L✓ f �i �,. �'. ' � '� 1 BY -1�:;_ �i,'. �J./Cr �l'✓<J Assistan�t Cit Attor ey ,� ��f _-� 1• � ' I t s �,'._f,r�� ����.�i✓^...��_-�^ C TY OF SAINT PAULr . � � �.�� >� �i � � r� _�...___-- B� j i ��-1.�.-�~���E`;>'4-r G-` ' ,,'�# Mayor � � _ _ -_ BY ' ��� -�� +Chie of Polic By Director, Department of Finance and Management S rvices