DIVISION Room 218 ` r -
resen e y
Referred To LI W R � Committee: Date ��L ���
Out of Committee By Date
Wf�REA.S, Tlze City C uncil, in accordance with Section 77.07 of the
Legislative Code, d to �ly with the Metropolitan Waste Control
Conndssion's meth of ging local governing bodies for Reserve Capac'ty
Charges, adopted soluti n C.F. 260524 on January 23, 1973, C.F. 262908
on November 20, 19 4 and .F. 84-163 on February 9, 1984; (Chapter A-6,
Ac�ninistrative C ) , whi established the Service Availability Charges
��) ;
NOW 'I�EFO BE IT RESOLVID, That said Resolutions C.F. 260524,
C.F. 262908 and C. . 84-1 3 are hereby amended by adding the follawing agraph:
" RESOL , Any person applying for a building pernnit
for a site f r whi a desrr�lition pern�it was issued between
January l, 1 73 and Februaiy 9, 1984 shall be entitled to the SAC
credits tha may ha e accrued to that site if the applica.tion for
the builclin permit is filed on or before December 31, 1989. Tho
persons who ave ov rpaid the City because they were not given SAC
credits for dempl tion permi.t issued between January l, 1973 ar�l
February 9, 984 sh 11 be refunded that portion of their payn�nt
for which y woul have received credit under the provisions of
this paragr h. Th e shall be no SAC credit for demolition pern�i
issued prio to Jan l, 1973.°
FU�R VED, all other respects Resolutions C.F. 260524, C F. 262908
and C.F. 84-163 e in f 11 force and effect.
���y Y Requested by Department of:
Yeas ��� Na s
Drew Fi n & Mana
In Favor ��
Nicosia �/ % D ir e c t or
Scheibel __ Against BY
�edeseo \ �
,�� 3_ ��-P
AP 2 5 1985 Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date �
C gs
Certified Y•: Counci , re By �3
tapproved Mav : � �S �S APR 2 5 8�lpproved by Mayor for Submission to Cou cil
B BY �
�u �s��� �f,�;i �- 1985
Finance & Ma.na ement Service DEPARTMEN� �j�-
. • . 1030
J. illiam Donovan Roo 218 CONTAET
292-7019 PHONE
DATE reen e
ASSxGN NUN�ER FOR ROUTING 0 ER -Cl ' 'A71CLocation�r Si nature :
Department Director M AR 1 4 19� � Director of Management Mayor
�_�inance and Management rvi � 1r��t� piRECTOR City Clerk
� Budget Director �� q���NT OF FMANC� . � Roo 8
�, City Attorney pNp Mpk•rAGEM�NT SERViCE$
' Rationale) :
Application of Chapter A- of Ad nistrative Code has created some misunderstand ng and
hardship. A property own havin a building demolished in I979 wauld have done so with
t�e understanding that al result ng SAC credit would continue with the land unt 1 such
tatme as a building permit pplica ion was ma.de for the same site. The truth is hat if
he did apply for a buildi permi he would find that the SAC credits had expire and he
wpuld have to pay all SAC harges required.
� �
The amendment to A-6 of A inistr tive Code proposed will make the City SAC proc ss mo.re
eiquitable. The amendment ill as ist the City in both the Energy Park Developme t and
the World Trade Center De elopme . Application of the amendment will not cost ity
d�rectly but could result in red ed revenues in SAC funds. After January 1, 19 0 this
amendment will have no af ect.
ture not re-
ITotal Amount of Transact on: $6,375.00 Refund quired if under
Funding Source: 10
Activity Number: 50 18
AT1'ACHMENTS List and Numbe All A tachments :
R�c �
',CF260524 adopted January 23, 19 3 E/ �
''CF262908 adopted January 11, 19 4
CF84-163 adopted Februar 9, 19 4 MAR2�? ����
�_Yes No Council Resol tion R quired? Resolution Required? x es No
� Yes X No Insurance Req ired? Insurance Sufficie�t? es No
' Yes x No Insurance Att ched:
Revised 12/84
i �
,. .. . . ... ► �. ; , �� � ; �. �iic NOr
I 1/`f�f:Tl1RN COPX TO V/1 (ATiO? N�I".a IOPI� • • �_�r . '. . `°,. �,�� -5�,�
—��r�Tl ��so lut�o�2 � �� U-
1 � �,. �/
(�rescnlcci f3y �,�( �, /` !,i; .�� —' 'l' ..•:.�c...i-�-. �� d �� • ��:
()'����� l�. '� ✓�� � :i `� . . . . � .•:�r���.�: ., ... .
