85-537 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE t CANARV -DEPARTMENT GIT OF SAINT PALTL COUI1Cll . A/ +�_+��� BLUE - MAVOR f � � F112 NO. �� �� ' Ordindnce Ordinance N 0. �T� � Presented By ' ^ k-`'�'�, �Referred T �-"��� '�f� -5 � g� Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An or inance relating to licenses for the sale of no into icating malt liquor and notifica- tion requir ments for hearings; amending Chapter 410 of the t. P 1 Legislative Code. THE COUNCIL OF E CI OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section l. That Sectio 410. 3 of the S�. Paul Legislative Code is amended by addi a s division to read: /�ubd,._ 8__7'_ /FUB_ IC. HEARING.;, NOTICES_�' . ��10_ new . on. sale. or �f. s �. li�ense sha.11 be. issueTuntil �F`i,e_ coun.c� s v�.�irs:t�ieV7'�fi""`a "u�b i�'"`c Tze'ar�. o��he. app c�,t�o ... . . e not�. �c�tiox�_ re. u�x�ments � app ica. e. �. r s ers_ or. c an e. �.n. ic�nse. . areas, in. s ec ion . , s_ a . e app ica e in e issuance o new icenses. �"`�"�` Section 2. - This ordin ce s 11 take effect and be in force 30 days after its passa , ap oval and publication. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas So�uE� Nays fte4eh9r �,�,,, [n Favor Masanz NiCOSia gainst BY Scheibel TedesCo Wilson Adopted by Council: Date �UN - 1985 Form Approved City Attorney Certified P s d ouncil S tary BY � Appro y Mayor: Da Approved by May r for Submission to Counci B BY Pu�►s� �u � 5 �9a5 : ,, . .� . ;,_ __... _ - - .__.. _ �. .�. ,.... ._.� ., .. . w. �..�,�., ..�-.. .. . _ . _ . _w_ ..� , .. � � i� ls t —/ ��j ' 2nd `�� �--t�� -�- -- ;���� _ 3rd .� . � � Adopted � - � � �`� �-� (�;'- �����_ . Yeas Nays , ,,. _ DRELJ �� (� �' -S3 7 � riasa,vz 5 ��': ' i ��v� .: NICOSIA SCHEIBEL . SONNEN WILSON MR. PRESIDENT TEDESCO � . _ _.__ ' �S ? ;}� �: t���. � �� , ,, ;���� � .