85-617 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council �-_ CANqRV - DEPARTMENT / BLUE - MAYOR - FilE NO• 1 C il R ol tion Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED that upon execution and delivery of a releas in full to th City of St . Paul, the proper City officers are hereby au horiz d and directed to pay out of the Tort Liability Fun 0907 -511-000 to: Mark Kubes and his attor y A. Keith Hanz 1, th total sum of $300 .00 in full settleme t of Mark Kubes clai s for damages to his 1939 Chevy truck allegedly sus ained on or about July 6, 1977 , as more par- ticularly set forth in Mark Kubes ' notice of claim filed with the City Attor ey' s Office on August 10, 1979 . COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas �� Nays � F Drew In Favor Masanz Nicosla scheibei A gai n s t BY Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date M Y 7 �985 Form Approved by City Attorney Certified P•s b ounci Se et s .3�Zl S� i By t#ppr v 1Qavor: Date t� 9 1985 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Coun il By f- �;_!�'�;� '',`;" l ` 198 BY � , � �� _�,� A����=. o, , CITY OF SAINT PAUL e y� OFFICE OF THE C TY ATTORNEY � '�"����" � EDWARD P. STARR CITY ATTORNEY �• "� 4U„�.� 647 City Hall, Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 612-298-5121 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR 1�I E M O R A N D U M TO: Me ers o the City Council FRONi: Wal er A. Bowser __�`�� Ass � stant City Attorney DATE: Apr' 1 25, 1985 RE: Cl im against the City of Saint Paul by ark K bes Mr. Kubes 1939 Che truck was towed to the Impound Lot by the Police De artment on July 6, 1977, and in the towing p ocedure said vehicle as d aged. Mr. Kubes filed a claim against the City of Sain Paul for said damages asking for $2 , 113 and iter much negotia ing, his office has agreed to pay he $300 in full settlement o his claim. WAB:paw attach. cc. Mayor ' s Offic