85-561 Ci y of St.P 1 COUNCIL F E N0. �
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FIXING TIME OF HEARI G THEREON File No. S'11139 Assess ent #3014,
S-11141 Assess nt #30 6, S-11142 Assessment �3017, 5-11143 Assessmen #3018,
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ssess n , ssessmen a � �� ��148
Voting In the matter of the a ssment benefits, cost and expenses or sidewalk reconstruction
Nard and all w k inci ental of the following:
5 S-11139 Bot sides Churchill Street from W. Jessamine Avenue to C o Ave.
1 S-11141 Nor h side Laurel Avenue from Chatsworth Street to west 3 0 feet and
Wes side hatsworth Street to 50 feet north of Laurel Av nue
4 S-11142 Bot sides Laurel Avenue fran Dewey Street to N. Howell S reet
S S-11143 Bot sides W. Montana Avenue fr� Lexington Avenue to N. unlap St. ,
3 S-11144 Bot sides Osceola Avenue from Griggs Street to Syndicate treet
Pre iminar Order No. 84-496 approved A ril 17 1984 .
Fin 1 Orde No. 84-608 approved Ma 15 198�
1 S-11152 Nor h side of Central Avenue east of Lexington Parkway 14 feet
at 96 Lex ngton Parkway.
1 S-11153 Nor h side of Central Avenue from N. Victoria St to N. Milton St
Pre iminar Order No. 84-574 approved Ma 8, 19
Fin 1 Orde No. 84-860 approved June 26 1984
5 S-11154 Wes side f Como Place at 1067 and 1071 Como Place
5 S-11155 Wes side le Street from Iowa Avenue to California Aven e
2 S-11158 Sou h side of Su�nit Avenue from Oxford Street to west 90 feet and
Wes side ford St from Summit Ave to south 30 feet.
Pre iminar Order No. 84-574 approved May 8, 1 4
Fin 1 Orde No. 84-723 approved June 5 1984
APR 2 3 85
COLJNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date
Yeas Drew Nays
Mesanz Certified se�Council Secreta
Nicosia �
Scheibel In Favor
Sonnen �
�.;..�,;,_�„�,o Against
�� APR 2 4 85 MaY°r
PUS�ISHEO i�i� Y � i985