85-602 M�H17E - GTV CLERK PINK - KINANCE COIII�CIl CAISARV - DEPARTMENT G TY OF SAI NT PAUL -�Q BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � uncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The Mayor, pursu t to S ction 10.07.1 of the City Charter, does certif that there are avaialable for approp iatioa evenues in ezcess of those estimated in the 19 5 budget; and WfiEREAS, The Mayor recomm ds the following changes to the 1985 budget: Current Amended ___Budget Changes Budget FINANCING PLAN ----_ ____________ ___�________ OU1 General Fund 1/1/85 Fund Balance: Unre eved, - Designated - 0 +186,807 186,807 All Other Financing 105,155,220 0 105,i55,220 105,155,220 +186,807 105,342,027 SPENDING PLAN _ _ 001 General Fund Executive Administr tion _ Personnel Office Di ision 00156 Affirmative A tion 00156-111 Full-Time Certif ed 0 +70,918 70,918 OOi56-219 �'ees - Ot er Pro essional Serv. 0 +20,000 20,OOU 00156-22i Postage - 0 +2,500 2,�00 00156-222 Telephone 0 +7,950 7,950 00156-223 Telephone - Long Distance 0 +50 50 OOi56-234 �ype I - ccasio al 0 +2,000 2,000 001�6-235 Type II R gular 0 +4,000 4,000 OOi56-241 Frinting Outsi e 0 +4,000 4,000 00156-242 Duplicati - A1 Processes 0 +1,000 �,000 00156-245 Publicati ns and Advertising 0 +3,000 3,000 00156-251 Transport tion 0 +f50 6�0 OOi�6-252 Lodging, eals, tc. 0 +3�0 350 00156-253 Registrat on Fee 0 +2,000 2,000 OOi56-2�5 Dues 0 +1,000 1,000 00156-259 Other Tra el, Tr ining, Dues 0 +�00 500 00156-299 Other Mis . (MEE Project) 0 +27,592 27,592 COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher °feN1 [n Favor Masanz Nicosia schetbei __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Form Approved City Attorne Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secret ry BY By� c �lpproved by �Navor: Date Approve y M c for S mi sion to Co cil By - BY WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - GINANCE COIII�CIl CAItlARV - DEPARTMENT G TY OF SA I NT PAUL � ��� BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � uncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Current Amended Budget Changes Budget ------------ ------------ ------------ 00156-361 Office ccesso ies 0 +450 450 OOi56-362 Duplica ing Su plies 0 +50 50 00156-363 Paper F rms, E c. 0 +�0 50 OOi56-364 Letterh ads an All Envelopes 0 +100 100 00156-3Es7 Trainin or In truct'1 Supplies 0 +2,500 2,500 OOi56-368 Office pplie - Purchasing 0 +350 350 00156-381 Books, eriodi als, Pictures 0 +500 500 00156-811 Typewri ers 0 +1,200 1,200 00156-814 Other 0 fice E uipment 0 +1,000 1,000 OOi56-815 Desks, hairs, or Tables 0 +8,000 8,000 OOi56-856 Data Pr cessin Software 0 +2,200 2,200 00156-8�7 Data Pr cessin Hardware 0 +3,750 3,750 General Qovernmen Accou ts � - - 09001 Employee In urance 09001-431 Health nd Ins City Share 3,480,573 +10,161 3,490,734 09Q13 PERA, Socia Secur'ty - 09013-412 PERA Co rdinat d Pension 1,499,772 +3',�6 1,503,048 090i3-4i3 Social ecurit 2,613,495 +3,710 2,619,20� All Other Fund Sp nding 97,561,380 0 97,56t,380 105,155,220 +186,807 105,342,027 NET CHANGE +186,807 RESOLVED, That the City ouncil dopts these changes to the 1985 budget. Fi cing is Avai able: Approval Recommended: ------ ------ '� - - - -- ��y�k''-'�`�----- Director of Finan e �s�.�� Budget i ctor COUI�1CILlVJ.E(V Requested by Department of: Yeas q/'E-� Nays Exe tive Administra ' n--P rsonnel °reN1 In Favor Masanz Nicosia scheibet � __ Against BY 7edesco Wilson u F'� 2 1985 Form Approved b ity Attorne Adopted by Council: Date Certified •s ounc� , cret ry BY B t�ppr d by Mavor: Date ` A 6 1985 APP� y May r for Su on to Co cil BY - 8 PU ' !