99-933Council File # q q-933 ������� RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �e�nt�a Referred To Green Sheet # 10300 Comnrittee Date Resolution approving a Memorandum of Understanding between the City and the 5aint Paul Police Federation establishing an experienced Police Officer accelerated hiring process. 9 10 11 12 WI�REAS, an unprecedented increase in the number ofPolice Officer retirements has significantly reduced the number of experienced Police Officers, and WHEREAS, in order to carry out the mission ofthe Police Department there is a need to fill a number ofthe resulting vacancies with experienced Police Officers as quickly as possible, and WFIEREAS, the attached Memorandum of Understanding establishes an accelerated entry program for experienced Police Officers, now therefor, be it RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves and ratifies the attached Memorandum of Understanding between the City and the Saint Paui Police Federation. 1 3 Requested by Department of. OFFICE OF FIUMAN RESOURCES By: �\. �t�Ci�n..�l�.q`� � Form Approved by City Attorney By: �_��=�� q �zt�9q Adop6on Certified by Council Secretary By. �� � a- � M Apprwed by Ma Date � �: e������ l�' Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B O.� .. Adoptedby Council: Date (� �,T_ �� ` I�� DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCII,: Human Resources CONTACT PERSON & PHONE: 7ohn Hamilton 266-6470 7ohn Shockley 266-6482 NNSf &E ON COUNCII, AGENDA BY (DATL� �� —Oc}. 6 � aa- TOTAL # OF DATE INITIATED I GREEN SHEET August 25, 1999 � � �rnxi�trr rnx�a���i� aS�SGNED 2CIiYATCORNEY V Hur.�stFOx ROUI7NG FiNANC7ALSERVDIR ORDER 3MAYOR(ORASSL) CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) No.:10300 < c�r� �wn,cv. ���a � 49-9 � ACfION Ri:QUESTED: Approval and ratification of a Memorandum of Understanding between the City and the Police Federation. BECW�IMENDAT[ONS: Approve (A) urReject(R) PLANNINGCOMbIISSION _CIB COMMIITEE _CIVIL SERVICE COMI.9SSION PALSONALSERViCECONiRACTSMi7Sf A1YSR'FdtTHEFOLIAWINGQUF.S1TONS: 1. HasrLisAeaoulfirmeve�wurked�mdaacont�actfa'hisdepsitment? Yes No 2. FlazOuspersodfumevttbeenacityemployea� Ya No 3. DoestluspersoNfumposscssaslullnotnomwltypossessedbyanycimentcityemployee� Yes No 4 Is Htis persoNfum a targeted veMor? Yas No Explain all yes answers on uparate sheet and atfach to gr¢en sheet IA7T7ATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPYORTUNITY (Who, WSiat, When, Where, Why): Recent and anticipated retirements have established the unprecedented need to hire experienced Police Officers in order to insure that the Police Department continues to efficiently and effectively carry out its mission. Tkris Memorandum of Understanding establishes a process by which experienced Police Officers from other jurisdictions mav be hired on an accelerated basis. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Experienced Police Qfficers may be hired and placed in district patrol positions quickly to replace veteran Police Officers who retire. DiSADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: None DI5ADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: � � �� �� ;'�i;a s.: e d.� The City will not have the ability to replace experienced Police Officers quickly with other experienced Police Officers. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTYON: UnknOWn COST/REVENTTE BUDGETED: Yes FONDING SOIIRCE: ��� � `' ���� SEP 2 3 8999 � � � � � �� �'� �C1TVITY NUMBER: XtF,)�� x - r li ` G �@¢ '1L FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (E�iPLAIN) Any increased costs resulting from new hiresb�ing-paid up to and }° including step F of the Police Officer Salary Range and the provision of insurance contributions from the first day of employment should be offset bp the difference in pay between retirees and replacements and reduced training costs. 1. �f �... Q9•q' MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN T'HE CITY OF SAINT PAUL AND THE SAINT PAUL POLICE FEDERATION In the Matter of Accelerated Entry Pro�am Due to the unprecedented retirements of Police O�cers and the ever present need to insure that the Saint Paul Police Department continues to have the experience and qualiry of workforce needed to efficienfly and effectively carry out its mission, the parties are desirous of entering into this memorandum of understanding. The Saint Paul Police Department Accelerated Entry Progam shall operate under the following terms and conditions: 1. To be eligible for this program, the candidate must be cunently employed as a law enforcement officer with a minimum of one-year experience in law enforcement and be POST licensed or eligible to be POST licensed. 2. The discretion to start candidates hired under this program up to and including 5tep F of the Police Officer Wage Schedule in effect at the time of hire shall rest solely with the Chief. 3. Candidates hired under this program sha11 be eligible for the medical insurance benefits contained in the labor agreement commencing with their first day of empioyment. 4. Seniority is not transferable to the Saint Paui Police Department. Seniority of all candidates hired under this program shall commence with their first daCe of employment. 