85-570 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK � - FIN�5INCE � COl111C11 � CANARV -DEPARTMENT C TY OF SAINT PAITL File NO. _� BLUE - MAYOR � • ` Or in�nce Ordinance N0. ��`�'�� Presente By Referred To ' n Committee: Date "�' � � Out of Committee By Date An ordinanc perta 'ning to the department of planning and economi developmen ; amend'ng Chapter 10 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code. THE COUNCIL OF THE CI Y OF S INT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Section 10.01, s bdivis"on 1 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code be and the same is amen d to r ad as follows: Subdivision 1. epartm nt established. There is hereby an executive department of th city f Saint Paul to be known as the depar�ment of planning and ec omic d velopment. The head of such department shall be the director, who, p ior to such appointment, shall possess such qualifications as the c uncil may by ordinance provide. The departmen of planning and conomi development shall be organized into the divis ons of �as�pess-�ea��a���a�'ep; neighborhood development, of housing, of downtown develo ent, o planning, and o community development; ap��e�-E�ea �e�-a�� ��a}p�p�. Section 2 That Section 10.02 o the Sain�t Paul Administrative Code be and the same is amended to read as follow : 10.02 Division of � s�pess- ea��a���a��ep neighborhood development. Withi the department of pl nning a d economic deve opment, t ere s a e a divis on of ��s�pess-wea��a�� a��e� n ighborhood development. The division head sha 1 be appointed by the ayor wit the consent of t e council , and shall be in the unclassified ser ice of he city. Under the supervision of the directo , the division shall : COUNCILMFN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher Drew In Favor Masanz Nicosta Against BY scne�bei Tedesao Wilson Form Approved by City Attoxney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secret ry BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Appr v d y Mayor for Submiss'o il By BY. . . . . . . , C� �j �-�o :7a y� (1) Manage developm nt and edevelopment projects in neighborhood areas and in commerci strip throughout the city. (2) Assist in the p ovision of financial , technical , and administrative services necess ry to f ci itate t e deve opment of projects in ne�ghb rhood areas as assign d to th division. ��� (3) Provide te hnical assistance to new or existing industries or com ercial establishm nts in the areas of finance, land acquisition, site location, ublic services, or other types of assistance needed for econom c development purposes. , ��� (4) Conduct pu lic an informational programs to promote the city for small busi ess an �pda5���a� commercial expansion and developmen . {3� (5) Assist in liais n capacity between the private sector and gover ment agencies t expedite and facilitate business assistance. �4� (6) Promote op ortuni ies for neighborhood commercial development. {5} (7) Direct nei hborho d business revitalization activities within the city. �6� (8) Monitor Sa nt Paul 's private sector' s economic development delive y system to etermi e financing gaps. (9) Provide assista ce in he marketing and processing of industrial reven e bonds by the ho sing a d redevelopment authority of the city of Saint Paul for new or existi g commercial establishments engaged in economic development pro ects. (10) Assist in the i itiati n and completion of development district and tax increment f nancin district activities. {�� (11) Develop fi ancing programs for commercial projects and commercial areas wher finan ing gaps exist. {8� (12) Administer city-f nded commercial financing programs: assigned to the div 'sion. {}}� (13) Provide te hnical assistance to neighborhood local development companies nd com ercial area business associations. {��� (14) Administer city-w de local development company. ��3� (15) Package lo ns for commercial and industrial projects. E�4� (16) Direct one stop b siness program of city services and requiremen s for busine ses. ��5� (17) Provide te hnical assistance and assist in obtaining financing for economically nd socially disadvantaged businesses. � � � � �F�.