85-550 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council /,' CANARY - DEPARTMENT File NO• 'J�-� � BLUE - MAVOR � -zoning uncil esolution � �� r `� � �. , � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date FINAL PLAT APPROVAL FOR CAMP ZION ADDITION WHEREAS, E. . Hugh s Construction, Inc. has submitted the attached proposed final plat f r City Council approval; and WHEREAS, the approp iate City departments have reviewed the propose final plat; and WHEREAS, the propos d plat has been determined to meet the requirem nts of , Section 67 o the Z ning Code; NOW, THEREFO E, BE T RESOLVED, that the City Council accepts and a proves this final p at for Camp Zion Addition with the following condition : 1. The develo er must meet all City Forester requirements as o street tre s alon Hoyt and Furness; and 2. The develo er must meet all requirements outlined as condi ions of the site p an approval . COUNCILME[V Requested by Department of: Yeas 56�� Nays orew PLANNING AND ECONOMIC D VELOPMENT Masanz In Favor n. _ � , Nicosia C//J/ � Schetbel � __ Against BY �"�''�u'�" �edese� �R Adopted by Council: D te APR 2 3 1985 Form Appr d ity torney� Certified Ya s y ouncil ar BY � � �;'/; BS� - 1/ Ap by Mavor: Date ` APR 2 � 19 Approve by M or bmission t Council B PuB�ts�t l�nY � 1985 DE PARTMENT ��S Np 1 H 7 9 Linda Dickhut CONTACT 494, ext. 294 PHONE � April 19, 1985 DATE e� e e ASSIGN NUI�ER FOR R UTING RDER Cli All Locations for Si nature : Department Dire tor 3 Director of Ma agement/Mayor Finance and Man gement ervices Director � City Clerk Budget Director � P. Reichert � City Attorney Segal WHAT WILL BE ACHIEV BY T ING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose Rationa e) : Implementation of s bdivis on regulations reqardinq plats. City Council p blic hearinq required. Q���` � ��� U��'� ��� COST/BENEFIT BUDGET RY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: dg Fee of $240.00 to c er adm'nistrative costs. � q�o ��/j� �9qyo 22 �� �' �S FF��F FINANCING SOURCE ANO BUDGET CTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's s gna- , �REDr,T ture not e- Total Amount of T ansacti n: $240.00 quired if under $10,00�) Funding Source: eneral Fund Activity Number: ATTACHMENTS List an Number All Attachments : 1 . City Council Res lution 2. Staff report to ity Co ncil 3. Copy of hearing otice 4. Proposed Final p at for Camp Zion Addition ���-- a���-��\ , �l Jll�-' � �- Z� -8� DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REYIEW �Yes No Council Resolu ion Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes X No Insuran e Requ red? Insurance Sufficient Yes No Yes �No Insuran e Atta hed: (SE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 � 1 + � ��� ��J "��v � � PLAT STAFF REPORT FILE # 12 1. APPLICA T: E. T. HUGHES CONSTRUCTION, INC. DATE 0 HEARING: 4/23/85 2. LOCATIO : Sou heast corner of Hoyt and Furness 3. LEGAL D SCRIPT ON: See attached plat 4. PRESENT ZONING: R-2 ZONING CODE REFERENC : Section 67.400 5. STAFF IN ESTIGA ION & REPORT: DATE: 4/18/85 BY: Ch rles L. McGuire ____________ ______ ______________________________________________ _________________ A. PURPOSE: Appro al of final plat for Camp Zion Addition to all w development af 9 sing e f mily h mes. B. SITE & A EA CON ITIONS: The terrain is gently rolling and is pproximately 3.23 acres in size. C. REQUIRED FINDING : City of St. Paul staff have reviewed the p posed final plat and have found t at it meets the following requirements: 1. All t e appl 'cable provisions of the Legislative Code are c mpiied with. 2. The p oposed subdivision will not be detrimental to the pre ent and poten ial su rounding land uses. 3. The a ea sur ounding the subdivision can be planned and dev loped in coord nation and compatibility with the proposed subdivisio . 4. The s bdivision is in conformance with the comprehensive pl n. 5. The s bdivisi n preserves and incorporates the site's import nt existing natura featu es, whenever possible. 6. All la d inte ded for building sites can be used safely with ut endangering the re idents by peril from floods, erosion, continuously hi h water table, severe soil c nditions or other menance. 7. The su divisi n can be economically served with public facil ties and servic s. � v - � ���=s� D. ADDITI NAL FI DINGS: 1. T deep ots proposed on Hoyt Avenue are in conformanc with neighborhood re uests. . 2. Th prapo ed plat has been approved by the Greater East ide Community Council . 3. Th City orester requires placement of street trees alo g Hoyt and Furness. 4. Th devel per is required to receive approval of the sit plan by City Staff an by Ra sey-Washington Metro Watershed District prior o issuance of any bu lding ermits. E. STAFF ECOMME DATION:, Based on findings in C and D, staff r commends approval of t e i a p at with the following conditions: 1. Th develo er must meet all City Forester requirements a to street trees along Ho and F rness. " 2. The develo er must meet all requirements outlined in the ite plan approval pri r to i suance of any building permits. \ \ � — \ � b �0 \ ;.,\ i ��6so t/�4 \ , � o` 4 .�,i``� � `�a= ` 4 3�9.3� so4 �`�� \ -�� p3,� i2,, :- /��\� �_ � ' \� O/�6s0 � '�' �t 4��6S 6� \ � ����� � N 0�,,\ `` \ �`� � \ ti �^ �+ e b� N �6�9 3's° \ J �p' 3 o S6 0 � � �4 c�. � 4'• \ o.y� ` ,°? \ F O� '�. \y Oe W � ti � � . � o� � � �r� ` o�y w� \'�9 AooB� � � \ �� . � � � ` ` ��, \ � :.h �`, �� �` ��i ` v N _ � �C• � 71.6! 66.25 /62.53 ° N � \ � NO°Si'p6.,E 300.39 »� �, � � y �la \ , � � _ � ° tr, a 'o �a �', Io 60 0 O • � NO°51�06"6 ca "� \ p � v v 300.30 � �o iO o o p. ��� � N I \. � v� p � a � � � � � p —_—�— ._ Q1 ' � � �n u� 0 y _� �71 I O _ . � 7 � � n�i x ;C NO°5�,06"E .� � � ° y z � �• � '�) �' 300.2 J � o � � � � + o ��' _. � 1 -� I o' �' o � � r- � A� � � � 1 V � � � ( . � N A � NO°5!'06"E � _� � o �O '° > > 300.12 • � '^ � � o� � +'s � uN+ � p �n _ � g � m . � o� � �- 3 � � ( � N o � NO'S!"�6"E I ° c 300.04 � � I 3 - ► ° � o � � � ls p� o ~ o � 'o \ 1 � 3 � �b � � o ��; - 3 o I � � ir .