C un il Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLVED, that he Cou cil of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves he
attached Agreements tween the Independent School District #625 and the S .
Paul Supervisors Org izati n and the St. Paul Professional Employees Orga ization.
Chair, Civil Service Commission
COUNGLl1�N Requested by Department of:
Yeas S�'!� Nays
Scheibel __ Against BY
Adopted by Council: Date
MAY 1 4 1985 Form Ap roved b Ci ttorney
Certified Passe y il Sec r BY �
t�pp v by �Vlavor: Date MAY 5 Appro y Mayor for Submissi o u cil
g By
P �+.� ;,�,��� N � 19a
. � DEPARTMENT L,IG�`�✓ N� 372
�Teanette Sobania- CONTACT
4221 PHONE ���� �
ASSIGN NUN�ER FOR ROUTING 0 DER Cli Al1 Locations for Si nature :
Department Director 3 Director of Management Mayor
Finahce and Management ervice Director � City Clerk
Budget Director � Civil Service Commiss on
� City Attorney
Rationale) :
Th�is resolution approves t e 1985 986 Agreement between the ISD #625 and the St. Paul
Su�ervisors Organization. It a3s approves an amendment to the School District A reement
wi,�th� �the Professional Empl yees A ociation. The changes in the new Agreements e shown on
the attached ISD #625 Agen a requ ts. The Agreements have been approved by the t. Paul
Sc'hool BOard.
'1.-9-s�. .
None. Applies only to the ISD #6 5
ture not re-
!Total Amount of Transact on: quired if under
' $10,000)
Funding Source:
Activity Number:
ATTACHMENTS List and Numbe All A achments :
1. Resolution
2. Agreements
3. Copy for City Clerk
IYes No Council Resol tion R quired? Resolution Required? es No
�Yes No Insurance Req ired? Insurance Sufficient? es No
'Yes No Insurance Att ched:
Revised 12/84
1. to assist in routing documents and in securing required signatures
2. to brief the reviewers of documents on the impacts of approval
3. to help ensure that necessary supporting materials are prepared, and, if
required, attached.
Providing complete information under the listed headings enables reviewers to make
decisions on the documents and eliminates follow-up contacts that may delay execution.
The COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS heading provides space to explain
the cost/benefit aspects of the decision. Costs and benefits related both to City
budget (General Fund and/or Special Funds) and to broader financial impacts (cost
to users, homeowners or other groups affected by the action) . The personnel impact
is a description of change or shift of Full-Time Eguivalent (FTE) positions.
If a CONTRACT amount is less than'$10,000, the Mayor's signature is nat required, _
if the department director signs.- A contract must always be first signed'by the '
outside agency befo�e routing through City offi�es:�-
Below is the preferred ROUTING for the five most frequent types of documents: .
CONTRACTS (assumes authorized budget exists)
1. Outside Agency 4. Mayor
2. Initiating Department 5. Finance Director
3. City Attorney 6. Finance Accounting
1. Activity Manager 1. Initiating Department
2. Department Accountant 2. City Attorney
3. Department Director 3. Director of Management/Mayor
4. Budget Director 4. City Clerk
5. City Clerk
6. Chief Accountant, F&MS
COUNCIL RESOLUTION (Amend. Bdgts./Accept. Grants) COUNCIL RESOLUTION (all others)
1. Department Director 1. Initiating Department
2. Budget Director 2. City Attorney
3. City Attorney 3., Director of Management/Mayor
4. Director of Management/Mayor 4. City Clerk
5. Chair, Finance, Mngmt. & Personnel Com. 5. City Council
6. City Clerk
7. City Council
8. Chief Accountant, F&MS
SUPPORTING MATERIALS. In the ATTACHMENTS section, identify all attachments. If the
Green 5heet is well done, no letter of transmittal need be included (unless_signing
such a letter is one of the requested actions) .
Note: If an ac�reement requires evidence of insurance/co-insurance, a Certificate of
Insurance should be one of the attachments at time of routing.
Note: Actions which require City Council Resolutions include:
1. Contractual relationship with another governmental unit.
2. Collective bargaining contracts.
3: Purchase, sale or lease of land.
4. Issuance of bonds by City.
5. Eminent domain.
6. Assumption of liability by City, or granting by City of indemnification.
7. Agreements with State or Federal Government under which they are providing
8. Budget amendments. -
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TOPIC: �PProval o new e lo ent a reement with the Saint Pa
Organizati n for two-year term t:zrou li December 31 1 86.
1) The propose actio will approve this new Agreement with tlie Sa nt Paul
Supervisor Organ' ation, representing white collar supervisor in the
school dis rict. The proposed Agreement has been ratified by iie
Organizati n and aralYels the Organization`s Agreement with t e City. .
?) Changes in lude:
- In urance: The. new comprehensive fee-for-service heal :i care
p1 n is i cluded. There is a premium adjustment for p ospective
ea ly ret rees and new Employer's contribution caps.
- Di ci lin : Added language stipulating that a suspende emploree
� ma f ile grievance under Civil Service Rules provisi ns.
- Ho ida s: :Kartia Lutber King Day is added to the holi 'ays,
et ective in 1986.
- A inistr tive Service Fee per member is increased to Oc montiii.�•.
- Wa es: 4. 75% across-the-board increase for 1985 and
4.5 7 " " " " for 1986.
- Sev rance a : The new plan ($6,500 maximum payment) h been
inc rporat d, as with other bargaining units.
3) Tc►e Distri t has five enployees in t:iis bargaining unit.
4) The cost e fect i estimated at $4,605. in the 1984-�5 budget year,
. $10,b10. in the 1985-86 budge year,
and $ �, 135. in tne 1986-37 budget vear.
�) Requested y Phy lis E. Byers, Negotiator
3. R�CO?�lEidDATION: That the Board of Education of Independent Sciiool Distric"t
ido. 625 herewiti appr ve and adopt the Agreement conceraing the te s and
conditions oE e ploym .t of those employees in this school distric for whor�
tiie Saint Paul uperv'sors' Organization is the eaclusive reoresen ative;
duration of sai e�gre ent is for the period of January �, 1935, tirou�h
Decen�er 31, 19 6.
.- � _ �s s�
� 1985 - 1986
- between -
- and -
• � ��-(�,SS
. reambl iii
I ecogni ion 1
II avings Clause 3
III nagem nt Rights 3
IV inten nce of Standards 3
V heck-o f and Administrative Service Fee 4
VI ours o Work and Overtime 5
VII eniori y 6
VIII orking Out of Classification 7
IX iscipl ne 7
X egal S rvices 7
XI rievan e Procedure 8
XII ages 11
%III terni y Leave 11
XIV nsuran e 12
XV acatio 15
• XVI olidaq 16
XVII everan e Pay 17
XVIII ick Le e 19
XIX ileage - Independent School District No. 625 19
XX ratio and Effective Date 20
pendi A A1
- ii -
P R E A M B L E �
This AGREEMENT, entered into between Independent School District
No. 625, hereinafter referred to as the "EMPLOYER", and the Saint Paul
Supervisors' Organization, hereinafter referred to as the "ORGANIZATION",
for the purpose of fostering and promoting harmonious relations between the
II�LOYER and the ORGANIZATION in order that a high level of public service
can be provided to the citizens of the CITY.
This AGREEMENT attempts to accomplish this purpose by providing a
fuller and more complete understanding on the part of both the EMPLOYER and
the ORGANIZATION of their respective rights and responsibilities.
The provisions of this AGREEMENT shall not abrogate the rights and/or
duties of the EMPLOYER, the ORGANIZATION or the employees as established
under the provisions of the Public Employment Labor Relations Act of 1971,
as amended.
. .
- iii -
�. ����ss—
1.1 The IIKPLO ER rec gnizes the Saint Paul Supervisors` Organization as
the excl sive epresentative for the White Collar Supe isory
Employees of t e Professional Group, and certain Uncla sified
Superviso Emplo ees as certified by the State of Minnesota Bu eau of
Mediation Services, dated December 11, 1973, Case No. 74-PR-2 7A and
as revis d by Unit Clarification Hearing of Bargaining Unit,
April 16, 1974, se No. 74-PR-414-A, and as revised by Certif'cation
of Exclus' e Rep esentative, December 7, 1977, Case No. 78-PR 500-A.