�=s;�� i���� {�6� (18) Assist in developing policies and plans for neighborhood commerc al areas. 19) Assist busines es in e panding their markets through procurement, int rnational trade and rela ed supp rt activities. 4��� (20) Carry out nd dis harge such other duties and powers as may be reasonabi necess ry to achieve the functions of the department of plannin and e onomic development, or as may otherwise be aut orized by law. Section 3 That Section 10.03 o the S int Paul Administrative Code be and the same is amended to read a follo s: 10.03. Division of h using. Within the department of planning and economi development, there s all be a division of housing. The division head shall be appointed by the ayor w th the consent of the council , and shall be in the unclassified ser ice of the city. Under the supervision of the direct r, the division shall : (1) Be responsible or the project planning, acquisition, clearance and development, ma keting and disposition of blighted, deteriorating or deteriorated, u derdev loped, underutilized and marginal properties for housing in ccorda ce with the state and federal law, city plans and policies. (2) Assist in the p ovisio of the financial , technical , and administrativ services necess ry to acilitate the rehabilitation and development of residential acilit es throughout the city. (3) Be responsible or reh bilitation program activities in accordance wit the state and f deral law, city plans and policies. (4) Be responsible or the development, project design, and implementation of the communit devel pment programs assigned to the division. (5) Assist in the i itiati n and completion of the development and redevel pment district plans ssigne to the division. (6) Be responsible or pro iding all staff services necessary to carry out the duties and unctio s of the Saint Paul housing and redevelopment authority board excep those which may be assigned to other public agencies, city epartments or divisions by state law or council resolu ion. (7) Coordinate all evelop ent activities of the division with other publi agencies and ci y depar ments. (8) Render periodic reports to the city council and other appropriate bodi s concerning the tatus o renewal and redevelopment activities in the city. ' , . . .' . .� ' � . � ��5-�0 . ����� (9) Provide real est te acq isition, disposition, and appraisal services for al projects carrie out by the department. (10) Provide relocati n services and assistance as authorized and required y aw, w en t e city o any other public agency acquires real property in Saint Pau o publi purposes. f9} (11) Carry out a d disc arge such other duties and powers as may be reasonably ecessa y to achieve the functions of the department of planning and ec nomic development, or as may otherwise be authorized by law. Section 4 That Section 10.04 of the Sa nt Paul Administrative Code be and the same is amended to read as follow : 10.04. Division of do ntown evelopment. Within the department of planning and economic developm nt, th re shall be a division of downtown development. The division head sha 1 be a pointed by the mayor with t�ie consent of the council , and shall be in the unclassified service of the city. Under the supervision of the di ector, the division shall : (1) Be responsible for the cquisition, clearance and development, marketi g, and disposition f blig ted, deteriorating or deteriorated, underdevel ped, underutilized a d margi al properties in accordance with the state and federal law, ci y plans and policies. (2) Assist in the p ovision of the financial , technical , and administrativ services necess ry to f cilitate the development of large scale projec s �b�s��be��-�be- ���+ as assigned to the division. (3) Be responsible or managing all development and redevelopment activiti s in the central usiness district of the city. �4�- Be-�es�eps���e- e�-�ap ��p�-�a3e�-�e�eae�ey�ep�-��s3eE�s-�p-pe��b�e�be � -a�eas-awd-�p-e �►�e�E� }-s����s-�b�ea�bea�-�We-E���+.