85-577 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council ��yjjl CANARV - DEPARTMENT � !�� BLUE - MAVOR File NO. a i � uncil Resolution Presented By / _�y -- V Referred To � Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date admin'strative Resolution establishing the t tle an class specification for Risk and loyee Benefit Manager in the Civil Service R les. � RESOLVED, that the Ci il Service Rules be amended in Section 3.K by i serting the title of Risk d Empl yee Benefit Manager in Grade 31; and be it FURTHER RESOL D, tha the Civil Service Rules be further amended in ection 32 by inserting, in pr per al habetical order, the attached class specificati n for Risk and Employee B nefit anager. Approved: Chair, Civ Service Commissi COUfVCILM IV Requested by Department of: Yeas s0 Nays PERSO L OFFICE °`ew In Favor Masenz \ Nicosia Scheibel � __ Against BY � �1Niisel� Adopted by Council: Date A R 2 5 1985 Form A roved C' A orne � Certified P- •- d Council Se r BY ` By ` t7�pproved by avor: Da � �'`S �SAPR 2 5 98�P e by Mayor for Subm ion ` cil By � B P B�lS�tt� �ti��`-';`i �l � P rsonnel office •DEPARTMENT � �G — No 3 4 4 Jeanette Sobania - CONTACT 4221 , PHONE � �� March 7 1985 DATE „� e AS9IGN NUN�ER FOR ROUTING 0 DER C i All Locations for Si nature : Department Director Director of Management Mayor � Finance and Management ervice Director City Clerk � Budget Director ', City Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TA ING AC ION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : This resolution establis s the itle of Risk & Employee Benefit Manager in Gra e 31 of Section 3.K (P-A Supv. G up) of the Civil Service Rules and it establishes the class Specification in Section 2. bi-weekly salary range is: rade 31 A B C E F G 10 yr 15 yr. 1698.40 1766.02 1837.5 1930. 7 2027.20 2128.60 2235.61 2303.23 2370.86 $44,294 annually $61,830 annually COST/BENEFIT BUDGETARY AND PERSON EL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: i�one (��S ���-���•� MaK � ���� '', {�p`lOK'S�FFICE FII�ANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVI Y NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of Transact on: quired if under $10,000) , Funding Source: Activity Number: ATTACHMENTS List and Numbe All A tachments : l. Resolution �. Copy for City Clerk DE�ARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW Yes No Council Resol tion R quired? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes No Insurance Re ired? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No �� Yes No Insurance Att ched: � ( E REVE SE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) ReWised 12/84 " ' . . CODE: �',�-,j 77 TITLE OF C SS: RISK AND EMPLOYEE BENEFIT MANAGER DESCRIPTIO OF WOR Genera State ent of Duties: Performs responsible manageria work involv ng pla ning, directing and evaluating the City-wide compre ensive risk and employee benefit management program; nd perfo s rela ed duties as required. Su erv sion R ceived: Work is performed under the general direct on of department head. Su erv'sion E ercised: Exercises general supervision direct y and throug subor inate supervisors over the professional, techn cal and cl rical mployees of the division. TYPICAL DUT ES PER ORMED The li ted ex mples may not include all duties performed by 11 positi ns in his class. Confer with ity management and provides technical advise a d inform tion r garding risk and employee benefit management m tters. Acts a a res urce to City management on employee benefit negoti tions ith City bargaining units. Direct the a tivities of the employee and public safety pro rams as wel as an asset protection program. Direct rs the management of all property, tort liability, regist red bi ls and workers' compensation losses. Direct and o ersees the effectiveness of inedical-technical progra s desi ned to create a safe, healthy workforce and wo enviro ment. Direct the f nancial management and administration of all e loyee - benefi progr ms; life and health protection, unemployment compen ation nd employee assistance programs. Direct and m nages property/casualty risk identification and analys s and pecial studies for other division units. Direct the r view of all contracts and leases for appropriat ness of ins rance equirements and establishes procedures to assur that all in urance requirements are being met. Evalua es the financial impact on the City of