This above unit a amended consists of the following:
Accountant IV Ass't. Director & City Engin er
Accouritant V Ass't. Director of School Ca eteria
Accounting Manage Ass't. General Manager - Water
Ass't. Cit Clerk Ass't. Purchasing Agent
Ass't. Cit Engin er - Design Ass't. Sup't. of Parks
Ass't. Cit Engin er - Operations
Ass't. to he Dir ctor (School Building Maintenance Coordina or
Ca eteria) Chief Accountant
Ass't. Val ation Assess. Engr. Chief Cashier - Finance
Bacteriolo ist-Ch mist III Chief of Public Systems Plann ng
Bridge Eng neer and Develo ment
Bldg. & Ho sing I sp. Supervisor �
• Chief Surv yor Dentist
City Traff c Engi eer Director of Admin. (Health)
Civil Engi eer IV Director of Environmental Hyg ene
Civil Engi eer IV - Water Dept. Director of Medical Services
Computer S rvices Manager Director of Medical Services
Criminal J stice oordinator Model ities
Director of the Zoo
E.D.P. Sup rvisor Librarian IV (Reference)
Fireman-Me anic neral Foreman Librarian IV (Science & Indus ry)
Health Adm' istrat on Manager Librarian IV (Technical Servi es)
Housing In rma.tio Coordinator Library Administrator
Librarian I (Chil ren and Youth) Library Services Manager
Librarian I (Circ lation) License Inspector
Librarian I (Exte sion) Manager of Data Processing
Librarian I (Fine Arts & Audio Municipal Garage Supervisor
Visual) Office Engineer
Office Supe isor Code Project Director (Model Citie
Enforcement Health)
Operations irecto - Civic Center Public Health Nurse III
Parking Adm'nistra or Public Health Nursing Supervi or
Principal D signer Public Health Services Manage
Principal P anner
- 1 -
Article I - Recognition (continued) •
Public Works Construction Engineer Real Estate Supervisor
Public Works Design Engineer Recorder of Council Proceedings
Public Works Maintenance Services Recreation Director III
Engineer Safety Coordinator
Public Works Technician IV Senior Principal Planner
Purchasing Agent
Sewer Engineer Superintendent of Programming
Solid Waste & Equip. Engineer Sup't. of Water Distribution
Sup't. of Light & Electr. Engr. Sup't. of Water Supply
Sup't. of Maint. - Parks & Rec.
Sup't. of Parks and Rec.
Supervising Dental Hygienist Supervisor of Housing Inspection
Supervisor of Assessments Supervisor of Investigation - Human
Supervisor of Building Design and Rights
Plan Review Supervisor of Rehabilitation
Supervisor of Code Enforcement Supervisor of Sidewalk Construction
Supervisor of Customer Services - Supervisor of Technical Services
Water Dept.
Supervisor of Traffic Maintenance Water Production Engineer
Treasury Manager Water Revenue Superintendent
e Valuation & Assessment Engineer •
Water Chemist III
Water Dept. Technician IV
Ass't. -Director of Human Rights
Cable Communication Officer
City Information & Complaint Officer
Deputy Director - Business Revitalization
Deputy Director - Comm. Development
. Deputy Director - Development
Deputy Director - Housing
Deputy Directo.r - Job Creation and Training
Deputy Director - Planning
Director of Human Rights
Property Manager
1.2 The parties agree that any new classifications which are an expansion
of the above bargaining unit or which derive from the classifications
set forth in this AGREEMENT shall be recognized as a part of this �
bargaining unit, and the parties shall take all steps required under
the Public Employment Relations Act to accomplish said objective.
- 2 -
� r ��-(055-
2. 1 This AGRE T i sub�ect to the laws of the United States nd the
State of Minnes ta. In the event any provision of this AG EEMENT
shall be held o be contrary to law by a court of co petent
�urisdict on fro whose final judgment or decree no appeal h s been
taken wit in the time provided, such provision shall be voide . All
other pro isions shall continue in full force and effect. The voided
provision may be renegotiated at the written request of either party.
All other provis ons of this AGREEMENT shall continue in ful force
and effec .
3. 1 The ORGAN ZATION recognizes the right of the EMPLOYER to oper te and
manage it affai s in all respects in accordance with applicab e laws
and regul tions f appropriate authorities. The rights and au hority
which the EMPLOY R has not officially abridged, delegated or m dified
by this A EMENT are retained by the II�LOYER.
3.2 A public ploye is not required to meet and negotiate on mat ers of
inherent nager al policy, which include, but are not limit d to,
� such area of di cretion or policy as the functions and prog ms of
the EMPLO ER, i s overall budget, utilization of technolo , and
organizati nal s ructure and selection and direction and num er of
4. 1 The partie agree that all conditions of employment relating to ages,
hours of ork, cations, and all other general working con itions
except as odifie by this AGREEMENT shall be maintained at no less
than the ighest minimum standard as set forth in the Civil ervice
Rules of t e City of Saint Paul (Council File No. 273022, June , 1979
as amended and he Saint Paul Salary Plan and Rates of Compe sation
(Council F'le No. 277198, August 8, 1981 as amended) at the t me of
the signin of th s AGREEMENT, and the conditions of employment shall
be improv d wher ver specific provisions for improvement ar made
elsewhere n this AGREEMENT.
- 3 -
5.1 The EMPLOYER agrees to deduct the ORGANIZATIO,N membership initiation
fee assessments and once each month dues from the pay of those
employees who individually request in writing that such deductions be
made. The amounts to be deducted shall be certified to the EMPLOYER
by a representative of the ORGANIZATION and the aggregate deductions
of all employees shall be remitted together with an itemized statement
to the representative by the first of the succeeding month after such
deductions are made or as soon thereafter as is possible.
5.2 Any present or future employee who is not an ORGANIZATION member shall
be required to contribute a fair share fee for services rendered by
the ORGANIZATION. Upon notification by the ORGANIZATION, the EMPLOYER
shall check off said fee from the earnings of the employee and
transmit the same to the ORGANIZATION. In no instance shall the
required contribution exceed a pro rata share of the specific expenses
incurred for services rendered by the representative in relationship
to negotiations and administration of grievance procedures. It is
also understood that in the event the EMPLOYER shall make an improper
fair share deduction from the earnings of the employee, the
ORGANIZATION shall be obligated to make the EMPLOYER whole �to the
extent that the EMPLOYER shall be required to reimburse such employee
for any amount improperlq withheld. This provision shall remain
operative only so long as specifically provided by Minnesota law, and �
as otherwise legal.
5.3 Administrative Service Fee. The ORGANIZATION agrees that an
administrative fee of fiftq cents ($.50) per member per month shall be
deducted by the EMPLOYER from the amount withheld for dues or fair
share prior to remittance of dues or fair share to the ORGANIZATION.
5.4 The ORGANIZATION agrees to indemnify and hold the IIKPLOYER harmless
against anq and all claims, suits, orders or judgments brought or
issued against the EMPLOYER as a result of any action taken or not
taken by the EMPLOYER under the provisions of this Article.
- 4 -
. � �� -�Oss
6.1 The norma hours of work for the employees shall be seven and three-
fourths ( 3/4) hours in any 24-hour period and 38 3/4 hou in a
7-day per od. F r employees on a shift basis, this shall be co strued
to mean a avera e of 38 3/4 hours a week.
6.2 Employees ho wo k more than 7 3/4 hours in any 24-hour period r more
than 38 3 4 hour in anq 7-day period shall not receive pay f r such
additiona work.
6.3 It is u dersto d by the parties that Section 28H - 0 ERTIME
COMPENSAT N - o the Civil Service Rules (Council File No. 73022,
June 2, 1 79 as ended) shall not apply to this unit.
6.4 In unusua circu tances, employees who work more than 7 3/4 h urs in
anq 24-ho r peri d or more than 38 3/4 hours in any particula 7-day
period ma be g nted compensatory time with the approval of their
department head.
