85-638- WH17E - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I y OF SA I NT PA LT L Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT � BLUE - MAVOR File NO. 1 C un il Resolution Present By Referred To�` L ��� I � � Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, Secti 12.12.1 of the �aint Paul City Charter provides that the Council shall estab ish mi.n'mum qualifications for the position of Personn 1 Director; and WF�REAS, There is now vacancy for the position of Personnel Directo of the City of Saint P 1; no , therefore, be it RE50LVED, That e fol owing shall be the minimum qualifications for ersonnel Director of the Cit of Sai t Paul and that the minimum qualifications are hereby approved by this Co cil. "MINIMUM QUALI CATION five College g duatio anc�s_-:_:: years of prof�ssional experience, a � least thre years of which must haee been in an administrative a d superviso capac ty in a major personnel system. (No substitut on for educat'on.)° COUIVCILMEIV R sted by Department of: Yeas :l���� Nays � °feN' [n Favor Masanz Nicosia Scheibel A _ Against BY Tedesco Wilson MA 9 �98� Form pprove by Ci Atto 'y Adopted by Council: Date � Certified Ya s cil S et BY B- t t�ppro by �Wavor: Da e AY � �+ 1985 APp e by Mayor for S Coun il By r4�°-d_►SHED :�i''�,�` 1 c� 1985 ` ,.-' -, .. /� .� .. . ..�'. _�� � �.,,T,_ -°=olution e '�ab1 ishing t:-ie title anQ class spe�if1��Zion for - ''�Truc'.< Loaae� 11n i o e*- i n tt�e C i v i 1 Serv i ce Ru 1 es. a ��� (P_rso nei } ;:�`� 12. Resolution e `api � G APPROVED _h i ng t:�e rat� or" pay for Truc!�c Loacer/ n 1 oa�er in t;�e Salar Pla an� Raz�s ar Compe!�sation Resoluzion. (Parsa�nel ) • ' PROVED I3 . Resolution a endi g Sec�ion V, Exempt P�sitions or the Satary Pl�n ena Rat s ot= Compensazion Resalution and deler;ng t:� title or= De�uty Oi ec�o -Job Crestion an� Treining f,-om Gr�ce Z� uncer t:�e head f ng r Pr r Adm i n i st,-az i ve Croup an� c:iang i ng t�e t i t': e of De�uty Di ec�o -?usine�s Revitali��Lian anct Oe�ut� Dir�==or- De�ie 1 aGmenz i n Gr de 3 1 to Deputy 0 i re=�or-Ne i g;�CornacC D �,e 1 op-- ment and De� �y Dir��_or-�]owntown Deve?o�me�t, re=Pe��ive?y, (p°rsonne? } APPR VED la_ Ot-�inanc� a �din ca��ion 34 oF t:�e C; vi 1 i sn i ng t�e p s i t i n Sz'"��i c� Ru I e� �y ��o i - or De�ut� 0 i rec�or-Jo� C�e��?on ��� i �-�i n i r�g and revisin titl s ane quziiric�tions for ot7er Deauty irec- tors in PE'. (pn. sonne? ) � APP ROVE D � 15. Ordinanc= a e�din Se��Ton 3a.0 or the Civit Servic� Rui = to ext�nd t*�e i ng�h or t i me for ane = - ye_r on the lJnc 1 cS S 1 T 1 _ s��Lus fAPPROVED e� �' � � e-�or titles in PE� . (per;annel ) �i.���'` � , _ _.. ���tbr�:. . t�bl si�fr�g the minim�ui�'__��T°'i fi c���fo�s_ �or - ° �po� i- ,�"f��'��.::Fet� nc��- c�r-. APPROVED AS AMENDED I7. OrCinancQ e ..adii ning and approving appointme��s of an xemining ccmmit��� f r the position or Personne] Qirec�or. PASSED OUT O CO TTEE NOT ON PREPARED A ENDA: � An ordinance amen ing S citon 10 of the Administrative Code pertaining to the Depar ment of Planning and Economic Developm nt. APPROVED �� ' t��, . _ � . �OISS 1'?�'���II\`'IP.:'d.L1�IIYS :I00"I3 F�..Lt�31a�S . i"I�f: �,�:� . 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