85-536 WMITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE ITY OF SAINT PAUL Council CANAR,-DEPARTMENT File NO. �/ BLUE - MAVOR �'I � ',/ /^ • )' � rdin�nce Ordinance N�. o� 7 Presented y ' �'�` ``� Referred '�'�� �b' S 1..� '0 Committee: Date � �"� Out of Committee By Date An ordi ance elating to licenses for the � sale of into icati g liquor and notification re_quirements for h arin�s ; amending Chapter 409 of the S . Pau Legislative Code. THE COUNCIL OF TH CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Section 409.0 of the St. Paul Legislative Code is amended by adding a sub ivision to read: /�ubd. 3a.? /�UBL C HEARING; NOTICES.7 No new Ticens �r ither on sale or off sale sha�e _ _ _ .. .. _ _ _ _ _ _ - - . - - . - - - - -- -- _ _ . . _ . _ . _ . . . __ . . _ . . _ . . . . issue. _ :un. i. _ . _ e. _c. unci. . s .a. . _ ave. . irs. . e. . , a. . p:u.b`T'ic,"t�.eari. _ . on. _, . e. ��.�ica. ion... . . _�T�e`,no�'i�'i.cation r`�e��u� i e� ments, app. _i, a_ . e�to."I`ic,ense_ trans.�ers. or.'�'��� ange in. . i. ense, . areas. in. section s all � �e a�p� ica in"t e issuance o ew�"icenses. - Section 2. That Section 409. 1 of the St. Paul Legislative Code is amended by add ng a ubdivision to read: /Subd... 3._7' . LI. . HEARING.;. NOTICES..�. N�. n,ew on. sale. wine, licen, .e_ shall be_ issued.,— nor any_ existing. rie. ns:e.:t ans .erre . rom. p ac�. .t� p. ac.e, un i . t e. co. nci. . a . �h.'ave. izs . e a pu ic�` _ kearin . on. t e. a � ica.tiy �� n.. .. The. no.tif icat.ion re-- qu�ir.emen. s. •a p ica e. . .o. . rans ers. or. � ng�. in. . Iicen" secTare s i�. "se�.iox� ... s a e ap� icable to` t�iQ. issua ,c.e o . ne.w. or�. sa. .e. wine icenses or transfers fr m la e to lace. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher pfe1,,, In Favor Masanz � NiCOSia A inst BY Scheibel Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved y 'ty Attorne Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved b M or for Submission to Council By BY WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE 1 CANARI' - DEPARTMENT ITY OF SAINT PALTL COl1I1C11 BLWE - MAVOR File NO. ��� �� ` � ,� rdin�nce Ordinance N�. ��� Presented By � '', " �;. Referred T Committee: Date Out of Comr�ittee By Date Pag�=_ '%. Section 3. This ordina.n e sha 1 take effect and be in force 30 days after its passage appr val and publication. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas _��� N`ays � �tledelter �,o,,,r In avor Masanz � N�cosla Ag inst BY Scheibel Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date UN 6 1985 Form Approv by City Attorney Certified e Council cr ar BY By Appro y Mayor: Date 'JUN -- 1985 Approv b Mayor for Submission to Council By ��p J N 1 � 1 85 � aiy` CJC Y" O:�' SAINT PAUL GI'���-�3 � .,�� ° �,::; {,-Y-- =. - O FIC3� F TH� CITY COIIl\TCIL / 7��7 , ..,.�.,. � - �,'�•,--.a�— �� "=.•' '" D d t e : May 20, 1985 :_�. - ,. � . _ C� M (TT E REPORT ����D xr r; /� .. 2 Li t L:�� V VJ� Y !: � �� TO Satn� Pq ! Ci y Coun�it r� ;� _� � �,..;� FR Q I� = CO[YII'i11�'t � O LEGISLATION � I� � :" , # C N A 1 R : J HN DRE ���nda ;��m r 2 An ordinance setting orth a classification system for estab- lishments which serve liquor, wine and/or beer. C.F. 84-1592 Ordinance Withdra�• n . =.genda �.�Am � 3 An ordinance amendin Chapt r 246.01 of the Le�islative Code _.__ . pertaining to Parks nd Liq or and allowing consumption of � liquor at Phalen Par Clubh use subject to certain regulations. � C.F. 85-100 Commi tee r comme.nds approval . ,;genda ` item # 4 !�i'���a:a ,��ap ������,he Legislative Code pertaining to icens s for he sale o� intoxicati liquor and notification req iremen s for hearings. C.F.:���: �� Committee recomm nds a proval . �genda Item # 5 An ordinance amendin Chapt r 410 of the Legislative Code pertaining to the sa e of n n-intoxicating liquor and noti- fication requiremen for h arings. C.F. 85-537 : Committee recomm nds a proval . CIZ'Y HALL SEVEN FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MtNNESO A 55102 ., .�t�,,,.„ — . . _.._..._,_._..._..._.. __ ,._.. . , ,._.�__,. v...,.— :�.,���, __.,.._.., ..__,.�._. _. .,___... .__ �__ _ ._. .._,_ �...,.,,,,,�.. .,:,�.4�.,�...,�m..,,.a,�..� _, . . __.. . .�- .. ' A: i � . . . :�: C�I , Y" .0��+ ►�-�'�..IN'T' PAUL �iS_ 5 � al�,��`� � !, � � � = � O F'IC� F TH� CZTY' COIINCIL ��N �i��e�+. � n���•�a....• i` �: . �''_'_'�'=� D a t e : May 20, 1985 :.. C4M iT�" E RE PORT �&�.�d sf ;i �,. < � , TO = Saint PQ I Cit Cou�cit `;~} `�. � �� � �;v }y, �- , -:;;� 7� � ,:-,.,- FRO �I = COI�C�Ttl�'t8£ Oh LEGISLATION , f , .' i � �•_ CN A 1 R : J N DREW =,-�nda ':tem � 2 An ordinance setting orth a classification system for estab- lishments which serve liquor, wine and/or beer. C.F. 84-1592 Ordinance Wi �hdrav� . ,;�enda �_��m # 3 An ordinance amending Chapte 246.01 of the Legislative Code pertaining to Parks a d Liqu r and allowing consumption of liquor at Phalen Park Clubho se subject to certain regulations. C.F. 85-100 Commi t ee re ommerds approval . ,lgenda item n 4 An ordinance amending Chapte 409 of the Legislative Code pertaining to license for t e sale of intoxicating liquor and notificatian requ rement for hearings. C.F. 85-536 Committee recomme ds a� roval . �genda � _ .. . . , �.., .., Item n 5 ���"�'��nd3rt9 `���of the Legislative Code pertaining to the sal of no -intoxica„ ' , liquor and noti- fication requirements for he rings. C��"�`��'_�: Committee .r.ecomme ds aP roval . CITY HALL S V£NTH LOOR s�AINT PAUL, MINNESOT 55102 ��y.„ � _. ._ _ _ _. ._. ..__ ._.,.,..,..�...._.,._. „ .a _ ,.. ...._ _�,,.�.�.,,,..a-. �.�_. __._._._. ._......... �. .,..:,. :.. ...n.�, ., , ___ _�,--..._..�,....�,��,,.,,,.r...... ._�--..�--.,-,.�...�,.,.�,.: