85-559 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G TY OF SA I NT PA U L Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT � BLUE - "�YOR File NO• � � ouncil Resolution Presented By � �' Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, th t upo the petition of 49ater Tower Associates for the vacation of ailwa Place between Vandalia and Montgomery treets per File No. 28- 984 , that part of Railway Place hereinafter escribed be and the same ' s her by vacated and discontinued as public s reet: All that par of R ilway Place adjoining Lot 145, Hewitt' s Out Lots, Fi st Di ision that is described as follows: Commencin at t e Southeast corner of Lot 145, Hewitt' s Out Lots, First Division; thence South 85 degrees 55 minutes 3 seco ds West assumed bearing, along the Southerly line f said Lot 145, a distance of 42. 62 fee to the po nt of beginning of the land to be described; thence co tinui g South 85 degrees 55 minutes 37 second West, alo g sai Southerly line, a distance of 57 . 62 feet; the ce So th 89 degrees 41 minutes 37 seconds East a distanc of 5 . 45 feet; thence North 0 degrees 19 minutes, 6 sec nds East a distance of 4 . 40 feet to th point of eginn ng. Containing 126 . 4 square feet more or less. Subject expressl to t e following conditions and reservation : 1. That the vacat' on be subject to all the terms and con itions of Chapter 130, odifi d March 1, 1981, of the St. Paul Legis ative Code. 2. That th vaca ed land accommodate the encroachment a ong part of Railway lace nd that upon removal, demolition or ot erwise non-existence, s id va ated land shall automatically revert t the City of Saint Pa 1 as treet right-of-way without cost or ch rges to the City. 3. That a s ecifi easement be retained within the vacat d area COU[VC[LMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Depa nt of F' nance and Management [n Favor e vices _ __ Against BY - Director Form Ap v by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Vassed by Council Secr ary BY gS, Approved by iNavor: Date _ Appr e by Mayor for Submi o o Co ncil Bv - — B �NHITE - CI7V CLERK PINK - FINANCE ITY OF SAINT �AUL COUIICII _ CANARY - DEPARTMENT File NO. BLUE - MAVOR ! � w ouncil Resolution Presented By �'��� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 4 . Based u on ut' lity easement Certificates of Intended on-Use filed on behalf f No thwestern Bell Telephone Company, North rn States Power Company G s Division, Western Union, District Heating D velopment Company, City of Sain Paul Department of Public Works, and C ty of Saint Paul Board of Wa er Commissioners, attached hereto and ade a part hereof by this r feren e, the City for itself and on behalf o these corporations and depar ents hereby waives the right to utili y ease- ments i:n the vac ted a ea with exceptions as noted in the Ce tificates of Intended Non- se or as otherwise specifically noted in thi vacation resolution. 5. That the petit'oner pay to the City the sum of $500 .0 as an administrative f e for the vacation. Said fee shall be due a d payable within 60 days o the ffective date of this resolution. 6. That the petit'oner, its successors or assigns, by ac eptance of the terms and co ditio s of this vacation, agrees to indemnif , defend and save harmles the ity of Saint Paul, its officers and em loyees from all suits, ction or claims of any character, including but not limited to a cla m bro ght because of any injuries or damages received or sustained on ccoun of this vacation, by any person, pers ns or property; or bec use o any act or omission, neglect or misco duct of said petitioner; or be ause of any claims or liability arisin from or based on any vio ation of any law or regulation made in accor ance with the law whether y the petitioner or any of its agents or emp yees. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Ofz,- Nays M�5« Depa t of Finance and Management In Favor _ Se vices N����s,; d scne,Ge; _ _ Against BY = Sonnen Director �� AP 2 3 1985 OC41se« Form App ov y City Atto n� Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pa•s d y Council , et BY � Y s gy, App by Mavor. Date a�'� � 4 198� Ap ve by Mayor for Submis on t �ou il By _ sy Pu�u �o � Y � 1985 Finance � Mg�.S�x�ricea DEPARTMENT �� ND 1047 � !Dick McCann ' CONTACT 298-5317 PHONE IApril 10, 1985 DATE �Q��� e ASSIGN NUN�ER FOR ROUTING 0 DER C i All Locations for Si nature : ' Department Director 2 Director of Managemen Mayor � Finance and Management ervice Director 4 City Clerk Budget Director � Chris xicosia � City Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TA ING AC ION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Approve vacatioa resolut on ado ted by the City Council on 4/2/85atiorlale) : � R�e�� -t� �� 1 �'� . A P R "1 � �985 ���� CO T/BENEFIT BUDGET ON EL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: None FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVI Y NUNBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ' ture not re- Total Amount of Transact on: quired if under ',Funding S�urce: N/A $10,000) Activity Number: ATTACHMENTS List and Numbe All A tachments : �,. Resolution DEPJ�RTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW x Yes No Council Resol ion Re uired? Resolution Required? es No �1fes x No Insurance Req ired? Insurance Sufficient? es No Yes X No Insurance Att hed: (S REVER E SID€ FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revased 12/84 . �'.s s� y CI:R IFICATF. OF INTF,NDF,D NON-USE ��r� � CXit/�- �*'' ll��C�+'+€ _ • � �.P_.t`.�.� Da te �r� THE HONORABLE YOR AN MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL F THE . CITY OF SAINT P llL The undersigned hereby certiEy ttiat they do no intend to exerc`ise the r utility easemen ri�hts in the following described realCy: Al.l thot port of R i1MOy P1 ce adjoining Lot 145, Hc.+itt's Out Lots, First Dtvision tho is deseribed as follo s: Gommencing at the outheost corner of Lot 145, Heritt's Out Lots, First Division; thene South 85`95.'37" West ass med bear ng, olong the Southerly line of sold Lot 145, o distonce of 2.62 feet io the potnt f beginn ng of ihe land to be described; thence continuing South $5'5 '37' West, olonfl said S utherly ine, o distonce of 57.62 feet; thence South 89`41'37" East o distonce of 57.45 eet; the ee North 0` 19'46" Eost a distonce of 4.40 feet to the point f beginning. Contoi ing 126. squore feel more or less. V � �� � Department or Company zts � v �i�.,�.��e Company Seal Signature STATE OF MINNESO A ) ) s. , COUNTY OF RAMSEX ) On this day of , 19 , before me, notary public withfn an Eor s id County, personally appeared to me personally known, who, being by me uIy swprn, did say tha[ he s the of ComPany, a corporation, named in the oregoing instrument, and hat th seal affixed to said instrument is the corpor te seal of said corporation and t at said in,strument was signed and sealed in be alf of said corporation by a thorit of its Bo�rd of. Directors and said acknowledged sat instr ment to be the free act and deed of said corpo ation. Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minne. ota My commission expires r o� � � . �_ � � / � � • CER .IFICATF. OF INTF,NDF,D NON-USE ���� 1��.�� c3d..G�� �_��.. a„�. � ,�,,, ��.�,. , Da te �� �� THE HONORABLE YOR AN MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL F THE � CITY OF SAINT P UL The undersigned hereby certify tha[ they do no intend to exercise the r utility easecr.en ri�ht in the following described realty: A3.1 thot part of oilwoy P1 ce odjoining Lot 145, Hc.+itt's Out Lots, First Division tho is described os foll Ms: Commencing at the o�theast corner of Lot 145, Hev+itt's Out lots, First Divislon; thene South 85'S5.'37" West ass med beor ng, olong the Sovtherly line of soid lot 145, o distonee of 2.62 feet to the point f beglnn ng of the lond to be deseribed; thence continuing South N5• '37" West, olong sold S utherly ine, a distonce of 57.62 feet; thence South 89`41'37" Eost dtstance of 57.45 eet; the ce North 0` 19'46" Eost o dlstonce of 4,40 feet to the point f beginning. Contoi ing 126. squore feet more or less. Saint Paul Water Utility Department or Company Its �eneral Manager Company Seal �`� G�t� — ___ Signa ture STATE OF MINNESO R ) ) s- COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) • On this day of , 19 , before me, notary public within an for s id County, personally appeared to me personally known, who, being by me uly sworn, did say that he s the of Company, a corporation, named in the oregoing instrument, a�d tiat th seal aEfixed to said instrument is the corpor te seal of said corporation and t at said instrnment was signed and sealed in be alf of sa�d corporation t�y a thorit of its Board of Directors and said acknowledged sai� instr ent to be the free act and deed of said corpo atiaR. Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minnesota My commission expires - �s..��-�t � � � � ,c�� .x�+�;'�. � + CE:R IFICATF, OF INTF,NnF,D NON-USE � �� � , i � � �, : �,,. .�t , ... _ ,r Da te THE HONORABLF, YOR AN MF.MBERS OF THE COUNCIL F THF. : CITY OF SAINT P UL The undersigned hereby certify tt�at [hey do no intend to exercise the r. utility easemen right in the folloWin� described reatty:' A1.1 that port of oilwoy Ploce adjoini�g lot 145, Hewltt's Out Lots, First Divlslon tho is described os foll ..s: Commencing ot the Southeost corner of Lot 145, HeMitt's Out Lots, First Division; thene South 85`55.'37" West as med beor'ng, along the Southerly line of soid Lot 145, o disto�ce of 42.62 feet to the point f beginn'ng of th� lond to be desczibed; ihenca cont?nuing South AS' S'37" West, along soid S utherly ine, a distonee of 57.62 feei; thence South 89°41 '37" Eost distonce of 57.45 eet; the ce North 0` 19'46" Eost o distance of 4.40 feet to the point of begtnning. Contai ing 126. square feet mo[e or less. o l '"�7��2 �FL L Department or Company Its N Ec - � s /2 � d �✓ i _. _�_. Compa ny S ea l - � gnature STATE OF MINNES A ) ) s. COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) - On this day of �'►� , 19��� , befor me, natary public within an Eor s id County, personally appeared � „� to me p�ersonally known, who, being by me uly sworn, did say that he s the � of �ti��-�.- Company, a corporation, named in the oregoing instrument, • and t at said instrument was signed ar�Q-���� in be alf of said � / corporation by a thorit oE its Board of Directors and said '� �.,,� acknowled�ed sa:i instr ment to be the free act and deed of said corpo ation. _ ,, � - -� , No� ry Public, Ramsey Co�nty, Minae. ota . . . , . -,.,.. .; , � : ,;.,,,;.: My commission expires � �!� � / f , --_--- �.....,..�-�,.,,,.. ,,..�.�..,.�,��.�..�...,�__.,.. � �. .. . ' ' //v ^"�V`4 ,S � , - :- � �<�,.�_'� � CER IFICATF. OF INTF.NDED NON-USE � �' �'�� � �_� • . �" /d J_ d..!_�t',.� :� Da te �'ch 28, 198 . THE HONORABLE YOR AN MF.MBERS OF THE CQUNCIL F THE ., CITY OF SAINT P UL The undersigrted hereby certify that they do no in[end to exercise the r • utility ease�:en right in the following described realty: A1.2 thot port of oilMOy pl ce odjoining lot 145, Hewitt's Ou! Lots, First Oivislon tho is described os foll s: Commencing ot the outheost corner of Lot 145, Heritt's Out Lots, First Division; thenc South 85`55.'37" West oss med beor ng, olong the Southerly,line ot soid Lot 145, o distonee of 2,62 feet to the potnt f beginn ng of the land to be described; thence continuing South 65'S '37" West, olong soid 5 utherly ine, o distonce of 57.62 feet; thence South 89'41'37" Eost o Idistonce of 57.45 eet; the ee North 0` 19'46" Eost a distonee of 4.40 feet to the potnt f beglnning, Contoi ing 126, squore feet moSe or less. Northern States Power Department or Company Its Director — Gas En ineerin /���J% ,. � Compa ny S ea l John B,:_Peterson ,,.e �� � Signature /" / ✓' STATE OF MINNESO A ) ) s. COUIyTY OF RAMSEY ) On this � d�y of , , 19�S�, before me, notary t.ublic ��ithin an f.or said County, personally appeared �. � e. ,,� • 1 ' i _ - to me personally known, who, being by me uly sworn, did say that he i t ie �� ,� , �„r �,.,.� of � ComPany, a corporation, named in the regoing instrument, and t �at the seal affixed to said instrument is the corpora e seal of said corporation, and th t said instrume�t was signed and sealed in beh lf of said corporation by au hority of its Board oE Directors aad said .ti, X_ ackaowledged said instru ent to be the free act and deed o said corpor tion. 1 �x nnnn, �„ . , . >,� �r;-````�', PAJi.i�sE Al. M'E�.� iV � ./ G"� . �.G- '��:-'.?�'�� n:orh^���!;et+� -;:,,;:,� pTq Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minnes ta � ''r;.