85-515 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE ITY OF SAINT PAUL Council GANAR`!�- DEPARTMENT File NO. � �/�J BLUE - MAVOR � . � ouncil Resolution Presented By { ✓ � ✓ Referred To � � Committee: Date ��� � °�� � � �J . Out of Committee By Date An Administrati e R.eso ution amending the Saint Paul Salary Platt a.nd tes of Compensation with r gard t a.n education reimbursement policy. RESOLVID tha.t t e foll ing Tuition Reimbursement policy will replace he Tuition Reimburse t poli currently stated in the Sa.int Paul Salary P1 and Ra.tes of Compensa.ti , Sect'on I I I, I, f or city employees. CATION REIMBURSEIIRENT POLICY Eligibility: A� f 1-time classified or unclassified employee of the Ci of Sa.int Paul working hours or more per week for 26 pay periods per year i eligible for reim ement. Any paxt-time classified employee who works 2 - 31 hours per week for 2 pa.y riods per year is also eligible for reimburse nt. Determination of emp oyment status is based on the employee's full or part time status for a majorit of th fisca.l yeax. Excluded axe temporary employee a.nd those listed as "Spe ial lopments." Reimbursement Covers A re und for the cost of enrollment, tuition, labor ory fees, a.nd other obli atory ourse fees, but excluding the cost of books un ss those books or mater als be the property of the Citp and are properly registered as such b the rsonnel Office, �nployee Relations and Tra3ning Division. Fduca.tion �eimb sement Payments sha.11 be limited to the cost representing twelve dergr dua.te credits at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis and Sain Paul us, for course work completed during any one ca.lendax yeax for an one f 1-time employee a.nd one half of said amount al otted for full-time employ s wil be ana.ilable for course work completed during y one ca.lendax yeax fo any -time employee. E�nployees who obtain such reimbursement shall e req ' ed to pa.y back the amount of reimbursement if he employee leaves empl yment 'th the Citq within one yeax a.fter the completi n of a course. The e,mplo ee, h ver, shall not be required to pa.y back the Cit 's reimbursement if the employ s new job is with a governmental unit. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas ����Na�,� ofB1"' In Favor Masanz Nicosia schetbet __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secret ry BY sy t�pproved by �Navor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Cou cil BY BY WNITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE I TY OF SA I NT PAIT L Council �.. CANARYr- DF�PA'RTMENT T BLUE - MAVOR File NO• �`� �/� 1 - ouncil IZesolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Administration: Pro dures for implementation of this Tuition Reimburseme t Program will be esta lished by the Personnel Office, E�nployee Relations a.n Training Division. loy and course eligibility will be determined by he Fersonnel Office, loyee elations and Training Division by reviewing fo approval each indiv ual uest for Tuition Reimbursement. If the employ receives reimburse t frou a.nother public and/or private source or is sub idized by a.nother public /or pr vate source due to status as a student, the em loyee is only eligible fo this imbursement from the City of Saint Paul to the extent that the course cos ex reimbursement from other sources a.nd all othe requirements contai here n axe met. Appeals: If the e loyee' request for reimbursement is