�t`c"� i�i�`�°f 11�� 138� F�cecutive Administration QEPARTMENT ��_��'� N� 356 . I�andy Gritz CONTACT 298-4221 PHONE ���� � l�arch 19, 1985 DATE A�SIGN NUNB ER FOR ROUTING 0 DER C i All Locations for Si nature : 1 ' partment Director 5 Director of Management Mayor 'nance and Mana nt ervice Director 6 City Clerk Budget Director �� City Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TA ING AC ION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Budget for the newly create Affirmative Action Office Rationale) : will be established. RECEIVED PR � 1�5 � ATTORNEY C05T/BENEFIT BUDGETARY AND PERSON EL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: , Establishes budget a d adds five (5) additional F.T.E's (full time equival t) Funding is from fund balanc . FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGE ACTIVI Y NU{�ER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- , Total Amount of Transac ion: $ 86,807 quired if under $10,000) Funding Source: Fund b ance, nreserved Activity Number: 00156 ATTACHMENTS List and Numb r All tachments : , 1. Letter to Mayor L timer. RE ��V'ED , 2. Council Resolutio estab shing budget. 3. Buclget detail. APR 5 �985 ' 4. Mission Statement 5. MEED pro�ect mate ials. MAY `S OFFICE ' D�PARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW X ' Yes No Council Reso ution equired? Resolution Reqaired? Yes No Yes x No Insurance Re uired? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No TYes X No Insurance At ached: � ' ( EE REV RSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 � ��!S= �a 2 AFFIRMATIVE ALTI�1 BIIDGEP D�''•�'ATi• P aries Pe sonnel Assistant I 2FPE 24,304 ( tarting June 10, 1985) Af irmative Action Recruiter lETE 30,960 ( Gritz) Af irmative Action Techinician 1FTE 21,858 ( rry Vasc�ez, starting March 4, 1985) Af irmative Action Director 1FTE 16,549 ( ivalent to a Personnel Assistant III a the entry level, starting May b, 1985) Cl kji�ist II 1FTE 8,206 ( rting June 10, 1985) Zbtal 101,878 Fr' ge Benefits 27,507 �L P� 129,385 SERVI Art rk for brochures and posters (241) 1,500 Pr' ting (241) 2,500 Dup icating (242) 1,000 rtising (245) 3,000 Pos e (221) 2,500 Tel knnes (separate line for 24-hour job ' ormation service and Tt'Y phone for hearing i�aired) (222 & 223) 8,000 Tra ing for clients - outside programs (219) 20,000 Tra ' for staff (253) 2,000 rships (255) 1,000 Pr tional activities (259) 500 Mil age (234 & 235) 6,000 Tra 1 (251 & 252) 1,000 Project (299) 27,592 TOTAL SERVICES 76,592 AI�D SUPPLIFS Off ce accessories (361) 450 Off ce supplies (362,363,364 & 368) 550 Tra' ing for clients - in-house expenses (367) 2,500 riptions (381) 500 TOTAL AND SI7PPLIES 4,000 EQi1I riters (811) 1,200 �el hone answering machine (814) 1,000 Des and chairs (815) 8,000 Sof re (856) 2,200 Mic ter and printer (857) 3,750 TOTAI. UIPMENr 16,150 TO►PAL 226,127 RIXJONC ICN Less salary for R. Gritz 30,960 Less fringe benefits for R. Gritz 8,359 39,319 �� �'r 186,807 � � �� _�o� It is the rnissio of th Affirmative Action Office to: Recruit qualif ed pro ectec� class (wome�i, mi.n�rities and handicappea) _ individuals fo City loyment. Train qualifi le pro ected class candic�ates in skills development, test taking, otl�e areas placi.ny special emphasis on contacting and providing cess ility, to improve their chances for appointment to City positi . Assist City su rvisor , managers and adnunistrators in un.derstanding and complying 'th the City's affirmative action policies and programs, to e ure su cessful program implementa���n, Provide perfo ce as istance to protected class City e�loyees and their supe isors, so these employees will be successful in their positions. Provide career evelo ent assistance to protected class City e�loyees. Monitor and ev uate t e operations and effects of the City's affirmative act on pol cies and proqrams, and recor¢nend changes and corrective ctions Y r �% �=�-o.� � .