85-535 . f � ' ciTV oF sT. aa,u� COUNCIL FILE NO. O �� ✓`S FINAL ORDER • � � By � f ' File No. i-11?�4�� =-11Z�$� f-113SQ s-11ZS1, �-3�5�3, �-Ii2S3, !-1�54, i-112SS, :-llg $, f-112S7 . -- Voting In the Matter o ���� ��� �� �r � � . .. ..'�r• l�Mtlws; .�.,.. .... �t��,.'... __ _ 3 S-1124$ East idP S . Snelling Avenue from Eleanor Avenue to . cheffer Avenue and t o (2) panels on adjacent F.leanor Avenue at 678 S. Snelling , ( .. . , . N) 3 S-11250 41est ide S . Snellin� Avenue from Lincoln Avenue ext nded to Good- rich venue extended. 4 S-11251 North side Taylor Avenue from N. Fairview to west 14 feet ' 6 5-11252 East . ide Arcade Street from E. Orange Avenue to E. yacinth Avenue ° and d iveway crossin�; only on the Hyacinth Aven�e si e aC the First Coven• nt Church property at 1280 Arcade Street (with inte�ral curb) 1 S-11253 West ide N• nale Street from Sherburne Avenue to Ch rles Ave�ue and North side Sherburne Avenue Erom N. Dale Street to w st 80 feet. 4 S-11254 T;as[ ide newey Stree� from Feronia Avenue to University Avenue �. or si e Y _ ns way. 2 5-11256 F,ast ide S . Robert Street from E. Belvidere Street o E. Curtice St. 2 S-11257 East . ide S . Rohert Street from E. Morton Street to sou[ti 70 feet. tnereor naving ueen gi as pre rroea oy me ciry �narter; ana WHEREAS, The ouncil ha heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to sai proposed improve- ment and has fully co sidered th same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, Tha the Cou cil of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-des ribed improvement be made, and the prope City offi ers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improve ent; and be it FURTHER RES LVED, T at upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City of icers shall calculate all expenses incurred th ein and s all report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COUNCIL PERSON Adopted by the Council: Date AP 1 8 1965 Yeas Nay �� Certifie asse by Council reta 1I#ssos �j�� In Favor � ach�ib�l �1� SooUN�ti/ � " Against "`�""� APR 2 3 985 Mayor �s� Pt���►s�+� APP,2 '7 1985 .L , ,,� � ; : ,�= ��Y�� , � t �.` � }, �� M�����,� 1 ' ��7' , ' p.� �.�� � _ , J .. ` ���� . � . � I ���•� � '�� � r:' 'S - f 3 t '• + . ' i, f ' 1 i ��.�;r:� �-. " #' "��� — � .. 1 °r.�'� _ r� , � ,, r � 1� _ � , r � � ? .�-T: � ' � tk�a ', . , _ � . � � � . , ;'-, . ,. �i, i � '� � i ; .:�, �� ; • � : � n , , ` , :_- ;'' ,. ; �x , � .. - . \ 7 c � l. � ' � . � . . ' ' . � .i : � � �,'� :t .�J.fl _ � _ f ,� f "�("��i�'�5i/ . _ ' f �. ' . •i LI . .. d� - ... 1 `4`� / � . , .. . .����. :. � . � .,V. `. f N � . . . . .. . ., r � .. . �- �, .� � ' �. .. .. �.. � .�� . . ..� � � � � . � . . .. .. 1� .,,. . �. :�. . .,�: , . r , .'..� i . �. :' . s : :. � -. . ,� . �.f � , .:_, � . . ..� . . ._ . . �� � , I y ��• '�1�+Y, * � '+ � . . 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I C NEARI NG NOTICE ��s -s35� I � WALK CONSTRUCTI N File No. 5-11248 City Council Dis rict 4� 3 Dear ropert Owner: District Plannin Council l�s To consider the construction and/or reconstructio of sidewalks PU R P 0 S E ��>> re necessar�•, at the follo�ai.ng location: A N � East Side S. SNELLING AVENUE from Eleanor Avenue t Scheffer Ave. L0 C A T I 0 N and two panels on adjacent Eleanor Avenue at 678 S Snelling H E A r� l N G Thu sday, April 18, 1985, 10•00 A.M. Cit Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall If lte Council approves the orders (or any part th reof) , a por ion of the costs will be assessed (after const .uction) against I N F 0 R M AT I 0 ben fitted