- 5 -
7. 1 Senioritq, for the purposes of this AGREEMENT, shall be defined as
follows: The length of continuous, regular, and probationary service
with the ENIPLOYER from the date an employee was first certified and
appointed to a class title covered by this AGREEMENT, it being further
understood that seniority is confined to the current class assignment
held by an employee. In cases where two or more employees are
appointed to the same class title on the same date, the seniority
shall be determined by the employee's rank on the eligible list from
which the certification was made.
7.2 Seniority shall terminate when an employee retires, resigns or is
7.3 In the event it is determined by the EMPLOYER that it is necessary to
reduce the work force, employees will be laid off by class title
within each department based on inverse length of seniority as defined
7.4 In cases where there are promotional series, such as Engineer I, II,
III, etc. , when the number of employees in the higher titles is to be
reduced, employees who have held lower titles will be offered
reductions to the highest title to which class seniority would keep
them from being laid off, before layoffs are made by any class title �
in any department.
7.5 Recall from layoff shall be in inverse order of layoff, except that
recall rights shall expire after two years of layoff. It is
understood that such employees will pick up their former seniority
date in any class of positions that they previously held.
7.6 To the extent possible, vacation periods shall be assigned on the
basis of seniority. It is, however, understood that vacation
assignment shall be subject to the ability of the EMPLOYER to maintain
- 6 -
.- C' gs-=�55-
8.1 The EMPLOY R shal avoid, whenever possible, workin� an employe on an
out-of-cla s assi nment for a prolonged period of time. Any e ployee
working a out-o -class assignment for a period in excess of ifteen
(15) cons cutive working days shall receive the rate of pay f r the
out-of-cla s assi nment in a higher classification not later t n the
sixteenth (16th) day of such assignment. For purposes o this
Article, a out-o -class assignment is defined as an assignment of an
employee o perf rm, on a full-time basis, all of the sign ficant
duties and respon ibilities of either a) a position previously eld by
another e loyee and different from the employee's regular po ition,
b) held b an em loyee on extended leave or c) a new positio , and
which is "n a cl ssification higher than the classification h ld by �
such empl qee. The rate of pay for an approved out-of class
assignment shall e the same rate the employee would receive i such
employee r ceived a regular appointment to the higher classifica ion.
9. 1 Discharges will b preceded by a five (5) day preliminary susp nsion
without pa . Dur ng said period the employee and/or ORGANIZATI N may
• request, d sha 1 be entitled to, a meeting with the LOYER
representa ive wh initiated the suspension with intent to disc arge.
During the five ( ) day period, the EMPLOYER may affirm the susp nsion
and discha e in ccordance with the Civil Service Rules or may odify
or withdra same.
9.2 A suspende emplo ee may file a grievance action under the prov sions
of the Civ Servi e Rules.
10. 1 Except in c ses of malfeasance in office or willful or wanton n glect
of duty, he EMP OYER shall defend, hold harmless, and ind mnify
employee a ainst ny tort claim or demand, whether groundle s or
otherwise, rising out of an alleged act or omission occurring n the
performance and sc pe of employee's duties.
- 7 -
11.1 A grievance is defined as a dispute or disagreement as to the
interpretation or application of the specific terms and conditions of
11.2 The EMPLOYER will recognize representatives designated by the
ORGANIZATION as the grievance representatives of the bargaining unit
having the duties and responsibilities established by this Article.
The ORGANIZATION shall notify� the EMPLOYER in writing of the names of
such Organization Representatives and of their successors when
designated. The EMPLOYER shall notify the ORGANIZATION in writin�; as
to its designated representatives.
11.3 It is recognized and accepted by the ORGANIZATION and the EMPLOYER
that the processing of grievances as hereinafter provided is limited
by the �ob duties and responsibilities of the employees and shall
therefore be accomplished during normal working hours when consistent
with such employee duties and responsibilities. The aggrieved
employee and an ORGANIZATION representative shall be allowed a
reasonable amount of time without loss of pay when a grievance is
investigated and presented to the II�iPLOYER during normal working
hours, provided that the employee and the ORGANIZATION Representative
have notified and received the approval of designated supervisor and
provided that such absence is reasonable and would not be detrimental .
to the work program of the EMPLOYER. It is understood that the
EMPLOYER shall not use the above limitation to hamper the processing
of grievances.
11.4 Grievances, as defined by 11. 1, shall be resolved in conformance with
the following procedure:
Step 1. An employee claiming a violation concerning the interpreta-
tion or application of this AGREEMENT shall, within twenty-one (21)
calendar days after such alleged violation has occurred, present such
grievance to the Employee's supervisor as designated by the EMPLOYER.
The Employer-desi�nated representative will discuss and give an answer
to such Step 1 grievance within ten (10) calendar days after receipt.
A grievance not resolved in Step 1 and appealed to Step 2 shall be
placed in writing, setting forth the nature of the grievance, the
facts on which it is based, the provision or provisions of the
AGREEMENT allegedly violated, the remedy requested, and shall be
appealed to Step 2 by the ORGANIZATION within fifteen (15) calendar
days after the Employer-designated representative's final answer in
Step 1. Any grievance not appealed in writing to Step 2 by the
ORGANIZATION within fifteen (15) calendar days shall be considered __ _
- 8 -
- ��s�ss�
� Article XI - G ievanc Procedure (continued)
Step 2. f appe led, the written grievance shall be presented by the
ORGANIZAT ON an discussed with the Employer-designated tep 2
represent tive. The Employer-designated representative shall g ve the
ORGANIZAT ON the Emploqer's Step 2 answer in writing within t n (10)
calendar ays fo lowing the Employer-designated representative' final
Step 2 an er. y grievance not appealed in writing to Step 3 by the
ORGANIZAT ON wit in ten (10) calendar days shall be considered aived.
Step 3. f appe led, the written grievance shall be presented by the
ORGANIZAT ON an discussed with the Employer-designated tep 3
represent tive. The Employer-designated representative shall g ve the
ORGANIZAT N the Employer's answer in writing within ten (10) c lendar
days afte receip of such Step 3 grievance. A grievance not r solved
in Step 3 may b appealed to Step 4 within ten (10) calend r days
following the E ployer-designated representative's final ans er in
Step 3. y gr evance not appealed in writing to Step 4 y the
ORGANIZATI N with n ten (10) calendar days shall be considered aived.
Step 4. griev nce unresolved in Step 3 and appealed to Ste 4 by
the ORGAN ZATION shall be submitted to arbitration subject o the
provisions of th Public Employment Labor Relations Act of 19 1, as
amended. If a m tually acceptable arbitrator cannot be agree upon,
• the select on of an arbitrator shall be made in accordance wi h the
"Rules Gov rning he Arbitration of Grievances" as established y the
Public Emp oyment Relations Board..
The arbitr tor sh 11 have no right to amend, modify, nullify or ignore
the terms and c nditions of this AGREEMENT. The arbitrator shall
consider a d deci e only the specific issue(s) submitted in wri ing by
the EMPLOY R and he ORGANIZATION, and shall have no authority t make
a decision on any other issue not so submitted.
The arbitr tor sh 11 be without power to make decisions contrary to or
inconsiste t with or modifying or varying in any way the appli ation
of laws, les or regulations having the force and effect of law. The
arbitrator s deci ion shall be submitted in writing, with cop es to
both parti s and he Bureau of Mediation Services within thirt (30)
days follo ing cl se of the hearing or the submission of briefs y the
parties, w icheve be later, unless the parties agree to an exte sion.
The decis on sh 11 be binding on both the EMPLOYER an the
ORGANIZATI N and shall be based solely on the arbitr tor's
interpreta ion or application of the express terms of this AGR EMENT
and to the facts f the grievance presented.
- 9 -
Article XI - Grievance Procedure (continued) �
11.5 The fees and expenses for the arbitrator's services and proceedings
shall be borne equally by the EMPLOYER and the ORGANIZATION, provided
that each party shall be responsible for compensating its own
representatives and witnesses. If either party desires a verbatim
record of the proceedings, it may cause such a record to be made,
providing it pays for the record. If both parties desire a verbatim
record of the proceedings, the cost shall be shared equally.