°"'°• CITY OF 5 INT PAUL • a~ �a PER50 NEL OFFICE i 1��1 u o . � THOMAS D. GLEASON, PERSON EL DIRECTOR +••• 265 City Hall,Saint Pa 1,Minnesota 55102 612-298-4221 GEORGE LATIMER M^YOR February 1, 1985 Mayor Georg Latime Room 347 Ci Hall Saint Paul, 5510 Sub�ect: M el Tra ning Program Meeting for February 4th, 1985 I propose th t a mo el work/training program for ten participants e initiated u er the supervision of the Affirmative Action Office. The individu ls sel ctQd would work twentq hours a week for the Ci q, and attend c asses or twenty hours a week. The ultimate goal o the pro3ect is to hire the ten participants o a permanent ba is in obs related to the training provided. �nding for he pro ect would come from the following sources: 1. ME fund in the amount of $21,632 covering four hours w rk ti e per ay for 6 months. (This money is guaranteed prov ded we start he trainees prior to May 31, 1985) 2. Ci y fund in the amount of $21,632 covering four hour wo k ti e per ay for 6 months. The trainee would be in schoo du ing th s period of the day. (This money is available n th new firmative Action budget. A decision to allow t is us of Ci funds needs to be made by the Mayor's office. 3. Ci funds in the amount of $5,960 covering tuition costs at Sa t Paul TVI. (The Budget office has approved this ite .) Independent chool D strict �625 will make instructors, class room facilities a neces ary materials available as part of the tuition arrangements. Plesse revie this p oposal and the more detailed information on th following pag s. If qou have any questions concerning the proposal . please contac me. ry truly yo rs J n Colonn� rector of P rsonne cc: Greg Ble s Ra dy Gritz Ray Franey Lee Turchin Bill Grac JC/LG � a' �� - �o � Detail Notes on the Proposal for Mod 1 Trai ing Program for Protected Class Individuals I. The pos tions ontemplated for On-the-Job training are Cleric 1 Trainee which will be preparation for entry level clerical positio s, and Custodial Trainee, which is aimed a beginning evel custodi 1 engi eering positions. These pay rate for the trai ees would b $4.00 per hour plus allowable fringes during work an school ours. II. The pro ram wo ld include the following basic steps: A. Pr limina y and long range 3ob development with the de artmen s. B. Re ruitin by the Division of Job Creation and Training, PID. C. Ba ic ski ls testing by the Personnel Office to insure t e tr inees robable success in the program. D. Hi ing in temporary trainee positions prior to May 31, 1 85. E. On the-�o training including coaching by departmental s aff fo four ours each day. This would take place at vario s Ci q of S int Paul work sites. F. Re ated S hool work at Saint Paul TVI for four houre eac day. Th s woul be specific to the type of position they hold ith th City, and simed at improving their skills so that the can su cessfu ly pass the necessary entry level tests. G. Fo low-up counseling by the Affirmative Action Office sta f � du ing th trainees' work/study program. fl. Ci il se ice testing given ae close to completion of the tr ining s possible. I. Pe nent certification to a related position. III. No pres nt cit vacancies would be filled with these temporary positio s. Th successful candidates would be prepared for competi ion fo anticipated openings. . � • � ��� _ ,• , � � � , IV. City d partme ts will be asked to provide assistance in the follow ng way : A. P sition for the trainees. B. A equate on-the-�ob coaching and guidance. C S atus r ports aimed at remedying problems. D. analy is of the program. E. S pport n placement activities, particularly in the are of p anning for future openings. V. The c ittee involved in developing this proposal included t e follow ng peo le: R ndy Gr tz, Personnel Office L e Gree , Personnel Office B 11 Gra e, Training and Development E izabet Tedesco Budget Office R y Fran Division of Job Creation and