- �5� (4) Be respons ble fo managing the city' s parking development progra and skyway system. {63 (5) Provide de ign an engineering services to all development projec s carried ou by th department. {��- R�e�a}�e-�ea�-es a�e-ae �b�s���e�,-d}s�es��}e�;-ap�-a���a�sa�-5e�ti�ees �e�-a��-��e�ee� -ea��� �-ea�-��-�be-�e�a��r�ep�.- {8�- R�e��de-�e�eEa� e�-se� �ees-ap�-ass�s�apee-as-ab�be���ed-apd �e�a��ed-��-�aw -wbep- be-E���+-e�-apy-s�be�-�a��}E-aQepE� ae�a��es-�ea�-� s�e��� �p-�a�p�-Raa�-�e�-�����E-�a��eses: . . . . , . . . � ��--..��� �����/� �93 (6) Assist in he initiation and completion of the development distri t plans assi ned to the division. ��8� (7) Be responsible, along with the staff of the housing division, for providing taff s rvices nec2ssary to carry out the duties and functions f the aint Paul housing and redevelopment authority board, exc pt tho e which may be assigned to other public agencie or city de artmen s by state law or city council resolution. {}}� (8) Coordinate all evelopment activities of the division of downto n developmen with ther public agencies and city departments. ���� (9) Render per odic r ports to the city council and other appropriate bodies con erning the status of renewal and redevelopment activit'es in the cit . (10) Provide assista ce in he marketing of industrial revenue bonds by the housing and red velopm nt authority of the city of St. Paul for new or existing ind stries or corr�nercial establishments engaged in economi development pro ects. �d-�e��ew-a��-eer�r�e��-s�-a��-�s+�d��g-p�e�esa�s sep�-�3�-�be-�e� -aa�be ���-�e-�be-Eea�E��-�e�-a���eva�: �}3} (11) Provide as istanc in the marketin of industrial revenue bonds y t e por autho it of the cit of Saint Paul for new or existin in ustries or com ercial establishments en a ed in economic develo ment pro�ects, nd rev ew and comment on all bondin ro osals sent y t e por autho it to the cit council for a roval . (12) Coordinate with the po t authority of the city of St. Paul the develo ent o Energ Par . (13) Provide develop ent fi ancing assistance to all divisions as needed. (14) Carry out and d 'scharg such other duties and powers as may be reason bly necessary to ac ieve t e functions of the department of planning and economic develo ment, r as may otherwise be authorized by law. Section 5 That Section 10.05 of the S int Paul Administrative Code be and the same is amended to read a follo s: 10.05. Division of lanning. Within the department of planning and econom c development, there hall be a division of planning. The division head sha 1 be appointed by the ayor with the consent of the council , and shall be in the unclassified se vice of the city. Under the supervision of the direct r, the division shall : (1) Prepare a comp ehensiv plan of development for the city, and modific tions thereof, for p esenta ion to the city council and the planning commis ion, for their cons derati n, amendment or adoption as authorized by law. . . . . . , . . �s-s-��v � ����i (2) Coordinate the lannin activities of all other departments and agenci s of the city to nsure onformity with the comprehensive plan, to assis in its developm nt, an to review and coordinate the comprehensive pla , to assist in it devel pment, and to review and coordinate the