85-578 WH17E - GITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I Y OF SA I NT PALT L Council CANARY - DEPARTMENT File NO. ' � BLUE - MAVOR � , C u cil Resolution Present d By C.- , Referre o ���� � Committee: Date �'��I -� Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That purs ant to innesota Statutes 471 .59 commonly referred to s the "Joint Powers A t", the proper City officials are hereby authorized an directed to execute the att ched joint purchasing agreement with the Minne ota Transportation Muse , said agreement providing for the joint purchase of quipment, material , and suppli s as n eded, copies of said agreement to be kept on f le and of record in the De rtment of Finance and Management Services. COUNCILMEN Reques ed by Department of: Yeas sp,�/� Nays ' .=F1oi�l�er � Drew [n Favor Masanz Nicosia scnetbe� _ Against BY �eree�em de�iY1�* AP 2 5 1985 Form proved y C' orne Adopted by Council: Date � r Certified P• •ed b Council S et BY By Approved by Ylavor• D ' � ' 198 Approved b Mayor fo ub issi to Cou cil gy B " � 1955 Pl.�i3 ��t�� ':;. :: Fir�ance/Purchasinc� ; DEPARTMENT (,���5 NO 304 B itl i Pe4e r `CONTACT 298-4115 PHONE 3/21/85 DATE �Q/�� e ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING 0 ER C1 A�11 Locations for Si nature : Department Director 3 Director of Management ayor - inance and Management S rvices Director t� City Clerk �udget Director ity Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TA NG ACT ON ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ R 2 5 1985 Rationale) : ' Joint Purchasing agreeme ts wit the Minnesota Transportation Museum will be C� ATTO RNEY executed. �FcFn,Fo .�. MAR2 2 19v5 COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND ERSONN L IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: pF�iCc Of THE DtRE 70R None DEPA�TMENT OF � NCE pNp MqNAGEMEN7 S ICES. FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET CTIVIT NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- '�otal Amount of Transacti n: quired if under $10,00Q) Funding Source: Activity Number: ATTACHMENTS List and Numbe All At achments : 1 . Council Resolution (C ty of t. Paul) 2. ��-nt Purchasing .Agre ment DEPI4RTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTOR�EY REVIEW X 1Yes No Council Resol ion Re uired? Resolution Required? � es No 1fes No Insurance Req 'red? Insurance Sufficient? es No �,�' 1Yes No Insurance Att hed: (S REVER E SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 , . ' . . � , _ _ � . . �� > f'�� . . ; -- -- -�, �','— _, OIi�T PURCHASIi�G AGFEEli£NT TRIS RGREE.'SENT nade nd enter?��f into this 25thday of February 985� , b�� an� between ch City of Saiti�t Paul , Ramsey County , ilinnesota , and C}:e � �►'HERE.4S, ttic ic} of S�inc Paul and theMinnesota Transnortation Mu eum , pursuanc to che pr vi�ion of Alinneso[a Statutes 471 . 59 � ar�> authorize to �r,ier in[o a�ree-ir, ts to xercise jointly tt�e Uo� crnne�cal po�:ers and ftrc[io:s e�c1: has ir.dzvi ua12y; and - �'�iF.RE�;�, the ity of Sain[ Paul an� the ciesire [o co:�bine their purcnasina :ur.ctxe s for he purchase of e;uip�ent , r�aterials and sup � ies in order to seccre rro e favo able prices . P:ON, ;1;£REFOR , IT I tiEREBY AGREED by and betw*eer th� parti�s h reto ss folloz�s, to—wit : I . That t1:e' C ty of aint Pai�l shall pursuant to the proceduzes et forth in the Sain[ Paul ity Ch rter and applicable State Statutes r,�z�:e joi t purcl►ases for botn the Mi n Transp. i�tuseum and the Ci[y of Sain[ ac:l �f ��hatev�r sane or s milar quipnent, materials and s�pplies are �utFor zzd and requested b; both he Cii of Saint Pau1 and Lhe 2 . �Each ^�.rtr shall ��he p�yr:�ent directly ta the ��endor 2ccerdi� • to establishec'. Yroced res. 3. I:eiti,er party sh 11 assune any responsibility for the account bility of tunes Fxpended tr• ti�e other or the is:.