85-634 WHITE - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � � C uncil esolution Presented By s Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, J. .K. , nc. , d/b/a Buddy' s, was issued licenses for on-sale liqu r, Su day on-sale liquor and entertainment businesses at 13 3 E. agnolia, Saint Paul, Minnesota, which licenses expired Janua y 31, 1985; and �__ WHEREAS, No appli ation for renewal of said licenses has been made to the City f Saint Paul, nor has the required rene al fees, liquor lia ility insurance or bond been presented to the City; and WHEREAS, Jo n J. elly has received notice that the City Council would co sider taking adverse action regarding renewal of these license , and the City Council having considered this matter at its me tings held on February 13, 27, March 13, 27, April 24 , 1985, nd al o the recommendation of the License Ins ector; now, therefore, e it RESOLVED, T at th Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby find and eclar that the business licenses held by J.R K. , Inc. , d/b/a Budd ' s, b ing on-sale liquor, Sunday on-sale liqu r and entertainmen lice ses, for the premises located at 1373 E. Magnolia, Sai t Pau , Minnesota, be and hereby terminated effective Januar 31, 985; and, be it FURTHER RES LVED, That in the event application be made for licenses at his a dress, all the provisions applicable to the issuance of new iquor licenses shall be applicable; and, be i FURTHER RES LVED, That a copy of this resolution be maile by the City Cler to J hn J. Kelly, and a copy be provided to he License Inspecto . COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas SC�t/�ic� Nays _c�aMHar Drew [n Favor Masanz NiCOSia scheibe� _ Against BY 7edesco Wilson M Y 8 1985 Form Approv d y City At rney Adopted by Council: Date Certified V s Council r BY � By� Y [ � '� I �+ i5�:� t#pp o by ;Vlavor: Date Approved iby'�Mayor for Submission to Cou cil V B BY � ��;_�s�E� r��9:�,'� 1 �i 198 ��� � . . Q--�..�-.,-�J � ' �`� �'c��.,cxr��Uc�.- � � �1 � _ l � � WHITE -�CITV CLERK � � ///�� Council �`� PINK - FINANCE GI Y OF SAINT PAUL CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. BLUE - MAVOR 1 C uncil Resolution Presented By N T � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: T t the en wal of the On Sale i�iquor License held by J K, In . dba Buddy's at 1373 East Magnolia Avenue, b and th same i hereby denied. � � \ '` COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher °reN1 In Favor Masanz Nicosia scneibe� _ Against BY 7edesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date Form Appro ed y City Att rn Certified Passed by Council Secret ry BY sy A�pproved by 1�lavor: Date Approved b ayor for Su ission to Cou cil By _ By . , �._� �,� 5-�G��/ , �.T. o� ; � � ' CITY OF SAI T PAUL �`�"�� ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMEN SERVICES ' {=��i '� ,,+, „o DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMI ISTRATION 'y ���� Ro 203, City Hall Saint Paul, innesota 55102 George Latimer Mayor February 27, 1985 Mr. Presiden and H norable Members of the Cit Counc 1 St. Paul, Mi nesota Mr. Presiden and H norable Members: J R K, Inc. ba Bud y's holds an On Sale Liquor License at 1373 East Magnol'a Avenue. Their fail e to co ply with St. Paul Legislative Code 409.05, Lic nse Fees and Minnesota State Statute 3�+0.11, Subd. 2, Li ility nsurance requires the recommendation for renewal of thei license be denied. Very truly ours, �� Edward J. W n Acting Lic se Ins ector EJW/j o . � �� � ��� . , __.���_•:. � ' CITY OF SA NT PAUL �`� = DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMEN SERVICES : �� ; DIVISION Of LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMI ISTRATION • w �'H �... Ro m 203, City Hall Saint Paul, innesota 55102 Geo�ge Latimer Mayor March 13, 1985 Mr. Presi ent an Honorable Members of the ity Co ncil St. Paul, Minnes ta Mr. Presi ent an Honorable Members: J R K, In . dba uddy's holds an On Sale Liquor License at 1373 E st Mag olia Avenue. Their fai ure to comply with St. Paul Legislative Code 409.05, L cense ees and Minnesota State Statute 3�+0.11, Subd. 2, iabili y Insurance requires the recommendation for renew 1 of t eir license be denied. Very trul yours /�`�'�°°. dward J. War Acting Li en� I spector J EJW/jo �� � �'��-��y . � � ,, _. ��*=o�. CITY OF SA NT PAUL �+`"'� '`� DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMEN SERVICES ,��11 e� o. „ DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADM NISTRATION ``'r ,... Ro m 203, City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Geo�ge Latime� Mayor March 27, 19 5 Mr. Preside and H norable Members �� ��� of the Cit Counc'1 �, \�" .�� St. Paul, Mi nesota � c � � ,;� � � Re: Renewal of On ale Liquor License J R K, Inc. ba Bud y's holds an On Sale Liquor License at 1373 East M nolia venue. Their failu e to co ply with St. Paul Legislative Code 409.05, License Fees and Mi nesota State Statute 340.11, Subd. 2, Liabilit Insurance r uires he recommendation for renewal of their license be ied. Edward J. W Acting Lice e Insp ctor EJW/lk