85-676 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G TY OF SA I NT PAU L Council CANARV - DEPARiMENT � BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � uncil Resolution Presented By ��' �. Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS the Counci of t e City of St. Paul on May 31, 1984, by F #84-718, instructed the Dep rtmen of Planning and Economic Development t organize a retreat involvin comm nity leaders , city administration, and he City Council for the pu pose f reflection and planning regarding fut re directions for the city overnment and the most effective vehicl s for cooperative action to su port a strong future for St. Paul; and WHEREAS, said retr at to k place at the Gainey Center, Owatonna, MN, February 14-16 , 19 5; an WHEREAS, private f nding in the amount of $9 , 148. 10 has been se ured to defray expenses, p r the attached listing of sources ; now, ther fore be it RESOLVED, that the City f St. Paul does hereby approve the fin ncing and spending plan as s ecifi d below: FINANCING PLAN CURRENT INCREASE REVISED BUDGET (DECREASE) BUDGET CONTRIBUTIONS -0- $9 , 148. 10 $9 ,148. 10 39000-6905 SPENDING PLAN CITIZEN PARTICIPA ON $406 , 888. 46 $9 , 148. 10 $416 ,036. 56 COUfVC[LMEN Requested by Depa�tment of: Yeas Se� Nays °re1"' [n Favor Masanz Nicosla �el+eibe� _ � __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson AY 2 1 1985 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secr tary , BY By 6lpproved by 1�lav : e S a` MAY 2 1 �g Approved by Mayor for Submission to C ncil g _ By pU�+us � ::u`� 1 i985 ' _(�IC� ��� � _. L st of Receipts/Donors Sean K lly ( edia participant) $ 148. 10 Webb C mpany $ 200. 00 First ank S . Paul $ 2 ,500. 00 The Sa' nt Pa 1 Companies $ 2 ,000. 00 Piper affr & Hopwood $ 500. 00 The S int P ul Foundation $ 2 ,700. 00 Naege e $ 300. 00 Liber y Sta e Bank $ 300. 00 Mille & Sc roeder Municipals , Inc. $ 500. 00 $ 9 , 148. 10