various risks a d select the m st efficient method of handling such risks. RISK AND EMPLOYEE BENEFZT MANAGER RISK AND EMPLOYEE BENEFIT MANAGER TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED (cont.) Directs the analysis and examination of financial alternative (insurance, self-insurance or other) for funding risks. Selects, evaluates and manages insurance brokers, insurance companies, and other providers of services to the division. Directs the allocation of all insurance premiums, self-insured losses and other costs of division programs. Studies government regulations, laws and rulings concerned with risk, insurance and employee benefits, analyzes their impact on the City and its programs and takes appropriate action. Directs the dissemination of information on risk and employee benefit programs to employees and City management. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Knowledge of risk and employee benefit management principles and programs. Knowledge of laws, regulations and policies affecting public agency risk and employee benefit programs, including Minnesota tort liability and Minnesota workers' compensation statutes. Knowledge of public administration and City policies and procedures. Knowledge of modern management techniques and supervisory practices. Ability to select, evaluate and negotiate contracts with vendors of technical services. Ability to use technical resources required to carry out risk and employee benefit functions. Ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing. Ability to deal tactfully and effectively with elected and appointed officials and bargaining unit representatives. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS College graduation and five years� of management experience or a _ graduate degree in Business or Public Administration and three years of management experience. RISK AND EMPLOYEE BENEFIT MANAG�� .:'.�--�._;:--:`\ �cr • .• . s�:;-�� �,� '<<�J I�` � O�' .►�AZ�I"T ��..Ui� . f• :ii �--.;;� . r� -_—,; r�`-: —; l�;'i� T��ZC��.�OT' TFII: CI1'�' COr,1CLL —��`�� / `:� ' "_` :;:1 1:�� +��-���':_� �: %� ' _ D� �e , Ap ri 1 18 19 8 5 �� .;=r;: `�� �-..._ �%:y�� . 0 (v? �c [�TEE �? EPO � T T4 = � �t t P� I Ci�J �� u � ���I rN � ��l = C � � . �I M'� f� � � O i'? FINANCE, MAiVAGEMENT & PE RS ONNE � ' C�-i�' I c CO NCILMAN SCHEIBEL ! . Approval o min res from meeting he?d April 11 , 1985. Approved� • 2 . Administra ive rder approving payment to Riverwood Co rerence • Center for Stra egic Planning Conference to be held fo P�.�blic _Hea'lth Cen er p rsonnel . (Community Services ) No Acti n necessary 3 . Resolution auth rizing the Division of Parks and Recre iion to make appli etion to the. Junior League of St. Paul for:; gran�t _ ' i�n the emo nt o $ 1 ,000 for the development and manage ent of _ votunteer rogra s.. (Community Services) p,pproved 4. Res�olution author.izing the Oivision or Parks � Recreation to make � appiicatio to �t e Institute of Museurn Services for a rant in the -amo�.int of 25 , 00 � for facilitating use of the Japanese Garden in Como Conse vator . (Community Services) - Approved 5 . Resoluti�on autho izing a pt!rchasing agreement with the Minnesota Transporta ion M seum to provide for the purchase of .e uipment, materiei a d s�tp lies �as needed. (Finance/P��rchasing) Approved 6. Ordinance mendi g Chapter 82 of the Administrative Co e pertain- � ing to pur hase rocedures and city contr�ets . (F'inance 8 Mgmt. ) . . Laid Over 7 . Administre ive O der approving� an a�reement with Greater East Side . Community ouncil permitting the Community Council to erate - Nokomis Sc ool . (Finance 8 Management) No action neces ary 8. Resotution autho izing a transfer or Independent Schooi District �625's por ion o �purchasing from the City' s Departmenz or Finance and Manage ent S rvices and noting the School Distric= ill no longer- be art o the annual contract. (Finance 8 Mana ement) � Laid Over 9. Resolution ame�d"ng the Civ.il Service Rules by insertin the title . Claims Man ger i Section 3 .K, Grade 25 and inserting t e specifi- . cations in Secti n 32. (Personnel > Laid over 10 . i���olution em�nd �sg the Civi ] Service Rules by insertin the t i,�ti e Er�}s fi y�ee � nef i ts. Manager i n Sect i on 3 .K, Grade 1 and inserting he sp cifications in Section 32 . (Personnel Approved �� �4 .� � .... '.Y t:AL.T . . SL•V NT�;FLOOR Sc1INT P�►UL. :�it� 'ESOT:I SSIO? ���