85-516 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE C I TY O F SA I NT 1 A U L COUI1C11 CANARV - DEPARTMENT � � ��/ BLUE - MAVOR File NO. Council Resolution Presente By "�''"1 � Referred To ��v� � Committee: Date � �� '� � Out of Committee y Date WHEREAS, The ayor, ursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of t e City of Saint Paul, does c tify t at there are available for appropriation total revenues in excess of those stimat d in the 1985 budget; and WHEREAS, Co il Fil 277510, Adopted October l, 1981, did establis certain Special Fund Polici s; and WHEREAS, the yor re ommends that the following additions be made t the 1985 budget: Current Amended FINANCING PLAN Budget Chang s Budget -------------- ------- ----- - ------- 162 Facility Syst m Cent al Operations 11055-4301 Norm 1 Activity Services -0- 67,60 67,600 11055-0200 Fund Balance -0- 2,85 2,852 -0- 70,45 70,452 SPENDING PLAN 162 Facility Syst m Cent al Operations 11055-219-000 City Contribution to Out ide Agency -0- 29,00 29,000 11055-222-000 Tele hone -0- 2,20 2,200 11055-242-000 Dupl cating -0- 20 200 11055-277-000 Othe Equipment Repairs -0- 40 400 11055-279-000 Othe -Repair and Maintenance -0- 34,00 34,000 11055-319-000 Othe -Repair and Maintenance Bld s. Supp. -0- 2,85 2,852 11055-363-000 Pape Forms -0- 20 200 11055-367-000 Trai ing or Instructional Supplies -0- 40 400 11055-387-000 Phot Supplies -0- 1,20 1,200 -0- 70,45 70,452 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the City Council adopts the abo e changes to the 1985 bud et. COU[VC[LMEN Requested partment of: Yeas ��, Nays Fin and Manag ent Se ices M:��z�,z [n Favor -f�l+ses«e?- Scheibe� __ Against BY Sonnen ' 3-7-i�� Tedesco APR 1 l 1985 Wilson Form Approv d y Att y Adopted by Council: Da e _ Certified P sse ounci , re r BY By Appr y ;Vlayor: Date A 1 � 19�� Appr by May r for Sub ssi ` Council B a'�,s�..' �+:� . .. .-. . .�'3 B Fin. � Mgmt. servi ces DEPARTMEfJT ��,f/ NQ 1351 Miles McGinle CONTACT C�-'�-S%� 292-7oi1 PHONE '� � rtarch 1 1985 DATE �Qj�� Q, Q ASSIGN NUh�ER FOR ROUT G ORD Cli All Locations for Si nature : De artment Directo �,,, 4 Director of Manag ment/Mayor inance and Manag t Ser ices Director 5 City Clerk 2 �get Director 3 City Attorney _ � WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED B TAKIN ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ D Rationale) : MqR 13 f� Set up operating budge for b ilding controls system for CH/CH, ADC, Annex a Library. C11Y ATTORN EY ���5 Rcc�►v�� ` R� ` ` `�� MAR 141g85 � __.. ' MAR � 19 85 E ! COST/BENEFIT BUDGETARY AND PE ONNEL IMPACTS ANTI�M�A�'��FFiC O�►CE pF T ' �DEPA�4�ME�+ryT ��RE�T4R Each building will pro ide it share of these costs, �''� 3�""� �ANCE 'I CH/CH, $20,135; C, $1 ,787; Annex, $5,903; and Library, $22,78 T$F�tCF� � Fund balance from 84 t ansfer d, $2,852, _ � FINANCING SOURCE AND BU GET ACT VITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's sign - ! ' ture not re- � Total Amount of Trans ction: S�o,452 quired if un er ', $10,00Q) i Funding Source: � Activity Number: ATTACHMENTS List and Nu ber Al Attachments : � R�CE�v�� MAR 12 i985 ' MAYOR'S OFFlCE , �DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW x Yes No Council Re olutio Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes x No Insurance equired? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes No Insurance ttache : � � (SEE R ERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) �evised 12/84 �. C��'s-5,� . . �: �m-,,, � �; �����w, e� °^*,m,�.•.,�,� CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM 3-1- 5 198 FMCS ending Plan Allocation, by building use of points to allocate common cost: phone lines, forms, repair. Annex Library CH/CH ADC T tal poi ts 60 238 214 124 6 6 Poi ts, $ 9.43� 37.42� 33.65$ 19.50� Co on cost $434 1;Z21 1548 _ 897 4,600 Mai tenance 2734 10,209 8,829 12,236 4,000 (Ho eywell) Sta e ser- 2735 10,853 9,758 5,654 9,000 vic fee 5,903 22,783 20,135 18,787 7,600 ,�, . :N:j.`l�, '"r.+`f`1�\ ��,� �� , ' . �i���i�.. :� ►�..C�IN7. �'.E��U 3�� -S/ > ..% �'�;.; ��--5 � �-��::: .:� �:;�1 0 , �xcr a��� .��xr �._f, r-- ,�, � x�i � � � cz�,�T co��c.�L ;�•::�, s;. _ � _ • ,.. f_�'. ,. ;�C �-`'yi?•�' ' . 'YY�` " " f;'f Dote . April 4, .1985 . . � `�:�•�'`-- ' -��.:;�- - .... oiv � l�� � � � cPO � T � a = s� �► � � � � i!� coL� ��� � - F R O P�? = C C? o �J;f! �� Q� FINANCE, MANAGEMENT AND PERSO NEL � ' C I^I I R ES SCHEIBEL ' 1 , Approval f minu es from April 1 , 1985, meeting. ��}i� ve r o �i Ex-t' rYIE�T11��� 2. Resolutio amend ng the i985 Capital Improvement Budget and tra sferring $3p,000 f om Bur ess/Stinson to AruridetJCharles/Edmund Resident ai Street P ving Pr gram. (Public Works) �� �� 3. esolutia amend ng the St. Paul Salary Plan and Rates of Compe sation wi h rega d to a education reimbursement policy. (Personnel ) �P �e� � 4. Re=olutia estab ishing the terms of retroactivity of findings n the , Comparabi Worth 5tudy. (Personnel � Qn�/�,5�/�� / i/' jLC/U — 5. Ac�ministr tive 0 der - Approval of Payment to� Michael J. Betten vrf fo� the purpo e oF a praising property in connection with the expan ion .of F i re Stat i on �17 (F i nance 8 Management)�js���,(� �� �� (�°� „�� / 6 ,_. _ . < .� . . :<�.,�f� budget and ad"d i n � {;�: _.e F nanc i ng ��_� '� Pt�n 'i� Facility System Central Opera ions. (Finance Manag ment)� `�� ����v � 7. Resolutio amend ng the 1985 budget and adding �104,520 to the inancing Plan and o the pending. Ptan for Police Department-Full �ime C rtified. iPol ice) �� , 1p;� . ri��� 8. Resolutio autho izing an agreement with the City of Wvodbury w ere5y the City ill pr vide r dio and electronic equipment repair ser ices to Woodbury. {Pol i e) ���p„% — c.�� 9. Resolutio autho izing an agre�ment with ISD �625 where�y the City wili furnish t e servi ces of two police ofricers to the �Jistrict. y��v�� �v NOT ON PREFARED A ENDA: Resolut� on ch nging the grade of the title of Housina Information Coordin tor i the Civil Service Rules. (Personnel) ���� CITY H�'iLL EVENTFI FLOOfi SAINT PAUG, 1I;��:ESOTrI�5102 '�.�2ri�i