85-542 WHITE - CITV CIERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA IT L Council _�-,/� GANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. ���b�� 1 PED - COMMUNITY DEVELOP C uncil Resolution Presented y � i- Referred To � �-� Committee: Date "� �'� Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS , the Cou cil o the City of Saint Paul did approve , up n the recommendation of the Mayor and with the advice of the Capital Impr vement Bud�et Committee , the Commu ity Development Block Grant Year XI Pro ram as part of the 1985 Capi al Im rovement Budget and the 1985 Special Fu ds Budget; and WHEREAS , the app opria e public hearin�s on the Community Deve opment Block Grant Year XI P ogram have been held in accordance with the r quirements of the U .S . Departmen of H usin$ and Urban Development ; now, there ore , be it RESOLVED , that M yor G orge Latimer , as Chief Executive Office of the City of Saint Paul , i here y authorized and directed to submit the Community Development Block Gra t Yea XI Statement of Community Development bjectives and Projeeted Use of unds o the U .S . Department oF Housing and Ur an Development in such f rm as preseribed by the regulations of said department; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor or his designated representat ' ve, the Deputy Director of Co munit Development , is further authorized to xecute and submit to the U .S Depa tment of Housing and Urban Development ny assurances , certifica ions , teehnical changes or additional informa ion that may be required by sa d Dep rtment during their review of the City' Community Development Block Grant Year XI Submission for Federal As istanee; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED that upon notification of approval of the Ci y of Saint Paul �s Communit Deve opment Bloek Grant Year XI Program by t e U .S . Department of Housing and U ban Development , the Couneil of the Cit of Saint Paul does hereb auth rize the proper City officials to execu e the �rar�t a�reement and c ntrac between the U .S . Department of Housing and Urban Development and the C ty of Saint Paul for the Community Deve opment COUNCILMEN Yeas S�s� Nays Requested by Department of: Drew � � . Masanz In Favor � Nicosia � �� Scheibel __ Against BY �edssco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date AP � 8 ��[75 Form Approved by City At rney Certified P�s• ou cil re BY / b�c�� � t�ppr by Nlavor: e 1"R Approved by Mayor for Submission to Cou cil By BY . �_ ' � 1y�� Pt16�.ISN � Nr'�� � � . , , � ,�-y� �I7Y � 5r'�]:iei� f�'AULq �fIiJ�tESaTA ��Tr'�TE�IE�! OF i'D MU�lI�'fY ��EVI:.I_Oh'�tE�lT ORJECTIVES Since i.t'� iricepti n a.n 1 74, the C:ity af 5nint F'���al's Comrt��.