85-555 WHITE - CI7V CLERK PINK - FINANCE G TY OF �SA I NT PAU L Council �/ CANARY - DEPARTMENT V � /� r� BLUE - MAVOR File NO. �� �JV � uncil Resolution , Presented By �%t'J!? � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, hat he Council of the City of Saint Paul d es hereby confirm the ppointment by the Mayor of Peter Ha es to the positio of Executive Assistan't to the Mayor, to be effective April 2, 198 . COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays ��R�t�k Sonnen Drew In Favor Masanz NiCOSia sche�be� _ A gai n s t BY —�edesev �IYils�n Adopted by Council: Date APR 2 3 1985 Form p by City Att � Certified Ya • Counc.il r BY Appro by i4avor: Date � PR 2 4 1985 ApP�o� by Mayor for Subm' ion t Co 1 By _ B Pu�u E� M Y 4 1985 , - ��=j s-s Peter G. Hames ( 612 ) 221-0222 ( ome) 52 West Delos St eet ( 612 ) 298-4637 ( ork) Saint Paul , Minn sota 55107 WOR RESP NSIBILITIES AND ACCOMPLISHMENTS January, 1982 - Direc or, Finance and Management Services Present Depar ment, City of Saint Paul , Minnesota. Responsibili ies: Provi e department leadership and management, inclu ing the supervision of eight division eads , budge preparation and execution. Mayor s advisor on citywide management issue . Lobby City Council members on selected issue . Coord nator of management, budget and person el funct ons of Mayor' s Office of Management and Budge . Meet egal requirements of Administrative Cod . Accomplishme ts: Imple ented a departmental approach to perfor ance appra sal which stresses performance measures and stand rds, performance targets , and action st ps for e ployee training, coaching, and educatio . Tied ward of inerit increases to performance appra sal and performance accomplishments. Insti uted biweekly coaching sessions with depar ment supervisors and managers , focusing on probl m solving, creating excellence , corpora e cultu e , and skill and experience sharing. Imple ented a monthly performance measure repor ing system for all divisions. Imple ented departmental objectives for incre sed autom tion and work simplification. Imple ented a modified strategic planning pro ess for t e department. City roject manager for equity benefit-based finan ing study with the Rand Corporation. . , , : �, �,�-s-�-�-- -2- Will implement a formal performance manageme t trai ing program for department managers and super isors by January 1 , 1985 . Imple ented a modified strategic planning pr cess for m nagement, budget, personnel , training, and data rocessing functions. Currently recyci ng the r sult in order to create a new three ye r work rogram. December, 1977- Direc or of Management, Office of the Mayor, January, 1982 City f Saint Paul. Responsibili ies: Mayor s aide for directing departmental opera ions. Super ise budget and data processing functio s. Quali y control point, reviewing and approvi g all docum nts for Mayor' s signature . Lobby City Council members on management issu s. Serve as Acting Mayor when Mayor' s Executive Assis ant is absent. Accomplishme ts: Convi ced the Mayor and City Council to imple ent a ref rm of the City' s civil service system. Imple ented the Concentrated Service Delivery progr m, an experiment in neighborhood servic deliv ey in concert with neighborhood council . Creat d the Saint Paul Owner' s Manual. Expan ed focus of Budget Section from budget analy is to management analysis. Provi ed direction for the creation of compr hensive training programs for managers nd super isors. 1976-1977 rinci al Administrative Aide , Office of the ayor, City of Saint Paul, Minnesota. 1975-1976 rinci al Administrative Aide to the City dmini trator, Office of the Mayor, City of S int aul, innesota. . . . . , . .� � �S=�ss� -3- EDUCATION University of Mi nesot Graduate School f Man gement Minnesota Execut ve Pr gram University of Mi nesot Hubert H. Humphr y Ins itute of Public Affairs Master of Arts P ogram University of Mi nesot College of Liber 1 Art Bachelor of Arts COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES President, Illus 'on Th ater Board of Directors, 1976-1984 Speaker, Nationa Leag e of Cities conferences, 1983-1984 Speaker, Nationa Muni ipal League Annual Conference, 1983 Speaker, Spring ill C nference on Infrastructure , 1984 Speaker, College cours s at Hubert H. Humphrey Institute , Hamline Unive sity, College of Saint Thomas, 1975-1984 Member of Saint aul-R msey United Arts Council, 1978-1984 PUBLICATIONS "When Public Ser ices o