85-519 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE I TY OF SA I NT PAU L Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. �-�/� BLUE - MAVOR � � aun ' Resolution Presented y L Referred To � � � Committee: Date 3 -�-� Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED That the proper City officials are hereby a thorized and directed o exe ute an agreement with the City of Wood ury whereby the C ' ty of Saint Paul will pxovide radio and elec ronic equipment rep ir se vices to Woodbury, subject to the term and conditions o said greement, a copy of which is to be kep on file and of ecord in the Department of Finance and Manage ent Services. COUNCILMEN Requested b rtment of: Yeas Nays �e�'SONN cG� " ��"'"'� [n Favor Masanz 1�iee�il► Scheibet � __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson APR 1 1 1985 Form A rove by Cit A rne Adopted by C ouncil: D te � � Certified P . d y Cou . re ry BY B}, ��� c t#ppr y Mavor: Date Approv d by Mayor for Subm sio o C ncil By B p't;3ltSti -�r i;l�`�N U 1985 � �:;;�'�=�'�.-`'1 fiI 1�`�" O�' �.C�..IN�.Iry ��1�U L . - ..-. :'.`�ri . f� �i'= •� .. � . . - �� '�;._ �'S-S �l �:-��;'�_,L,,,` .�,� o :��zc�, oz�, .z��rr c.z��,�� cou�c�L � —=�: �:= � —��� F - s � ;�s, S:-`� ;;; -.:i f.;►�, ,-�=� '..;== `_," .1� D d t�e • +;��.�� -- _ �:; ' April 4 , .1 85 �'`;;:-�F�, T��, •��..:� �.'�� �--}......:- ' C f�r� f�i � E RCPO � T -ra = s4� � �� � � r�� co����� � - F R O �J� = C C3 }7';f�1' ` O� FINANCE, MANAGEMENT AI�TD PERSON EL � CHA R J ES SCHEIBEL ' � 1 . Approval o minut s from April 1 , 1985, meeting. �t�►� o er � �E�C h'LEL TI1��7 2. Resolutio amendi g the 1985 Capital Improvement Budget and tran ferring �30,000 f om Bur ess/Stinson to Arundel/Charles/Edmund Residenti } Street P ving Pr gram. (Public Works) �� �� 3. esolutio amend ng the St. Paul Salary Plan and Rates of Compe sation w� h rega d ta a education reimbursement policy. (Personnel ) �P ��� � 4. Re�olutio estab ishing the terms of retroactivity of findings n the . Comparab i Worth Study. (Personne 1 ) Q n�,�n i/�� / �f� /�U --- 5. Administ tive O der - Approval of Payment to� Michael J. Betten orf for the purp se of a praising property in connection with the expan ion of F i re Sta i on �1 . {F i nance � Management)��5���(� �� �( (�° "� Q�(� jf�� 0� ����C�- 6. Resoluti n amen ing the 1985 budget and ad"d,75g 70,4�2 to the Financing � Plan and to the Spendin Plan for Facility System Central Oper ions. (Finance � Mana ement) ���Q��j v�� . ���� / /`'� 7. Resoluti n amen ing the 1985 budget and adding �104,520 to the Financing Plan and to the Spending Plan for Police Department-Full Time ertified. tPoi ice) n,Q� ')p� . /�� ri�r/ 8:���� , ;� izi�g an agreement with the City of Woodbury here5y the C i t w i 1 1 rov i de r d i o and e 1 e�''`�'�l4�'4�#���t�-�;� se v i ces to �;-'(4'01 i ce) ��U���,� --- {-/- 9. ReGolut on aut orizing an agreement with I50 �625 whereby the ity witi furnish the se vices of two police ofr"icers to the District. ����J� �� NOT ON PREPARED GENDA Resolu ion c anging the qrade of the title .of Housi cr Information Coordi ator in the Civil Service Rules. (Personnel) ���� C1TY HALL SEVENTFI FLOOI: , � . S�IINT PA L, TiItitESOTA 55102 �i�� _ _�..__ _--..._ _ . _ -- � � __ ------ -...__ . ._ . ..� _ - _.. .. _ _ . :......k._. ......�.... »�i.-�...,4.�,,.. . _. .. . . . . . . .. _ ,..:.. .. , . .... , ... � ,..r���