__ ' % '� a --299.95 -- 50°St'p6..W __ ;_ ( a a Q _ _ i,. o < ; I 3 �; 60 , . ,�� ( . • - I . ' Z ���"�S� ST. �AUL CITY COUN IL F,L�� PUBLIC HEARING NO ICE ��.e� I� � � ;;; ��: ZONING CITY C;! '-",;'3 C' "1�= � ' ., ��'',; . T0: Prop rty ow ers within 350' ; Repr sentat ves of Planning District 2 FIL N�. Subd. PAG #ii2 PURPO E Consideration of the final plat for Camp ion addition to permit development of 9 sinale-family lot . Current Zoning: R-2 LOCATI N Southeast corner of Hoyt & Furness PETITIO ER E. T. HUGHES CONSTRUCTION, IPJC. � H E A R I N Tuesday, April 23, 1985 10:0o A. . Citv Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall Court House Q U E S TIO S Zoning 298-4154 (Linda Dickhut) Contact the Zoning Section of the Planning nd Economic Development Department, Room 1101, City Hal Annex, 25 W. 4th Street, St. Paul, Minnesota SS10 Leqal description: Lots 4 & 5, Block 8, Fu ness Garden Lots Notice sen 4-12- 5 , � _ ; � � . - ^ : , �'.� - �� � NOTICE OF.'PUBLIC HEARING ' � - The St Paul ity Council will conduct a- public hearing to c nsider the �: reques of E. T. Hughes Construction,. Inc. for consideration of the final � " plat f r Camp Zion Addition, described as Lots 4 & 5, Blk. 8 Furness _ Garden Lots ( outheast corner of Hoyt and Furness) , on ' . >�� � � in the City Council Chambers, 3rd floor, City Hal : Dated he lOt day of April,` 1985 _- ` Albert B. Ols n , City C erk � ' - ' , :, , :. _ . . ,. .., _, .. , , _ . _ . _ , . . _ : ,. . : : ; , �. .: -. . > , �- - .� _. _ .-._ ,>, _ _,. . (April ':13► T985) . : . . � , . . - ,` " _ . . _ •. ;: - . ` .,,. _ . - _ ._ , �' �.:�` �� . - Nt?TiC��F��'i7BL�C�EA$1�, - ,r . _ "t . .. ' � .'�'sul G'ity Coyncil vtnil �rsnd�ct � public hea�ing to consider �� S.T.=I�ughes Cvn�trt�retion;i�...fer consi$eration vf:th+e:fi�ai pla�; .��R5� °�A�ddititur,.t�eswef�`.,ets-�ots � &�, H�.•8,'Farn�:(�arden. • southeast omer o#Ho�t aad�parne3"s),on Apri123,1985 at 10:00 AM�in the Ci y ouncil ambers,3rd floor;Cit3�Hat�. �&�. :. . .bUth��'of:A�.1985:• ' LBERT .aLSON..Gity C1eFk . . . (APril 13, i985j _ . ; .ti-.,. .. ,. _, _ � ZI (JN ADDIT � N � KNOW .�LI. F'ERSC)NS BY ' IIE��: IZE5I'.NTS : That LeRov I�. I'etcrs ana .Jose��hine I.:. I?eters , hushanc3 ar owners of thc folloti� ng de cribccl ��roperty situated in the (.:it�� o St . Paul , Countv of Rr�nts� Tlinnesota : , Lots 4 arlcl 5, �1 ck 8 , i,tirlless ' �arden l,ots , <iccor�clin� to the plat thereof on f� le record in hc of �ice of the County Recorder , -Ramseti� Cou ty, I��tinnesota , Have c�iused� the same to be su�rveved anci ���latted as C�"�iT' ZI(1;�; ;1DI�I1I01� , and d�c� }?e �-et�y c3edicat ��ublic ior public tis fo1�c er the easements for cirainai�e r+nd iiti lit� p��r��oses as shawn on t} In witness whereol s + icl I,�E� ov F . Petcrs and Josel�hine 1. . Peters , ti�hand ancl H�i�l-e , have hex•e their hancls thi s cl��v f� , 1 �1 . SI('NI; _ L�. Zo�� . eters Jo�ep ine T,. I'eters Statc of T►innesc>ta Co��ntv o f The fore�oin�, �insti•tinent was ��ckn��,�lecl���cl be (�ore me thi �; d• v of , J ---- I.cRov F . PE:tec•s ancl loscph� ne I. . PeteY•s , }lusl��inc.i and �,�.i fe . i�ota �• � Fuh l i c , Cotant} T 1�� (.�;�i i m�i s s i_��n 1;x��� r�� ] C.:ilvin 11. (Iedluncl , here� v cc:rtify that I hav� st�r��eytci ��nc3 T�1at� .c�l thc pro��ertv des�ri �ed deciication oC this I lat a.