►nity I�evelopn�ant �+lcr_k r4nt �' ogr�am hn� been Gos�cJ Targely on th� c�o41�: r�nd ahi,j�ctiv s nf� i: e �AIi`.7 F'r'�UL GGt�PREHEiVSTVE F'LA�! ��nd _ the C�9�'I7�►L RL.I_OG(i ID�! �'D IGY� Tt�esP documents pravide the policY �lire�tiun for ��11 an�n,urii. y dev�7.o�n�ent ��ctivities, �r►d ��re ��se� thr�a�_igh�aut. th City' con�rnu►i:it�y d�velvpment pl{�nning �n�1 r.�ipit��l. buclgeta.ng roces� �. T1�� G`camnr�hensive F'1nn i.dentifies the City':� Key �b.j C�1VP1s far the 19�30's, �nd the G�pit�l (il.l.nca�tion F'OZ].C'� f?f15UT`Cf> '{:ri4 Ctl�i7.'�,� �. 11►��)T'OVE?i7t2C1't T�E'aQ�lT'CB'� �1T'E' �1Z�qC{�'I:BCI '�D those ac•k.ivi t•i�s d em�ti e aentir�.l. �and nt�cessnry for the 1Cnq term he�l.th �ar�d �rit��lit of 5a n•t F'r�u�. a Th� cievelapn�eEit of �ath th�se Jor_uments invaive ,;tensi e citi:�n }��articipationr �and re�idents Cnll'�].il�lE' 'fC) ren�ni.►�� �7ctive in both ti�te revinian o�` paliciec> ��rid th� {�llr,c�at:ian t�F Uf�G re. o�lrces« Liothy tl-�� t:c,rt�pr-f3i��ei�r �iv� F'1 n �r�d t•he C�api�C�al Allocatic�n F'n].icY 15�trongly �:�U�]puT�t �G e ob,ja t:iw�s of t.he feder�l Housing nnrl Comn��si�i•t.Y C�P.WPJ.O�IA nt Rct i.e. r 1.cr ci�velo� vi��t�l.e urbnn c:an�munit�i.ec� by �r�ovi�:lir�y dec�n hcausi. r� ~xnd �a s�.►it�bla li�ing envir�nm�nt, anci �s;���anding er..annmi.c: o�:�pc�rt �-�iti.ei., princi�3��lly for �ersan� of law nnrl n�ader�at� inr.c,rn . S��i t �'��ul`s GI�L�eG �'rogrnrr� nlao c�ives m�::im��n� fe�a�ible priority o �acti itiec� wt�ic.h benefi.t low rxn�! n�c�d�rrate :iricame per�sonsr �an n�.�1 i the preventi��n or �lin�in�ati��7 r,f s:lum�s c�r blic�ht. The 5�aint F'�au] Gcasn rehen� ve F'l�:�ri o Ut�.jectiues for the 198i1's Th� Con���rehensive 'lan �.� S�aint �'��u1's c��fficic,l F�1r�nning cl�c�sm�nt. ]:t help� t� prc�vid �� va.s on of the C:itY'� futur� potentir�l., whil� g��iclincl i�L<_: r�spar� �� tc� c� rrenl, it;�ues and O(]F"tOTt.U17Zt1PSa Tt�� Coo,pr�hensitie F'lan recoyn y�� th��t ��aint f'���1 is f�ced with tr�iYny caa�n�aanit� clev�lop�n n�: ►ie� t� WI'iICI'i s�.�rp�a#s its limited ��n�o�ant of r•escturce��. It i� PCt�U58 the City daes nt•Q hnve �lnlirFited r�— s�urces� that ���Lte t�.c�n nn st he r�i.r•t�ct�d to those �scti�liti�s wh�i.ch �rre I1�D5'�, cr�i�t:ir_al « The G mprehen�:ive �'l�an and the the city's (�I►I�G c�b,jettive�:s far_��as a tl��c�se �le►u�z�r+� �a5�nti��I to the future ��.11-. b�in� af t•hn Cit.�« The K y ob,j��t.:iv�� which �ffer_t. thr GI�I�G 1='rr_�r�rorn �ai��: �.. 1-iL1USJt�fa: 7�a m�a:i t��i.n r,� ci upgr•�aci� �th,je City`s e>:i�tiny hc��aai.