85-640 WHITE — CITV CIERK PINK — FINANCE GI Y OF SAINT PALTL Council �. ��� CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. 1 C nci Resolution Presented By � � � �eferred To � � I � Committee: Date � � �� Out of Committee By Date An dminis rative Resolution establishing the tit e and lass specification for Job Creation and Traini g Program Manager in the Civil Service Rul s. RESOLVED, that t e Civi Service Rules be amended in Section 3.K by ins rting the title of Job Crea ion an Training Program Manager in Grade 20; and be i FURTi�R RESOLVED that he Civil Service Rules be further amended in Se tion 32 by inserting, in prop r alph etical order, the attached class specificatio for Job Creation and Trai ing Pr gram Manager. Approved: Chair, vil Service Commission COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas � Nays PERSO L OFFICE °'ew In Favor Masanz � Nfcosia schetbei _ Against BY Tedesco Wilson MA 9 1985 Form Ap r ed City At n Adopted by Council: Date � Certified Y•s• Cou . c BY gy, ` b H",i aF � dY ����J �1pp by 141avor: Date Ap e by Mayor for Sub iss' Coun il sy — B !!��_E��-�� i;�,�',�' 1 f� 9 r- - sonnel Office EPAR�I�E61T ��'� ND 362 ' CONTACT 2' 1 PHON E DATE 1 Q/�� Q ASS GN KUN�ER FOR ROUTING 0 DER C1 ' All Locations for Si nature : �*'Department Director 3 Director of Management Mayor IFinance and Management S rvices Director � City Clerk .�.���B dget Director �i-City Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TA NG ACT ON ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ '�� � Rationale) : This resolution establishe the ti le of Job Creation & Training Program Manager n Grade 20 ofiSection 3.K (P-A superv ors Gr up) of the Civil Service Rules and it establis es the class sp�cification in Section 3 of the Civil Service Rules. The bi-weekly salary ran e is: �A B D E F G 10 y . 15 yr. 1223.32 1272.88 1324. 0 1 90.89 1460.83 1534.81 1611.86 1659 90 1709.50 $3'�,900 annually $44,585 COS /BENEFIT BUDGETARY AND ERSONN L IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: No e � � � � C�-�� �� 11 � �� FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET CTIUIT NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- fotal Amount of Transacti n: quired if under . $10,000) �unding Source: , �►ctivity Number: ATTI�CHMENTS List and Number Al1 At achments : 1. ' Resolution 2. �I Copy for City Clerk , DEPPIRTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW Yes No Council Resolu ion Re uired? Resolution Required? Y s No Y�es No Insurance Requ red? Insurance Sufficient? Y s No�/� Yes No Insurance Atta hed: ' (SE REVER E SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revi'�sed 12/84 . . � � ��y� CODE: TITLE OF CLA S: JOB CREATION AND TRAINING PROGRAM MANAGER DESCRIPTION F DUTI S General Statem nt of Duties: Performs highly responsible profess onal a d administrative work directing the development, design, admini tration, coordination and operation of employme t and tra ning p ograms, employment generating activities and economi devel pment activities that will assist unemployed C ty residen s and erforms related work as required. Su ervi ion Re eived: Works under the guidance and direction f the Div sion D puty Director. Su ervi ion Ex rcised: Exercises general administrative and technic 1 supe vision over all employees in the section and o r work pe formed under contract. TYPICAL DUTI S PERF RMED The lis ed exa ples may not include all duties performed by al positio s in t is class. Directs the de ign and developmeat of programs providing emplo ent opportu ities, �ob training, and services related to employmen to City re idents Adminis ers va ious federal, state and local programs funded f r the pur ose of �ob creation and training. Fosters �ob cr ation through liaison activities with the priva e busines commu ity and through assisting in economic developme t activit es. Coordin tes an provides staff services to the St. Paul Counci for Economi Self- eliance. Supervi e the reparation of budgets and the maintenance of adequat finan ial and client participation records for the pu pose of prog am com liance with regulations and for program plannin . Directs and su ervises the administration, operation, and prog ess of all mploym nt and training related programs operated by th City fo unemp oyed and under-employed City residents. Plans a d dire ts the development of proposals for competitive submiss on by he City and funded by public and private fundin sources (continued on :reverse sidel JOB CREATION AND TRAINING PROGRAM MANAGER JOB CREATION AND TRAINING PROGRAM MANAGER KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Knowledge of labor market research techniques and the application of data in a program planning process. Knowledge of federal and state employment and training legislation and its application in local programming. Knowledge of the city community agencies, for the purpose of coordinating activities to serve the unemployed. Knowledge of local economic issues and their impact upon residents in need of employment-related services. Knowledge of the available area training institutions, their programs and their financial aid resources. Ability to independently plan, organize, and direct projects and programs. Ability to manage and supervise professional, technical, and clerical staff. Ability to communicate clearly and effectively with individuals and groups. Ability to critically analyse statistical data related to employment trends, unemployment rates, and training areas expecting employment growth. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS College graduation with major work in Public Administration, Business Administration, Economics, or related field and six years experience at a professional level in the field of employment and training programs, with at least two years experience in a responsible administrative and program management capacity. JOB CREATION AND TRAINING PROGRAM MANAGER