11.6 If a grievance is not presented within the time limits set forth
above, it shall be considered "waived". If a grievance is not
appealed to the next step within the specified time limit or any
agreed extension thereof, it shall be considered settled on the basis
of the EMPLOYER'S last answer. If the EMPLOYER does not answer a
grievance or an appeal thereof within the specified time limits, the
ORGANIZATION may elect to take the grievance to the next step. The
time limit in each step may be extended by mutual written agreement of
the �LOYER and the ORGANIZATION in each step.
11.7 It is understood by the ORGANIZATION and the EMPLOYER that a grievance
� may be initiated by the oRGANIZATION using either the grievance
procedure of this contract or by the provisions of the Civil Service
Rules of the City of Saint Paul. If an issue is determined by this
grievance procedure, it shall not again be submitted for arbitration •
under the Civil Service Rules. If an issue is determined by the
provisions of the Civil Service Rules, it shall not again be submitted
for arbitration under this grie�ance procedure.
- 10 -
. �����SS-
12.1 The wage sched le for the purpose of this contract sh 11 be
13.1 Maternity Leave: Maternity is defined as the physical st te of
pregnancy of an employee, commencing eight (8) months befo e the
estimated ate of childbirth, as determined by a physician, and ending
six (6) m nths fter the date of such birth. In the event of an
emploqee's pregna cy, the employee may apply for leave without pay at
anq time ring he period stated above and the Employer may pprove
such leave at its option, and such leave may be no longer than ne (1)
- 11 -
14.1 The EMPLOYER will continue for the period of this AGREEMENT to provide
for employees such health and life insurance benefits as are described
14.2 The EMPLOYER will for the period of this AGREEMENT provide for
employees who retire after the time of execution of this AGREEMENT and
until such employees reach sixty-five (65) years of age such health
insurance benefits as are provided by the EMPLOYER for such employees
and such life insurance benefits as provided in this Article.
14.3 Effective February 1, 1985, for each employee who retires during the
term of this AGREEMENT and is eligible for early retiree benefits
under the terms set forth in this Article and who selects employee
insurance coverage, the EMPLOYER agrees to contribute the cost of such
coverage or $118.62 per month, whichever is less. In addition for
each eligible early retiree who selects dependent's insurance
coverage, the EI�LOYER will contribute the cost of such dependent's
coverage or $198.10 per month, whichever is less.
Effective January, 1986, the dollar caps specified in this Article
14.3 shall be adjusted to equal the January, 1986 premium cost for the
health insurance plan offered to the City by Blue Cross-Blue Shield
for early retirees. •
Also effectfve January 1, 1986, these maximum figures shall be
available only to retiring employees who have had at least one year of
active participation in the Blue Cross-Blue Shield plan offered as
specified in 14.7 of this Article immediately prior to retirement.
Maximum premium contribution for all other retiring employees will be
as provided in 14.4, 14.5, and 14.6.
In order to be eligible for City benefits under the early retiree
provision, the Employee must:
14.31 Be receiving benefits from a public employee retirement act.
14.32 Have severed his/her relationship with the City of Saint Paul
under one of the early retiree plans.
14.4 Effective February 1, 1985, for each eligible employee covered by this
AGREEMENT selecting a health insurance program supplied to the City,
the Employer shall pay the entire cost of such coverage or $70.00 per
month, whichever is less. For each employee selecting family
coverage, the Employer shall pay the entire cost of such family
coverage or $180.00 per month, whichever is less.
- 12 -
- �_ � �J s�
� Article XIV - nsuran e (continued)
14.5 Notwithst ding rticle 14.4, for each eligible employee cov red by
this AGRE ENT s lecting the health insurance program supplied to the
City by 0-Minn sota, the Employer shall pay the entire cost f such
coverage r $70. 0 per month, whichever is less. In additi , for
each empl ee sel cting dependent's coverage under the program ffered
to the Ci q by 0-Minnesota, the Employer shall pay the enti e cost
of such d penden 's coverage or $138.00 per month, whichever i less.
This Arti le 14. applies only to employee�s who were covered q the
health in rance program supplied to the Cit� by HMO-Minnesota as of
November , 1984 and shall continue to apply only as long such
employee r mains ontinuously covered by such program.
14.6 Notwithsta ding rticle 14.4, for each eligible employee cove ed by
this AGRE ENT se ecting the health insurance program supplied to the
City by Ph sician Health Plan, the Employer shall pay the enti e cost
of such covera e or $78.98 per month, whichever is les . In
addition, or ea h employee selecting dependent's coverage und r the
program of ered o the City by Physicians Health Plan, the E ployer
shall pay he ent re cost of such dependent's coverage or $174. 2 per
month, whi hever s less. This Article 14.6 applies only to employees
who were c vered y the health insurance program supplied to th City
by Ph sici ns Hea th Plan as of November 1, 1984 and shall conti ue to
apply as ng as such employee remains continuously covered b such
• program.
14.7 The EMPLO R wil attempt to prevent any changes in the be efits
offered b the ealth Maintenance Organizations plans. Ho ever,
employees electi g one of the plans offered by one of the ealth
Ma.intenanc Organ zations agree to accept any changes in be efits
which the pecifi Health Maintenance Organization implements. The
Fee-for-Se ice h alth lan is understood to be the plan designa ed as
Alternate bid b Blue Cross-Blue Shield for January 1, 1985.
14.8 The Emplo r agr es to contribute the cost for $5,000 of Life
Insurance overag for each employee who is eligible for such co erage
or $2.07 p r mont , whichever amount is less. Any increase i this
life insur ce pr ium shall be paid by the employee.
14.9 In additio to he $5,000 Life Insurance coverage in 14.8 the
EMPLOYER a rees t contribute the cost of additional Life Ins rance
coverage o $0.97 per thousand dollars of coverage per onth,
whichever ount i less. The total amount of life insurance co erage
provided u der th s Section 14.9 and Section 14.8 for each em loyee
shall be e ual t the employee's annual salary to the nearest full
thousand d llars. For the purpose of this Section, the empl yee's
annual sal ry sha 1 be based on the salary as of January 5, 1985.
Effective J nuary , 1986, the total insurance coverage shall be equal
to the em loyee' annual salary as of January 4, 1986. This
. contributio shal be paid to the City's Group Health and W lfare
Plan. Any premiu cost for this life insurance beyond the $0. 7 per
thousand of covera e per month shall be paid by the employee.
- 13 -
Article XIV - Insurance (continued) �
14. 10 Effective January l, 1982, the EEI�LOYER agrees to pay the amount
of $28.95 per month for each employee eligible for such coverage
to the Dental Insurance Fund established by the ORGANIZATION.
Any increase in the Dental Insurance premium after December 31,
1981, shall be paid by the Employee.
14.11 It is clearly understood by all parties that the ORGANIZATION'S
Dental Insurance Funs shall continue to be administered solely
and entirely by the ORGANIZATION. It is further understood that
any Dental Insurance Program obtained through monies submitted to
this Fund shall be administered solely and entirely by the
- 14 -
�'h_�5 s-
15. 1 In each alenda qear, each full-time employee shall be ranted
vacation a cordin to the following schedule:
Years of Se ice Vacation Granted
Less han 8 ears 15 days
After 8 year through 15 years � 20 days
After 15 yea s and thereafter 25 days
Employees ho wor less than full-time shall be granted vacatio on a
pro rata b sis.
15.2 The head o the partment may permit an employee to carry ove into
the follow ng yea up to ten days' vacation.
15.3 The time o vacat on shall be fixed by the head of the departm nt in
which the mploye is employed. If an employee has been grante more
vacation t an he as earned up to the time of his separation fr m the
Employer's servic , the employee shall reimburse the Employer fo such
unearned v cation If an employee is separated from the servi ce by
reason of esigna ion, he shall be granted such vacation pay as e may
have earne and n t used up to the time of such separation, pr vided
that he ha notif ed the department head in writing at least f fteen
• calendar d s pri r to the date of his resignation. If an emplo ee is
separated rom t e service by reason of discharge, retireme t or
death, he all be granted such vacation pay as he may have earn d and
not used u to th time of such separation. The provisions o this
Section sh 1 not pply to temporary or emergency employees.