►•ic�} �ti�r_1, hi:le � NKi►i�a tp i.mprcave deficient hau�.iny c�ncl qener�� inc� co struct.ian �f riEw, �zffar��zble hc��.te�i.ny chAi.ce� in chc� �c t�+r rath �h� nei�hi�nrhoods ��irra�lndinra t.l�tem. '�.E��lFF�GY: Tc� �lcii ev�� gr �xter �n�rr�y �fficiencY by o��zint��ii�ing ��rid re�rof ttir�y ;;istinc� st.r�lctures, whi1F encc��.irnginy en�rgy can�aEr �:ztic}r► r�d 111fi(3V�]'�.i.or� :ii� Cd115tTUC'GlOfi. 3. 3t�FRHSThUCI�L►I;i�; "f� re�r, r�t�iin Gi.i:.y ii�ves•tR�ents: p�irtic��l�zrly s�wer nd wat• r lir�es, �treets dnd bridges, publir e.,��i��+i ,ys �arid p.•:i.s�i:i.r�c� �.'r�rk„ i:hra:�gh re�nir �xnd/ar rep:lnc REenfi• �a neecled. �, ' � �ss�� lhe C�mprel�F3r��i.v� lan �.,� �xr��d�: the��� �ta,j�cl.ives into i�:�:ue ar arecx �pec:ific poli ies �n{ rec�.�n�nc�nci�xtions, m�nY of which nert�ir� ciir��ct].y tc� coirrrr�un ty d�v 1r,pemt �xr.t.ivi.�ti.�a« F'rior �.o the 'apPrn�ri��ata.at� ��f C EsG fun �, a:ll con�n�+anaty deve:lapn�t�nt progr��n�s nnd E�r�.ject.Cs �ar� re�vi�.� ed for ccrosist�t7c>' w�.th the �sdapt�d pcali.cies af t.he Cc�Mr��r�hen5i p f-'1nn The L"�pi.t�al. Al.:loca inri f�c:�� icy: 1':��#4 ... 19c3'=+ Tfie Capitrtl r�lloc� ion F'n icy w�= sper_ific��].:tY d��:igned ��.n g�lide �3��iri•t. t�'�aul. '<.� Llriifi d C��pi. al I���dqetir�y !°'rr.,ces!: �nd •t,l•ie e:;p�E��dit+_�re of CI��iG �`un�i��, It sets t e gener�al direction far c�apitnl �..�en�ii.k.urer3 over �a mu].ta. year �ra.r.;ci. �rhe prali.cie� {�r�:S ,1Cs�d to �111c�c�te c�:a�ri�tt�l r�so�.arces �ar_curdin to tsi y ganls ��nd oL.1�ct.ives► �and ta d�tern�inc-� �:he rel��tivF� ��riar y crfi �� ca�,c��:ec1 c:�awi.t•�:�J. pra,ject�« �t�he m�,jar� c�o�l�K of tPi�.a F'n icY �ire clos�ly r�elr,�,ed tc� ttte ['.c�ir�Nret�ens�ivc �14r�r► nnci fc�r�r� th� has9.s ar S�iin�t �-'���11'� cc�pit�l imprc�uem�nt ehpendi.t�lr�� �ar�ci �- ►t�ir�ur�i� cievelo�m�r�t. �ctivi.tie�� 1. TO STRF'i�.GEITf-_�N T ;k CTTY S i�I�IGi��ItOF�F�fClOL�� in t�rder •ta ta m�:�ite� thE�m b�t.tN�r pl�� es t�a ive. �. TO C(J�IS:I:L+Eh Ei�f= 'GY UaE :IN ALI_. [;TTY P�E:TTt17:TIES �znd tca inc�re��se ent�ryy E�f'F1C].E'Cl y wher ver poss:iblE« �,. TC� E�lSl1F;E TF�E S �',U�TUI"i t.. I�TECT�;TTY Of� i'HE CITY`5 F'IiYSICAL. FAGILIT:tra in a der to re�+�in•tn:i.r7 �Jr\�Sll" l.evela c+f servicN �n�l �.�re.Wen•t: pot��rrt�i I he�al -1�� ��ncl �ra•f�f*tY h�aa�ar�c�<_. T�he con�nn.�i.ty dFauel ��i�ent eeds c�f t.he C:it.y �lre f�r gre�at�r �;tr��n the av�il�aule c��api �1 res urces. T'h,e ganls af the Cnpit�l r�llac�xti.ar� F'oli.cy �zr�, therE�f rer su �;l.enEer,t�ci t?Y t� numher ofi ob,��c.t.i.