properties. The ESTIMATED ASSESSMENTS or th�s project are as follows: RES DENTIAL rates (SINGLE FAMILY TO THREE FAMILY) For a 5-foot wid sidewalk: New construction (where no walk ex sted) , $13.00 per front ft. ; replacement of na-� sidewalk, $6.50 er front ft. � I'or a 6-foot wicle sidewalk: New construction, $15 60 per front ft. ; replacement of old sidewalk, $7.80 per front t. All corner residential properties will receive a c edit up to the fir t 150 feet of new or reconstructed sidewalk ai ng and abutting �he "long side" of the property. C0� �RCIAL rates (all property other than resident' 1) 100% of actual cost estimuted to be approximately $ .00 per square [oot of walk constructed. Cons -rucr_ion: 298-4255 Assessments: 298 513 QUESTIONS N_so Ci.t}� statf will be available to answer any la t minute �ues ion�= on this Project in the City Council Chamb rs from 9: 30 to 10:00 A.M. the same day as the hearing. March 29, 1 85, ��y the Valuation and Assessment D vision Notice sent Department of P'inance and Managem nt Services Room 218 City Hall - Court House St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 ST PA .UL CITY COUNCIL � G� P U L. I C H E A R I N G N 0 T i E ��s--s35' ID WALK CONSTRUCT ON File No. 5-1124 City Council D strict !� 3 Dea Prope ty Owner: District Planni g Council �i7-5 T consider the construction and/or reconstructi n of sidewalks PU R P 0 S E �� ere necessary, at the following location: A N D N w Construction - East Side S.SNELLING AVENUE f om Ford Pkwy. L 0 C A T I 0 N t Highland Pkwy. H E A R I N G T ursday, April 18, 1985, �,0•00 A.M. C ty Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall • If the Council approves the orders (or any part t ereof) , a . po tion of the �costs will be assessed (after cons .r.uction) against I N F 0 R M AT I 0 be efitted properties. The ESTIMt1TED ASSESSMENTS for this project ar as follows: RE IDENTIAL rates (SINGLE FAMILY TO THREE FAMILY) - F�r a 5-foot cai e sidewalk: New construction (where no walk e isted) , $13.00 pe front ft. ; replacement of old sidewalk, $6.SQ per front ft. . T'o a 6-foot wide sidewalk: New construction, $1 .60 per front ft. ; replacement of old sidewalk, $7.80 per front ft. All corner resiclential properties will receive a credit up to the fir t 150 feeC of new or reconstructed sidewalk ai ng and abutting the "long side" of the property. , C�� 1sRCIAL rates (all property other than resident'al) � 1000 of actual cost estimated to be approximately 4.00 per square f:oo of walk constructed. Con truction: '�98-4255 Assessments: 29 -1►513 QUESTIONS • Als , City staf.f: will be available to answer any 1 st minute que tions on this project in the City Council Chambers from 9: 3 to 10:00 �.ri. Che same day as the hearing. Notice sent March 29, 1 5 by the Valuation and Assessment D'vision Department of Finance and Managem nt Services Room 218 City Hall - Court House St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 ST PA U �� C ITY COUNCIL ��� � PU LIC HEARING NOTI E ���53� �: ID WALK CONSTRUCT ON File No. 5-1125 City Council D'strict 413 Dea Prope ty Qwner: District Plann' g Council ��15 consider the construction and/or reconstructi n of sidewalks PU R P 0 S E W ere necessary, at the follo�aing location; A N D w st Side S. SNELLING AVENUE from Lincoln Ave. e tended to L0 C A T I 0 N G odrich Avenue, extended H E A R I N G T ursday, April 18, 1985, 10`00 A.M. C ty Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall I the Council approves the orders (or any part hereof) , a p rtion of the-costs will be assessed (after con