5. Candidates hired under this pmgram sha11 be required to undergo standard background, medical and psychological evaluations. 6. Candidates hired under this program shail successfully complete ali physical training requirements, modified academy, modified field training programs and any other requirements for Police Officers as directed by the training unit and successfully complete a one-year probation period. In the Matter of Accelerated Entry Program Page 2 Candidates hired under this program shall be excluded from assignment to other than District patrol positions for a period of three (3) years from their date of hire. Tn the event that no other qualified employees ate available for assignment to other than District patrol vacancies, the Chief may, at his discretion, assign employees hired under this program. 8. An Administrative Interview Team will be established to interview candidates and make recommendations to the Chief. The Federation Executive Board will appoint one representative to this team, 9. The parties agree that this memorandum of understanding shall in no manner establish a precedent regarding the interpretation and/or application of the terms of the labor contract, Civil Service Rules, or other legislation governing the transfer and hiring of employees. This memorandum of understanding entered into by the City of Saint Paui and the Saint Paul Police Federation will expire two (2} years from the date of signing, unless an extension is mutualiy agreed to by the parties prior to the its expiration. Dated this c�`t" day of August, 1999. For The City: �' :,. ., . �� .._ � • . Human Resource Director For The Federation: ��J��--�. Brad Jacobs Federation P sident c�q_�33 T�� Haltine� � Labor Relations Manager Council File # q q-933 ������� RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �e�nt�a Referred To Green Sheet # 10300 Comnrittee Date Resolution approving a Memorandum of Understanding between the City and the 5aint Paul Police Federation establishing an experienced Police Officer accelerated hiring process. 9 10 11 12 WI�REAS, an unprecedented increase in the number ofPolice Officer retirements has significantly reduced the number of experienced Police Officers, and WHEREAS, in order to carry out the mission ofthe Police Department there is a need to fill a number ofthe resulting vacancies with experienced Police Officers as quickly as possible, and WFIEREAS, the attached Memorandum of Understanding establishes an accelerated entry program for experienced Police Officers, now therefor, be it RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves and ratifies the attached Memorandum of Understanding between the City and the Saint Paui Police Federation. 1 3 Requested by Department of. OFFICE OF FIUMAN RESOURCES By: �\. �t�Ci�n..�l�.q`� � Form Approved by City Attorney By: �_��=�� q �zt�9q Adop6on Certified by Council Secretary By. �� � a- � M Apprwed by Ma Date � �: e������ l�' Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B O.� .. Adoptedby Council: Date (� �,T_ �� ` I�� DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCII,: Human Resources CONTACT PERSON & PHONE: 7ohn Hamilton 266-6470 7ohn Shockley 266-6482 NNSf &E ON COUNCII, AGENDA BY (DATL� �� —Oc}. 6 � aa- TOTAL # OF DATE INITIATED I GREEN SHEET August 25, 1999 � � �rnxi�trr rnx�a���i� aS�SGNED 2CIiYATCORNEY V Hur.�stFOx ROUI7NG FiNANC7ALSERVDIR ORDER 3MAYOR(ORASSL) CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) No.:10300 < c�r� �wn,cv. ���a � 49-9 � ACfION Ri:QUESTED: Approval and ratification of a Memorandum of Understanding between the City and the Police Federation. BECW�IMENDAT[ONS: Approve (A) urReject(R) PLANNINGCOMbIISSION _CIB COMMIITEE _CIVIL SERVICE COMI.9SSION PALSONALSERViCECONiRACTSMi7Sf A1YSR'FdtTHEFOLIAWINGQUF.S1TONS: 1. HasrLisAeaoulfirmeve�wurked�mdaacont�actfa'hisdepsitment? Yes No 2. FlazOuspersodfumevttbeenacityemployea� Ya No 3. DoestluspersoNfumposscssaslullnotnomwltypossessedbyanycimentcityemployee� Yes No 4 Is Htis persoNfum a targeted veMor? Yas No Explain all yes answers on uparate sheet and atfach to gr¢en sheet IA7T7ATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPYORTUNITY (Who, WSiat, When, Where, Why): Recent and anticipated retirements have established the unprecedented need to hire experienced Police Officers in order to insure that the Police Department continues to efficiently and effectively carry out its mission. Tkris Memorandum of Understanding establishes a process by which experienced Police Officers from other jurisdictions mav be hired on an accelerated basis. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Experienced Police Qfficers may be hired and placed in district patrol positions quickly to replace veteran Police Officers who retire. DiSADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: None DI5ADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: � � �� �� ;'�i;a s.: e d.� The City will not have the ability to replace experienced Police Officers quickly with other experienced Police Officers. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTYON: UnknOWn COST/REVENTTE BUDGETED: Yes FONDING SOIIRCE: ��� � `' ���� SEP 2 3 8999 � � � � � �� �'� �C1TVITY NUMBER: XtF,)�� x - r li ` G �@¢ '1L FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (E�iPLAIN) Any increased costs resulting from new hiresb�ing-paid up to and }° including step F of the Police Officer Salary Range and the provision of insurance contributions from the first day of employment should be offset bp the difference in pay between retirees and replacements and reduced training costs. 1. �f �... Q9•q' MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN T'HE CITY OF SAINT PAUL AND THE SAINT PAUL POLICE FEDERATION In the Matter of Accelerated Entry Pro�am Due to the unprecedented retirements of Police O�cers and the ever present need to insure that the Saint Paul Police Department continues to have the experience and qualiry of workforce needed to efficienfly and effectively carry out its mission, the parties are desirous of entering into this memorandum of understanding. The Saint Paul Police Department Accelerated Entry Progam shall operate under the following terms and conditions: 1. To be eligible for this program, the candidate must be cunently employed as a law enforcement officer with a minimum of one-year experience in law enforcement and be POST licensed or eligible to be POST licensed. 2. The discretion to start candidates hired under this program up to and including 5tep F of the Police Officer Wage Schedule in effect at the time of hire shall rest solely with the Chief. 3. Candidates hired under this program sha11 be eligible for the medical insurance benefits contained in the labor agreement commencing with their first day of empioyment. 4. Seniority is not transferable to the Saint Paui Police Department. Seniority of all candidates hired under this program shall commence with their first daCe of employment. 5. Candidates hired under this pmgram sha11 be required to undergo standard background, medical and psychological evaluations. 6. Candidates hired under this program shail successfully complete ali physical training requirements, modified academy, modified field training programs and any other requirements for Police Officers as directed by the training unit and successfully complete a one-year probation period. In the Matter of Accelerated Entry Program Page 2 Candidates hired under this program shall be excluded from assignment to other than District patrol positions for a period of three (3) years from their date of hire. Tn the event that no other qualified employees ate available for assignment to other than District patrol vacancies, the Chief may, at his discretion, assign employees hired under this program. 8. An Administrative Interview Team will be established to interview candidates and make recommendations to the Chief. The Federation Executive Board will appoint one representative to this team, 9. The parties agree that this memorandum of understanding shall in no manner establish a precedent regarding the interpretation and/or application of the terms of the labor contract, Civil Service Rules, or other legislation governing the transfer and hiring of employees. This memorandum of understanding entered into by the City of Saint Paui and the Saint Paul Police Federation will expire two (2} years from the date of signing, unless an extension is mutualiy agreed to by the parties prior to the its expiration. Dated this c�`t" day of August, 1999. For The City: �' :,. ., . �� .._ � • . Human Resource Director For The Federation: ��J��--�. Brad Jacobs Federation P sident c�q_�33 T�� Haltine� � Labor Relations Manager Council File # q q-933 ������� RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �e�nt�a Referred To Green Sheet # 10300 Comnrittee Date Resolution approving a Memorandum of Understanding between the City and the 5aint Paul Police Federation establishing an experienced Police Officer accelerated hiring process. 9 10 11 12 WI�REAS, an unprecedented increase in the number ofPolice Officer retirements has significantly reduced the number of experienced Police Officers, and WHEREAS, in order to carry out the mission ofthe Police Department there is a need to fill a number ofthe resulting vacancies with experienced Police Officers as quickly as possible, and WFIEREAS, the attached Memorandum of Understanding establishes an accelerated entry program for experienced Police Officers, now therefor, be it RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves and ratifies the attached Memorandum of Understanding between the City and the Saint Paui Police Federation. 1 3 Requested by Department of. OFFICE OF FIUMAN RESOURCES By: �\. �t�Ci�n..�l�.q`� � Form Approved by City Attorney By: �_��=�� q �zt�9q Adop6on Certified by Council Secretary By. �� � a- � M Apprwed by Ma Date � �: e������ l�' Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B O.� .. Adoptedby Council: Date (� �,T_ �� ` I�� DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCII,: Human Resources CONTACT PERSON & PHONE: 7ohn Hamilton 266-6470 7ohn Shockley 266-6482 NNSf &E ON COUNCII, AGENDA BY (DATL� �� —Oc}. 6 � aa- TOTAL # OF DATE INITIATED I GREEN SHEET August 25, 1999 � � �rnxi�trr rnx�a���i� aS�SGNED 2CIiYATCORNEY V Hur.