�e� t.o be �accun+pli�hed with lor_k y u��t funcl�. The�e ob.jectives ��re: ��) t.c� �� i��t. i.n the r�.�i�now�atinn �and reh�aL�il.itrx�l.i.nn af� the City' h��a�.�i g stacK, �o �li.min�te bl:ic�h�k.etl �structureG� �I:hrca�a h s��c�t� acquis:itic�n when nece�s�ru's I�) to r_o ��l.ernan p��blic ��nd privnte ho�lsing rph�ah�ilit�ztian ��ffnr �s th�r�n UhS �IIP a.n�t��ll�ation c?f p�st�lic :i.n��arovem�nt� �uch �. s�r� ts, �ew����p �anei neighbarhood f�]Cl�.].t:tBsr �:o �;r vi.de � blic �;ervi.ce �ac•tivities atien necez>���ry nnd c�ppr« r�i��tep c:) •t.c� ��r mc��.e �� d pravi�i�� �tirn�11��3 in ecanc��r�:ic deuel.c,k�merrt �act:iw �ae�; ci) i:o ar: i.�t ir► n�igt�ho•rt,caod reuitilis�.�fi.i.ori ef'f'ort�� �ancl �) to �n .o�lr�:ar�� �ncf �ro�7,a�te eneryy effaciency. The G�aE�i.t�x7. Alloca i�rn F'c� i.cy i� cliwicleci anto four �eci:ions2 --St•ru •�gYe ._Im��l ment��tinn �inc! I�eti•elopmeri�t; —��ra,j ct; �n�) --H�a cl c� �G f'a 1 i c::i.��, , �, . , , C� ��_�y� C.��ch pral.ir.�r' �ectio prawi e�> n c(i.�'fE�reril, l�vel of directian f�r �the c��p�i�t�al imprc�u ment b d�etinra prvcES�« ThF �kwo �ect.ians whicl-� ��Fri:��in n�u�>�L• d:i.rec ly ta he �xl.l.r�c�zt.iori U•f af CL�E;G �'�.ands ure de�cribed below. Ir� c��n�i�ana ionr t e fo�ar �ac�7.icY 5PC'I'.ZC3f15 rrpre�ent S�aint F'�.�al's pr•a.c�ritic�s c,r the u5p c�f i.tcs blorit grnnt �and ather capit�l r�a��.•o�.arces. 1.. 5T�iF'�i�ECa`/ F'Oi...ICI � -• 7h Strntec��r` F'crl.icies set g�ner�l. di.recti.on fc�r :aa.ry�t F'�:�ul' c�mmu� ity d��e'lapment ��ctivit:ies within the {'r�mewc�rK c?i' yc:� ls ��nd �r�inc9pl�ta. They' e�tabli.>h tP�e r�l�ativ� propor�l•:ican a:y�P �f nds th� t SI70U�.CI �ddreas e��ch �?f f�our �r�-ac�st Citv-wi.cie ser�:i e ��ys�, m iir��:�rc�veirrent�t ecoriUmir clevelo�m�rit- r�l��tf_+:i impr��ve e��t!�, ��d suppr�rt sy�tem in�prowernents. Ir7 ❑dda.tioii, i:hi� �:� nu�1 � nF�ortic�ry of funds allocat�c! �Lu any crn� ��ren of 'r,he r_i.t. i�s n�c.r itor�d nver t.ime to u�oid e>cces�iv� yeayrnF;h�.r. ��arrc. ritr�ati rt af� ii7�prc:rvem�nt� and �o �1�sure tl��at• c�n�munity devel pn�ent eeds in ��l.l �ar��a dre ��ddressed« L�a1.IY► th� �:�c,1 cie� i �nti_�fiy �:,ri.�ariti�s for b�:�sic service SYstem�r e�c�nnR� c dave� opmt�nf., �•re:iyhborhopd aettermentr en�rr�y efficier�cyr �r�d ho�s�in impra�c�iT��.ar�t�. .�. IMFLEi�iE�'t�f7i;7IQi� �I� I�EU LDF'�iEi�T FOLT(�7E a - These policie� iclenti.fy +_riFer �� �hir. dre im,�tiart��n� cnnai�erat•icans i.��r s+�1er_ting cr�pit��]. im�rove �er��t�. They �ar� u�eci bY cc��r�munitY re�r��>�nt�a�tives in the c�x��it�i1 o�prave ent budyeting R�rocess d�lring review af pr�.jec:t. �ar�rJ �,r�c� r•nn� pr �as�als. �1n�t a�t' tF►e pc�liciPs �ar•� 41:�ated in tera,!