tx.u.ction) against I N F 0 R M AT I 0 b nefitted properties. The ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT for this pro�ect a e as follows: R IDENTIAL rates (SINGLE FAMILY TO THREE FAMILY) - For a ,5-foot wi e sidewalk: New construction (where no walk e isted) , $13.00 pe front ft. ; replacement of old sidewalk, $6.50 per front ft. . Fo a 6-foot wide sidewalk: New construction, $1 .60 per front ft ; replacement of old sidewalk, $7.80 per front £t. A1 corner residential properties will receive a redit up to the fi st 150 feet of new or reconstructed sidewalk a ong and abuCting th "long side" of the property. . CO ERCIAL rates (all property other than residen ial) 10 % of actual cost estimated to be approximately $4.00 per square fo t of walk constructed. Co struction: 298-4255 Assessments: 2 8-4513 QUESTIONS Also, City sta�f will be available to answer any 1 st minute e�u stions on this project in the City Council Cham ers from 9:30 ro l0:0o n.ri. the same day as the hearing. Notice sent March 29, 985, by the Valuation and Assessment ivision Department of Finance and Manage ent Services Room 218 City Hall - Court House St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 ST PA, U L C ITY COU NC I L U Lf C HEARI NG NOTI E � ��sS�s' ID WALK C ONSTRUCTION . File No. 5-112 2 , City Council Di trict 41 6 Dear Proper y Owner: District Planni g Council �� T consider the construction and/or reconstructi n of sidewalks PU R P 0 S E w ere necessary, at the follo�oing location: H N � Ea t Side ARCADE STREF.T from E. Orange Avenue to . Hyacinth Ave. an driveway crossing only on the Hyacinth Ave. s de at the First L 0 C A T I 0 N �o enant Church property at 1280 Arcade, with int gral curb H E A R I N G T rs ay, April 1 , 1 5, lO:OD A.M. Ci y Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall If the Council approves the orders (or any part t ereof) , a po tion of the costs will be assessed (after construction) against I N F 0 R M AT I 0 ben fitted properties. The ES'FIMATED ASSESSMENTS or this project are as follows: RES DENTIAL rates (SINGLE FAMILY TO THREE FAMILYj For a 5-foot wid sidewalk: New construction (where no walk ex sted), $13.00 per front ft. ; replacement of old sidewalk, $6.50 er front ft. For a 6-foot wide sidewalk: New construction, $15 60 per front ft. replacement of old sidewalk, $7.80 per front t. All corner residential properties wiil receiv� a c edit up to the fir t 150 feet of new or reconstructed sidewalk ai ng and abutting the "long side" of the property. CO RCIAL rates (all property other than residenti 1) 100% of actual cost estimated to be approximately $ .00 per square foot of walk constructed. Cons ruction: 298-4255 Assessments: 298 513 QUESTIONS Also City staff will be available to answer any la t minute ques ions on this project in the City Council Chamb rs from 9:30 to 10:00 A.M. the same day as the hearing. Notice sent March 29, 19 5, by the Valuation and Assessment D ision Department of Finance and Managem t Services Room 218 City Hall - Court House St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 T A U L � C ITY COU NC I L UB IC HEARING NOTIC ���s-_�-�5- SIDEWALK C ONSTRUCTI N � ' File No. S-11251 City Council Dist ict �l 4 Dear ropert Owner: District Planning Council �11 To onsider the construction and/or reconstruction of sidewalks PU R P 0 S E Whe e necessary, at the following location: A N � Nor h Side TAYLOR AVENUE from N. Fairview to N. 14 feet LOCATION H E A R I N G Thu sday, April 18, 1985, 10•00 A.M. � Cit Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall If t e Council approves the orders (or any part th reof) , a portion of the costs will be assessed (after const ction) against I N F 0 R M AT I 0 N bene itted properties. The ESTIMATED ASSESSMENTS f r this pro�ect are s follows: RESI ENTIAL rates (SINGLE FAMILY TO THREE FAMILY) - For a 5-foot wide sidewalk: New construction (where no walk exi ted), $13.00 per ront ft. ; replacement of old sidewalk, �6.50 p r front ft. For 6-foot wide sidewalk: New construction, $15. 