=uance o: a purct:ase or��r uy tne other party. 4. Each p�rt� shali be separa[ely accountaole for its o�:n extenditures of public funds rade hereun er. 5. After bid ha��e e�n received by the purchasin� depart�ent of the City of Saint Paul �nd at�arde , each party shall enter into its oun cor,tr ct or ssr�e�ent k�itr. th ven�o . � Ih 1�'IT't:ES� {� EREOF, the City of Saint Paul and the hsve er.ecuted this agree�ent th da�• a d year first above written. �bX���'XI,dY�I l CITY OF S�1INT PAUL Minnesota Trans rtatio � rtuseu . liayor l; � _ �.� �� � ,- _ �;�;��:�h//•c�-,(�(;f�/�t��( ��� Depa:imer,[ of Finance and Execu�ive Vice P esident Tfanage:.lent Services � Appro�ed as [o f rm: Appr • d as to, f_ozn: /• //.�;'< i / � c` ,�,� Coi�n[v l,tt�rnQy �As�ista►�[ Ci }' �tCOrnEy� � ,�,. , �'::;-'�1���`F��; �I Y O� .SAI�U''�..��'1TJL � 7� f•..!. � ,,;��;;�Il o �,I �. .�S =•=;� �,,,_:: : � C-��� OT' :L'FTi+. CZT�'" COD'\CL L . ;:- _ '�'` :�:i ):�/ - �=_�y''=-:: ��� . . : � Fr,>� D a t e ; Ap ri 1 18, 19 8 5 .�� �,,.. 4:y:-a.�. . . . - ._.._ C �3 f�� I i i E E F� E P O � i i 4 = S�sn- P� � I Ci�; Cct� � ��ii r ;-• . r � � �f� � C� �'` �� i �� O i: FINANCE, MANAGEMENT & PE RS ONNEL � ' C�A I , COU CILMAi.�1 SCHEIBEL ' l . Approval o minu es from meeting held April 11 , 1985 . pproved� • 2 . Administra ive O der approving payment to Riverwood Gon erence • Cer�ter for Stret gic Planning Confer-ence to be held for Public . ,Heelth Cen er pe sonnel . (Community 5ervices ) No Act?o necessary 3 . Resolution autho izing the Division of Parks and Recrea ion to make appli etion to the. Junior League of St: Paul for:,a grant . ' i�n the amo nt of $ 1 , 000 for the development and managem nt of . . volunteer rogra s.. (Community Services } Approved 4. Res�olution autho .izing the Oivision of Parks 8� Recreati n to make � applicatio to �t e Institute of Museum Services for a g ant in the - .�o.tint of 25 , 00 � for facilitating use of the Japanese arden in Como Conse vator . (Community Services) - Approved 5 . Resoluti�on auth i.zing a purchasing agreement with the Minnesota� Transporta ion seum to provide foT the purchase of e uipment, material a d s plies �as needed. (Fi�ance/P��rchasing) Approved 6. Ordinance mending Chapter 82 of the Administrative Co e pertain- ' ing to pur hase procedures and city contr�cts . (Finan e & Mgmt. ) . Laid Over 7. Administra ive rder approving an agreement with Great r East Side . Community Council permitting the Community Council to perate - Nokemis S hool . (Finance 8� Management) No action necessary 8 . Resolutio auth rizing a transfer of Independent School District #625' s po tion f � purchasing from the City' s Departmen of Finance and Manag ment ervices and noting the School District will no longer be part f the annual contract. (Finance 8 Man gement) � Laid Over 9. Resolutio amen ing the Civ.il Service Rules by inserti g the title , Ciaims Ma �ger n Section 3 .K, Grade 25 and inserting he specifi- . cations i Sect on 32, (Personnel ) Laid over 10 . Resolutio amen ing the Civi1 Service Rutes by inserti g the title Emp oyee enefits Manager in Section 3 .K, Grade 6 and inserting the s ecifications in Section 32. (Personne ) Approved � � . . . . 'y'�L. . �::'Y ?-?a j„j„ ' . ��y S� ENTF-I FLOOI: SAINT P��UL. �ii.'\'ESaT:t SSIQ? ' -���