85-626 WHITE - UTV CLERK PINK - FINANCE I TY OF SA I NT PA IT L Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. �� BLUE - MAVOR o 'l so ution Presented By � �� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS: Lou's Viaduc Inn (Lou Sirian) On Sale i�iquor licensee at 105'b ast 7t Street, doing business as Lou's Viaduct Inn reque ted pe mission for the temporary extension of the servi e area for Sat�urday, June l, 1985 from 11:OO: A. M. to 4: 0 'P. M , be it therefore RESOLVED: That he are for the service of liquor be and the same is hereb exten ed to include the parking lot at 105'.6 East 7th Stree on J e l, 1985. CQUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas �feW Nays Masanz In Favor Nroosia Scheibel � __ Against BY Sonnen T�es�° MA 8 1985 Wilson Form Approve City Attor Adopted by Council: Date Certified Vass d y ncil Secr BY B}' I � Appr y 17ayor. Da • MAY � 0 �985 Approved by a or for Subm sion to Co cil By — BY PJ�LIS;iEO �����'t�� 18 19a5 , �� ��-=�.�� ��; .�� April 9 , 19 5 City C erk City C uncil Members City H 11 � ourt House St . Pa l , MN. 55102 Dear M . Pre ident : This 1 tter ill serve as a notice of intent that as the ow er of Lou' s Viaduct Inn located at 1056 E. 7t St . , I would like to have the permission of the City Counci to e tend the service area of my liauor licens on S turday, June l , 1985 , for the purpose o a pig oast benefit - Blessed Sacrament Church) - hours 1 A.M to 4 P.M. in the parking lot adjacent to my ar an restaurant . I will hire an off-duty police an to supervise the premises during the hours of 11 .M. t 4 P.M. Please advis me of any additional information you might equir in order for me to proceed with this reques . Thank ou. Sincer ly, `��.�.� r`� '��-,=-�-,., L:� _ 3 �� - �'�`"� � Lou Si :Y'an ` _. . � �,��-�� � � ✓ CITY OF SA NT PAUL _ �,., �� '~'� ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANA�GEMEN SERVICES $�e � :� ; �'���'��" „e� DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADM NISTRATION p�' �g � ��� Ro m 203,City Hall Saint Paul.Minnesota 55102 George Latimer Mayor May 2, 1985 Lou Sirian 1056 E. 7th Street St. Paul, 5510 Dear Mr. Si ian: A review of he inv stigations which were made in connection with your ap licati n has been completed. It will be n�y recommendati n that your license(s) be granted. A hearing on your a plication for said license(s) will be held before he St. Paul City Council on May 8, 1985 at 10:00 A.M at th Third Floor Council Cha.mbers, City and County Court House. You are requ red to appear at this hearing. The City Co cil ma have and/or receive other information which I am p esentl not aware of that may� cause them not to follow my re ommend tion. You may be r presen ed at this said hearing by an attorney or other repres ntativ of your choice. You and/or your attorney/ representati e will be a.11owed to croae examine witnesaee, present evid nce th ough witnesses and documents at this said hearing. _ Very truly y urs, ������ . Joseph F, Ca chedi License Insp ctor JFC/�o