85-585 WH17E - C�TV CLERK �� PINK � - FINANCE G TY OF SA I NT PAIT L Council GANARV - DEPARTMENT 'B�UE •MAVOR File �NO. ( o n il Resolution ,� Presented By Refe o Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, o Marc 26, 1985 the St. Paul City Council pas ed a resolution in Counc 1 File No. 85-421 approving the actions and minutes of the arch 2 , 1985 meeting of the St. Paul Board o Appeals and Rev ew; a d WHEREAS, t e Boa d' s action specified in that resolutio concerning prop rty a 1599 St. Anthony, Case No. 8-85-H was incorrectly sta ed an should be amended. THEREFORE E IT ESOLVED, that the Board action as state in Council File No 85-4 1 pertaining to 1599 St. Anthony should be amended to read as fo lows: "BOARD ACT ON: ranted a variance permitting additional apartment oors ithin the stairwell enclosure so that one partit on pe floor could be used instead of the required t o at ach end of the hall . " BE IT FURT ER R� OLVED that the Board action in the minu es marked Exhibit pert ining to 1599 St. Anthony, ; n -�hP a.;,a�,e refer- enced Council F le be amended to read as follows: "BOARD ACT ON: on Glassman moved to gran� �he variance permitting addit onal apartment doors �.�itiiin the stairwell nclos re so that one partition ��er floor could be u ed in tead of the required �wo at each end of the hal . Ro ann Bostrom seconder',. t:�e rtiotion. Motion car ied. " FURTHER RE OLVED in all other respects the resolution in Council File No 85-4 1 shall remain in full force and effect and FURTHER RE OLVED that upon passage of this resolution, he i.i��y Cle-rk is h reby uthorized and c?irectec� to t_ransmit a co y COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � � [n Favor _ � __ Against BY — Form App v y C'ty Attorney Adopted by Council: Date c 6 Certified Passed by Council Secr ary BY g�, t�pproved by lNavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Co ncil By - — BY WHITE - CITV CLERK •���,E.' �Ma„oR E G TY OF SA I NT �AU L F le ci1N0. � S CANARY - DEPARTMENT C uncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date of this resoluti n for recording to the Ramsey County Office o the Register of eeds . 2 . COU(VCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays �, D;ew rnasa�� [n Favor N�cos�a SCheibei � __ Against BY — Sonnen �e�eaee� Adopted bVy�ncil: Date AP 2 5 1985 Form Approv City Attorney Certified P s Counci , r y By � �� � g}, � � ��- A�R 2 5 �8�pproved by Mayor for Submission to Co ncil t�pproved b Mavor• Date a By _ BY P BLISH�D f'�i�,`� ��. 1985 - ' �,� , p � . ' `"i i 1 � � ��p 4 1 � �� �h � TATE 0 MIIvVESOTA ) Count of Ramsey ) ss. Ii'Y OF SAINT PAU� ) � � �p __ � _ �C .., _. � � _. I, . . . . . . . . Albert.B..Olson. . . . . . . . . . . . . .��ty C erl. of the Q�,; � ,T, ity of Saint Paul, Minnesota, do hereby certify thar . have �� � � ompare the attached copy of Council File No. , 85-585 �'✓- A ril 25 , . . . . . . 85 . . . s adop ed by the City Counc:�l. . . . . . . . k� . . . . . . . . . 19 . . . nd app oved by the Mayor. . . . . . . . . . . . .Apri1.25: . . , . . . . . 19 85 . . ith th original thereof on file in my office. I urther certify that said copy is a true and co rect copy f said original and the whole thereof. WI T;ESS my hand ar.d th� sea? of ttie City oL S�int Puul, .inneso a this . . . . . .6th. . . . , day of . . . . . .MaX. . . . . . . .A.D. 19 85 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l��. . . . . . . . . City Clerlc. ;4 Vr f:.• r Mn?w . ,'�p °^4 +'.'t f�j� .'` 'y � � �4.y'�' '^�i'J.�' } •� • . fF : ' � ;��,s�.,. � 1 1F .''� }� , +�° .`A:.e�r . r�+�. �r+�X � �e„`,.^�^ . . Sd �3-i x ;_ . t � ' � .A s� 't � � 7 v a:�l ,.. . � yr : x „�' $ .�.s`x� .' . .� „ 4. 9��1�b8 � 0 �. � � — �1 {� � , � . � - --. r Wt�11TE: - CiTV CLEFtK . . J . :`i`Jn � - r'�1;1AN:.E C � + L`�unrli J CS•�A�iY - DFPARTMENT GI . ,Y O�`• 1`J� I �TT ��L1UL File NO. +��� .E11_'_��- ♦ �M.