0 per front ft. ; replacement of old sidewalk, $7.80 per front f . All orner residential properties will receive a cr dit up to the firs 150 feet of new or reconstrueted sidewalk alo g and abutting the ' long side" of the property. � COMM RCIAL rates (all property other than residenti 1) 100% of actual cost estimated to be approximately $ .00 per squsre foot of walk constructed. Cons ruction: 298-4255 Assessments: 298 513 QUESTIONS Also, City staff will be available to answer any las minute quest'ons on this project in the City Council Chambe s from 9:30 0 10:00 A.M. the same day as the hearing. Notice sent March 29, 19 5, by the Valuation and Assessment Di ision Department of Finance and Manageme t Services Room 218 City Hall - Court House St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 T A U L C ITY COU NC I L UB IC HEARiNG NOTiC �-�--s3s SIDEWALK C ONSTRUCTI N ' File No. 5-11253 City Council Dis rict 4� �- Dear ropert Owner: District Plannin Council �l� To consider the construction and/or reconstructio of sidewalks P U R P 0 S E Wh re necessary, at the follo�oing location: A N D We t Side N. DALE STREET from Sherburne Avenue to Charles Avenue ' L0 C A T I 0 N an North Side Sherburne Avenue from N. Dale Str et to W. 80 feet H E A R I N G . , Th rsday, April 18, 1985, 10:00 A.M. Ci y Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall If the Council approves the orders (or any part t ereof) , a po tion of the costs will be assessed (after cons ruction) against I N F 0 R M ATI 0 be efitted properties. The ESTIMATED ASSESSMENTS for this pro�ect ar as follows: RE IDENTIAL rates (SINGLE FAMILY TO THREE FAMILY) - For a 5-foot wi e sidewalk: New construction (where no walk e isted) , $13.00 pe front ft. ; replacement of old sidewalk, $6.50 per front ft. Fo a 6-foot wide sidewalk: New construction, $1 .60 per front ft. ; replacement of old sidewalk, $7.80 per front ft. • A1 corner residential properties will receive a redit up to the fi st 150 feet of new or reconstructed sidewalk a ong and abutting th "long side" of the property. � CO ERCIAL rates (all property other than residen ial) 10 % of actual cost estimated to be approximately $4.00 per square fo t of walk constructed. Co struction: 298-4255 Assessments: 2 8-4513 QUESTIONS Al o, City staff will be available to answer any ast minute qu stions on this project in the City Council Cha bers from 9: 0 to 10:00 A.M. the same day as the hearing. Notice sent March 29, 1985, by the Valuation and Assessment Division Department of Finance and Manag ment Services Room 218 City Hall - Court Hous St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 S P U � C I T �( COU NC i L P B IC HEARING NOTICE ����s3S' SIDE ALK C ONSTRUCTI N File No. S-11254 City Council Distr ct 4� 4 Dear P perty er: District Planning ouncil 4E13 � To c nsider the construction and/or reconstruction f sidewalks PU R P 0 5 E Wher necessary, at the following location: Q N � East Side DEWEY STREET from Feronia Avenue to Unive sity Avenue LOCATION H E A R I N G Thur day, April 18, 1985, 10:00 A.M. City Council Chambers. 