85-576 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I Y OF SA I NT PAU L Council GANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR , File N 0. C u cil Resolution Presented y .�' Referred To � � �� Committee: Date � � Out of Committee By Date An admini trative Resolution establishing the ti le and class specification for Loss Control C rdinat r in the Civil Service Rules. RESOLVED, that the Ci il Service Rules be amended in 5ection 3.J by i serting the title of Loss C ntrol oordinator in Grade 13; and be it FURTI�R RESOL D, tha the Civil Service Rules be further amended in ection 32 by inserting, in proper alphabetical order, the attached class specific tion for Loss Control Coordi ator. Approved: Chair, Civ 1 Service Commission COU��EIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays orew In Favor PE�ONNE OFFICE Masanz NiCOSia scheibei � Against BY �edsea� �IMflsorn AP 2 5 1985 Form A to�ea c� ttot e Adopted by Council: Date � � Certified P-s Council re BY By t�pprove by �lavor. Dat s �� APR 2 � r e by Mayor for Sub ssi .,�o Coun il pti� !�-!� ��'::'�' %� 1985 �- A', � DEPARTM�NT �� � NO 346 CQNiAET' .' 4 21 PHONE � �� � ch 7 1985 DATE e 'ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING 0 ER (C1 ' All Locations for Si nature : Department Director - Director of Management Mayor Finance and Management rvices Director City Clerk ' Budget Director City Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TA NG ACT ON ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : Th�is xesolution establishe the t tle of Loss Control Coordinator,in Grade 13 of ection 3.J (.P�'-A Non-Supervisors Group of th Civil Service and it establishes the class spe ification inl Section 32. The bi-wee ly sal range is: Grade 13 A B C D E F G 10 yr. 15 yr. 990.72 1029.49 1071.36 125.36 1179.87 1239.57 1303.13 1341.12 1379.09 $2,5,840 annually $35 970 uall � y COST/BENEFIT BUDGETARY AND ERSONN L IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: -��None R���l��D Cv�"`� � MAR � 'i�85 � - � 1� � n�✓ , ` � �hAYOR'S OFFICE FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET CTIVIT NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of Transacti n: quired if under $10,000) �'unding Source: Activity Number: ATTACHMENTS List and Number All At achments : l. Resolution 2. 'Copy for City Clerk DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVI€W Yes No Council Resolu ion Re uired? Resolution Required? Y s No • Yes No Insurance Requ red? Insurance- Sufficient? s No ,�/� Yes No Insurance Atta hed: �� (SE REVER E SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 ' ' CODE: �.J -S�� TITLE OF C SS: LOSS CONTROL COORDINATOR DESCRIPTIO OF DU IES Gener 1 Stat ment of Duties: Performs professional work pla ning and c ordina ing loss control activities and programs; and p rforms relat d duties as required. Su er ision R ceived: Works under the general guidance and direct on of division manager. Su erv sion E ercised: None TYPICAL DUT ES PER ORMED The li ted ex mples may not include all duties performed by 11 positi ns in his class. Develo s and oordinates a City-wide safety program; sets goa s and ob�ect ves fo the program in consultation with the departmen . Conduc s job afety analysis and accident investigation progr ms• develo s a Ci -wide program for documenting accidents, maint ining record and st tistical data and allocating cost. Sets s fety tr ining for various occupational groups, departm nts and Cit emplo ees. Develop or lo ates written material and audio-visual materia which i appro riate for training City employees in good work practic s. Instruc s all ity departmental safety personnel in the require ents o the occupational safety and health act and th employe right to-know act. Develop stand rds for the purchase of safe equipment and vehi les and for vendor supplied training in the use and repair of new equipme t and he handling and storage of hazardous materials. Develop protoc 1 for the inspection of all City-owned propert for complia ce with all safety, health and fire codes. Develops standa ds for the care and upkeep of City-owned build ngs __ and equi ment t maintain them in a safe condition. ( ontinued on reverse side) - ---- LOSS CONTROL COORDINATOR LOSS CONTROL COORDINATOR TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED (cont.) Analyzes safety and asset protection features to be incorporated into facility designs. Analyzes loss statistics to identify areas with adverse third party liability, workers' compensation and property loss trends. Arranges facility safety inspections by insurers, regulators and other similar organizations. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AI�'D ABILITIES Knowledge of occupational safety and health regulations. Knowledge of employee right-to-know regulations. Knowledge of the standards of industrial safety and of standard safety training practices. Ability to perform invest3gations, analyze information and to develop programs to meet identified safety training needs. Ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing. Ability to coordinate the work of others. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS College graduation in industrial engineering, industrial safety, safety engineering or a related program and two years' experience administering safety and occupational health prograas. ' '.T�..r!V 4 . j. .^.!iS2 . ,. , . . i:! ,(�i.��i:) '{3i,� F'..i,' 7'._ ::a,t'� .::ir,:>a.L:i S , . R � ��'ry:.�.y•►jy'�Y 9j�1 Effective: LOSS CONTROL COORDINATOR . �. CODE: �-s7� TITLE OF C SS: LOSS CONTROL COORDINATOR DESCRIPTIO OF DU IES Gener 1 Stat ent of Duties: Performs professional work pla ning and c ordinating loss control activities and programs; and p rforms relat d duties as required. Su er ision R ceived: Works under the general guidance and direc ion of division manager. Su er sion E ercised: None TYPICAL DUT ES PER ORMED The li ted ex mples may not include all duties performed by 11 positi ns in his class. Develo s and oordinates a City-wide safety program; sets go ls and ob�ect ves fo the program in consultation with the departme t. Conduc s job afety analysis and accident investigation prog ams• develo s a Ci y-wide program for documenting accidents, main ining record and s atistical data and allocating cost. Sets s fety t aining for various occupational groups, departm nts and Ci y empl yees. Develo s or 1 cates written material and audio-visual materia which s appr riate for training City employees in good work practi es. Instru ts all ity departmental safety personnel in the requir ents o the occupational safety and health act and th employ e right to-know act. Develop stand rds for the purchase of safe equipment and veh cles and for vendor supplied training in the use and repair of new equipme t and he handling and storage of hazardous materials Develop proto ol for the inspection of all City-owned proper y for complia ce wit all safety, health and fire codes. Develop stand rds for the care and upkeep of City-owned buil ings _ and equ pment o maintain them in a safe condition. (continued on reverse side) - -- .. LOSS CONTROL COORDINATOR LOSS CONTROL COORDINATOR TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED (cont.) Analyzes safety and asset protection features to be incorporated into facility designs. Analyzes loss statistics to identify areas with adverse third party liability, workers' compensation and property loss trends. Arranges facility safety fnspections by insurers, regulators and other similar organizations. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS A1`'D ABILITIES Knowledge of occupational safety and health regulations. Knowledge of employee right—to—know regulations. Knowledge of the standards of industrial safety and of standard safety training practices. Ability to perform invest3gations, analyze information and to develop programs to meet identified safety training needs. Ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing. Ability to coordinate the work of others. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS College graduation in industrial engineering, industrial safety, safety engineering or a related program and two years' experience administering safety and occupational health prograns. . y.. .:!i� : . .. .. ;'I ,�....i�,c) •(JiJ F _i: "'S'._ .:u:'� .:3�._a;.tu ., .. ',t�..flL9� ' Tr*�: �,.�y'�� 9t�� Effective: LOSS CONTROL COORDINATOR • • CODE: �j-j y(� TITLE OF C SS: LOSS CONTROL COORDINATOR DESCRIPTIO OF DU IES Gener 1 State ent of Duties: Performs professional work pla ning and c ordinat ng loss control activities and programs; and p rforms relat d dutie as required. Su er sion R ceived: Works under the general guidance and direct on of division manager. Su erv sion E ercised: None TYPICAL DUT ES PER ORMED The li ted ex mples may not include all duties performed by 11 positi ns in his class. Develo s and oordinates a City-wide safety program; sets goa s and ob�ect ves fo the program in consultation with the departmen . Conduc s �ob afety analysis and accident investigation progr ms• develo s a Cit -wide program for documenting accidents, maint ining record and st tistical data and allocating cost. Sets s fety tr ining for various occupational groups, departm nts and Cit emplo ees. Develop or lo ates written material and audio-visual materia which i appro riate for training City employees in good work practic s. . Instruc s all ity departmental safety personnel in the require ents o the occupational safety and health act and th employe right to-know act. Develop stand rds for the purchase of safe equipment and vehi les and for vendor supplied training in the use and repair of new equipme t and he handling and storage of hazardous materials. Develop proto ol for the inspection of all City-owned propert for complia ce wit all safety, health and fire codes. Develop stand rds for the care and upkeep of City-owned build ngs _ and equ pment t maintain them in a safe condition. ( ontinued on reverse side) - ---- - LOS� CONTROL COORDINATOR LOSS CONTROL COORDINATOR TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED (cont.) Analyzes safety and asset protection features to be incorporated into facility designs. Analyzes loss statistics to identify areas with adverse third party liability, workers' compensation and property loss trends. Arranges facility safety inspections by insurers, regulators and other similar organizations. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS A1`'D ABILITIES Knowledge of occupational safety and health regulations. Knowledge of employee right-to-know regulations. Knowledge of the standards of industrial safety and of standard safety training practices. Ability to perform invest3gations, analyze information and to develop programs to meet identified safety training needs. Ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing. Ability to coordinate the work of others. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS College graduation in industrial engineering, industrial safety, safety engineering or a related program and two years' experience administering safety and occupational health prograns. _ ' .. .^.'iS '. . .. � CI ,� ,.�T._� �J:,J F _i: '!'._ .:Gi".; .:'j:.:a.:t� .. .. '��..t�VSrt �,�p'�i:.:v:ty-li� 9i�� Effective: LOSS CONTROL COORDINATOR ' _ �� .�-5S7�v Finance Agenda Apri1 18, 1985 Page 2 11 . Resolution a endin the Civil Service Rules by inserting he title Risk a d Employee Benefits Manager in Section 3 .K, rade 31 and insertin the pecifications in Section 32. (Personn 1 } App._. 12. �+rk��ra�� �:, ar���+=-�-i v i 1 Serv i ce Ru l es by i nsert i ng he ���+ ���' �a �t�1,}.r�ator i n Sect i on 3_J , �rade 1 3 a d inserting th specifications in Section 32. APProved Not on, prepared aQend - Resolution am nding the 1985 budget' and transferring $84 , 3 5 from General Gover ment ccounts to Exec. Ad.�nin-Mayor' s Office. Approved as ended - $54 ,385 from 1984 fund balance, $30 000 transfer from Conti gency Reserve. (�u`�ge�so�'�ic°e� �'`'lll b done by - Resolution ap rovin the appointment of Peter Hames to the position ofF E . Ass . to the Mayor. Approved - Resolution ap rovin the appointment of John Taft to the p sition of Deputy Dir ctor f Planning. Approved - Resolution am nding the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensat'on Resolution re ardin the Affirmative Action Director Class ' fication. App rove d - Ordinance est blish ng the title and minimum qualification for Affirmative A tion irector. Approved - Resolution es ablis ing the budget for the Affirmative Act' on Office. App oved - Resolution es ablis ing the rate of pay for Affirmative Ac ion Director. Ap roved �_.,:,.'�- _., . � IT Y � . '.:1'�;� �``,�=�� O�' .S AINT� s�:�.: _�� .:, �.�113"� � . f'^=i: .�—::;�:�t���l r,, :. . ����76 �`� r��:: _ . s!� ���zGi OI�' '.I..'IZi CIT�' OD'\C_L �;::-� _;.; :� �::.: C � r =.�t �'' �� ��� 'F �� -_�; . . ��:r`.. _ �` • � ':.�-�,;,;.�";'/� D� t e • Ap ri 1 18, 19 8 5 •�.:L� . . ._.. � f�l �"t f C l E E -E�-c E f� O . . rT i 0 ' Stzt � P� � I Ci�J Ccu ���l! � ;.. � . - r � � ��� � C� � '�f� i ° O i'? FINANCE, MANAGEMENT & PERSO�i�TE � ' C<<-t'/�( c CO 'NCIL�I��I SCHEIBEL ! . Approv�l f min tes from meeting hetd April 11 , 1985. Approved-'- • 2. Administr tive rc�er approving payment to Riverwood Co ference • Center fo Stre egic Pl�nning Confer�nce ta be held fo P+�blic . _Health Ce ter p rsonnel . (Community Services ) No Acti n necessary 3 . Resolutio auth rizing the Division of Parks and Recre tion to make applicatio to the. Junior League of St: .Paul for._, grant . ' i�n the am unt o $ 1 , 000 for the development and manage ent of . volunteer ror�r ms_. (Community Services ) Approved 4. Resolution auth r.izing the Division of Parks S Recreation to make � applic�tio to � he Institute of Museum Services for a rant in the � -�ac.Lint of 25, 0 �]� for fac i 1 i tat i ng use of the� Japanese� Gardzn i n Como Conse vato y. (Community Services) - Approved 5 . Resolution auth rizing a purchasing agreement with the Minnesota Transporta ion Museum to provide for the purchase of e uipment, material a d s lies �as needed. (Finance/Purchasing) App�QVed 6. Orclinance mendi g Chapter $2 of the Administrative Co e pertain- ' ing to pur hase rocedures and city contr�cts . (Finznce & Mgmt. ) . Laid Over 7. Administra ive O der approving an agreement with Greate East Side . � Community ouncil permitting the Community Councii to o erate • Nokomis Sc ool . (Finance 8 Management) No action neces ary 8. Resolution autho izing a transfer of Independent School District #625' s por ion o �purchasing from the City's Dep�r`menz or Finance and Manage ent S rvices and noting tf�e School District ill no longer be ar-t o the annual contract. (Finance 8 Mana ement) ' Laid �ver� 9. Resolution amending the Civ.il Service Rules by insertin the title . Claims Man ger i Section 3.K, Grade 25 and inserting t e specifi- � . cations in Secti n 32 . (Personnel ) Laid over 10. Resolution amend 'ng the Civil Service Rules by insertin the title Empl yee B nefits Manager in Section 3 .K, Grade 1 and inserting he sp cifications in Section 32. (Personnel Approved .' 'l� � ;:TY H�LL � � S�V NTH FLOOI: SAINT P��UL, �ii��`ESOT:� SSJOZ � �=+