85-654 WHITE - C�TV CLERK v� '
BLUE - MAYOR File NO. ����
u il Resolution
Presented By �
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLVED, that he Co cil of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves he
attached Memorandum f Unde standing pertaining to Confidential Supervisor-
Employees of Indepe ent Sc ool District #625.
Chair, Civil Service Commission
COUN(,'ILlyIEIV Requested by Department of:
Yeas .�O��r/ Nays
In Favor
Scheibel � __ Against ` BY
Adopted by Council: Date M Y I Y ���� Fotm A roved Attorney
Certified P•ss Council e e BY �
tlpprov avor. Date �1Y � s Appro Mayor for Submis ' n Gou cil
PUBLI ,� � Y 2 � �ga5
P�ersonnel office DEPARTMENT �%1—�.�'�� N° 371
J�eanette Sobania CONTACT
'221 PHONE
4-23-85 DATE 1 �•��� Q - �
AS�IGN NUN�ER FOR ROUTING 0 DER C i All Locations for Si nature : �
� Department Director � Director of Managemen /Mayor
� Fi nce and Management ervice Director , � City Clerk
' udget Di rector �c�Civil Service Comm�iss on
City Attorney
Rationale) :
This resolution approves he 198 -1986 Memorandum of Understanding pertaining to Confidential
Supervisory F�mployees. A tached is a copy of the School Negotiat�or's Agenda r est. This
l�emorandum has been appro ed by e St. Paul School Board.
� � �� R�e��;���
' '�� APR 2 6 i985
None. Applicable only to the IS #625.
ture not re-
Total Amount of Transac ion: quired if under
, Funding Source:
Activity Number:
AITACHMENTS List and Numb r All tachments :
�. Resolution
2. Memo af:;-Understanding
3. Copy for City Clerk
�Yes No Council Reso ution equired? Resolution Required? Yes No
Yes No Insurance Re uired? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No
Yes No Insurance At ached:
Revised 12/84
. . �S-�S�{
DATE: �arcn 26, 198
TOPIC: new Liemoran um of nderstanding for Classiiied Confidential Supe visors
1) Requested by Ph llis E Byers, Negotiator
2) The proposed ac ion wi 1 approve this new Memorandum for white colla supervisors
who are exclude from he Saint Paul Sunervisors' Organization as co fidential
employees. The propos d MemoranduTa incorporates the sane changes as for the
wnite collar su erviso s represented by the Saint Paul Supervisors' rganization.
3) The District na two e ployees who are classified confidential supe isors.
Tnat the Board f Educ tion of Inde�endent School District No. b25 h rewith
approve and ado t the emorandum of Understanding concerning the te and
conditions of e plo;�me t for Classified Confidential Supervising Emp yees.
This Memorand m of Understanding shall apply to the Confi ential
Supervisorq Em loyees holding the following titles:
Accoun ing Manager
Admini trative Assistant - Public Works
Assist nt Director of Personnel
Associ te Director of Personnel
City T aining Coordinator
Direct r of Food Service
Direct r of Personnel
Genera Manager - Water Department
Person 1 Assistant IV.
1. Employees emploq d in the aforementioned classified and/or exempt
superviso titl s and positions which are considered confi ential
shall be laced a salary range equal to the 1985-1986 salary ranges
applicabl to em loqees employed in classified supervisory ti les in
non-confi ntial positions which are in the same pay gra e and
occupatio 1 gro as the confidential titles.
• Employees employ d in the aforementioned titles and position which
are consi red co fidential and which are in pay grades in whic there
are no cl ssifie supervisory non-confidential titles, shall be placed
in the 19 5-86 s lary ranges which would be applicable to em loyees
employed class fied supervisory non-confidential positions, f they
existed, n the same pay grade and occupational group s the
confident 1 titl s.
The 1985 age a justments shall be effective January 5, 198 . The
1986 wage djust nts shall be effective January 4, 1986.
2. Employees employ d in the aforementioned titles shall continue to be
covered b the va ation schedule shown below:
Years of Se ice Vacation Days
Less han 8 ears 15 days
Afte 8 year through 15 years 20 days
Afte 15 yea s and thereafter 25 days.
3. For employ es emp oyed in the aforementioned titles:
3.1 The ploye will continue for the period of this Memora dum to
provi e for employees such health and life insurance bene its as
are rovide by the Employer at the time of execution f this
• Memo ndum.
- 1 -
3.2 The Employer will for the period of this Memorandum provide for �
employees who retire after the time of execution of this
Memorandum and until such employees reach sixty-five (65) years
of age such health insurance benefits as are provided by the
Employer for such employees and such life insurance benefits as
provided in this article.
