85-523 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council �3 CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO• �� � . . . Council Resolution . Presented B � . ' �����E �� � ✓Referred To � ommittee: Date Out of Committee y Date WHERE S, on December 11, 1984, the Port Authority of the City of Sa' nt P ul adopted Resolution No. 2388 giving prelim- inary appr val t the issuance of revenue bonds in the initial principal amount of $1, 825, 000 to finance the cons ruction of a 61, 000 squ re foot mini-warehouse facility in Ri erview Industrial Park or St. Paul One Self Storage, a part ership consisting of Si ney G. McClue and James T. Rodgers of McRod, Inc . , the orpor te developer of the facility and Mil er and Schroeder unici als has agreed to underwrite the reven e bond issue for a term f 30 years; and WHEREA , La s of Minnesota 1976, Chapter 234, p ovides that any is ue of revenue bonds authorized by the Port Au hority of the City of S int Paul shall be issued only with the onsent of the Cit Coun il of the City of Saint Paul, by res lution adopted in ccord nce with law; now, therefore, be it ° RESOLV D, by the City Council of the City of Sain Paul, that in ac ordan e with Laws of Minnesota 1976, Chapte 234, the City Co ncil ereby consents to the issuance of �the afore- said revenu bond for the purposes described in the af resaid Port Author ' ty Re olution No. 2388, the exact details of hich, including, ut no limited to, provisions relating to aturi- ties, intere t rat s, discount, redemption, and for the is uance of addition 1 bon s are to be determined by the Port Aut ority pursuant to resol tion adopted by the Port Authority, a d the City Counci here y authorizes the issuance of any addi ional bonds (incl ding efunding bonds ) by the Port Authority, found by the Port Auth rity to be necessary for carrying o t the purposes for which the aforesaid bonds are zssued. COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas S�M__ _N`61�r�IVays rys�ehe`� Dre..� In Favor �1Nasanz �idicosia By �Scheibet _ Aga1I1St Tedesco��"� �Wilson Adopted by Council: Date A R 1 � 1985 Form Approved by City Attorney Certified P ss b Council , t B� ' ' B. �V� 5 t�pp e by � avor. Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Co ncil B By PR 1 7 1985 :>�� � ��„=';�..�; ';' 1��� ���5 sa � C�CTY OF SAINT PAUL - OFFICE OF TH� CITY COIINCIL • �e�e� s�ss��ua�n �=�-�� - �` Odte : April 2, 985 , _ _. CO MITT � E RE PORT FIL p �,,,� .,, . � .� ;; �� .� .,,... . TO = S rnt au I Cifiy Councit - `� � � � ��� FROM � C Mt'r11 tee Oh City Development and Transportatio C AIR Councilman William Wilson ������ ��� � � � i _ �t;1�-., : �'�.�,e (Comm i ttee recommends approva 1 2. Rules and regulations for approved activitie in the parks (Committee recommends approval ) 3 . Day C re Services (Cornmittee recommends appr vai ) 4. Reso 1 ut i on - App 1 i cat i on of Phy 1 1 i s £th i e for an Administrative Review, under provisions of Section 64.20 ( 1 ) of the 5t. Pau l Leg i s i at i ve Code of the issua ce of a building permit for structure within a P1 ned Development located at southwest �c rner of Londi Lane and McKnight l�oad . (Committee re ommends appr al as amended) 5. Appe 1 of Lawrence Signs to a decision f the Plan ing Commission to deny an applicatio for a sign variance for property at 2111 Universit Avenue (Nort west corner of University and Transfer Road (Co ittee recommends approvai as amended) ' 6. An o inance prohibiting "stun quns" in the ity of St. aul ; amending Chapter 225 of the 5 . paul Legi lative Code (Committee recommends appro al ) CTTY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAIN't PAU MINNESOTA SS10Z .�i,