15.4 If an empl ee ha an accumulation of sick leave credits in exc ss of
one hundred and ei hty days, he may convert any part of such exc ss to
vacation a the r te of one-half day's vacation for each day o sick
leave credi . No mployee may convert more than ten (10) days o sick
leave in ea h cale dar year under this provision.
- 15 -
16. 1 Holidaqs recognized and observed. The following days shall be
recognized and observed as paid holidays:
New Year's Day Labor Day
Martin Luther King Day (1986) Columbus Day
Presidents' Day Veterans' Day
Memorial Day Thanksgiving Day
Independence Day Christmas Day
Two floating holidays
Eligible employees shall receive pay for each of the holidays listed
above on which they perform no work. Whenever any of the holidays
Iisted above shall fall on Saturday, the preceding Friday shall be
observed as the holiday. Whenever any of the holidays listed above
shall fall on Sunday, the succeeding Monday shall be observed as the
16.2 The floating holidays set forth in Section 16.1 above may be taken at
any time during the contract year, subject to the approval of the
department head of any employee.
16.3 Eligibility Requirements. In order to be eligible for a holiday with
pay, an employee's name must appear on the payroll on any six working •
daqs of the nine working days preceding the holiday, or an employee's
name must appear on the payroll the last working day before the
holiday and on three other working days of the nine working days
preceding the holiday. In neither case shall the holiday be counted
as a working daq for the purposes of this Section. It is further
understood that neither temporary, emergency nor other employees not
heretofore eligible shall receive holiday pay.
16.4 In the case of Board of Education employees, if Martin Luther King
Day, Presidents' Day, Columbus Day or Veterans' Day falls on a day
when school is in session, the employee shall work that day at
straight time and another day shall be designated as the holiday.
This designated holiday shall be determined by agreement between the
employee and the supervisor.
- 16 -
�s ��ss
` 17. 1 EMPLOYEES shall e eligible for severance pay in accordance w th the
School Di trict' Severance Pay Plan. The amount of severa ce pay
allowed s all be that amount permitted by state statutes sub ect to
the provi ion th t the maximum amount allowed shall be $4,000. or as
establish by S ction 17.2 of this Article.
17.2 Severance Pa : rovisions effective Januar 1, 1985. The E ployer
shall pro de a s verance pay program as set forth in this Sect on:
17.21 o be e igible for the severance pay program, an empl yee
ust me t the following requirements:
7.21. 1 The employee must be 58 years of age or old r or
must be eligible for pension under the "r le of
90" or the "rule of 85" provisions of the Public
Employees Retirement Association (PERA) . The
"rule of 90" criteria shall also app v to
employees covered by a public pension plan other
than PERA.
7.21.2 The emploqee must be voluntarily separated f om
School District employment or have been subi ct to �
separation by layoff or compulsory retir ment.
Those employees who are discharged for ause,
misconduct, inefficiency, incompetency o any
� other disciplinary reason are not eligib e for
this severance pay program.
7.21.3 The employee must have at least ten (10) yea s of
consecutive service under the classifi d or
unclassified Civil Service at the ti e of
separation. For the purpose of this Ar icle,
employment in either the City of Saint Paul or in
Independent School District No. 625 may be u ed in
meeting this ten- (10) year service requirem nt.
17.21.4 The employee must file a waiver of re-emplo ent
with the Director of Personnel, which will c early
indicate that by requesting severance pay the
employee waives all claims to reinstateme t or
re-employment (of any type) with the City of Saint
Paul or with Independent School District No. 625.
1 .21.5 The employee must have accumulated a minimum of
sixty (60) days of sick leave credits at th time
of his separation from service.
17.22 I an em loyee requests severance pay and if the emplo ee
m ets th eligibility requirements set forth. above, e or
s e wil be granted severance pay in an amount equ 1 to
• o e-half of the daily rate of pay for the position he d by
t e emp oyee on the date of separation for each d y of
a crued ick leave subject to a maximum of 200 accrued sick
1 ave da s.
- 17 -
Article XVII - Severance Pay (continued) �
17.23 The maximum amount of money that any employee may obtain
through this severance pay program is $6,500.
17.24 For the purpose of this severance pay program, a death of an
employee shall be considered as separation of employment
and, if the employee would have met all of the requirements
set forth above at the time of his or her death, payment of
the severance pay may be ma.de to the employee's estate or
17.25 For the purpose of this severance pay program, a transfer
from Independent School District No. 625 employment to City
of Saint Paul employment� is not considered a separation of
employment, and such transferee shall not be eligible for
this severance program.
17.26 The manner of payment of such severance pay shall be made in
accordance with the provisions of the School District
Severance Pay Plan already in existence.
17.27 This severance pay program shall be subject to and governed
by the provisions of the original School District Severance �
Pay Plan (which allows $4,000 maximum payment) except in �
those cases where the specific provisions of this section
conflict with said Severance Pay Plan and in such cases, the
provisions of this sectiori shall control.
17.28 Any employee hired prior to December 31, 1984 may, in any
event, and upon meeting the qualifications of this section
or the original School District Basic Severance Pay Plan
(which allows $4,000 maximum payment) , draw severance pay.
However, an election by the employee to draw severance pay
under either this section or the basic School District
Severance Pay Plan shall constitute a bar to receiving
severance pay from the other. Any employee hired after
December 31, 1984 shall be entitled only to the benefits of
this section upon meeting the qualifications herein.
17.29 An employee of Independent School District No. 625 shall not
be eligible for the severance pay provision of this section
if such employee is also eligible and a recipient of Early
Retirement Incentive payment under the Memorandum of
Agreement with the exclusive representative dated October
18, 1983.
- 18 -
. - � ps�5�5'
18.1 Employees shall ccumulate sick leave credits at the rate of . 576 of
a working hour f r each full hour on the payroll, excluding ov rtime.
Sick leav shal be granted in accordance with the Civil ervice
19. 1 Employees f the School District under policy adopted by the B ard of
Education may be reimbursed for the use of their automobil s for
school bu iness. to be eligible for such reimbursement, em loyees
must rece ve a horization from the District Mileage Co ittee
utilizing he fol owing plan:
Reimb rsemen is at the rate of 23� per mile. In addit on, a
maxim m amou t which can be paid per month is established by an
esti te fu ished by the employee and the emploqee's supe isor.
Anoth r cons deration for establishing the maximum amount an be
the e perien e of another emploqee working in the same or imilar
• . posit on.
It is necess ry for the employee to keep a record of eac trip
- 19 -
��'���s s
. •
20. 1 Com lete reeme t with Waiver of Bar ainin . This AGREEMEN shall
represent the c plete AGREEMENT between the ORGANIZATION nd the
EMPLOYER. The pa ties acknowledge that during the negotiation which
resulted n th s AGREEMENT, each had the unlimited rig t and
opportunit to ma e requests and proposals with respect to any ubject
or matter ot re oved bq law from the area of collective barg ining,
and that t e comp ete understandings and agreements arrived at by the
parties af er the exercise of that right and opportu i�y are se forth
in this AG EMENT Therefore, the EMPLOYER and the�ORGANIZATI N, for
the life o this GREEMENT, each voluntarily and unqualifiedly waives
the right, and e ch agrees that the other shall not be oblig ted to
bargain co lectiv ly with respect to any subject or matter refe red to
or covered in thi AGREEMENT.
20.2 Except as erein rovided, this AGREEMENT shall be effective as of the
date it is execu ed by the parties and shall continue in ful force
and effect until ecember 31, 1986, and �hereafter until modi ied or
amended bq mutual agreement of the parties. Either party desi ing to
amend or m difq t is AGREEMENT shall notify the other in writin so as
to comply ith th provisions of the Public Employment Labor Re ations
Act of 197 .