Trainin J es Sh lton, Independent School District �625 They m t seve 1 times to determine how to structure the prog am. Some or co iderations were �ob and training availability, fundin sourc and limitations which might be imposed by Civ 1 Servic Rules nd bargaining unit agreements. They f nd tha some funds are available under the MEID progr m for emplo ent of ersons who meet the proper criteria, (long te unempl ent th no alternate source of funds, etc.), and th t the Board f Educa ion has programs available for this sort of en ry level traini at Sa nt Paul TVI. _ The c ittee eveloped a number of alternate plans, and rese rched fundin source and various probleme. The preceding proposal repres ts the plan that the committee felt would be most advant eous, rimarily in terms of likelihood of immediate success, but a so from the view of best use of available fund and long-te bene it to the City and the employees hired through the progra . Please ote th t this is a pilot program simed at determining aqs of reac ing ou ultimate goal of providing jobs to protected lass individ als. e may well find that it is a good waq to proce d, and wis to co tinue the program. If it proves less than a complet succe s, it will still provide information vital to ture plans. JC/LG f�'-�t� _�C/� t. �$���==o. , CITY OF S INT PAUL o e � PERSO NEL OFFICE � ����u� ' THOMAS D. GLEASON PERSON EL DIRECTOR � �v ,��. 265 City Hall, Saint Pa I, Minnesota 55102 612-298-4221 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR March 26, 1985 Mayor Latim r 347 City Ha 1 St. Paul, 5510 Dear Mayor atimer I requ st you support and approval on the Affirmative Action Budget for he new y created Affirmative Action Office which will e located in ersonn l. Although $200,000 has been designated in fund balanc for t is project I am requesting $186,807 which also includes fr nge be efits. The total operational cost for twelve months (Jan ary - ecember 1985) would have been $279,041. The salaries re lect a phasing in of the additional employees through he end of 1985 A gr at deal of thought went into preparing a budget that would e econ mically feasible and reflect an increase in the services pr vided o the citizens and employees of the City of St. Paul. The si Affir ative Action Office employees will allow the Ci y of St. Paul to inc ease protected class recruitment as well as providing a dition 1 services which include test tutoring, career development and an increased visability in the various protected class commu ities. The additional staff reflects an increase fro one Affirma ive Ac ion Recruiter to five additional F.T.E. 's to handle the xpande scope of responsibilities taken on by the Personnel 0 fice. The fu ding f r the MEED Project is included in this budget proposal ($ 7,592) This pilot program is a significant step for Affirmative Action in that it will allow the City of St. Paul to train, educ te and hire ten minority or handicapped people in the clerical ar a. It is y beli f that when fully implemented this office will affirmative y addr ss the needs of the protected class communities and will meet t e goal set forth in the City of St. Paul's Affirmativ Action Prog am. " C��-= ��_� o� Page 2 If you have a y questions regarding this request or other options, pl ase co tact me at 298-4221. Mayor, I am committed to he goal of org nizing a new Affirmative Action Office that will prove to be an effic ent an effective program within the Personnel Office. Respectfully submitted, i���G��<'`' ,t:�J",r� ✓ Randy Gri�'Z � Acting Affirmative Action Direc or � _ ��. J n o onna Aciting Personnel Director J cc: Peter ames John H yen Jim Be lus Elizab th Tedesco ; ':y��— �"`i`� 'CJ' , �' .' " c�_:;. �� '�,=,�'� I� �- O�' .SAINT �'1�JL ��' Y� ^ t�7 �-�- ^ /� � fr.-^N T-:� l' . : � � �t �,� ' .