-3 ���F 'pr ora.t:ie ' ar� `consider��tian�' reflectinr� �fheir �15e �7s �3v�1�.����ta n c:rii: ri�a. Hll c:c�mm��ni.ty cle�� .a�►r��r��t �ragritiY�� �ir;d {.tiro.�eci:� �re revi.eaw�rJ f�c:�r consistenc_Y wit.r� t e ���I�ap ��i palici�!� w:i�thin the G�pi�ral F91:lncnti�rn cloc�ament E;r�:iar• tc� 17e �a���, npri�xtic+►� of CI�I�G f��nds. CopieS c�f bath the S�aint '�aul Gca�r���r��tteri�i.ve Fl��n ��nd Capii:�a]. �°�l]oc��tian �'��1:icY re �:�v�a Ir�b1e far insp�ction during narn,ral ia�lsi�7es� t7our4. Infc�rm�at�.o � conce •ning ei�t.her c1t�c:ument i� c�v�ail.�ah�l.e b'y cont��ct.iny « Ca���rnl ity T+cvel.a�rr��nt I1ivi�ion I�epnr ment of �lc�nna.ng S Eco��nmic L�eveloprnent J.4?G itY H�11 (�ni�e:; 2� We t Ath 5�tree�t ��i��i r�t. �'��u 1 P Mi� �;�.�:�? ic51?) w9? - 9.;�7? � �. CITY Df SAI T f`H�I�L., �i]:��li��sDTA ��',..�y� f''f�OJ£C E.L� U�E q�' CI�I�f.i YE��{ ;�I FUNI►5 (1cr�uisi.tio r'�c:tiv �4i.ea 11/34 �tE�:ic�hbcar•ho d F'��rt er5l�iip F'r•oqrnm t�O.�Q �0.00 I►i��:�ositia Rctiv 1:Y 11/4� F'rnperty M� n��gen�e �t/t���i.riten��rrce �195,768.00 �19���768«Oq F'ul?l.ic F��c 1i1.�.es Im�;rav�m�r�t.� 111d�b L�angfarci C; cre�ati. ri Gen•ter �3b2:C�40.�?4 11/21 1�esident.i�a Stree �'avi.ng �884,000.40 11/�2 U�:�1ign/CI� ea�• XI Tn�prav�m�nl:s �14�,a00.{�{� 11139 N�ighbc�rhn d F'nrt ership Pra�.ar�aR, ��?QOr400«40 11IA2 L/�f Inter•e t Fr�e L.ca�a7� �ip4}s0{1�.4t? �1r6�b,GOt}.Oi} [:le��rar�c� ctivit 11/34 �lpiyhbnrho d �'nrt �r=.hip F�rc���r�i�r� �.GO.QO �O.QQ 1'�lblic ��r :ice Ac ivity ].I/34 NE�igtibnrha d F'��rt er�>hip F'r�c�car��nE �104,0OO.�JO ��10�,0�Q.04 i",'elac��l:inr� P�ctivi. y 11/34 iJei.yhbarho d F'art ership F'ror�r��m 'b0.00 �(�.40 (;en�cav��l/Ar Mit�ct� r�a1 E���rra.c5r•s 11��2 F��andic���,p� F'�.�dEaa ri��n R�amp<.: �0.�C� �>4«40 f;eh��bil.ita ion r'rc i.uitie�� 11/3� GQIT�ITtE'T•C1{1J. ReP���f:� 'rogrc�m �rJJl�O�.00 11/31 Rent�l fieh bilito ion F'rogr���r� �7�g�JJ.�.lt40 11/3� Owner—ticcu ied LQ r�s �818,838.�C� 11J3� L�efPrr�d F �rnent o�an� 9�4b7,5�b.00 11/3A �leighbc�nc�a d F'��rt ership Fr•ogr�am �7Q].,7�7.��? 11/36 I���a�.i�i�i�3 Op ort,uni y 1=�lnd �239►142.00 11/37 t'�nin Leaad� I�isca r��ctiaii 1=�.�nci �13,3�J0.��0 , 11/38 iVl-I�i f;eval�,� ny l._oa Fund �3�0,000.00 ].1/3R I�e:�•F�rr�d E ergY F; ht�b Ln�anr> 9�373,838.00 11/41 �`I�1C1hhDT`I10 �i �lun— rofit Reh��b �350�5bat00 �4,hb4,7?7.0� C:c�r��amic I� velcpn, nt Ae�tivi•l:y� 1]./AO SHr� G;O; L�� e1op���e t F'und 5�j.17:L�70«00 5,117,�70.d0 F'1�anniny ��2�r400.0(1 GlilF?T�dl ��cl �ini�.tr� tiar� �1�.7pp,p00«OQ 11nsF,eci•f�i.e Car�ti gency ��i,7Qa«00 T TfiL. �'FiD[;1",A�f CqST� �8 r b;2 p L?E,C.Ot? w � � r ��� � '�a� ry �.