20.3 This const tutes tentative AGREEMENT between the parties whi h will
. be recomme ded by the School Board Negotiator, but is subject to the
approval o the S hool Board and is also sub�ect to ratifica ion bq
��' ��
/ � ,
/� C�`
School Board Neg tiat r P esident
///]\ � �� �
/�1 ,� // / A /
Chairman, Boa E uc tion Negotiator
��3/ � Sf �3 z Z �J
. Date Da e
- 20 -
. � 5�
_ . � � �� `�
Accountant IV
*Assistant Director of School Cafeterias
Building Maintenance Coordinator
Electronic Data Processing Supervisor
Municipal Garage Supervisor
Property Mana er
**Real Estate�Supervisor
Safety Coordinator
Solid Waste and Equipment Engineer
Supervisor of Housing Inspection
Water Treatment Supervisor �
A B C D E F G 0-yr. 15-yr.
1-5-85 1223.32 1272. 8 13 .00 1390.89 1460.83 1534.81 1611.86 1 59.90 1709.50
1-4-86 1278.37 1330. 6 138 .58 1453.48 1526.57 1603.88 1684.39 1 34.60 1786.43
Accounting Manager
Civil Engineer IV
• Civil Engineer IV--Water Department
Civil Engineer--Valuations and Assessments
Office Engineer
Superintendent of Maintenance--Parks and Rec eation
Supervisor of Technical Services
1-5-85 1419.25 1478. 1 153 . 17 1614.21 1694.55 1780.27 1869.89 1 27.28 1983. 12
1-4-86 1483.12 1544.73 160 .34 1686.85 1770.80 1860.38 1954.04 2 14.01 2072.36
The above Jan ry 4, 986 rates represent a four and one-half per cen (4.5%)
increase over he Jan ary 5, 1985 rates.
- A1 -
��.�- 5 :.
DATE: April 9, 198
TOPIC• Approval f a Me orandum of Agreement amendin the 1984-85 A re ment
1) Requested b Phyll s E. Byers, Negotiator
2) Changes inc ude:
- Severan e �: This Article has added "rule of 85" language o
tlie opt onal s verance pay provision.
� - A�iminis rative Service Fee: Effective in January, 1986, the s rvice
fee wil be in reased to fifty cents per month.
- Insuran e: Th new comprehensive fee-for-service health care plan
is incl ded. here is a premium adjustment for prospective e rly
retiree and n w Employer's contribution caps.
- Holida Mar in Luther King Day is added to the holidays, e fective
in 1986.
- Term: e 198 -85 Agreement is extended for two years, throu h
Decembe 31, 1 87.
- Wa es: 4.5% i crease for 1986 and
4.5% i crease for 1987.
3) The Distric has f'fteen employees in this bargaining unit.
4) Total dolla impac of this Memorandum has been calculated by the Office
of Business Affair as $ 32,500. in the 1985-86 budget year
$ 31,690. in the 1986-87 budget year
and $ 16,860. in the 1987-88 budget year.
B. RECO�NDATION: That t e Board of Education of Independent School Dis rict
I1o. 625 approve nd ado t the Memorandum of Agreement extending the 19 4-85
Agreement concer ing th terms and conditions of employment of those e ployees
in this school d"strict for whom The City of Saint Paul Professional E ployees
Association, Inc. is th exclusive representative; duration of said Me orandum
of Agreement thr gh De mber 31, 1987.
. ��-��.�
' , 1985
� This Memorand of Ag eement is by and between Independent School Di trict
No. 625 and the Citq o Saint Paul Professional Employees Association Inc.
In full settl ent o negotiations, the parties hereto have agre d �s
1. Except as herein modified, the 1984-85 Agreement between the p rties
shall be t e basi of ttte forthcoming labor agreement.
� 2. The foli ng hall be effective upon the execution of this
A. Artic e 2.21 of said Agreement dealing with Severance Pay shall
be re laced ith Article 2.21 which is attached hereto and ade a
. part ereof. ,
B. Artic e 5.4 f said Agreement dealing with Service Fee sh 11 be
repla ed wit Article 5.4 which is attached hereto and de a
part ereof.
C. Artic e 14 f said Agreement dealing with Insurance sha 1 be
repla ed wit Article 14 which is attached hereto and made part
hereo .
D. Artic e 16.1 of said Agreement dealing with Holidays sha 1 be
repla ed wit Article 16.1 which is attached hereto and de a
• part ereof. _
E. Artic e 21. of said Agreement dealing with Duration and
Effec ive Da e shall be replaced with Article 21.1 whi h is
attac ed her to and made a part hereof. ,
F. Appen ix A o said Agreement dealing with Wages shall be rep aced
with ppend A which is attached hereto and made a part her of.
It is understo that the above settlement shall be recommended b the
School Board egotia or, but is subject to approval by the City
Administration d adop ion by the City Council.
IN W,ITNESS WHE OF� t e parties here have affixed their signatures this
�`'= day of /% y�.Q , 1985.
I �//? �l _ � '
\ ! 6'�.�- ��G��4 .'' ,� ' - l ' / � � �
Negoti or , President
• � ,/ �
�/���� / % ,� '�.'f��/- �
C't irman, Board f Education
. . � �� S�
d' .S
2.21 The emplo ee mus be 58 years of age or older or must be eligib e for
pension u der th "rule of 85" or the "rule of 90" provisions f the
Public E loyees Retirement Association (PERA) . The "rule of 8 " and
the "rule of 90" criteria shall also apply to employees covere by a
public pe sion p an other than PERA.
� ',
5.4 The ASSOC TION a rees that a service fee of twenty-five cents ( 0.25)
per membe , per month shall be deducted by the EMPLOYER fr the
amount wi held f r dues or fair share prior to remittance of d es or
fair shar to th ASSOCIATION. Effective Januarq, 1986, this mount
shall be crease to fiftq cents ($0.50) per month.
- 1 -
14.1 The II�LOYER will continue for the period of this AGREEMENT to provide
for employees such health and life insurance benefits as are provided
bq EMPLOYER at the t3me of execution of this AGREEMENT.
14.2 The II�'LOYER will for the period of this AGREEMENT provide for
emploqees who retire after the time of execution of this AGREEMENT and
until such employees reach si.xty-five (65) years of age such health
insurance benefits as are provided by the EMPLOYER for such employees
and such life insurance benefits as provided in this Article.
14.3 Effective February 1, 1985, for each employee who retires during the
term of this AGREII�IENT and is eligible for early retiree benefits
under the terms set forth in this Article and who selects emp}.oyee
insurance coverage, the EMPLOYER agrees to contribute the cost of such
coverage or $87.06 per month, whichever is less.
In addition, for each eligible early retiree wha selects dependent's
insurance coverage, the II�LOYER will contribute the cost of such
dependent's coverage or $203.86 per month, whichever is less.
Effective Januarq, 1986, the dollar caps specified in this
Article 14.3 sha11 be adjusted to equal the January, 1986 premium cost
for the health insurance plan offered to the City by Blue Cross-Blue .
Shield for earlq retirees. _ •
• Effective Januarq 1, 1986, an employee retiring during the term of
this Agreement is eligible for this escalation of premium contribution
provided in this Article 14.3, only if he/she has been a participant
in the Blue Cross-Blue Shield Comprehensive Major Medical Plan for at
least the year immediately preceding his/her retirement.
In order to be eligible for the benefits under the early retiree
provision, the emploqee must:
14.31 Be receiving benefits from a public employee retirement act
at the time of retirement.
14.32 Have severed his relationship with the City of Saint Paul/
Independent School District No. 625 under one of the early
retiree plans.
14.4 Effective February 1, 1985, for each eligible employee covered by this
AGREEMENT selecting a health insurance program supplied to the City,
the Employer shall pay the entire cost of such coverage or $70.00 per
month, whichever is less.
For each employee selecting family coverage, the II�LOYER shall pay
the entire cost of such family coverage or $180.00 per month,
whichever is less. �
- 2 -
. 8s_�-
• Article XIV - suranc (continued)
14.5 Notwithst ding rticle 14.4, for each eligible employee cove ed by
this AGRE s lecting the health insurance program supplied o the
Citq bq -Minne ota, the II�LOYER shall pay the entire cost o such
coverage o $70.0 per month, whichever is less.