compreh nsive plan with the p anning activities of adjacent units of government and other affected ublic nd private agencies. (3) Transmit to the city c uncil , and the planning commission, all recomm ndations, studies, plans, sectio s or amendments to such comprehensive plan as submitted by al depar ments and agencies of the city and other affec ed public and priv te age cies, along with an analysis and recommendations. (4) Prepare and pro ose to the city council , and the planning commission, reasonable, eff'cient nd practical means of putting comprehensive pl nning into effect. S ch mea s may include, but not be limited to: (a) a proposed offici 1 map (b) a proposed zoning code, � (c) subdivisio regul tions, and ` (d) a capital improve ents program, in consulation with the budget director a d the apital improvements committee. (5) Collect and dis ribute to the council and other departments and agenc es of the city all necess ry research materials on population and popula ion trends, economic trend , and the social conditions of the various sec ions of the city as they re ate to municipal planning and development, in consultation with the ivision of administrative services of the depa tment of finance and anagem nt services and the research staff of the city council . Such informa ion shall include fact finding and analysis of the physical , ocial a d economic needs of the city as required for the preparatio and im lementation of a comprehensive development pla . (6) Establish liai on with community groups, which may, upon request of the mayor or t e city council , provide planning recommendations for consideration ithin he overall plan of municipal development. (7) Prepare, as re uested by the city council , reports of the activities, plans, and pro rams u dertaken by the division of planning. (8) Provide staff ervice for the parking commission. {8� (9) Provide s aff se vices for the planning commission. �9� (10) Carry out and di charge such other duties and powers as may be reasonabi neces ary to achieve the functions of the department of planni g and conomic development, or as may otherwise be aut orized by law. � . , � � .� . . . . ��.��o � ,y��i Section 6 That Section 10.06 o the S int Paul Administrative Code be and the same is amended to read a follo s: 10.06. Division of c mmunit development. Within the department of planing and economic develop ent, t ere shall be a division of community developmen . The division head sh 11 be ppointed by the mayor with the consent of the council , and shall b in th unclassified service of the city. Under the supervision of the d rector the division shall : (1) Provide overall manage ent and administration of the Community Develop ent Block Grant (CD G) Pro ram, as well as the other federal , state, and locally funded ro ram carried out b the de artment of lannin and economic develo ment. (2) Ensure that imp ementa ion of the 6BB�-R�s��ar� community development programs is in omplia ce with specified federa regu ations. (3) Serve as the ci y' s li ison between the city and other units of gover ent at the metropol 'tan, s ate and federal levels on matters related to the 6BB6-P�e��a : oper tion of said CD programs. (4) Evaluate the pe forman e of all agencies, whether city or under contr ct to the city, in olved 'n 6BB6 CD Program activities. (5) Prepare and pre ent re orts to the mayor and city council on all prog am activities. (6) Oversee prepara ion of the annual CDBG Program application #�s�-sb�r��s �e�-�s �be-d:�:-Be�a�= ep�-e� HeaS�p�-ap�-d��ap-Be+�e�e�r�ep�:, as well as oth r federal/state rogram pplications, for their submission to t eir res ective fe eral state ffices. (7) Review and evaluate th administrative and legal relationships establ shed in order to ma age the CD program activities. (8) Coordinate