�Y O R � ��2 Zl �eSD��tZO� �Presented By %1— Refe o Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date � 4dHEREAS, on March 26, 1985 the St. Paul City Council pas ed t� a resolution in ounci File No. 85-421 approving the actions and �' minutes of the M rch 1 , 1985 meeting of the St. Paul Board o 9 Appeals and Revi w; an �„ � tiaHEREAS, th Boar ' s action specified in that resolutio concerning prope ty at 1599 St. Anthony, Case No. 8=85-H was incorrectly stat d and should be amended. THEREFORE B IT P. SOLVED; that the Board action as state in Council File No. 85-42 per�aining to 1599 St. Anthony should �e amended to read s fol ows : "BOARD ACTI N: G anted a variance permitting additional apartment d ors w' thin the stairwell enclosure so that one partiti n per floor could be usecl instead of the required tw at e ch encl of the hali. " BE IT FURTH R R�S LVED that the Board action in the minu es marked Exhibit A perta �ning to 1599 St. Anthony� i.n. -the a.',ove rPfer- enced Council Fi e be mended to read as follows : "BOARD ACTI N: R n Glassman moved to gran� �he variance permitting dditi nal apartment doors �•.�i-c.i�n the stairwell e closu e so that one partit�on l�er floor could be us d ins ead of the required �wo a� each end ot the hall . Ros nn Bostrom secondec� �.:e ,_io�ion. Motion carr ' ed. " FURTHER RES LVED ' n all other respects the resolution in Council File No. 85-42 shall remain in full force and effect and FURTHER RES LVED, that ��p�n passaye cf this resolution, he Cit-� �lerk is he eby a thorized and dzrectec.i to transmit a co y COUNCILIIEN Requested by Department oE: Yeas Nays ,�- � `r-�' In Favor � - � -- Against BY -- Form App v y C'ty Attomey Adupted by Councii: Date ____ Certified Passed by Council Secret ry By � 6 �� --- - App;uved by "tii<ivor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Co ncil B� -- - — BY � � ^ �( - FINANCE `-` G I y. t�3E'•-� SA I NT I,A�_T L F le ci1NO s -'�i"�/ -�A � ?�� --.E7E?ARTMENT +� �C '��M A V O F2 � . ,. � � C �ncil �esol�tion Presented By Recerred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By__ — Date ('� � cn J,of this resolutio for ecording to the Ramsey County Office o �the Register of D eds . � 2. CO�NCIL6IEN �"eas Nays Requested by Department of: :� r,W �• . . . . �...���+�': [n Favor ���:cos:a scne�ae� O Against BY SCnnen . �-�3G'�� � . . "v..�tsrr �}�R 2 � ��'�� Form Approv City Attomey :\dupted by Council: Date Certifie� Y s Counci . cre By C�"y'—`t � t V � B � �� , �� — s '�� � � �- .i�`Approved by Mayor for Submission to Cou il :approved b - ;4lavor• Date 0 By� - - ''�-� By PJ�� ;:�f:� 1 `':'� ;: i3�5 � , Y . � '� f�D � A j � ? (/� 'J� � (D �i O v � y N � � . .t ' ^ N � � � � N � � . ��� �.r � � p, o „o� � O �^ � � ]��� M N ",` A � � 4 V ,�.�'� ` � O N '� O � � O�7 � \ ;�j Z A � i1 n � p C-j z � � -� �m o ��o �. s j N � \ �' �, _ � � � co � (� �'°'� X\ � = Q' �j �' � �G � � � � � � A � � � � � YJ 0 ��;�. C.� p 6��7 � i. � � �J [� � � -�* ? � :. r� '^ �N .. � � !r v 9 �✓'� 3 � ��,�. 1•1 '.,/ G�� fi� � Q, ,v H► � \ `� Q ,.�+ .fff-r L .i �� � �, � � � � �' 'o � ... ... �`.� - I C ' �« N'MITE - C�TV CLERK . PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL 7 CANARY - DE.PARTMENT [ Council BLU� - MAYOR File NO. �y o� cil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date W��RF',AS, the Ma�or's Office equest restoration of money for the vacant positions of Director of Man g�nent ancl Executive Assistant to the Mayor; ar�d Wf�REA.S, financing for these previo ly authorizecl positions i.s available from unspent salary dollars the yor's 1984 budget and from the 1985 Contingent Reserve; and �S, The Mayor, pursuant to Sec ions 10.07.1 and 10.07.4 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul does ertify hat there are available for appropriation total revenu�s in excess of hose imatecl in the 1985 budget; and WI�REAS, The Mayor recon�ien that following transfers and additions be mad� to tl� 1985 budget: Current Amended Budget Changes Budget TRANSEER FI�M: --- General Government Acco Continqent Re.serve ifi 09061-537 Operatinq ransfe Out -45,642 'PRAI�'ER T0: Executive Administration OO100�+tayor's Office 00100-111 Full-time rtifi 67,029 9,612 76,641 00100-114 Full�time int 171,557 36,030 207,587 00100-A11 Other Spen ing 119,563 0 119,563 358,149 45,642 403,791 l�'r (�IANGE FOR TRANSF'ER 0 COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Ma or 's Office In Favor _ _ A gainst BY Form Approve City At orney Adopted by Council: Date Q �i� Certified Passed by Council Secret ry BY � gy, 6lpproved by Mavor: Date Appro by Mayor for Su 'ss'on tar Cou cil By _ B