85-590 WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G TY OF SA I NT PAU L Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT _� BLUE - MAVOR � , File N 0. C c ' eso tion Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The ci ies of ,inneapolis and Saint Paul have statutory autho ity to enact ordinances tha are mo e restrictive than the State Statute dealing w th the control of hand guns• and WHEREAS, Both cities ha e special law enforcement needs incident to co gested urban areas; and WHEREAS, Both cities de ire uniformity between themselves as to the su ject matter of their resp ctive h nd gun ordinances; and RESOLVED, That he Council of the City of Saint Paul herEby declares i s intent to pass and a prove n amended versior� of Chapter 225 of the Legisla ive Code which covers th foregoing subject matter; said amended version to ena t the following major poin s: (1) Establish onformity of the sale and possession provisions of bot cities' ordinances t prese t state law on these topicss (2) Conform th proce ures for the issuance of nermits with each othe so that a uniform proce s is established; and (3) Conform th excep ions to the carrying, possession and transporta ion of hand guns with each ther. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas �oN Nays � � r Drew IR FBVO[ IIIMw�e Nicosia schetbe� __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson aP 3 0 1985 Form A ve y Cit A or Adopted by Council: Date � Certified as•e Council cre BY . By � Appro y Mavor: Date AY 2 ���v" App e by Mayor for Submis i n t Cou cil BY — BY PU� SfiE� ii:�.`� 11 1985 . • t,, _ �y�.° J-y�? �0���== o. � CITY OF S INT PAUL . ; DEPARTMEN OF POLICE � inu mn , �� _°� ��o� �� WM. W. McCUTCHEON, CHIEF OF POLICE ,e�� 1 1 East Tenth Street Saint Pa I, Minnesota 55101 612-291-1111 GEORGE LATIMER ,.�, 1 ; 7 MAYOR ���' r.�\.., 1 �,w� � " 'R,,,'1�...., �� �k �� z t�%�� ,� ' *� ' VZ , �' . ti�.,:-.��:.,�:; April 26, 1985 � 1, 85 '� `� APR 2���? 1�ri � .C;t1. - � �� � � �.Yi��r� �ti.��Cf ,� � � � F� Victor Tedesco \ � % =-<'`�� �� �,> ,.�,-;-�._ � '�. City Councilman `�i.�_,i `��- Room '719, City Hall St. Paul, MN $$101 Mr. Tedesco: Please find attached a propos d City Council Resolution which deals with the revision of Chapter 22 of th legislative eode. Chapter 225 would be r vised n such a fashion as to be compatible with the c r- responding ordinance o the C ty of Minneapolis. The necessity for this acti n is contained in propos _d stat legislation which would supercede our ordinanc on regulating the purchas and c rrying of firearms. Since that act would open his city to additional lia ility isks and our citizens to potential risk, I urge the rapid adoption of the esolut on. Governor Perpich has u ged th t Minneapolis and St. Paul take the necessary a tion related to this issue s quic ly as possible. I recommend adoption of this resolution in your ses ion on April 30, 1985• SincereTy, W�m. W. Mc�u�t�ti�'bn CHIEF OF POLICE WWMc/cll attachment cc: John Drew William Wilson Hugo Masanz Chris Nicosia James Scheibel Kiki Sonnen O