the develop ent of contracts between the city and other ag ncies for the perfor ance o program activities. (9) Direct the implementation and operation of the citizen participation process. ��8� E+aa��a�e-�be-� sa��s- �-��e��ar�-aE��a���es-w��b-�es�eE�-�e-��s-�ea�s- pd-�ee� r�a�a�er�ep�-��a �}Ees: {}}� (10) Execute a 1 cont acts and all departmental appropriations which involve t e 6BB6 CD Programs. f��3 (11) Be respon ible f r all budgeting, accounting, and general admini trative duties fo the d partment of planning and economic development. (12) Oversee the de ign an develo ment of federal/state programs providin employment opp rtunit es and job training services consistent wit co munity and employer n eds. " ' .� . � . � _ ,/=-�5- S76 � ��ay� (13) Assume res onsi ility or the administration, coordination, operation and monitoring f all mployment programs and training activities, including preparation of rant a plications and program plans, and contracting and subcontract ng pro ram activities and services wit private for-p fit, ublic and non- rofit rgan�zations. (14) Foster job crea ion th ough assisting business and economic developmen activit�es, an t roug coordination wit the pr�vate sector as requir d. (15) Coordinate with and es ablish liaison with community organization, business organizations, ity de artments and other public agencies with regard to emp oyment a d trai ing. ��3� (16) Carry out nd dis harge such other duties and powers as may be reasonab y necess ry to ac ieve the functions of the department of plannin and e onomic development, or as may otherwise be auth rized y aw. Section 7 That Chapter 10 of t e Sain Paul Administrative Code, as amended, be and the same is hereby f rther mended by deleting therefrom in its entirety Section 10.07, entit ed, "D vision of job creation and training." WHITE - CI�TV CLERK 1 PINK+ ` - FINANCE COUIICII . ���� CANARV - DEAARTMENT ITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. BLUE - MAVOR � rdindnce Ordinance N 0. Presented By .�--- Referr o Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Section 8 This ordinance shal be de ed a part of the Saint Paul Administrative Cod and shall be incorp rated erein and given an appropriate chapter and/or section number at t e time f the next revision of said Administrative Cod . Section 9 This ordinance shall take e fect and be in force 30 days from and after it passage, approval an publi ation. COUNCILMEN Yeas ��jNNF� Nays Requested by Department of: �iria�hsr Drew in Favor Masanz O Nicosia A gai ns t BY ,SoNeib91 Tedesco w��s�� M 2 3 1985 Form prove by i tor Adopted by Council: Date � .. Certified P ssed by Council Secreta BY B ' � Appr ayor: Dat I� ��1� Ap ov d by Mayor for Submis i t Coun '1 3 19�5 B s p���� JUN 81985 . .. . . . , , . , �,3�S�O EPA tF1ENT �la�� ONT CT HON �3-29-85 DATE ��� �r ' (Routing and Explanation Sh t) Assi Number for Rout n Or r Cli All Locations for oral Si ature : Department Di rec or . . Ci ty Attorney 3 Director of Mana ment/ or Finance and Mana ement ervices Director 4 City Clerk Budget Director . i�hat Will be Achieved Taki Action on the Attached Materials? Pu se tionale : Reorganization of PED will oc ur. There will be five divisions -- housing, planning, neighborhoo develo ment, downtown development, and community deve opment. The job creation and raining division will not exist as �a division. It wil become a section in t commu ity.development division. Financial Bud ta a Pers nel I acts Antici ted: The position of deput direct r of job creation and training will be abolish d. A classified position 's bein created for the section head who will be resp nsible for the job creation a d trai ing responsibilities. � Fundin Source and Fun Activi Nu�er Cha d or Credited: Attachments List and N r a 1 Attactanents : Ordinance � � � �Q-- � �, ' DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW � Yes No Counc 1 Reso ution Required? Resolution Required? Y s No Yes No Insur nce Re uired? Insurance Sufficient? Y s No �� Yes No Insur nce At ached? Revision of October, 1982 (SpP RPVPP'SP SidP for �Ihstru tions) • r � • • o . . � � •�•� . �,. , ,�,��� ..