3rd Floor City Hall If t e Council approves the orders (or any part the eof) , a port on of the costs will be assessed (after constr ction) against I N F 0 R M ATI 0 N bene itted properties. The ESTIMATED ASSESSMENTS f r this pro�ect are s follows: RESI ENTIAL rates (SINGLE FAMILY TO THREE FAMILY) - F�r a 5-foot wide sidewalk: New construction (where no walk exi ted) , $13.00 per ront ft. ; replacement of old sidewalk, $6.50 p r front ft. For 6-foot wide sidewalk: New construction, $15. 0 per front ft. ; replacement of old sidewalk, $7.80 per front f . All orner residential properties will receive a cr dit up to the firs 150 feet of new or reconstructed sidewalk alo g and abutting the 'long side" of the property. • COMM RCIAL rates (all property otheX than residenti 1) 100% of actual cost estimated to be approximately $ .00 per square foot of walk constructed. Cons ruction: 298-4255 Assessments: 298 513 QUESTIONS Also, City staff will be available to answer any la t minute ques ions on this project in the City Council Chamb rs from 9:30 to 10:00 A.M. the same day as the hearing. March 29, 985, by the Valuation and Assessment ivision Notice sent Department of Finance and Manage ent Services Room 218 City Hall - Court House St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 S P U L C ITY COU NC i L ��� P BLI C HEARI NG NOTICE ��s-s3s' SIDE ALK :C ONSTRUCTI ON File No. S-11255 � City Council Distr ct 41 � Dear Pr perty er: District Planning ouncil �► To c nsider the construction and/or reconstruction f sidewalks � PU R P 0 S E Wher necessary, at the follo�aing location: �► �V � Nort Side E. MARGARET STREET from 70 feet west of J hnson Pkwy. L 0 C A T I 0 N to E st Side of Johnson Pkwy. H E A R I N G Thur day, April is, 1985, lo:oo a.M. City Counc�l Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall If t e Council approves the orders (or any part the eof) , a port on of the costs will be assessed (after constr ction) against i N F 0 R M ATI 0 N bene itted properties. The ESTIMATED ASSESSMENTS f r this pro�ect are s follows: RESI ENTIAL rates (SINGLE FAMILY TO THREE FAMILY) - �r a 5-foot wide sidewalk: New construction (where no walk exi ted), $13.00 per front ft. ; replacement of old sidew�lk, $6.50 p r front ft. For 6-foot wide sidewalk: New construction, $15. 0 per front ft. ; eplacement of oid sidewalk, $7.80 per front f . All c rner residential properties will receive a cr it up to the first 150 feet of new or reconstructed sidewalk alo and abutting the " ong side" of the property. COMM CIAL rates (all property other than residentia ) 100% f actual cost estimated to be approximately $4.00 per square foot f walk constructed. Const uction: 298-4255 Assessments: � 298 513 QUESTIONS Also, City staff will be available to answer any las minute quest'ons on this project in the City Council Chambe s from 9:30 0 10:00 A.M. the same day as the hearing. Notice sent March 29, 19 5, by the Valuation and Assessment Di ision Department of Finance and Managem t Services Room 218 City Hall - Court House St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 S P U L� C ITY COU NC I L . ��� P BLIC HEARING NOTICE ��'�s.