85-557 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA IT L Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO• � � C u il es u ' n Presented By � � Referred To ommittee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, tha the aint Paul City Council does hereby con ent to the appoin ment , made by the Mayor, of William Peet to erve as a member o the aint Paul Long-ftange Capital Improveme t Budget (CIB) ommit ee, representing Senate District 64, City District 13 co sortium - term to expire on November l, 1987. COUNCILM,EN Yeas ���� Nays Requested by Department of: °feN' � [n Favor Masanz NiCOSfa scheibel _ Against BY �w �Wirs3Ti AP 2 3 1985 Form A ro d by 'ty t rney Adopted by Council: Date � Certified Ya_ •e by Counci , r BY By t�ppr by Mavor: D ����`� � v ��� Approv d Mayor for Submiss' to ou cil g By �l���!"'. Et� ,. '::. 198� ..___:.• G ��Y '�F SAINT PAUL �� ��� .���Ct�z O �'' '� � � � . . �;� �'� y' OFFICE OP THE MAYOR • : N 'i a �j11111f � . �� f��1 lNl 1 � �v�s n� � � � � +see 347 CITY HALL SAINT PAUL, biINNESOTA 55102 GEORGE LATIMER (612) 298-4323 b1AYOR - T0: Co ncii resident Victor Tedesco a d Mem ers of the Saint Pau1 City Council FROM: Ma or La imer � DATE: Ap il 12 1985 SUBJ: AP OINTM NT TO THE LONG-RANGE CIB COMMITTEE I am aski g for your consideration and approvalof the attached ounci resolution appointing William Peet, 2156 Igle art , o serve as a member of the CIB Committ e, represent 'ng Se ate District 64, City Distz•ict 13 consortiu . Th s term will expire on November 1, 1987, A copy of Peet ' application is attached. Thank you. GL/lm attachmen � '��5 _�;` ,_ . '. .,�. � , �'S 5�'� .� � � OFFICE OF THE M�lYOR 347 CITY HALL S I1VT PAUL, MINIVESOTA 55102 298-4323 Application for Membership for City ' Boar s, Commissions and Committees Name � � Address S . � Z�i� Street City Zip District rhone Home: _ Work: g;pmg Committee(s), Board( ), or ommission(s) in which �ou are interested: he e e tise. i 'ro ert and liabilit insurane would have v ue. Whatever as i n�ent I ehall irst in uire whether the Canmission is adequ�te ro�ected from liabiTity. le a ill active in my profeesion, ehall donate my s rvices to that ead. , Community Service/A tiviti (past and present) : Ses attached bot erso and rofe�sionai �, Professional Activi ies: See att�c.hed � . ` (ove ) ` . . � . � . . � :��4 • ' . , �..��( :4 �.�`. . . . . � .:,'Y. . ' ♦ L , � . , . � . � . � ' � ". ?�.,:__.. Civic/Professional Organization Memberships: ,`� � ' _� . � � �� ' " " . � :: _ , _ :, : � - : , `. , - ` ; _ Reasons for your irtere�t zn tF:i� gart�cuZar committee; , � ",-k , � . . .. �7 T . . _ � . . . . . . � . .. ' ._ ' ' . . . '�� ' ' +' .. ' . � .' �... �._ . ' . .. � ... �. . � . � � . � z; � . . - . , - � � . _ . ' . �. . . . , . . .. . . . . . . : .. _ . i .. . ' . ..- ' . .. . . .. '.� ( � . �.�: .. -•. _ .,. :�. �.• . . . . . . � . � . . . - . � . . .. .. . .. .. . . . „ ... . .., . ��.. . . .. . , . -. , . � � Are r�ou aurrentlg serving on an� other city corrmzittee? If so, which conm�.ittee(s)� � commission(s)/board(s): � No - Ethnic group (to ensure faix and equaZ representation): ,�AS�— Other pertinent information: " y_: r Please list 3 references: 1� Rons�d Hubbs f�rmer Cha.irmart st. Pau1 Com-pax�,ieg �) T � y Busine�s, IInfversfty of Minnesota �3� Fra.nk Marzitelli. former St. Paul. Conci perQan �nz farrrer (`niwf ��,,,,o�..• �epartment of Tranc;portation. . .• ;' � , • �G �—J'cS7 (/� William Peet � 2156 Iglehart Avenue St. Paul, Minn.esota 55104 Profe�sionsl Education: Blake Sch ol (di loma 1930) and Asheville School; Amherst 1934; law at Harvard and Un versit of Minnesota 1934-37 (non-graduate) ; CPCU 19 ; • lecturer (assimilated rank p ofessor) in insurance and insurance law 1948- 971 (citation by Society f CPCU for pioneering work) ✓,�i�{�rs�i/ o�/'/��h.�r�7,�: Family: married Barb ra Gor on Brewer 1940 (r1rs. Peet is a distinguished artist) ; children are Willia , Jr. , Elmherst 1966, Elizabeth, Sarah, and Ed rd Alexander Profession; analyst nd sol citor, Arthur A. Hirman Agency, Rochester, Mi e- sota 1939-42; proprie or of gency 1946-1953 (William Peet CPCU and Associa es) • head of survey depart ent, M rsh & McLennan, riinneapolis 1953-1959; preside t � and senior consultant Willi m Peet Co. 1959- � Military: A.U.S. 194 -46 : xecutive Officer, Military Government of Wiesb den; liason officer, First French Truck Group during Bulge; Civilian Motar Trans ort Officer, Motor Transp rt Bri ade, during Normandy campaign; training offic , U.S. .Desert Training enter, QM trucks and QM mule pack troops; now retire from Army —��i�--i� Author and Lecturer: with o er -t�� articles published, and speaker to national audiences on insura ce The following organiz tions ave been served either as board member or as president: Au►herst Association o Minne ota (president) ; Longfellow Parents anu Teach s Association (presiden ) Save Lake Superior As ociati n (vice chairman) ; First Unitarian Society of Minneapolis; St. Paul Galler and School of Art (now Minnesota Museum of A ) ; Merriam Park Communit Cente (neighborhood house) ; Amicus member working 'th inmates of the Minnes ta Sta e Penitentiary Insurance Consultants Socie y (founder and first president) ; riinnesota Cha ter, Society of Chartered ropert and Casualty Undercariters (charter member and president) ; Governor' Cammi tee for Revision of Insurance Agents' Qualific tion Laws (co-chairman) Apostle Islands Yacht Club ( o-founder and commodore) ; riinneapolis Area Gir Scouts (finance commi tee) Segtember 11, 1972 { � � ( . i f