85-659 WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L COUIICII CANARV - DEPARTMENT � BLUE - MAVOR File NO. Return copy to C u Zl Res lution Valuations - Room 218 . � Presented By - Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the C uncil f the City of Saint Paul, by Resolution 2709 1 adopted April 18, 78, v ted certain land within the City of Saint Pa 1 described as follaw : Those p�arts of ts 14 and 17, Block 7, Foundry Addition which lie easterly of a line drawn 58 feet easterly of and parallel to the west lin of sa d Block 7; and Also, all that t of Lot 34 and the north 20 feet of the west 64.95 feet of Lot 35, all in Block 3, Denslaws Addition to St. Paul, wh ch lie easterly of a line drawn 58 feet easterly of arxl parallel to the west line of said Block 3; WHF,ILAS, the nd de cribed in Condition Number Three reserving n easement to Northe n Stat s Power Company for maintenance and operation of utility lines was i rrec ly described as follows: 'I�at the contin ing ri ht to operate and maintain the utility lines over and cross t portion of Lots 12 and 17, Block 7, Foundry P�lditio be re erved for the Northern States P�ower �Y• THEREFORE BE I RESOL D, That Conditirn Number Three be corrected nd written as follaws• �at the contin ing ri ht to operate and maintain the utility lines over and across that rtion of Lots 14 and 17, Block 7, Foundry Addition be res rved f r the Northern States Fawer Canpany. SE IT FUl�rI�R L That in all other respects Council Resolution 270911 shall remai in ful force and effect; and SE IT FURTi�R LVID That upon passage, the City Clerk file a copy f this resolution for record'ng in the office of the Ramsey County Recorder. COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Drew Fin Mana eme t Services nnasa�z In Favor Nicosia sche�bPi _ __ Against By Director Son�en Tedesco W�tson MA � `+ 1�85 Form Appr ve City Att ney Adopted by Council: Date �� Certified Pa:-e uncil S tar By �� � By AY 16 1985 Ap by Mayor for Submis n t C cil Approve 1+layor: Date By _ _ � P ����� r���� z 5 �985 � Finance & mt. Services DEPARTMENT �� Np 178g Dick McCann �ONTA�T � 298-5317 PHONE Apr!il 26, 1985 DATE 1 ��� � ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING OR ER C1 All Locations for Si nature : , 'Department Director 2 Director of Management/ ayor �/ Finance and Management S rvices Director 4 City Clerk !Budget Director 3 Chris Nicosia City Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAK NG ACT ON ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : —.�,--- Amend Resolution C,F. 2709 1 adop ed Apr 20, 1978 by correcting the legal descrip i�f..t�V�L7 in condition no. three. RPR � �+ 1985 ' `� ���-= p��`���rF� �'r�rGn'� G�FiCE c�'�'� ,,���' �. APR 2 � 1985 COSt/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND ERSONN L IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: OFF�CE ��. DEPqRTMENT E DIRECT R ' �� MANAGE �F ���Ar� E None �ENT S�RVI ES � FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET CTIVIT NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of Transacti n: N�A quired if under $10,00Q) Funding Source: Activity Number: ATTACHMENTS List and Numbe All At achments : 1. Resolution 2'. Copy of Resolution C. . 2709 DEPARTMENT REV_I_EW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW x Yes No Council Resol tion R quired? Resolution Required? es No �Yes x No Insurance Req ired? Insurance Sufficient? es No Yes X No Insurance Att ched: . ' (S E REVE SE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 w��ITE — C�Tr G� CwR � � . � � , ,�^�� ... pir�r _ cwar�C[ ( '._ � . � �� �qUflt`SI � �e���O l V A N 1 M E 1:� � � ► I "1 1" (�1� �A 1 N�"1' 1��1 1 T J .. ' �- --..a E>�.�� �+A�oti • File N0. � � o ncil Resolution `s� . . � I / — ---- -- r� ', .. _.