85-614 WHITE - GTV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COUnC1I GANARV - DEPARTMENT G TY OF SAINT PAITL / BLUE - MAVOR �� � File N 0. , ouncil Resolution Presented By ` � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED= That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby appro es the appointment, by the Ma.yor, of Edward J. Warn as A ting irector of the Department of Finance and Manageme t Ser ices , said appointment to be effective as of April 22, 1�85, and to conti e un il such time as a permanent Director of the D�partme t of inance and Management Services is appointed. BE IT FU THER SOLVED, that Edward J. Warn be hereby authorized t exec te all documents requiring execution by him on behal of t e City as Direetor, Department of Finan e and Manageme t Ser ices, and such authority is hereby made ef�ective as of th date of his appointment as Acting Director. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Jrew �n����z in Favor . Nicosia scr,e�aP� � __ Against �'--' �� Tedesco Adopted by C:ouncil: Date AY 7 1985 Form pprove by Attorney . Certified Y s e Cou cil e BY Bp t�pprove avor: Date �"�',� g 1985 A r by Mayor for Subm' ' n to Co ncil By Pus�► �u �,��r;�T;� i� 5 . , r/ � ��`� . � d5 SXi�IRD J. i�liai T�,� (H) 612-489-1433 (0) 612-298-4637 �ITION Oniversity Mi , Min�eapolis, Minnesota, 1964-1968 Graduatec� J , 196 . Bachelor of Scienoe, Civil Engineering. Oniversity Mi , I�Iinneapolis, Minnesota, Post 1968 Various nig schoo and independent stady eourse.s, incluaing Technical Wr'ting, lic Ac�ministration, Speed Reac3ing, Psychology. . and Cam�xiters. Also 20 crec3its in Real Bstate tals Law, Valuations, Finance and Appraisal. EKPERIffi�L Seventeen s of rofessional engineering and manag�ent ex- perience in ee d t�ments of the City of Saint Paul, l�iinn. as follaws: ril 1 85 to resent: Acting Director of Finanoe and t servi�s nepaL�t. Feb 1985 ril 1985: Acting Lieense Inspector, Depar t of inance anc3 Manag�t Servic:es (temporary assi t) . ile seiving in this capacity, I was in respons ble e of the Division of Lic�en.se ava P�e�its oontain ng a tal of 16 people. I instituted a rn�ber of es whi clarified and simplified the licen.sing proo�s and i eased aocountability for lieenses issued. I also rdi ted the development of the new autamated Polive ann L censing Systan. Au�u.st 980 - 1985: Assistant Valuation and t �g neer, Depar�t of Finarx�e and Manag�nt Seivi . I second in charge of a 16 person division that cts 1 right-of�way engineering and levies all as ts fo Public Works and Planning and Eea�namic Devel nt pr jects. This division also handles all street �nd puti ic pr rty vacations a�c3 aoquisitions, maciaqes all the Ci 's 1 and the City's building insuran�e program. In this capaci , I was in responsible charge of the day to day ivisi operation and I also servea as staff to the City il Mayor's offioe on all capital improv�nents that i luded ses�ment financing. While in this position, I coord nated development and implementation of a camplete y autama t system. I also developed a Records Rete�ti le and supervised the microfilming of all the Divisi 's r ds. � � ���� Page of 2 of 3 &�wazd J. Warn 1978 August 1980: Principal Planner, D�art ment of Planni and &ronamic Development. I was in charge of the 1 tation Section of the Plarming Division. In this city, I had the responsibility for all zoning, en- vir tal capital allocation reviews that w�ent before the P1 ing issian. I was also responsible for all zoning tters before the Board of Zoning Appeals and City Council I di ectly supervised 5 professional planmrs and 2 secre ies. . 1973 - Dece�ber 1978: Civil F�ngineer III (Senior P1 ) Department of Planning and Econamic Develop- m�t. n this capacity, I c�oa�leted an �iergy Folicy Plan, a Down Use and Transportation Plan, a� a Bike Report or the ity (See PAPffiZS, pg. 3) . I also c.