�s SIDE ALK C ONSTRUCTION File No. 5-11256 City Council Distr �t 412 Dear Pr perty er: District Planning ouncil � 3 To c nsider the construction and/or reconstruction f sidewalks PU R P 0 S E Wher necessary, at the following location: A N D East Side S. ROBERT STREET from E. Belvidere Street to E. Curtice Stre t LOCATION � H E A R i N G Thur day, April 18, 1985, 10•00 A.M. City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall If, t e Council approves the orders (or any .part the eof) , a port on of the cost.s will be assessed (after constr ction) against I N F 0 R M ATI 0 N bene itted properties. The ESTIMATED ASSESSMENTS f r this pro�QCt are s follows: RESI ENTIAL rates (SINGLE FAMILY TO THREE FAMILY) - For a 5-foot � wide sidewalk: New construction (where no walk exi ted) , $13.00 per ront ft. ; replacement of old sidewalk, $6.50 p r front ft. For 6-foot wide sidewalk: New construction, $15. 0 per front ft. ; replacement of old sidewalk, $7.80 per front f . All orner residential properties will receive 'a cr dit up to the firs 150 feet of new or reconstructed sidewalk alo g and abutting ' the 'long side" of the property. COMM RCIAL rates (all property other than residenti 1) 100% of actual cost estimated to be approximately $ .00 per square foot of walk constructed. Q U E S T I 0 N S Cons ruction: 298-42S5 Assessments: 298 513 Also City staff will be available to answer any la t minute ques ions on this pro�ect in the City Council Chamb rs from 9:30 to 10:00 A.M. the same day as the hearing. March 29, 1 85, by the Valuation and Assessment Division Notice sent Department of Finance and Manage nt Services Room 218 City Hall - Court House St. Pau1, Minnesota 55102 S P lJ L � C I T Y � C 0 U N C I L �,�� P B IC HEARING NOTICE C��5���5' SIDE ALK C �ONSTRUCT I N File No. S-11257 City Council Distr ct 4� 2 Dear Pr perty er: District Planning ouncil �l3 To c nsider the construction and/or reconstruction f sidewalks PU R P�0 S E Wher necessary, at the following location: A N D East Side S. ROBERT STREET from E. Morton Street to 5.70 feet LOCATION H E A R I N G Thur day, April 18, 1985, 10:00 A.M. City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall If t e Council approves the orders (or any part the eof) , a port on of the costs will be assessed (after constr ction) against I N F 0 R M ATI 0 N bene itted properties. The ESTIMATED ASSESSMENTS f r this pro�ect are s follows: RESI ENTIAL rates (SINGLE FAMILY TO THREE FAMILY) - For a 5-foot wide sidewalk: New construction (where no walk exi ted) , $13.00 per ront ft. ; replacement of old sidewalk, $6.50 p r front ft. For 6-foot wide sidewalk: New construction, $15. 0 per front ft. ; replacement of old sidewalk, $7.80 per front f . All orner residential properties will receive a er dit up to the firs 150 feet of new or reconstructed sidewalk alo g and abutting the 'long side" of the property. COMM RCIAL rates (all property other than residenti 1) 100% of actual cost estimated to be approximately $ .00 per square foot of walk constructed. Cons ruction: 298-4255 Assessments: 298 513 QUESTIONS Also City staff will be available to answer any la t minute ques ions on this project in the City Council Chamb rs from 9:30 to 10:00 A.M. the same day as the hearing. Notice sent March 29, 1 85, by the Valuation and Assessment D vision Department of Finance and Managem nt Services Room 218 City Hall - Court House St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 � (� F �/ �e? � -�J1� µ � . ; � --- � ,1�R��,�i11�A83G��RD1�Bs.= , ti , ,� ���f�;_:� p: � , ; x . . ..�� �'.�,e�. �,�a' :s?� 'i. i �S�:is�*� ti:i' �# _�=a Couiict �'#1eNb ,.�?�� B��I'��osi�>=- t '_•> ��, t!,�: _ :� ,,:,,. .�. e s i r;t ;: .:'� ���� �����t��:.- tTl.i�'�'7C8I1W1tQ! �'2CUi7St�t}�r���E 4e.`• m.°1� V�� ti3NRw'� �' i•r., . .��t+_t -. . �) � �'�" �.PJ!rY.� - ��� �':8��: tiE >.,.�:. " � `;., . . .- -� _ �c i :�' v� , - „ . �- S 1�#ag i�kteinu��#�t�Eieanc� � � �{ ' �'�'�� ,; , �ex��Pd}�et�tt''�nor. 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