In additi n, for each employee selecting dependent's coverage under
the progr offe ed to the Citq by HMO-Minnesota, the EEMPLOYER shall
pay the en ire co t of such dependent's coverage or $128t59 per onth,
whichever s less
This Artic e, 14. , applies only to employees who were covered as of
November 1 1984 y the health insurance program supplied to th City
by HMO-Mi esota and shall continue to apply only as long as such
employee r mains ontinuously covered by such program.
14.6 Notwithsta ding ticle 14.4, for each eligible emploqee cover d by
this AGRE se ecting the health insurance program supplied t the
Citq by Ph sician Health Plan, the EMPLOYER shall pay the entir cost
of such co erage r $78.98 per month, whichever is less.
In additio , for each employee selecting dependent's coverage nder
the progr m offe ed to the City by Phqsicians Health Plan, the
EMPLOYER s all p the entire cost of such dependent's covera e or �
• $151.81 pe month whichever is less.
This Artic e, 14. , applies onlq to employees who were covered s of
November 1 1984 y the health insurance program supplied to the City
bq Ph sici s Hea th Plan and shall continue to applq onlq as lo g as
such emplo ee re ins continuously covered by such program.
14.7 The EMPLOY wil attempt to prevent anq changes in the ben fits
offered bq the ealth Maintenance Organizations' plans. How ver,
employees electi g one of the plans offered bq one of the H alth
Maintenanc Organ zations agree to accept any changes in ben fits
which the pecifi Health Maintenance Organization implements. The
only Fee- r-Serv ce Health Plan is understood to be the plan
designated as A ternate 5 bid by Blue Cross - Blue Shield for
January 1, 1985.
14.8 For each ligibl employee covered by this AGREEMENT, who on
November 1, 1984 as covered by the single coverage health insu ance
program su plied o the City by Blue Cross-Blue Shield and w on
April 1, 1 85 is still covered by the said insurance program, the
EMPLOYER wi 1 pay o each such employee a sum of $200.00 on or b fore
May 24, 198 .
- 3 -
Article %IV - Insurance (continued) •
14.9 For each eligible employee covered by this AGREEMENT, who
on November 1, 1984 was covered by the family coverage health
insurance program supplied to the City by Blue Cross-Blue Shield
and who on April 1, 1985 is still covered by the said insurance
program, the EhIPLOYER will pay to each such employee a sum of
$100.00 on or before May 24, 1985. �
14.10 The City agrees to contribute the cost for $5,000 of lif.e
insurance coverage for each employee who is eligible If�r such
coverage or $2.07 per month, whichever amount is less. Any
increase in this life insurance premium shall be paid by the
14. 11 In addition to the $5,000 life insurance coverage in 14. 10, the
EMPLOYER agrees to contribute the cost of add�itional life
insurance coverage or Sl� per thousand dollars of coverage per
month, whichever amount is less. The total amount of life
insurance coverage provided under this section and section 14. 10
for each employee shall be equal to the employee's annual salary
to the nearest full thousand dollars. For the purpose of this
section, the employee's annual salary shall be based on the
salary as of Januarq 5, 1985.
Effective January 4, 1986, the employee's annual salary shall be •
based on the employee's salarq_as January 4, 1986.
Effective January 3, 1987, the employee's annual salary shall be
based on the employee's salarq as of Januarq 3, 1987.
This contribution shall be paid to the City's Group Health and
Welfare Plan.
- 4 -
, • l" �5�o-S5�
16.1 Holidaqs eco ni ed and Observed - The following days sha 1 be
recognized and ob erved as paid holidays:
New Year's Day
Martin Luther King Day (1986)
Presidents' Day
Memorial Day �
Independence Day
Labor Day
Columbus Day
Veterans' Day
Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Day
Two floating holidays.
Eligible e loyee shall receive pay for each of the holidays isted
above, on hich t ey perforat no work. Whenever anq of the hol days
listed abo e sha 1 fall on Saturdaq, the preceding Friday sha 1 be
obserned a the oliday. Whenever anq of the holidays listed bove
shall fall on Sun ay, the succeeding Mondaq shall be observed a the
21. 1 Except as erein provided, this AGREEMENT shall be effective s of
Januarq 1, 1985, nd shall continue in full force and effect th ough
December 3 , 1987, and thereafter until modified or amended by tual
agreement f the arties. Either partq desiring to amend or m difq
this AGRE sha 1 notify the other in writing so as to comply with
the provis' ns of he Public Employment Labor Relations Act of 19 1.
- 5 -
._.. �.--� . . �
� ~ L� 8s�ss�
A B C D E F G 10- ar 15- ear
Complaint Office Analyst
Library Specialist I
Office Services Administrator Supervisor
Public Informatien Specialist I
1-5-85 737.23 766.70 796. 2 837.23 878.31 923.29 969.03 998 47 1026.39
1-4-86 770.41 801.20 832. 8 874.91 917.83 964.84 1012.64 1043.40 1072.58
1-3-87 805.08 837.25 870. 6 914.28 959. 13 1008.26 1058.21 1090.35 1120.85
Arborist I �
City Plaaner I
Communitq Development Grant Assistant I
Consernatory Education Officer
Economic Development Specialist I
Graphic Artist I
Management Assistant I
Manpower Coordinator I
Manpower Planner I
P�roject Social Worker I
Recreation Director I
• Sanitarian_ I (Appointed after January 1, 1976)
Vendor Assistance Analqst
1-5-85 782.97 813.98 845.0 889.15 932.57 979.09 1027:�16 1058. 6 1088.39
1-4-86 818.20 850.61 883.0 929.16 974.54 1023.15 1073.38 1105. 8 1137.37
1-3-87 855.02 888.89 922.7 970.97 1018.39 1069.19 1121.68 1155. 4 1188.55
Accountant I
Accountant I - Renewal
Health Educator I
Health Statistician I
Librarian I
Librarq Specialist II
Medical Records Administrator
Nutritionist I
Project Assistant I - Renewal
Project Manager I
Public Health Nurse I
Public Information Specialist II
Quality Control Supervisor
Recreation Coordinator - Special Programs
Research Analyst I
1-5-85 828.69 862.03 897.7 941.87 989.96 1039.58 1090.72 1123. 8 1155.85
1-4-86 865.98 900.82 938.1 984.25 1034.51 1086.36 1139.80 1173. 3 1207.86
1-3-87 904.95 941.36 980.3 1028.54 1081.06 1135.25 1191.09 1226. 5 1262.21
• - A1 -
Appendix A (continued) �
A B C D E F G 10-year 15-year
Arborist II Manpower Coordinator II
Bacteriologist-Chemist I Manpower Planner II
City Flanner II . Nutritionist II
Community Developmeat Grant Assistant II Production Manager
Criminalist I Project Social Worker II
EEO Manager - CETA Public Health Nurse II
Graphic Artist II Sanitarian II (Appointed after
Landscape Architect I January 1, 1976)
Management Assistant II Water Chemist I
1-5-85 879.09 915.53 915.95 999.26 1049.64 1102.36 1157.39 1190.72 1225.61
1-4-86 918.65 956.73 994.79 1044.23 1096.87 1151.97 1209.47 1244.30 1280.76
1-3-87 959.99 999.78 1039.56 1091.22 1146.23 1203.81 1263.90 1300.29 1338.39
Graphic Artist II Nurse Practitioner - Obstetrics & Gynecology
Health Educator II � �rogram Coordinator - Police
Health Statistician II Pro3ect Assistant II
Housing Code Specialist Project Manager II
Librarian II Research Analyst II
1-5-85 907.00 941.87 979.09 1028.70 1080.64 1134.91 1190.72 1227.16 1263.60
1-4-86 947.82 984.25 1023.15 1074.99 1129.27 1185.98 1244.3U 1282.38 1320.46
1-3-87 990.47 1028.54 1069.19 1123.36 1180.09 1239.35 1300.29 1340.09 1379.88
Accountant II EDP Specialist - Library
Architect I Environmental Health Admin. Analyst
Civil Engineer I Mechanical Engineer I
Civil Engineer I - Water Department Recreation Director II
Council Research Analyst Structural Engineer I
Electrical Engineer I Traffic Engineer I
1-5-85 933.36 971.34 1010.10 1060.48 1113.20 1169.81 1227.16 1261.26 1301.59
1-4-86 975.36 1015.05 1055.55 1108.20 1163.29 1222.45 1282.38 1318.02 1360.16
1-3-87 1019.25 1060.73 1103.05 1158.07 1215.64 1277.46 1340.09 1377.33 1421.37
EDP Systems Analyst I
1-5-85 962.03 1000.02 1040.33 1091.50 1146.54 1203.90 1263.60 1303.13 1340.36
1-4-86 1005.32 1045.02 1087. 14 1140.62 1198.13 1258.08 1320.46 1361.77 1400.68
1-3-87 1050.56 1092.05 1136.06 1191.95 1252.05 1314.69 1379.88 1423.05 1463.71
- A2 - •
-__-�.._... .