3.3 Effective February 1, 1985, for each employee who retires during
t'he term of this Memorandum and is eligible for early retiree
benefits under the terms set forth in this item and who selects
employee insurance coverage, the Employer agrees to contribute
the cost of such coverage or $118.62 per month, whichever is
In addition, for each eligible early retiree who selects
, dependent's insurance coverage, the Employer will contribute the
cost of such dependent's coverage or $198. 10 per month, whichever
is less.
Effective January, 1986, the dollar caps specified in this item,
3.3, shall be adjusted to equal the January, 1986 premium cost
for the health insurance plan offeredr to the City by Blue
Cross-Blue Shield for early retirees.
Also effective January 1, 1986, these maximum figures shall be
available only to retiring employees who have had at least one
year of active participation in the Blue Cross-Blue Shield plan •
offered as specified in 3.7 of this Article immediately prior to
retirement. Maximum premium contribution for all other retiring
employees will be as provided in 3.4, 3.5, and 3.6.
In order to be eligible for City benefits under the early retiree
provision, the Employee must:
3.31 Be receiving benefits from a public employee retirement act.
3.32 Have severed his/her relationship with the City of Saint
Paul and/or Independent School District No. 625 under one of
the early retiree plans.
3.4 E£fective February 1, 1985, for each eligible employee covered by
this Memorandum selecting a health insurance program supplied to
the City, the Employer shall pay the entire cost of such coverage
or $70.00 per month, whichever is less.
For each employee selecting family coverage, the Employer shall
pay the entire cost of such family coverage or $180.00 per month,
whichever is less.
- 2 -
� 3.5 Notw thstan ing Item 3.4, for each eligible employee cov red by
this Memora dum selecting the health insurance program s pplied
to t e City by HMO-Minnesota, the Employer shall pay the entire
cost of suc coverage or $70.00 per month, whichever is le s.
In a dition for each employee selecting dependent's c verage
unde the rogram offered to the City by HMO-Minnesot , the
Empl yer sh 11 pay the entire cost of such dependent's c verage
or $ 38.00 er month, whichever is less.
This Item, .5, applies only to employees who were covered by the
heal h insu ance program supplied to the City by HMO-Minne ota as
of N vember 1, 1984, and shall continue to apply only as ong as
such employ e remains continuously covered by such program
3.6 Notw thstan ing Item 3.4, for each eligible employee cov red by
this Memora dum selecting the health insurance program s pplied
to t e City by Physicians Health Plan, the Employer shall ay the
enti e cost of such coverage or $78.98 per month, which ver is
In a dition for each employee selecting dependent's c verage
unde the p ogram offered to the City by Ph sicians Healt Plan,
the mploy shall pay the entire cost of such depe dent's
cove age or $174.32 per month, whichever is less.
• This Item, .6, applies only to employees who were covered by the
heal h ins ance program supplied to the City by Ph icians
Heal h Plan as of November 1, 1984, and shall continue t apply
only as lo g as such employee remains continuously cov red by
such progra .
3.7 The mploye will attempt to prevent any changes in the b nefits
offe ed by he Health Maintenance Organizations plans. H wever,
empl yees s lecting one of the plans offered by one of the Health
Main enance Organizations agree to accept any changes in b nefits
whic the pecific Health Maintenance Organization impl ments.
The ee-for Service health lan is understood to be t e plan
desi nated s Alternate 5 bid by Blue Cross-Blue Shi ld for
Janu ry 1, 985.
3.8 The mploye agrees to contribute the cost for $5,000 f Life
Insu ance C verage for each employee who is eligible f r such
cove age o $2.07 per month, whichever amount is les . Any
incr ase in this life insurance premium shall be paid by the
empl yee.
- 3 -
3.9 In addition to the $5,000 Life Insurance Coverage in 3.8, the �
Employer agrees to contribute the cost of additional Life
Insurance Coverage or $0.97 per thousand dollars of coverage per
month, whichever amount is less. The total amount of life
insurance coverage provided under this Item 3.9 and Item 3.8 for
each employee shall be equal to the employee's annual salary to
the nearest full thousand dollars.
For the purpose of this section, the employee's annual salary
shall be based on the salary as of January 5, 1985. Effective
January 4, 1986, the total insurance coverage shall be equal to
the employee's annual salary as of January 4, 1986. This
contribution shall be paid to the City's Group Health and Welfare
4. For employees employed in the aforementioned titles:
4. 1 EMPLOYEES shall be eligible for severance pay in accordance with
the School District's Severance Pay Plan. The amount of
severance pay allowed shall be that amount permitted by state
statutes subject to the provision that the maximum amount allowed
shall be $4,000. or as established by Section 17.2 of this
4.2 Severance Pay: Provisions effective January l, 1985. The
Employer shall provide a severance pay pro�ram as set forth in .
this Section:
4.21 To be eligible for the severance pay program, an employee
must meet the following requirements:
4.21. 1 The employee must be 58 years of age or older or
must be eligible for pension under the "rule of
90" or the "rule of 85" provisions of the Public
Employees Retirement Association (PERA) .