IZe(erred To ' Committee: Date � �,
Out of Commitlee [3y Dale
I tiT}iEttFi1S, T CJ.ty ouncil, in accordaQCe xith Sect o
i n 77.07 01' t
� LegLsl�tivc Code, ancl to ca�ply Hith tt�e Matrapolitan Hao�te Corrtrol C ssion's
' methoci of cMrgi lorn.1 Qwrrnina bodias for Raserve Capa.city Cbarges adopted
neaolution C.F. 2 �24 o JtinUnry 23, 19'l3 arac��C.F. 26290f1 ai .7t�.nuary l, 197�
' 7
I (CUaptcr /1-6, .1dm nistra ive Cocie)�, r+hich estab11.e2�ed the Service Ava bJ11ty
Ctnr�ea (S/�C) ; n , thn efore be iC
, RESOLVIn, T L aai Re�olutlona C.F. 260j24 und C,F, 2{�29pfj Q�-e rebY �
orocnded �o aa to d lc�:a i:he la:t paragrnph thcreoP, a�cl inaErt tbo �o oving in
ito pince ; , .
' „}tESOL , Tbat nqy pvrson aPPlyinB for a buSLding
permit �hall Uc cntitled to rcceivc SAC unit credita to be
appli to thc cbnz-Qas rcquired by this i-analutioa a
• dcmoli So❑ perznit 2n�.d been iaaued tor t2sm aamc site uring
. tho fi calenclax- ye�ara precedlr�Q tho calcociar year n
. � yhicb e buildiag parmit ia i3aucd. Tbc credite gi a
ohn11 o baacd on the� �.rrmtedlntcl�y procedinrs ur,c o:f aite,
- and t ;;I1C credit atx�.11 be detu-niincd by thc number of
SJ1C un ts uhich tbo previaua atructure xa.s di.scbarg ir�to
' the, a cr aystem, but in no ev�ent aba11 the rnunber o 3AC
� tinit c dits axceed th,Q m�bcr ot nc++ SAC unit chc� a
for a pcc�;Cic builQing or ].nnd usc aitc. " ..
aad. be it .
FZTATNIIt RESO VF7), T t thia aeoending r�aolution ehall tak�e arrec�c o.�a �
in forcc frorn and itcr i a paeaage, apgrwc�l aafl publication. .
, Rcqucstcd by Department of:
1 c:�� ��r N;,�•�
t��axw C�31ea � In f avor �/' nc and M1�trt icaa
Masant ` (—
Sc�.h�etybcl � .. A��inst � ._ '�-- ��`'(/��� D1rlC'tor
W t rsvrr
I'��� G + I,98y Form /1pprQyttLby City Altorney .__"� .
Adopicd h�• Cuuncii: n;��c _
:�-.�./.t:.t. , !>.: ,..cl!,� �i-�%��
Ccrli(i�`d l�as�cd b�• C�inc'il Scc�cl r��, L,r� -
i ; ��� ;. :. � .
(j� —__,._• 'i��y..�.�•''`1 � -��. _,�'• `" �.�
, � ^ ,. .
Appro�•cd h�• \1,��•er: Dalc ���"'' ° �' ��'��' �PP�oved by Mayor for S�ubmission lo ouneil
B�• - -- — Dy:it.t''•j' •.`:�.��, • .. . '�. ' .
, .
� � " ' � � �'S=S�3
OF THF CITY OF S qI�T PAL'L, 19 i 3 39
� \ c) 80;0 of o»c SAC unit :or each A Sen•ice Acailab:it}• ChazBe
1 ,� mobile homc. s`;ati be paid :a the Cit�• at the
d+ 75�K of onc S:;C uni; e4uivatent timc uf issuance ot a 1 seu•er con-
' for that ty�e of hou�in� for c;+:�i ncc:ion pc:^.�:s tor c nncctions to
1 � dwellin� cinl; butlt t��� th^ T.rui�sin{;: hc ro.��ic or. a^d a`ter th� cftective
� 1 :i:id 2tcde�•c1oP�ncni Authority cr ,ti�c u[ th:s resolun n. e�cep: fn
\1\ 1'nr c�ch huusink un(t I;uU: and; th�� tnllo�eir.� c�ses:
° \ suhslclixr.d iindcr s�n}• t'edcral i�ro- !.'1'I�c .�c�ccr �nnncct n nrr:n!t 13
�;r�m for low attd uwdcra;e in.; .�..•::�•:t t�+e :� buildi C for w•hich
cc.nir. housinR. � :i ��.n•��•c A�•;�E!a�'1i:�� CharFe
( c� A1: commercial. insti!u;ional. :n. «•:�s �:�:�::" :�: ::�`-' ti:ic :hc 1,uilc-
{ cl•;strial and u;hr� u�cs �ha:l bc� in�; pern::: s�•:is issu cl.
/� v assi�ned one SAC unft for each{ =.Thc sc«�c: conne •f�n per::ii7
►�` !00.00�� Ballor.s :>cr �•ear oi s^.���a�e! u•��< iss:ur.: fo: a builc?i:ig :or
`\��\ flo�+• o:part thc:eef u•hich thc lle-; ��'!>>rh i buil:i�7g p�rmi: was i<-
\ tue^ �nur:o J.�nua �' 1.13�.'.,aad
pir;ment of Cotnmunit}• 5cr�'ices� 1 ,
-r.c:/o: •hr \IMrc;poiiinn S�u•c:i ihe iiu:::::n� ��•a� sec.ed b•:
Sc:�icc I3oard s`:a:l �stunatc ��•ill I in on-iu: r.:;posal .•:stcm.
� be d'schar�ed inio the �ewer a�•s- ..7':�e se«•e: conne�tion fn•:7l'.2
�em.1'he m!nimwn capacity charFe: �.�•c�v issuc' :'.r a builciinS ioi
1'or such commerci::l. insiitutiunal. •,�•h�ch � bui?d�nC P rmi; t�•as is-
i;iciustri;il anri i,�tier usc; s:i:�;l :�c•� �uc;! p:icr :o `an a::• :, i^�3.
onc SAC uni:. 7'o t:ic c�tcnt pos.� on:! is sr•�.c,� h;. •n on-]ot dis-
siUle, all alloca:ions and ctiarres: I��±:�1 s;:s:rm. th�n anP. n: tha;
fo.^ commercia! and instffutional! c�'o:i., the rnarzc� al: be 50;� of
bu?ldings ���ill hc bascd on the; tne reauire:i S:�C T:ii rharRe L`
s:�ndard r.um�cr of units estab-; the coi:::ec:ion Pe ���� is isued
]ished tor thc usc or �ises 1?y' the� durin� :'�e calenda ;ea: 1973:
37c:!:oU�+icar. 8ewcr Senice FSoard.;�h� k�c i? .
�rhich .�iluca!ious schediiles �hali�
bc rnaintair.ed on filc in thc olTice' F`���'t�r Rc=ul��ed. That a�l^iiDor�ma:
oC ttw Ci'.�' Gcr4;. �::
onal rc;�ort.: rc4a:r.c: b' t1. P
Ali dMr.rminatioi:c of SAC uni:s'..����: ": L"',��-'��:';'�• �cr•ice5 shal: bc
lor indu�trial uscr:• �itic: u::es no:���°:T:t�'e:Q1i h}• :�pPl�c:�n:s tor uer:ttits.
. ci 7 forth ��n tnc nbn�•c-refcrcncc::� �hi•si• rc:,:�r.;;`:,�:�ll bc r�.r �c«•e;� by thc
i 1leira;�oi:Fa;i ��ec Ser��ce I:oard anci
.�llocatiot:s siiali be li:�t m:�dc an�'., ,
dcterminc•d b�• tl�c >tetropo:it�n;�:. :�''''�'' �c�1e"•:'�^ 'i�0 ca :; rca�r:s. the
� S��wcr ticr�•ic•e Honr.l :�nrl revi�•w•r�.l'�i�,arrl �ii�t�rrm:nos :}::�: :i Freater nLi:n-
by thc Dc�ac tr.icnl o[ Coinmuaitp u.•r u; ji�C un:ts is assi:r,a:�ic iq thc
� ��!rurtin���. i!�c :,npl�.ant :na:� b.. rc-
Sen•ices. <:i:i:E :u pa,. i`•:> ad.-!i::o.al .,mount of
All de�ermina;im�s of SAC uni:�i?,�=t :�, �:;� ..Ic;ro;:ihtt�n 'e:�•e: Sen•ice
fu� industrial users shall be sub-:,.'•, . .
iect to rz�•ie��• and vcr�cation:1;°`�r::: ��;:! 5e �:
baecd on aclnal fiou• disaharRe' l':�:'!'c ite:o��•c;f. Tn; an}• pc:son
::om the s:ruct:�:e a:tcr one �car���'ti'�'�11�� i6�� ° ��"�'�ti¢ �:n:� shall be
of opei�iion to deicnninc if the,�'01L1���'� to recc:��c SAC ni: c:�dits to
Sc:��icc A�•ailabi:itp Ch:vgc as- h�• :'7�;�:�c:! to ti.�o riiarg ',rrquircd b�
ait�nment was �ccuralc. This rc-�;his rc:�o.tz;:ur. : .� dc:n . �a.i perm:
� �;rn• s!�ali i,c r.�ade hF the �tetro-�;t:i�i l�ecn sss:�ed �[or :hc a:nc s:.e dur-
po:itsn Sc«•er Screice L:n:�r�i an:l �n� 'ne SAn�e caiendar ear in which
Lhe Departmeni o[ Communi[�'I���P l���i'����� .�crmil 15 Iss eci. or i! �aid
Ser��icc; mie ��car after the cf�te��temollUon permit had been Issved
at the first di�r.ha-ec into the durinfi ihe nex: prece Ing calendar
se�a•er s>•ctem: ::tui fu!lo��•in� suchlYeai; prn�•1t;eC. no�a•ee r. that saci�
review ar.�i cie:crr.iin:etion, an a:i- C''^diis shail no: be Fi�•en for anc demo-
" dition�l :��c or refunrl shail bc ����on ;?crmits issucd pri r to `anuarr
C�uncil Fiie No. 26n52a — B�• Rvb�• r ma:!c bF t!ic �lc.ropolitan Sewcr 1, 1�53. Tiie SAC credit..hall bc equal
Hunt— t' Ser�•ice Boar9: tu the �iu:nt�c:,,ol�S1C.0 its «'h:s!1.,tFe
Resolve8, Tha: pursuant to Chaptcr ,;. ,11C, h;, �. �tc�•��us struc:u:e w•as_d�t!iazging mto
:31 of thc Saint Paul Legislative Code, the sc�dcr sr=:t:.^.: '
a� amendcd, pertainir.g to Sewer Scrv- �: fiur;hcr Resol�'cd. That the above q��pteci b�• ?he Coun il Jant�ar�� 23.
;ee Charqes and authozlzinq establlch- , ��r�'icc A�•ai!abilit}• CharFes shali heit��;
men: ot �er�•ice Acai:abilit>• CharFes : ?����� to thc Cit�• oi Saint Faul as fol-I ,
(SAC� b}• Council R:soJu:ion,thc Coun- �' �o��•z: Approecd Jan�arv_3. 1 T3.
cil uf the Cit}• of Saint Fatq dnes hc:c- ��� �ssuancc of lTttildin� Pcrmtts: fJam�ar.v ��. 1 73i
b.• e?tablish the amou:i: and b�s'.s for '�• 1.Thr �cr�•ice A�•ailabillty Char�es
�uch �ervicc A�•allabil!t�� Charec� to bc shal! bc paic: Prior to thc i�su-
icvfco and coller.;ed durin� >:i� �•ear � ancc u: all b�ilding permits to
1�i3 and thereafter un:i7 •nodi.+ic:3 by 4� bc issuc: :or ne«• cons.ruction�
t`iis Council and ��•hEch char�cs shall from ancl aftc: thc eRective date j
1•e impnsed c�n each buildinF nr s;ruc- ot tl�is resolu;ion.
ni-e in :lic Cit�� for �vhich a buil.lin� ^_.7'he Scrcice .Avail�'.�flit>' Charccs'
permit is rec,ui:ed. 'The chsrQe for cacl� shall be pai:i ,rinr to thc issu-
hiHl:ing sh�11 br. equal to thc numbcr :inc�r of all haiidinG iurmi;�
of units of sewaec �•o!iime u•iiich i' issucd from an:: a:tcr 2!ic efTc;-
�cill disch�r�e, mul:iplied b1• ;he sL;m tive da�c of this resolu:ion, for
o' 5275.00. A i�nit ot sc�vaP,e coiumc r; altcr:itio:t� •r.nd/or ncidi:ions to
.ha.l be 300,000 �allcns per year ar.d =: exivti:�£. s::ruc!ures, �f thc addi-
' sha:; bc assicncd as follows: "� !ion or alter�tion ��•:1]require ad- �� � � �
a� One SAC iinit for each du•e11inA �� tlitinnal Sen•irr A�'ailabil�t?' T
t�nit con;ained in st:uctures in- � C:iiar�u L171I5 of rcrer�•c capaci;>•. �
tended or dcsi�ned for not more Such i:nit� sha1: bc c:etermined � e�,�.t, `
' tha�i :��•o fa�lilies. .Y anc: charres rn�de therefvr in ��i�
bi 80'"� of onc SAC unit for each � accordancr «:!h :he Ch7rgcs �et '�
apertment or cach d�celling uni; �� forth abc��•e, a'�ar'u"'`
an�1 s;ructurec fntendeci or ae- `� b' ►ssuance nf Sr.ti•er C��nnection t�r ` � �
si�ened :or more than tu•o ia:;ii!i•-s, '�' i'rinUls: �.
/�Jtf/t.L �1 �L�l L
� �� �
� � _ _ �.
` , ;� ' � i � ` CITY OF SAINT PAUL � o'y—_�� ;
* � �� �y�`� �t Date . April 17, 1985
,p, ;,k "". ,
_. ��
T0 + Sai t Paul City Council
�- FRO � Committee oh PusLrc woRxs
The Public Works Co ittee at its meeting of April 17, 1985 took the
' following ac ion:
Hearinq Da e
l. 4/23/85 FINAL ORDER: Improving the following street under the �.
, , RSPP b regrading, surfacing, constructing concrete curb ' ,
' . and g tter, constructing ornamental lighting system and
. ; drives where necessary: ARUNDEL STREET from Sherburne
.. Avenue to Charles Avenue (City Council requested the '
` ' above to be included with the Arundel-Charles-Edmund :
� projec approved 2/5/85). ' ,
• • ± Recomn nded approval.
� 2. 4/30/85 VACAT! N: Petition of Ramsey Properties Partnership for
� the v cation of the alley in Block 3, Kittsons Add.
i (bound d by Broadway, Spruce, Pine and Balsam) for the
i purpos of commercial development.
, ' Recomm nded approval.
' I
3. 4/25/85 VACATI N: Petition of C. Hanson, et al, for the vacation - � ,d '
of th alley in Block l, Denslows Addition. Also for
� buildi g and fence encroachments in Front and Kent
! � ( Street (bounded by Front, Kent, Stinson and Mackubin
Street ) for the purpose of parking.
� � ; Recortxn nded approva 1.
� 4. 4/30/85 VACATI N: Petition of Robert and Lillian Elm for the ,
vacati n of a sewer easement in Lot B, St. Josephs Hill
locate west of McKnight Road at Marillac Lane for the
purpos of residential development. � �
; Recomm nded approval.