__. _.._ _ C �
. .
• Appendix A (continued)
A B C D E F G 10- ar 15- ear
Arborist III Management Assistant III
Bacteriologist-Chemist I Manpower Coordinator III
Citq Planner III Manpower Planner III
Community Development G ant Ass stant III Nutritionist III
Economic Development Sp cialist III Occupational �af�ety & Hea th Analyst
Epidemiologist Sanitarian III
Health Analyst Water Chemist II
Landscape Architect II
1-5-85 990.72 1029.4 1071. 6 1125.62 1179.87 1239.57 1303. 13 1341 12 1379.09
1-4-86 1035.30 1075.8 1119. 7 1176.27 1232.96 1295.35 1361.77 1401 47 1441.15
1-3-87 1081.89 1124.2 1169. 5 1229.20 1288.44 1353.64 1423.05 1464 54 1506.00
Administrative Assistan - City Planning Human Resources Developme t Specialist
Citizen Participation C rdinat r Librarian III
Community Relations Spe ialist- uman Rights Dept. Multi-Service Center Coor inator
Graphic Artist III Pharmacist
Health Educator III Research Analyst I
• Health Statistician III _ Zoning Specialist
Human Rights Analyst - search r
1-5-85 1020. 18 1060.4 1103. 3 1158.17 1217.09 1276.78 1341.12 1380 65 1421.75
1-4-86 1066.09 1108.2 1152. 7 1210.30 1271.86 1334.24 1401.47 1442 78 1485.73
1-3-87 1114.06 1158.0 I204. 4 1264.76 1329.09 1394.28 1464.54 1507 71 1552.59
Accountant III F��ectrical Engineer II
Architect II Landscape Architect II
Architect II - Renewal Maintenance and Capital I provement
Assistant Chief Surneyor Planner
Civil Engineer II Mechanical Engineer II
Civil Engineer II - Rene al Procurement Coordinator
Civil Engineer II - Wate Depar ment Structural Engineer II
Conservatory Supervisor Traffic Engineer II
Criminalist II
1-5-85 1051. 19 1093.83 1136. 7 1192.29 1252.74 1314.76 1380.65 1423 29 1465. 17
1-4-86 1098.49 1143.05 1187. 1 1245.94 1309.11 1373.92 1442.78 1487 34 1531. 10
1-3-87 1147.92 1194.49 1241. 5 1302.01 1368.02 1435.75 1507.71 1554 27 1600.00
- A3 -
Appendix A (continued) •
A B C D E F G 10-year 15-year
Administrative Assistant - Comm. Serv. EDP Systems Analyst II
Administrative Assistant - Fire Department Management Analyst
�dministrative Manager - Comm. Serv. Physical Fitness Coordinator
Architectural Designer , Program Coordinator
Development Finance Specialist III I � Project Manager III
1-5-85 1082.97 1126.39 1170.58 1229.49 1290.73 1355.07 1423.29 1465. 17 1507.80
1-4-86 1131.70 1177.08 1223.26 1284.82 1348.81 1416.05 1487.34 1531.10 1565.65
1-3-87 1182.63 1230.05 1278.31 1342.64 1409.51 1479.77 1554.27 1600.00 1646.55
Business Manager - TVI
1-5-85 1115.52 1159.73 1206.23 1265.16 1327.92 1395.39 1465.17 1510. 11 1555.09
1-4-86 1165.72 1211.92 1260.51 1322.09 1387.68 1458.18 1531.10 1578.06 1625.07
1-3-87 1218. 18 1266.46 1317.23 1381.58 1450.13 1523.80 1600.00 1649.07 1698.20
Landscape Architect III
1-5-85 1148.87 1193.82 1241. 12 1304.67 1369.03 1438.79 1510. 11 1555.86 1599.27
1-4-86 1200.57 1247.54 1296.97 1363.38 1430.64 1503.54 1578.06 1625.87 1671.24
1-3-87 1254.60 1303.68 1355.33 1424.73 1495.02 1571.20 1649.07 1699.03 1746.45
Arborist IV Economic Planner
Architect III EDP Systems Analyst III
Architect III - Renewal Electrical Engineer III
City Planner IV Mechanical Engineer III
Civil Engineer III Medical Examiner (Roentgenologist)
Civil Engineer III - Water Department Research Analyst IV
Community Development Grant Assistant IV Structural Engineer III
Economic Development Specialist IV Traffic Engineer III
1-5-85 1218.65 1267.47 1317.87 1383.76 1452.75 1525.62 1601.61 1648.87 1697.22
1-4-86 1273.49 1324.51 1377. 17 1446.03 1518.12 1594.27 1673.68 1723.07 1774.12
1-3-87 1330.80 1384. 11 1439.14 1511. 10 1586.44 1660.01 1749.00 1800.61 1853.96
Planning Supervisor
1-5-85 1254.30 1305.45 1356.63 1424.86 1496.17 1572.13 1648.87 1698.40 1748.87
1-4-86 1310.74 1364.20 1417.68 1488.98 1553.05 1642.88 1723.07 1774.91 1827.57
1-3-87 1369.72 1425.59 1481.48 1555.98 1622.94 1716.81 1800.61 1854.78 1909.81
- A4 -
. .._
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� Appendix A (continued)
A B C D E F G 10-year 15-year
Data Base Coordinator
Development Finance Specialist IV
Project Manager IV ,
1-5-85 1292.28 1343.44 1397.71 1467.47 1541. 13 1617.86 1698.48 1749.66 1800.82
1-4-86 1350.43 1403.89 1460.61 1533.51 1610.48 1690.b6 1774.91 1828.39 1881.86
1-3-87 1411.20 1467.07 1526.34 1602.52 1682.95 1766.74 1854.78 1910.67 1966.54
EDP Systems and Programming Supervisor
Legislative & Research Assistant to the Council
1-5-85 1370.57 1425.60 1482.21 1557.38 1634.93 1716.32 1803. 15 1855.86 1909.35
1-4-86 1432.25 1489.75 1548.91 1627.46 1708.50 1793.55 1884.29 1939.37 1995.27
1-3-87 1496.70 1556.79 1618.61 1700.70 1785.38 1874.26 1969.08 2026.64 2085.06
Sanitarian II (appointed prior to Januarq 1, 1976)
1-5-85 934.12 975.99 1024.05 1070.57 1123.28 1174.44 1209.34 1243.44
• 1-4-86 976.16 1019.91 1070.13 1118.75 - 1173.83 1227.29 1263.76 1299.39
1-3-87 1020.09 1065.81 1118.29 1169.09 1226.65 1282.52 1320.63 1357.86
Substitute Library Specialist
EFFECTIVE 1-5-85 1-4-86 1-3-87
lst 500 hours of employmeat 57.72 $8.07 $ 8.43
2nd 500 hours of employment $8.11 $8.47 $ 8.85
3rd 500 hours of employment $8.51 $8.89 $ 9.29
4th 500 hours of employment $8.94 $9.34 $ 9.76
5th 500 hours of employment $9.38 $9.80 $10.24
The above 1-5-85 rates represent a five per cent (5�) increase over the 1-7-84 rates.
The above 1-4-86 rates represent a four and one-half per cent (4.5%) increase over the
1-5-85 rates.
The above 1-3-87 rates represent a four and one-half per cent (4.SX) increase over the
1-4-86 rates.
- AS -