� . . I� �t� ' / �----- � JLI�� � - , 7 }�ft SE'(lle(j � � � --- ,r --- -- � —L---- - � � � � Ref�rred 1b _— � — --- Committee: Uate __ t`"! -�-�>-*� �'i-.'—=� ' �t,� � -% � / Out of Committee By— _— Date — RESOLVED, hat u on the petition of the City of • Saint Paul, tho e sec ions of public grounds hereinafter described, be a d the same hereby are vacated and dis- continued as pu lic g ounds: Thos parts of Lots 14 and 17, Bloc 7, Foundry Addition which , lie asterly of a line drawn 58 feet easterly of and parallel to t e west line of said Block 7; a d Also all that part of Lot 34 and the orth 20 feet of the west 64.9 feet of Lot 35, all in Bloc 3, Denslows Additirn to St. aul, which lie easterly of a li e drawn 58 feet easterly of a d parallel to the west line of s id Block 3 ; subject express y to he following conditions and reservati s : l. That t e vac tion b� subject to all the terms and co ditio s of Chap�r 228 of the St. Paul ' Legisa tive ode, as amended. �� ` COUN�IL'NEN Requested by Department o(: .�`' Yeas Na}�s �'� � + � [n Favor ' _ _ Against BY — — Form Approved y C�i Atto ey Adupted bt• Cuuncil: Date — � � Certified Passed b�• Cuuncil Secmtary BY , , � B�; — • Appro�•ed bp :�ia��or. D:�te __ __ __ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Coun il - B Y -—--------------— Q)' ----------------- ---- -- —.� _ '�-.ti� .w. 4$ - ^ _ae ;' . R. � �.v ,.. .,._. v • ,:�'• .:� ,. :.u. . -""., " '�' . r •� �.� �,. .::. . . . 4 � ..." , '�� . ' .. ,.,.:. . � �,-. ,�. r, + .., -�.y�y�`� y '.��1�AmlRK ... ..... .. � • ` �.E�"'� � �. . . . �,E�, r � 1' O'1' �:� I `"I' ���1 L" I Council F., _ / ,f a.O R � .� � . File N�. � o ncil Resolution . � ��-�� r�srnted Qy Referred To ___ __ Committee: Date Out of Committee By_- _..__ ___-____ -._-- _- Date 2 2 . That t e Cit retain a temporary slope ea5eme t nec ssary to construct slopes or rig t of emoval for lateral support until he Da e� Street improvement has � �; �� been c mple t d. � �, � ,'�.� . . . � 3 . That t e con inuing right to operate and ; � mainta n the utility lines over and across � that p rtion of Lots 12 and 17, Block 7, Foundr Addi ion be reserved for the • Northe n Sta es Power Company. 4. The pr per C ty officers are hereby author- ized a d dir cted to execute-a quit claim deed c nveyi g the vacated property to the Housin and edevelopment Authority of• the City o Sain Paul, Minnesota and the Author ' ty is authorized to sell the property for re evelo ment purposes upon the condition that t e net proceeds from such sale shall be ret ned o the City treasury. ,� COUNC'ILStEN 4'eas ��}.S Requested by Department of: a���- ti;,zza [ Favor _ H�^c � Le:tna Rx�.�er - -- � ainst BY — --- i $y,ves:`r f �3w::.: . E ���Z 9 j��t' Form Approved b C ty Att ney � 1d„pted �t Cuuncil� Date -- —.--- •ertit�c•d Y.,��yd bt' ,�unc��l $�;cr��t:�r�; ,.� � ;; BY — — - -- � -� � �� � Ar� i�7 . � � J , - � F;.: -�;�4 �. � 1 _J-- � f L "t/` --- -- --- \ • E��,r���.�•ci h� 11;��c>r: D:�t� . _ �� � [�,f (_ �, Approved by 1layor for Submission to Council / __ f�, _ �'�;:�Cr�:-�� `�� =-G� _ - ---- �y .-- - . t1 K��r k;r�ra�. J�,}� �:-i�� .�s�y'�' s_�; s „°"S, �'�. r a :� ��t "�"{� z'=�", �, � a r �:�F-�`„� I � ,�c :t* < ,$` t`} .a "�r �?::,, ` •` p �r� �s. � �;v,�"'-_, '� '-n�rr c,:;a"s 7''� z' �i� � ,f,��� ,f i,il���'�`�, ��' y i.�.?,: �"`..' ,'.�:�j� .-u *.� �'r,��, 'i���� T t �3:''�°`��i'�,R�s S„���" -;s,�s ��=�¢* x� ��`i� .v �--= y?t...? g ?� s ' ;� V "�a„•*Pt��'� �•' .f¢{ �E�� ;�,t t � �y' r-�" g�S i,�` ,y,�ae �� �s���*d.� ��y{`,. �. .�5 �,. v--- " '�, `� � �� ,�,., J �.>s ���p ° 'r3 �� .'i a(a ..t t s �'PA'�,�g mry a+� >:�� � . � 3 r i� P^ v�' rx v y J .:.F ,. � . � ,:� �, ,,y �?v y. 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