85-525 WMITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE IT OF SAINT PAUL Council CANARV -DEPARTMENT �-`7�� BLUE -MAVOR File NO. ' ��`� � �r r Z n Ordinance N 0. ✓ Presented By v � Referred To l���`�L � � Committee: Date ���' "� Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amendi g Ord nance No. 13542 , approved January 31, 1 67 , pertaining to No Parking Zones THE COUNCIL OF TH CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN : Section 1. That 0 inan No. 13542 , approved January 31 , 1967 , is hereby amended by delet'ng th following from Section 5 thereof : LOCATION SIDE OF BTREET HOUR /DAYS Selby Avenue , Summit Av nue North 2 A. . .-7 �.M. to Fairview Avenue Tue . , Thurs. Sat. Selby Avenue , Summit A nue South 2 A M.-7 A.M. to F airview Avenue Mon , Wed. , F ri. Section 2. That rdin ce No. 13542 , approved January 31, 1967 is hereby amended by addi g the following to Section 5 thereof : LOCATION SIDE OF SfiREET HO S/DAYS Se lby Avenue , Summit enue . North 2 .M. - 7 A.M. to Fairview Avenue Tu sdays Se1by �.venue , Summit venue South 2 .M. - 7 A.M. to Fairview Avenue Mo days Secta,on 3 . This ordin nce shall not be printed as part of the Saint Paul Legislative Code but s all be incorporated therein by referen e. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force hirty (30) days from and after ' s pa sage , approval and publication. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: ��;��' ' Yeas ��� Nays �sr ublic Works - Traffic - obert H. Roet . .�,,,M,,._ In Favor Masanz , � � Nicosia '� B � sche�be� Against Y Tedesco � Wilson Adopted by Council: Dat JUN 6 - 1985 Form Appro I d by City Attor e Certified Pa s y ouncil S ary BY � J3y �� i Approv y Mayor: Dat � �uN 7 � 1985 Appr y 1Wayor for �u is ouncil By BY � t�� JUN 15 1985 � . y , , � � s-�a_5 ��ay� � `.i`�� ITY OF SAINT PAUL P Yi!' .`'! ``� OI�`I`ICE OI�' THE CITY COIINCIL ��.� b• E1144tl@YPB ��',+���� • '10 OliblO!&B�6 .:�- � ,�• �1�l�6�[160� . ��„ � _ � :a D d t e ; May 15 , 9 8 5 ,� y.{ :' 'f, :�.,,,,1�. .,:w��•. CO MITT � E RE PORT TO = S int au I City Council F R O M � C m m i t e e o h PUBLI C WORKS �c�' . C AIR , CHRIS NICOSIA (Hugo Masanz , Acting Ch ir) � ----- _---_--_ • The Public Work Comm ttee at its meeting of May 15, 1985 took the following action: Hearing Date l . 5-21-85 FI AL ORD R: To decide on the construction of a sanitar se er in orster Street from Canton Street to Bay Street Re ornmend d approval with amendment that properties o Ba ard Av nue not be assessed. Unanimously carried. 2. 5-28-85 FI AL OR ER: To decide on improving the foliowin s reets nder the Residential Street Paving Progra ( SPP) b regrading, surfacing, constructing concret c rb an gutter, constructing an ornamental lightin s stem d drives where. necessary at the foliowin 1 cation : BRUNSON STREET from Kenny Road to Nort S reet; KENNY ROAD from Brunson Street to 155 feet eas o Payn Avenue and JESSIE STREET from Minnehaha Avenu t Bush treet. R commen ed approval . 3. F NAL 0 DER: New sidewalk construction - East side , S elling Avenue from Ford Parkway to Highland Parkwa . ( eferre to the Public Works Committee by City Counc 1 0 4/18/ 5) . R commen ed Final Orcler be withdrawn. 4. amending Ordinance No. 13542 pertaining to 0 ; arking Zones. Change of parking restrictions on Sel y venue rom Summit Avenue to Fairview. (4/16/85) . ecomme ded approval . 5. ther 8 siness. ESOLUT ON: amending the Capital lmprovement Budget y ransfe ring $299,500 from activities as listed o roadwa -6 Storm Sewer. AND , E50LUT ON: amending the Capital Improvement Budget nd ransfe ring $100,000 to Kellogg Blvd. Repair f om ctivit es as listed. AND ' ESOLUT ON: amending the Capital Improvement Budget nd ransfe ring $193,068.89 to Mississippi River Blvd. f om uburba /Pederson R.S.P.P. ($141,748.64) and West rn Tunnel ($51 ,320.25} . (5/14/85) Recomm ded approval of the three items listed above.