' ' . : 5. 5/2/85 VACATI N: Petition of Michael Roach for the vacation of
' the al ey in Block 2, Majors Addition (bounded by W. 7th
� St., omer, Benson and Leland Streets) for the purpose
of con tructing an 80 unit apartment building.
- � ,..
Recomm nded approval.
6. RESOLU lON: authorizing city to execute a 7-year
• extens on of property lease agreement between the City
, and Br oklyn Center Development Co. for land located at
• 131 E. Second Street (Bridge Yard). (4-2-85)
Recomm nded approval .
� '
7. RESOLU lON: amending C.F. 260524, 262906, and 84-163 ' • �
, � relati g to refunding of SAC credits. (4-2-85) .
Recomm nded approval.
; ,
. 8. RESOLU ION: relating to vacation of Brown Avenue. (4-2-85)
, , ;
Recomm nded approval.
9. RESOLU ION: approving sale of certain taxforfeited land. ,
(1-3-8 )
� �. i , .
.•< �' ` �' ' ; Withdr w resolution - already acted upon.
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Count of Ramsey ) ss.
�_�'Y �F jAT_�TT Pl�TTj, �
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!d .
� Albert B. Olson
� I, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .City C erk of the
� ity of Saint Paul, Minnesota, do hereby certify trat have
� ompared the attached copy of Council File No. . ,85.584 . , . . . . .
s adupt �i by the City Council. . . . . . . ,Apri1.25. . . . � � . , 19.85. , .
nd approved by the Mayor. . . . . . . . . . . . .A�ri1.25. . . , . , . . . 19.85. . .
ith th o�iginal thereof on file in mq office.
I f rth�r certi�y that said copy is a true and co ect copy
f saici riginal and the w::ole fihereof.
�JIT �GSS my han.d and ttie seal of the City cr Saint au1,
. t-innesot this . o . . . . . 6th. . . . day of . . . . . . . .Ma�. . . . . . .D. 19.85.
City Cle,-k. • • .
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rvr.�7E - �.ITY CLERK � �� � � -
i�INK - flhA'VCE � A l_,�Ili1C]1 �/��L//
:.-A^:ARV - OEP4FtTMENT C I ��� ��+ �(y I �•T YALT II �_� S /
� °...J� -. :,A,�o�4 � File �O. �� 5
` � : . C uncil �esolutio�
,, µ
Presented B}� � � �-n
Re�erred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By __ Date
n BE TT RFSOT�� FD, ^" �.� ;.:!�e Council of the City of Saint Pa l
m �zeLe;:�;� cer�c�_:�`_zc� ��r.c; �.�. ,���ove� the action of the City. of Saint Paul
J- �c�.-�c. o-� :�,���eals ��nc_ n vie�� nertaining to the following liste
� p�o�e-r-tl anc� as ho�an y the Excerpted Minutes of said Board f
� Apoeals and Revi w, da ed April 9, 1585, and marked EXHIBIT A, and
� attached hereto nd ma e a part hereof by reference:
�-9-55 75-8 -H 617 Dayton John F. Co k
BOARD ACTION: G anted variance from the wired glass in the d ors
on condition a s oke a tivated alarm system be installed in a 1
three stairs, ha d wir d and arranged so that if any detector ent
off, all alarms hould sound; and on condition that. the basem nt
stairs be treate on t e underside with 5/8" sheet rock.
Pronerty Descrip ion: ti��oodland Park Addition, Apt. ownership
No. 56 Dayton Condominium.
4-9-85 __ 9-85 H 1329 Selby Eileen Bie nat
BOARD ACTION: G anted variance from St. Paul Legislative Cod
pertainir.g to ce ling eight, on condition no more worlc be do e
on this property witho t first obtaining permit from the city.
Property Descrip ion: Anna E. Ramsey' s Addition to the City f
St. Paul subject to Selby Avenue dnd e lud-
ing east 2 feet lot 17, Block 5 .