\o?:�� fwn�<��, . .I.�ti,r � ,',F�"CO'A�d.E�.;::;:5 FEB. . 1991 a „ �„�,,�ti. � My commission expires r� -� _ , '; ','.� '` ______..__.�,_Y..._ _ . . __ _ _ �� � . s-_ �-�'� C�R IFICA'fF. OF INTF,NDF,D NON=USE � (J�/G�(� . ������`�`°*�� " ..�'-� �+�. ��'�� � . �a� -" �r..p .. ts � � nate March 27 19 5 � THE HONORABLE YOR AN MF,MBERS OF THE COUNCIL F THE , CTTY OF SAINT P UL The undersigned hereby certify that they do no intend to exercise the r utility easetnen ri�ht in the following described realty: Al.l thot part of ailwoy P oce adjoining Lot 145, Nc.+itt's Out lots, First DivIsion tho is described as foll ws: Commenting at the Southeost corner of Lot 145, He..itt's Out Lots, F;rst Divisipn; thene South 85`95.'37" West os med beor ng, olone� the Southerly line of soid lot 145, a distonce of 42,62 feet to the point f beginn ng of the lond to be described; thence continuing South AS' S'37° West, olong noid S uthe:ly ine, e distonce of 57.d2 feet; thence South 89`41 '37" East distonce of 57.45 eet; tAe ce North 0` 19'46" Eost o distance of 4.40 feet to the point f beginning. Contoi ing 116. squore feet more or less. DISTRICT HEATING DEVELOPMENT COMP NY DepartmenC or Company Hans 0. Nyman ItS President _.__ _,_ _.__ Company Seal � S igna ture STATE OF MINNESO A ) ) s• . COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) On this 27th day of March , 19 �85 , before me, no[ary public within an for s id County, personaily appeared Hans 0. Nyman to me personally known, who, befag by me uly sworn, did say that he s the of Heatin Develo me►1t Company, a corporation, named in the oregoing instrument, and hat th seal affixed to said instrument is the corpor te seal o€ said corporation and t at said instrument was signed and sealed in be alf of said corporation by a thorit of its Board of Directors and said Hd11S 0. md11 acknowledged s�� instri ent to be the free t�ct and deed of said corpo ation. rP✓J�/�A^.^n^,'�!e^.,-`.n./,"�nJ�en^��.^^^. ^.,an^�A,1�.!+ . � . ! .. ! �. i' � � — � ; . ; , . , . .C-�c_�t� " C --2 LJ � � � , t `�.l :�r _ _ �,� � ,;; c �,r.i��� n � ,,; es Fab. 7 i� � ; ota y public, Ram County, Minnes ta xw•.�.���,..��-��:..,..��.. ,.,,v•.vv�r �'' My commission expi e, �" � �2 Lt � � - s� 5 � . �. *� � �. �q . �.� fx.-�.�:� �..�.` (:ER IFICATF, OF INTF,NDF.D NON-USE ;J • V �..��s .e�..t:,�x� ��.��..� . ' ' _' `� ��� - ih3 te THE HONORABLF t� YOR AN PtF.MBERS 0� THE COUNCIL F 'THE � CITY OF SAI�T P UL The undersigned hereby certify ttiat they do no inteRd to exercise the r � utility easecr.en ri�ht in the following described realty: Al.l thot part of oilwoy P1 ce odjoining Lot 1�5, HeMitt's Out Lots, Firsl Division tho is described os foll s: Commencing ot the outheost corner of Lot 145, Hewitt's Out Lots, First Division; thene Sovth 85`55.'37" West oss med beor ng, along the Southerly li�e of soid Lot 145, a distonce of 2,�2 feet to the polnt f beginn ng of the lond to be described; thence �ontinuing So�th 85• '37" Mest, olong said S utherly ine, o distance of 57.62 feet; thence South 89`41'37" Eost distonce of 57.45 eet; the ce North 0° 19'46" Eost a distonce of 4.40 feet to.ihe point f begtnning. Contai ing 126. squore feet more or less. - Department or Company Its � Compa ny S ea 1 � / � ^.-1----�" - Signature STATE OF MINN�SO A ) � ) s• � � . COUNTY OF � ) On this 2 day of �� � . 19 �5S , before me, noCary public within an Eor s id County, personally appeared to me personally known, who, being by me uly sworn, did say that he s the � � -�,.r.� ' of � �✓. Company, a corporation, named in the oregoing instrument, and t�at th seal aEfixed to said instrument is the corpor te seal of said corporation and t �t said instrument was signed and sealed in be alf of sai.d corporation 1>y a thorit of its Board of Directors and said � ack�owledged sai instr ment to be the free act and deed of s id corpo atian. �nnN':. „ � / f .! .,'�„s�; GAiNERINE A.SA�NER i ',`(`.I-� ;i`/.(,l�( X l - �:�1 r�`�/��.4�� 1,. � u 1 � i , 7 J ;.,�"�-�.y� MOTARY PUBU MIIvNESOT Notary Public, -Raersey County, Mi�ne ota �=��= HENNEPI COUNTY ��,y"��,.:��i,� Pdy Commission Ex ires July 6, 90 My commission expires y �,