�-�—y� La`EP�!l�:kAL P�I�� I�l1'STfi 710N. Lier►�rr��J. �i� �gemer+ , Oversigt�t �i341,5b3.�[� �ar7�i Cvordi ation lnd�.rect t; st�; �350,��74.00� Ci�t.i..��n 1='�� ti.ci.p� ion �34b,�.'O�.OG �:nvir•nr�nlEr7 �l Stu ies �34,Q00.00 {-lau�inc� Iry orm�ati. n Office �13':,232.L�� TQT�►I_ GLi�lE 'AI_. AII� �+}. CUS7r 7i,100,000.05� L�LOCh GI�;Ari+! FtESOU CES F'nti.tle�rren P�moun �7,�t44,000.Ot� C�n�}:,l�.c��:�t.e Sunpa t Servi.c��.�: frum �'rior Ye4rs �0.�?(� r�nt.a.ci.F���t� f-'rogr� m Incame; CU XI ��31�,2b5.00� ar�rJ C''ri�a•r �nr� TOTAI_. IiLCC ` tif;ANT FiESQU�CES �8,652,?f,5.00 !"'F{OLiCiPr�'i EtE: �F l'T :L) [:c;�tc> s�.aG.j ct ta rogr�m E�E'flCyfi.t �6,7�3�JElJ�OL� .') E:::pendit��r s prin ipalJ.y b�rie-- �Pi.�t•ti.ng lo lmr�d i canze per�c�n��. �&,331 ,243.4Q LiriF� 2 ��r y of ine 1 `�4.:' y 3) 7r.�ta1 Nlc�r. ' Gr�nt Fiesources ���EfJc9iEr;.00 �!) C,��nF�r��]. r�r1 �inist.r tive Gosta �J.,7��O,t}Q0.�0 i._ir�►e� 4 ��� Y. of ine 3 19.8`� % ! � �s � Y�/ ^� EPAR I•1ENT ONTA T HONE ���� � DATE � (Routing and Explanation Shee ) Assi Number for Routi Orde Cli All Lxations for oral Si nature •E E��ED Department Di rec r �j . , city attorney MAR 2 2 1985 � Di rector of Mana ment/ or REC��V�� ��Ty ATTORNEY Fi nance and Mana ment S rvi ces Di rector MpR 2 2 i985 �, City Clerk MAYOR'S OFFICE Budget Director r O i�hat Will be Achieved Takin Action on the Attached Materials? Pur se R tionale : APPtZoVA� � NE A-trt+.c�ED ��SO�.�T1oN wtc.� . �t.-L-Ot� -'T'�1' G 1 Y "C�D S t.l,Btrl 1 T IT� �O N11rl,t�t,N►t'Y E'LOpN+{,E'i�� 8�-��'K � pa1`�T 1 E�R �L A�,PPLICI►.TIO N TO TEd I✓t.S. 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Ap�rova! o,-' m nut�s rcrn me��ines Ap�i 1 1 and a. 1°85.���1�G�2 Z. Rz=olution a= roving contfnuous s���er-= or the Uni:=� c�=_3< <���ina flond P*-oer�,� n cene. a! /�-na oT the A�;�cm�_i c Payro i 1 Gcv i nas P 1�:� i �;72_ifiC. ;�„ ,j i/ , _ / J�J c� �� ., . f ^ '������ � �� " � , 'i�Y pe,,ercc;nen� Block Gran� Year XI ��pi i- i:ott to t a� ,.54. b ��r�;nen� or Hous i ng 8 �r�_n Deve 1 oprrtent. (FE7} �•. ���'"���C`� ^.aing he Ig,�s h���_a_ ►,,� ��:inc �Z,�Si 'C _ .� to the F i n�� c- . 1 IlQ_G�1 c�� c?lGt O �.:`lC? GE?:r'C 1 C P I c:l`fCi' �i.. P��,�1 R°t'l1S$ � E!1�r'�� �1°�i i C� F�e�=inc. (P�� i ic wo �s) ���1 �p��J� �. (�ii:..t�f!cfSC° c:Ti�?. GiC1Q C. C+�:�*' 6S Q1' 'r:`I? r1C:-:til1�-:^=T_i � ,.._ +- : _ ve Coc_ pe. a f n i r!c _3 �ilF? �Q`/v('�iC c. Q CO� ) C�iOf? Ot' S.^.E.'_?c� �eeacernn`� 1"OI' aOC�i IRD1"OVe men_s. 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