�stFOx ROUI7NG FiNANC7ALSERVDIR ORDER 3MAYOR(ORASSL) CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) No.:10300 < c�r� �wn,cv. ���a � 49-9 � ACfION Ri:QUESTED: Approval and ratification of a Memorandum of Understanding between the City and the Police Federation. BECW�IMENDAT[ONS: Approve (A) urReject(R) PLANNINGCOMbIISSION _CIB COMMIITEE _CIVIL SERVICE COMI.9SSION PALSONALSERViCECONiRACTSMi7Sf A1YSR'FdtTHEFOLIAWINGQUF.S1TONS: 1. HasrLisAeaoulfirmeve�wurked�mdaacont�actfa'hisdepsitment? Yes No 2. FlazOuspersodfumevttbeenacityemployea� Ya No 3. DoestluspersoNfumposscssaslullnotnomwltypossessedbyanycimentcityemployee� Yes No 4 Is Htis persoNfum a targeted veMor? Yas No Explain all yes answers on uparate sheet and atfach to gr¢en sheet IA7T7ATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPYORTUNITY (Who, WSiat, When, Where, Why): Recent and anticipated retirements have established the unprecedented need to hire experienced Police Officers in order to insure that the Police Department continues to efficiently and effectively carry out its mission. Tkris Memorandum of Understanding establishes a process by which experienced Police Officers from other jurisdictions mav be hired on an accelerated basis. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Experienced Police Qfficers may be hired and placed in district patrol positions quickly to replace veteran Police Officers who retire. DiSADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: None DI5ADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: � � �� �� ;'�i;a s.: e d.� The City will not have the ability to replace experienced Police Officers quickly with other experienced Police Officers. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTYON: UnknOWn COST/REVENTTE BUDGETED: Yes FONDING SOIIRCE: ��� � `' ���� SEP 2 3 8999 � � � � � �� �'� �C1TVITY NUMBER: XtF,)�� x - r li ` G �@¢ '1L FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (E�iPLAIN) Any increased costs resulting from new hiresb�ing-paid up to and }° including step F of the Police Officer Salary Range and the provision of insurance contributions from the first day of employment should be offset bp the difference in pay between retirees and replacements and reduced training costs. 1. �f �... Q9•q' MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN T'HE CITY OF SAINT PAUL AND THE SAINT PAUL POLICE FEDERATION In the Matter of Accelerated Entry Pro�am Due to the unprecedented retirements of Police O�cers and the ever present need to insure that the Saint Paul Police Department continues to have the experience and qualiry of workforce needed to efficienfly and effectively carry out its mission, the parties are desirous of entering into this memorandum of understanding. The Saint Paul Police Department Accelerated Entry Progam shall operate under the following terms and conditions: 1. To be eligible for this program, the candidate must be cunently employed as a law enforcement officer with a minimum of one-year experience in law enforcement and be POST licensed or eligible to be POST licensed. 2. The discretion to start candidates hired under this program up to and including 5tep F of the Police Officer Wage Schedule in effect at the time of hire shall rest solely with the Chief. 3. Candidates hired under this program sha11 be eligible for the medical insurance benefits contained in the labor agreement commencing with their first day of empioyment. 4. Seniority is not transferable to the Saint Paui Police Department. Seniority of all candidates hired under this program shall commence with their first daCe of employment. 5. Candidates hired under this pmgram sha11 be required to undergo standard background, medical and psychological evaluations. 6. Candidates hired under this program shail successfully complete ali physical training requirements, modified academy, modified field training programs and any other requirements for Police Officers as directed by the training unit and successfully complete a one-year probation period. In the Matter of Accelerated Entry Program Page 2 Candidates hired under this program shall be excluded from assignment to other than District patrol positions for a period of three (3) years from their date of hire. Tn the event that no other qualified employees ate available for assignment to other than District patrol vacancies, the Chief may, at his discretion, assign employees hired under this program. 8. An Administrative Interview Team will be established to interview candidates and make recommendations to the Chief. The Federation Executive Board will appoint one representative to this team, 9. The parties agree that this memorandum of understanding shall in no manner establish a precedent regarding the interpretation and/or application of the terms of the labor contract, Civil Service Rules, or other legislation governing the transfer and hiring of employees. This memorandum of understanding entered into by the City of Saint Paui and the Saint Paul Police Federation will expire two (2} years from the date of signing, unless an extension is mutualiy agreed to by the parties prior to the its expiration. Dated this c�`t" day of August, 1999. For The City: �' :,. ., . �� .._ � • . Human Resource Director For The Federation: ��J��--�. Brad Jacobs Federation P sident c�q_�33 T�� Haltine� � Labor Relations Manager