Private: There' s more than One Optio " , National Civic Revie , June , 1984 "When Public Ser ices o Private: The Answer? or, An Answer?" Transitions, S mer, 1984 "Saint Paul Exce s in utting Government down to Size" , editorial , Sai t Paul Dis atch, July 28 , 1982 Ma or' s Financial Mana ement Handbook, Book Review in MFOA Resources in R iew, Spring, 1980 P FESSIONAL AFFILIATION American Society for Pu lic Administration, Member Governmental Fina ce Offices Association , Member American Society or Pr ductivity Improvement, Member North American So iety for Corporate Planning, Member - � b � �sss.s- . Finance Agenda Apr i 1 18, 19�35 Page 2 11 . Resolution mendi g the Civil Service Rules by inserting the title Risk nd Em loyee Benefits Manager in Section 3 .K, Grade 31 and inserti g the specifications in Section 32 . (Person el } App. 12. Resolution mendi g tt�e Civil Service Rules by ir�serting the title Loss ontrol Coordinator in Section 3 _J, 6rade 13 nd inserting t e spe ifications in Section 32. Approved Not on prepare aaen a - Resolution a endin the 1985 budget� and transferring $84 , 85 from General Gove nment Accounts to Exec. Admin-Mayor' s Office. Approved as ende - $54 ,385 from 1984 fur.d balance, $3 ,000 transfer fro Cont� ngency Reserve. (�u�ge�SO�'�ic°e� Will e done by - Resolution a provi g the appointment af�����a�;��:; - �'�-'�� � :�� <•--to the Mayor. Approved - Resolution ap rovi g the appointment of John Taft to the p sition of Deputy Di ctor f Planning. Approved - Resolution a ndin the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensat'on Resolution re ardin the Affirmative Action Director Class ' fication. Approved - Ordinance est blish ' ng the title and minimum gualification for Affirmative A tion irector. Approved - Resolution es ablis ing the budcet for the Affirmative Act' on Office. App oved - Resolution es ablis ing the rate of pay for Affirmative Ac ion Director. Ap roved „_.:,.�--. _. . _ >. ,;;� ::-.=�\ - >�:�� ►� ��,::,�� ITY Ol+' .SAINT L-�- �'�t3'L / . � f�.�:1i /�_.';P� �,.�'�� � � �,,� t'`i;:�_::� �'-�1; �'z�zcr o� 2�r-ri czT�� ca�c-�c�r. �'.3-SS , : _t;;I t;�� =�Y:{'`=�•_:,- �� . . . D i'e '���,,,,;:r,' �T • Ap r i 1 18 19 8 5 .�..,�;;. . . 0 !v? iiE► EE f� E PO � T t O - � ctt � P� I Ci;; Cc � � ��ii - r N � ��! � C C , ,�f�i � �i': FINANCE, MANAGEMENT & PERSONNE � ' C`�-t L� ( r CO NCILMs-�1V SCHEIBEL 1 . Approval f min tes from meeting held April 11 , 1985. Approved• • 2. Administr:� _ive rder approving payment to Riverwood Co ference • Center for Stra egic Plenning Conference to be held fo Public .Health Cen er p rsonnel . (Community Services ) No Acti n necessary 3 . Resolution auth rizing the Division of Parks and Recre tion to make app 1 i et i o to the. Jun i or League of St. .Pau 1 for:, grant _ ' i�n the amo nt o $ 1 ,000 for the development and menage ent of � voiunteer rogr s.. (Community Services ) Approved _ 4. Res�olution auth r.izing the Division of Parks 8� Recreati n to make � applicetio to �the Institute of Museum Services for a grant in the - .�oLint of 25 , 000� for fac i 1 i tat i ng use of the J�panese� arden i n Como Conse vator . (Community Services) - Approved 5 . Resoluti�on autho izing a purchasing agreement with the innesota Transporta ion M seum to provide for the purchase of eq ipment, materia) a d s�p lies as needed. (Finance/Purchasing) p,pproved 6. Ordinance mendi g Chapter 82 of the Administrative Cod pertain- ' ing to pur hase rocedures and city contr�cts . (Financ 8 Mgmt. ) . Laid Over 7. Administra ive O der. approving an agreement with Greate �ast Side . � Community ouncil permitting the Community Council to o erate - Nokomis Sc ool . (Finance � Management) No action neces ary 8. Resolution autho izing a transfer of Independent School Oistrict �625' s por ion o �purchasing from the City' s Depar�ment o� Finance and Manage en�t S rvices and notinc� the School District ill no longer be art o the annual contract. (Finance 8� Mana ement} ' Laid Over� 9. Resolution amend'ng the Civ.il Service Rules by insertin the title . Claims Man ger i Section 3.K, Grade 25 and inserting t e spec.ifi- . cations in Secti n 32. (Personnel ) Laid over 10. Resolution amend ng the Civit Service Rules by inserti.n the title Empl yee B nefits Manager in Section 3 .K, Grade l and ins�rting he sp cifications in Section 32. (Personnel . Approved ��`_ �� �� Ci-Y F:ALL ' SGV NTF�FLOOI: . S�1INT P��UL. �iI�� ESOZ':\ 55]OZ - �r�,