� C�,�P �I01� APIl11"I(�N ; that th�is r��lat � s corrcct rcpres�ntat�ic�n o�i that all ciistan�es � re col rectl_y s}lo�an on the p1at ; that �i �11 n;orit� �ents have been corrrctl�� F grounci as shoti�n ; th< t the boundarl� 1_incs are corl•ectiv desi��natc�l on thc Plat ; �itid thcre r��re ea sement s or l�l,bl i c h i�hw.- ��s other th�.�n as showr� therc>on . C'a1v ��7 I��I. FIe lunc , 1:an S�i�•ti�evc�z � T�iinne �ota Ite��ist�'<�t:ion N��. 59A ? State of Tfinnesc�t<:i. County o (- IIe11ne�>j n �• "I'he �urvcyor ' s Cert � fi �at ���as subscrihed antl swo.rn to hcforc mc , a :�otary I'ublic , thi. s - � I � -- � �otai� - Pt�f�lic , llennej>>n Count�� , �`i�� Conmis�ion Fxpires A�pi-oved and ac��ept cl by }ie Cit�� Counc.il of thc (:i_t�v ol� 5t . Pal.il , �ti �inesota , th�i � c�� , 19 . � Rv : I3�- : No clel i n��uerlt taxes �lt.ir a d transFer cntcrec� this day- oi� � , ] � Dc��a l tment—�� 1'ro��erty "I'axati.on B i� Pursuant to C}iapter 7 , Tti �nesota Laws of 197G , this plat l�as bec� �•evi_eiti���l r��ncl ap�proved , thi of� , 19 anc] t.he conditi.ons oi� T�linnesota StaTut�s , Section 505. 03 , S ha��e�—T�ccn f ul i11cc . � � � � Dav_i 1�. Clavpool � � I�ct:i_� ti; l:amscy County Sur'lrevor Countv Recorder , Co mty o�t� Rr�mscv , Sti��te of Pi�innesota 1 1��ereb�� certi i v t � t tlli� pl��t o f Cr�riP ZIO\ .�I)DI'I'ION was �f� ] ed n t�h�i.s c� f�Cice t}li s ci , 1� , at o ' clock . P1. and was Ci 1e in I'>�ok of I'Iats , ���s T)ocument ?�`umbcr . ..�.�..�� � �� '-SS� r�'�`��}'� �� � � � �_�� .. �-�;,-__, r;`—;;a��'r' ,. �✓��:�, .�ot �;�.�C�z�c� 1'eter5 and .Tose;�hillc I,. Peter� , hus �ancj a d wi fe, fee ec] in the City of St . P��ul , Countv o Rams y, State of �� l,ots , arcorain� to the plat thereof n fi1 � and of rc]er , -�t�im�c:v Count}-, rtinnesota . s C�`iT' ? I(lN ADDITiO� , and do herehy iecii� te to the raina�e �ind utilitv pur��oses as sho on the p1at . hine ].. T'eters , husband and ti��i �fe , ha � h�t�eunto set � � �� � I `� . SI�NEp L��Rov . eters Jo�e��hine 1:. Peters mc th i s d�iv o f , 1� , bv and ���i i"e . � Notarv Fu�:lic , Cotm }-, Tlinnesota � TTv Commi_ssion Expi res � � urveyecl anc3 T�latted the propert�� c1e ci-� be i:n the �� � � � at th:i_5 plat is a correct rcprescnt tion i� said survev; t ; that all monuments have hecn cor• cctly placed i_n the ectl�- desi�natecl on the P1at ; and t erc a e no wetlancls, thcreon . Calvin II. I?e lunc--I , I,:ln�Tc �t.i��l-ey r,_._._. Tlinnesota Rc�istrat_ion ti _ . 594? • � rn to hef�or�e iue , a Notarv I'ublic , t �is � da�� of I \�otarv Puhlic , llennepin County , Pltnnesot� P�v Commi s�i on Ex��i res � � Ci ty of St . Paul , �1i nnesota , thi s day of 13y : r,iayQr ��' : Clcrk d a y o f , 1�? Director Dcp.irtmcnt o�� Proj�crt�- ' axati n � B�� : _ Deputv is plat has bcen �•evieltic�d and a�pr ved , his day � � ns of �iinncsota Staftites , Section OS . O� , Sub l �c� r'is on 2 , 1)avi c Il. C1 �vpoo. � nctins; F�amscv Cotmty Su vevor ;ora ['ION was filed in this offi�e this day o.f �1. and �,�as f i l�cl in P,00k of Plats , Pagc ,