� � �•.��� 1?� I`i �� Q� 1�SA1L lixT�r -�:._L - . ��I �� -� ~�� �`r�s 1 / VOL1� r �;-'—�- �' � �����/;_ f/ . . _ � � . J, ��;��_rI� D� te . Aprii 18 1985 .y.,�� . � ._.. 0 f1�� � f r i E E F? E P O rT i a • S t p� . at� I Ciry Cc>> � ��ii c t; O i f} = C � r--3 � � . . �' ' ` �� i � O i? FINANCE, MANAGENIENT & PERSONNE � ' C�!� I R CO NCILMt��I SCHEIBEL � ! . Approv� l f min tes from (T1@?Ling held Aprii 11 , 1985. Approved� • 2 . Administra ive rder approving payment to Riverwood Co ference • Center for 5tra egic Planning Conference to be held fo Public .Health Cen er p rsonnel . (Community Services ? No Acti n necessary 3 . Resolution auth rizing the Division of Parks and Recre tion to make app 1 i at i o to the. Jun i or League of St: .Pau 1 for:, grant _ ' i�n the emo nt o $ 1 , 000 for the development and manage ent of . . volunteer ro�r- s.. (Community Services? Approved 4. Resolution auth r.izing the Division of Parks 8� Recreation to mak� � applic�tio to �the Institute of Museum Services for a rant in the � .�otint of 25, OOJ� for fac i 1 i tat i ng use of the� Japanese� Garden i n Como CQnse vator . (Cammunity Services) � Approved 5 . Resoluti�on auth rizing a purchasing agreement with the Minnesota Transporta ion Museum to provide for the purchase of e uipment, materi�l a d s lies �as needec�. (Finance/Purcha� ing) Approved 6. Ordinance mendi g Chapter 82 of the Administrative Co e pertain- ' ing to pur hase rocedures and city contr�cts . (Finan e & Mgmt. ) ' . Laid Over 7.. Adminis�tra ive O der approving an agreement with Greater East Side . " Community ouncil permitting the Community Council to perate - Nokomis Sc ool . (Finance 8 Management) No action neces ary 8 . Resolution autho izing a trans�er or Independen� School District �625' s por ion o �purchasing from the City' s Department of Fin�nce and Manage ent S rvices and notinc�. the School District ill no ionger be art o the annual contr-act. (Finance 8 Mana ement) ' Laid Over� 9. Resolution amending the Civ.il Service Rules by insertin the title , Claims Man ger i Section 3.K, Grade 25 and inserting t e specifi- . cations in Secti n 32. (Personnel ) Laid over 10. Resolution amending the Civi. l Service Rules by insertin the title Empl yee B nefits Manager in Section 3 .K, Grade 1 and inserting he sp cifications in Section 32 , (Personnel ) Approved � ��,�'� � C:�1' HALL SLV •NTF�� FLOOR . . S�lINT P�lUL, ;�it� `ESOT;t SSIOZ . �„ . � � ��-_�o� Finance Agenda April 18, 19a5 Page 2 11 . Resolution mendi g the Civil Service Rules by inserting the title Risk nd Em loyee Benefits Manager in Section 3 .K, Grade 31 and inserti g the specifications in Section 32 . (Person el.) �1pp. 12. Re=olution mendi g the Civil Service Rules by inserting the title Loss ontrol Coordinator in Section 3 .J, 6rade 13 nd inserting t e spe ifications in Section 32. App rove d Not on prepare aaen a - Resolution a endin _ the 1985 budget� and transferring $84, 85 from General Gove nment Accounts to Exec. Ad.Tnin-Mayor' s Office Approved as ende - $54 , 385 from 1984 fund balance, $3 ,000 trans�er fro Cont ngency Reserve. (�u�c.-'ge�so�'�ic°e� will e done by - Resolution a provi g the appointment of Peter Hames to th position of,( x. As t. to the Mayor. Approved - Resolution a provi g the appointment of John Taft to the osition of Deputy Di ector of Planning. Approved - Resolution a endin the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensa ion Resolution r gardi g the Affirmative Action Director Clas ification. Approved - Ordinance es ablis ing the title and minimum qualificatio s for Aifirmative ction Director. Approved � - Resolution ; �i ' ' ,the= b��-��'�r �� ;A�f;,�:�ti�re, .A �on � ^, ,-Qw:zl��,, ;� Ap roved - Resolution e tabli hing the rate of pay for Affirmative A tion Director. A prove