4-9-85 5-85 H 1885 Marshall Mary K, Scheinn
nOtiRu AC1101V: G an-ced variance from Iic�ht and ventilation in
_ __ sleeping room, o cond tion window in bedroom be made openable,
Yeas Nays
Requested by Department of:
In Favor
_ A gainst BY —_
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adupted by Council: Date
Cer;ified Passed by Council Secreta y By
:�pproved by 1�lavor. Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Cou cil
S}� _ _ By _
��rt:7F: — CiTV CIERK . .
-��'�'< ;F �v A N C E �
�.A�'� - c:PARTMENT �� I Y• OY-�y SA.INT ��,L�IIL COUI�C11
• - �r - .,;�.o� y.
�' File N 0. "..� ��
� C a��cil Resol�tion
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Gut of Committee By___ Date
� the existing adj cent indow be made code acceptable, mechani al
�ventilation be i stall d in the bathroom and an electrical ou 1et
� be put in kitche ; and all work be completed within three mon hs
� from April 9, 19 5 .
� Pro�erty Descrip ion: Merriam' s Rearrangement �of Block 24, 2 , 26,
27, 28 and 29, Merriam Park,- Lot 14,
Block 25.
4-9-d5 20-8 -ii 2117 E. Minnehaha Ronald A. Tichy
BOARD ACTION: G anted variance from St. Paul Legislative Cod
pertaining to he ght o fence, allowing fence exceeding heigh
established by t is co e.
Property Descrip ion: Watts Park, St. Paul, MN �
Lots 23 and 24, Block 6 .
and be it
FURTHER RE OLVED that upon passage of this resolution, the
City Clerk is he eby a thorized and directed to transmit a .ca y o
this resolution or re ording to the Ramsey County Office of he
Register of Deed .
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
_ `�
. L [n Favor
-�cr�.:;:�� _ � -- Against BY —
. �,�,,;��
'��'�'- �pi� � � ��C''� Form Approved by City Attorne
adopted i��� Council: Date _
� ��"\-�I
C�rtified P;:.�s d y Council S tar ,� By ?�
i3�; _ �;
. . - , ,
��.p�ro�•ed ' � Y1av a �L �J`� S�� �� ` � '�'-Approved by Mayoc for Submission to Coun il
E3 f��_�,� —
By —
�usu�t a �i��Y �r 1985 3
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File N .
• .; . uncil Resolution
Presented By
Re�erred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
BE JT RF.SOT� �'I�, �' at �he Council of the City of Saint Pa 1
:nere:.�y cer_i^_lr�_c�� �n� a �:�-r_oves the action of the City of Saint aul
:�oz��c oi .�,��eals anc� R vie�a nertaining to the following listed
property and as hown y the Excerpted Minutes of said Board o
Appeals and Revi w, da ed April 9, 1985, and marked EXHIBIT A, and
attached hereto nd ma e a part hereof by reference:
4-9-85 75-8 -H 617 Dayton John F. Coo
BOARD ACTION: G anted variance from the wired glass in the do rs
on condition a s oke a tivated alarm system be installed in al
three stairs, ha d wir d and arranged so that if any detector ent
off, all alarms hould sound; and on condition that the baseme t
stairs be treate on t e underside with 5/8" sheet rock.
Property Descrip ion: �Voodland Park Addition, Apt. ownership
No. 56 Dayton Condominium.
4-9-85 9-85 H 1329 Selby Eileen Bier at
BOARD ACTION: G anted variance from St. Paul Legislative Code
pertaining to ce ling eight, on condition no more worlc be don
on this property witho t first obtaining permit from the city.
Property Descrip ion: Anna E. Ramsey' s Addition to the City o
St. Paul subject to Selby Avenue and ex lud-
ing east 2 feet lot 17, Block 5 .
4-9-85 5-85 H 1885 Marshall Mary K. Sch inn
Bu[�D E-1C11OLJ: G an-c.ed variance from iight and ventilation in
sleeping room, o cond tion window in bedroom be made openable
COUNCILME(V Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
In Favor
_ A gainst BY
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Yassed by Council Secreta y BY
Approved by 17avor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Coun il
BY - — BY