85-615 WHITE - GITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COUIICII .� GANARV - DEPARTMENT G TY OF SA I NT PAU L Bl_UE - MAVOR File NO• /� u il Re lut ' n Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That up n execution and delivery of a release in f 11 to the City, in form to be approved by the City Attorney, he proper City offi ers a e hereby authorized and directed to ay out of the Tort L abili y Fund 09070-511-000 , to : l . Arvid J. Whit and oad King the sum of $855 . 00 in full settlement of their claim of damages sustained on or about January 30 , 1 85 , as more particularly set out in the Notice of Claim filed in the City Clerk ' s office on February 25 , 985 . 2. Paul L. Harve the um of $386. 20 in full settlement of his claim of amages sustained on or about February 15 , 1985 , as more particularly set out in the Notice of Claim filed in the ity lerk ' s office on March 26 , 1985 . 3. Stephen Gropp li th sum of $1 , 385 . 00 in full settlement o his claim of amages sustained on or about November 26 , 19 4 , as more parti ularl set out in the Notice of Claim filed n the City Clerk ' s office on December 13 , 1984 . 4. Kathryn S. F' ore�t' the sum of $312 . 38 in full settlement f her claim of damag s sustained on or about January 9 , 1985 as more part ' cular y set out in the Notice of Claim filed n the City Cle k ' s o fice on March 12 , 1985 . COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Drew Masar,z IR Favor Nicosia scne�be� _ Against BY — -- �a Tedesco p ' WNSO� AY 7 �905 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date — Certified P s Cou cil t y BY B � Ap e by ;N vor: Dat Approved by Mayor for Submission to C uncil - — BY Q�`��l�"I �' �,'.:,,'.,,, .� :^ ���3 � Gr- �'-�- ���� `�,t,,, CITY OF SAINT PAUL �' � OFFICE OF THE CI Y ATTORNEY o ��� �+ '_'�����' ��' EDWARD P. STARR CITY ATTORNEY o• "� °v,�.� , 647 Ciry Hall, Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 612-298-5121 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR 24 April 1985 N� EMORA NDUM CLAIMS AGAINST C TY OF SAINT PAUL BY ARVID J. WHIT AND OAD KING; PAUL L. HARVEY; TEPHE GROPPOLI; and KATHRYN S. F ORETT On January 30 , 985 , City of Saint Paul , Department of P blic Works , vehicle riven by City employee Chester Sabo, backed into a parked vehicl own d by claimant, Road King, and lease to claimant, Arvid . Whi e. As a result of the impact , the ve icle was damaged in he am unt of $855. 00. This office approves the settlement of th ir cl im in the amount of $855. 00. Claimant, Paul Har ey, requests reimbursement for damage to his automobile hich he sustained on February 15 , 1985 wh n a City of Saint aul , Department of Public Works , road g ader pushed chunks of packe snow and ice into his parked car. Ex enses to repair the v hicle are in the amount of $386. 20. This o fice approves the se tleme t of Mr. Harvey' s claim in the amoun of $386. 20. On November 26 , 984 , City of Saint Paul , Department of Com unity Services , crew w s rem ving a blighted Elm tree at 1390 McKi ley. A gust of wind hippe the tree around as it was falling ca sing it to strike th roof of claimant , Stephen Groppoli ' s , hou e. Damage was sust ined to the shingles , gutters , downspouts and roof dock boards on t e west and south side of the house. This office approves the ettlement of Mr. Groppoli ' s claim in the amount of $1 , 385 00. Claimant, Kathr n S. Fioretti , was involved in an autom bile accident with a City f Saint Paul , Department of Public W rks , vehicle on Janua y 9 , 1985. The driver of the City vehicle was Robert Eder. Ex enses are for the repair of the damaged veh ' cle. This office app oves he settlement of Ms. Fioretti ' s clai in the amount of $3 2 . 38.