4.21.2 The employee must be voluntarily separated from
School District employment or have been subject to
separation by layoff or compulsory retirement.
Those employees who are discharged for cause,
misconduct, inefficiency, incompetency or any
other disciplinary reason are not eligible for _
this severance pay program.
4.21.3 The employee must have at least ten (10) years of
consecutive service under the classified or
unclassified Civil Service at the time of
separation. For the purpose of this Article,
employment in either the City of Saint Paul or in
Independent School District No. 625 may be used in �
meeting this ten- (10) year service requirement.
- 4 -
, � �5'-�sy
� .21.4 The employee must file a waiver of re-emplo ment
with the Director of Personnel, which will learly
indicate that by requesting severance pa , the
employee waives all claims to reinstatem nt or
re-employment (of any type) with the City o Saint
Paul or with Independent School District No 625.
.21.5 The employee must have accumulated a minimu of
sixty (60) days of sick leave credits at t e time
of his separation from service.
4.22 If an employ e requests severance pay and if the employee meets
the igibi ty requirements set forth above, he or she ill be
grant d seve ance pay in an amount equal to one-half of th daily
� rate f pay for the position held by the employee on the ate of
separ tion or each day of accrued sick leave subject to a
maxi m of 2 0 accrued sick leave days.
4.23 The imum amount of money that any employee may obtain
throu h this severance pay program is $6,500.
4.24 For e pur ose of this severance pay program, a death of an
emplo ee sha 1 be considered as separation of employment d, if
the ployee would have met all of the requirements set forth
above at the time of his or her death, payment of the se erance
pay y be m de to the employee's estate or spouse.
• 4.25 For he pu pose of this severance pay program, a t nsfer
from ndepen ent School District No. 625 employment to C ty of
Saint Paul employment is not considered a separati n of
emplo ent, and such transferee shall not be eligibl for
this everan e program.
4.26 The nner f payment of such severance pay shall be de in
accor ance w th the provisions of the School District Sev rance
Pay P an alr ady in existence.
4.27 This severa ce pay program shall be subject to and go erned
by th provi ions of the original School District Severan e Pay
Plan which llows $4,000 maximum payment) except in those cases
where the sp cific provisions of this section conflict wit said
Sever nce Pa Plan and in such cases, the provisions o this
secti n shal control.
- 5 -
4.28 Any employee hired prior to December 31, 1984 may, in any �
event, and upon meeting the qualifications of this section or the
original School District Basic Severance Pay Plan (which allows
$4,000 maximum payment) , draw severance pay. However, an
election by the emploqee to draw severance pay under either this
section or the basic School District Severance Pay Plan shall
constitute a bar to receiving severance pay from the other. Any
employee hired after December 31, 1984 shall be entitled only to
the benefits of this section upon meeting the qualifications
herein. �
4.29 An employee of Independent School District No. 625 shall not
be eligible for the severance pay provision of this section if
such employee is also eligible and a recipient of Early
Retirement Incentive payment under the Memorandum of Agreement
with the exclusive representative dated October 18, 1983.
5. Except in cases of ma.lfeasance in office or willful or wanton neglect
of duty, the Employer shall defend, save harmless, and indemnify
employees against any tort claim or demand, whether groundless or
otherwise, arising out of an alleged act or omission occurring in the
performance and scope of the employee's duties.
6. Employees covered by this Memorandum of Understanding shall receive
any improvements in fringe benefits granted to employees in
_ non-confidential classified supervisory positions which are in the .
same pay grade and occupational group.
- 6 -
-___.__..._.._ .____ ___
• ' y5=�s�
Accountant V
Building & Housing Inspection Supervisor
Cable Communication Officer
Deputy Director - Job Creation and Training
Director of Food Service
Director of Human Rights
Library Services Manager
Principal Planner
Supervisor of Rehabilitation
A B D E F G 0-yr. 15-yr. _
1-5-85 1338.19 1391.6 144 .32 1520.62 1596.92 1678.74 1762.15 1 16.44 1869.89
1-4-86 1398.41 1454.3 151 .49 1589.05 1668.78 1754.28 1841.45 1 98.18 1954.04
Accounting Manager
Civil Engineer IV
Civil Engineer IV--Water Department
Civil Engineer--Valuations and Assessments
Office Engineer
Superintendent of Maintenance--Parks and Recr ation
Supervisor of Technical Services
1-5-85 1419.25 1478.2 153 .17 1614.21 1694.55 1780.27 1869.89 19 7.28 1983.12
1-4-86 1483. 12 1544.7 160 .34 1686.85 1770.80 1860.38 1954.04 20 4.01 , 2072.36
The above Janu ry 4, 1986 rates represent a four and one-half per cent (4.5%)
increase over he Jan ry 5, 1985 rates.
- A1 -