���..� � � � � � / • • , r, � �.. �!I � .� '/L � • ��•/ � ���`� � �� v � ' ' � ' ' . - � � +�til� : � _ � � � �, / � �.�L•� I L -•t '—-- L��"`.�• ��•�..1_i._ . _•-�__ . . � ,� • r ' , / / / �i �����a/i�� � .`1 ��..�� ' I l�i✓i/i /.I r _i �if. ' � ' s ��i�a_ / � � I � , /1 ��`- . I il�� I � ✓/� .�L���� �lt � � / �. � ,�� ♦ L�/ � / ' / � � s��✓1 �j�L�� 1 � ,��� / � /I / � ��1 �� � � �������� � , � � I � � ���. - • -• � ,� �/ � � � � .L'�as �i` � �. � • ;�' � M � -�,'�L/ ' ``i.,*''�_ -��`�"�• � I � - �. ' • '• � �.. .� - •' •' � - _ ' .. .. . ._ _��� •''-..�- /70?y/ --'__olutian s'�ab1 shing t:�e title ana class specificatio for �.�Tr-uc:< Loaae. /�n i o cer i n t�e C i v i 1 Serv i ce Ru 1 es. (P�rs nne i ) ! 12. Resolution S�,z�i � A P P R O V E D ,-"r -t�i ng t;-�e rat� or pay for Truc!< Loaaer Un 1 oa�er in t�e Sala y Pl a a n a R a t e s o r C ompensation Resolution. (Parsonnel ) • ' PROVED 13_ Resotution me�di g Se��ion V, Exemr�t P�sitions of the 5 l�ry P l�n anci Ra es ot= Compensat i on Reso 1 ut i on anct de i r' , ar De�ut� 0 i rec�- �-��9 t, e t i� , e / _o -Job Crestion arc? Training from Gr�ce ? uncer t�e he�d i ng or Pr r Ac�m i n i s�.a�Z j Vc3 Cz!'OUA ana cheng i ng t� �t i t! e of De�uty Direc�o -�usine�s Revitaliz�zion and Oe�uty Oi �c-or- Deve�aGment in Cr �e 31 to OeaL:ty pirz__or-Veignbor�oaa evelQ�- ment anc! De uty D r��_or-��ownzflwn De�ie�opment, re= e�=iv �y, (P�r�onnel ) P APPR VED 1a- Or�inanc� z =ndin S�c=ion 34 of t:�e Civi 1 i s�i n t�e Serv i c� Ru i e� '-;� ac� i - 9 as i t i n or De�uty D i re`�or-Jo� C;.e.:t:on ane i ra i n i nc ane revisin titl s ane � - qua 1 i f i c�t i on s �F'or ot�er Oe�uty i re�- tors in P��. (P=. sonne! ) APP ROVE D � 15. Qr�in�nca a e�din Se��ion 34_C of the Civil Service Rui � to ex���d the 1 eng�h of t i me far one = for s i x De� t� 0 i e�± ye--�' on tt�e lJnc 1 ass i f i � sta�:�s APPROVED � �r titles in P�� , (p�T;annei ) 16. Re�olution stabl shing the minimum qualifications for t� e posi- tion af PeT onnel Oire�tor. APPROVED AS AMENDED 17. Ordin�nc� e t�pli ning and a�Aroving aPpointme�t5 of -an xamining ccmm i t��e f r tt�e pos i t i an of Per ; sannel Direc_ar. PASSED OUT O CO TTEE NOT ON PREPARED A ENDA: � ��''a'�`+t���n'�c`e sm�Y't ng S ''citrm- i� of the Administrative Code '�'�"`'��ta�nf�g�'�O ` the• �epar �r�t p;� planning and Economic Developm nt. 3� '���" ��c'." . ��� � .� . �0155 1'?�`S3\�I1C`'I.7`:d 1I�IIYS 2I0�'I3 Ix...I.t�3la7S i"I:': �.w..'� � . a3noxaa� � . � • ( t auuos.sad�. -sa i nb o�i n.�aS � �n i� at;�. u L sa52u�� we-�6o�d bu i u i e.�1, pu2 u���.ea13 ❑o� �os uo i st�t�i�acts ss21� pu2 a i{;�. a�;�. bu i ys� 1 q2�sa uo i_,.n �o�aa 'O I Q�A02iddK ( �auuos.,�od}� •sua�:�lDcap ���n.�aS poo� a�;� o�. an i��l a1 s+��a ►n.��ZU► �e10 bu�u.�a� —uc� s� �n� a�i n.�as < <n�� a�;� so g-g uo�:��5 5u i p�;au�e u�i�.n �osab '6 . �i� InI�ZI 30 NOIZK�I'IdIIQ ���u�u��) •�iu2� .�eu�tZ�N �iwu�ns �;�ir� l.�.i� au� so a+7U^�. �1 ��nd. 10 5rt: SOG2D �=�v'�.D1d O�. �.2..ic�.�� �G3 5a S ( � l 9 f.sns�a.�1 'S"fl OOC` D�� �u� si t ~g l..�n5�a.�,1 -�-fl G00` 00�� 5u�no.�ac�� uo��r► �o�a� - g Q�1102iddZi (sa�i n.�aS !.?�unwu�o�) - sa�i n —.��s JC.10�210Qa t aD i no.�d � � �M uo i s �n�p u�t�a�{ �� 1 qnd s,�C�t� a�;�. �Cq ' —�...�ayM �.�.uno� uc_,.5u}Ls�� y�i r+� ��au;�a.�b2 u� bu z�t 1oy�n� uo��.n 1 osa� -L a�noxaa°a • -�;a�ub t t�� f.�i� at;� u t ���ds 103 u�t u� ?i pa�� sea�Co�du,� /.2uno� pue iC�.�� a�;�. 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