�+ampleted two draft u ility lans entitled, °St. Paul Otilities: Vol�me 1 - Hlst01'y D2SCL' lail d1Y� OjJeLatl� PrObl�a° 3Ila °V0111�C II Standar Utili Lacation (�idelin�s°, ar�d a special transit StU� tltl�� °A@LObUS� A Tr7I1Slt A�.tELIk3t1VE' fOL St. PaIIl�. J� 19 1 - 1973: Civil Engineer II, D�artment of Publ' Wor , Planning and Progra�ing Division. In this capaci , I w responsible for developing a twenty year reside� ial s paving program acxl the i�iunicipal State Aid Needs S for St. Paul. Other assignnents inclucied a Bridge Rating R�1 t Study, St. Paul's National Transportati Neec3s S a�rl w�ork on St. Paul's �D Circulation and Distri- bution udy. Jtme 19 - Jul 1971: Civil Engineer I, Department of Public rks ineer - In-Training Programn. While in this Program. my ass �nnents w�ere as follaws: 1. Sew�er ign, nine manths. Designed tw�o relief sew�er tans atr7 one major sewer r�air. 2. Traffi , three months. i�lorked on signal a�xi stripi diagra�s and maintenanae operations. 3. Cons ction, six montbs. Inspectec3 the sew�er r�air l designed as w�ell as other sewer and paving projects. 4. Office three months. Wrote a contract for aerial pho aphy, revised various ordinances and bec�e involv in project financing. . . . - �'�"-� �� Page of 3 of 3 Edward J. Warn 5. Briclg , six months. uesigned a peaestrian bridge and rved as the project e�gineer on a sig lane bri over railroad tracks. Z'his position includec� r ibility for all soil, pilinq, steel and con- crete inspection and all graae staking. 6. Pavi , sis months. Desi� tw�o camplete widening, regr ing, and resurf�ing projects. 7. !lain , four months. Prepared a tw�elve page repor plus illustrations and maps on the closing of St. P ul's landfills and was in charge of establishi new r tes for St. Paul's refuse collection. R�GISTRATION Registered ofessi nal Civil Engineer in the State of Minnesota, No. 10205. r�ER Engineers iety o St. Paul St. Paul rvisor Organization (President 1981 - 1984) PAPffii.S "A Ca�on App to Providing Bicycle Facilities in Major Cities", a the I�IDDEP/A9CB sponsored International Bicycl Pedestrian er in Loixion, May 1974. "Ur� Bicyc e P1 inq - Beyand Paths", ao�epted and presented at the I�UDEP spo red Second International Bicycle-Fedestrian Confere�e i l�s in May, 1975. PER901�L Married, f chilclr Health exc�el t; ight 6'0"; Weight 190; Born 9/16/46 Ma or' s Administra ion DE�ARTMENT �==� '�0�`� No 1 54 . • • Peter Hames CONTACT 298-�4637 PHONE � �� 4/23/85 DATE e e ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING 0 DER C1 ' All Locations for Si nature : Department Director 1 Director of Management Mayor Finance and Management rvices Director 2 City Clerk Budget Director City Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TA NG ACT ON ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : Edward J. Warn will be appoi ted Acting Director of the Department o Finance and Management Servi es and will be authorized to execute documents requiring ex cutio by the Director of Finance and Manage nt Services until a perma ent d rector is appointed. COST BENEFIT BUDGETARY AND ERSONN L IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: RECt.iUt.i.7 None APR 2 3 �985 � MAYOR'S OrFiCE �7)� ���' �-�- FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET CTIVIT NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- total Amount of Transacti n: quired if under A $10,000) Funding Source: Activity Number: ATTACHMENTS List and Number A11 At achments : Re�olution DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW x Yes No Council Resolu ion Re uired? Resolution Required? g Y s No Yes x No Insurance Requ red? Insurance Sufficient? Y s x No Yes X No Insurance Atta hed: (SE REVER E SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84