denied for a.ny re on, he/she has the righ to ap al to the Civil Service Co�ission. Effective: This po icy wi take affect for course work completed after J ua.ry 1, 1985. AND BE, IT FUR RE LVED, that Section III, I, of the Salary Plan a currently stated in the S 'nt Paul Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation, ill remain in effect fo those employees of School District #625. COUfVC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Na s Flelehsr �011 n�Y1 �''°'" [n Favor Masanz Ni�ocia � Scheibel __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson APR 1 i 1985 Form A roved y Cit tt ey Adopted by Council: Da f Certified � s d Coun . S t BY By � t� r ed y Mavor: Date R � � i�� Ap o e by Mayor for S is on to Council r�r.�r +} l� ���� Cl:3L;Jdi � i-�,: t:� . - ,�� � , a , . /'�'a� `�j,;� � • //±y"`.�`_ t _ . .__..._.__ � P C_� I�a or/.Persor�nel ' , � `-� �� , y EPAR 11ENT :; �� , -«� . Ron J. Guilfoile ONTA T `" . 298-6861 �� HONE ' 3/14/85 rJ � DATE ��� �. � '...,; , -� .. (Rou��in,�;ain�! �xRla�nat�c�;Shee )` S . , r � . . �... . . ... , . �'. ; . :I�i - .. . ' Ass i Number far Rout n Or' Cl i �111� Locat�orts �or�-� oral�... f at� : � 1 Department pi;�r.eac or : _ ;. ,3�� : ' City Attorney �, . ,�;�•` ._ � � ` � Di rector of Mana ment/ or RCC�IVE Finance and Mana nt ervices Director , 4 City Clerk , ���''?S � �MAR � 51985: . � Budget Di rti�to`I�'' ` . . . . �� ,���,h � t��`� 6. AY4�'��0�'FfCE`` , � r��� � � ; , What Wi l l be Achi ev .:, a�Ci � :�Ac�t'� o�.the Attache�f Mater� 1�? P � s�e tio}al . , , _ , , ._ . ., � � , , ,., . ... . ..�.W ,. . . . . � ., The Tuition Reimburse ent po icy for-�eligible �i"'ty emplvyees wi�� .be change� �o--reflect the Personnel Office, Emp oyee R lations and Training Division 1985 budget reque t as approved by the Mayor:=a�d �it� C�raurtr•,a .: Tuitia.n R�ar�bursemen� ;amounts will :be based n �he cOst . . ' :(.��ao•�j.. r; �, ;. � .. � :'. r �� �.� � � "Tn;s of 12 undergradua#��:�e �.d��ts�� � �#re #idfive��i t�� ��I�rr��tr��, ���i r��"F��:i��i p�e ��� amount f��-,�1��+�- ��+ �''� �# +�ad � Dt���l��s6 ,, t ..: s. ..,.[." �:1 :;�i:';.t�:.J �I:. . e..�:o'�k'.:.�. .:�".:.. �,i.:... .�...�,.. . . _-...�.7... �, .....7 �a.}x�.s�. i r.:w..-�, . r�...,� .. .. - . ; S: '3'f �. � , . , .. .. _ . ,. . �. t _ �� • E .,. y �,f.,� 7�� �� ��i � � r , � � aY Y �k;. 3�r�.i .. ,� �At�' ?.>:rix � � �.a) .. t � :•'`t�( �.. , S. . ., .. - .;- � ��: .,. .� !, „s.�....��.. .�..: ...r = -� �.� �. � �: , , ,: Fi nanci a1-�`� � �;i�e� ''�e�ti:�I ��� l�ti� •=� . � :; .. . � �.<�,,�.y; . k .qj'Ae• 5 . . . . ..�.. 1 Y,!._ 'j 9,,.�3. . �: ' It is anticipated tha appro imately 130 employees will partiG.ipate in .this: .roar.�mi.,, The , budget for thi s progr m was ncl uded i n the department's 1985'�dcte� �2qu��� ar��-�'h'a�s s�;� .: Y Co nci 1 . been �pproved b�r{ the ,i t,: : ; ,; .,,; � �., .� . _ -.� , ,.. ;, ,, ..,. � ;, ,, t , Y. � ' .. , .� z Fundi n Source.'� �,`, Ytl` Ac'Ci �� `N�i�er` f�a d tl�� Credi`t d: „ ..� `�� , , . .,.._ . � _, . �. ,s�:• l:t..L: r .:y _,�. .,�. 001157-254-000 , � ; . _.. � � . .. .r „ ,.. . . _ � . . _ , y,. , Attachments Lis a r 1 nt ' ,E: � ,�.�, �,: . �.: . a ; � �. . Counci 1 Resol uti on . ;, ; • ;�; � , ,:. ,.. � '' . . 3:; . . ��:. � ., ., .. . ,. .� , , . , > -:; t , - ' DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY. ATTORNEY REVIE4J . ,. , , , i . , , X Yes No Co nci 1 Re ol utton Requi red? ' `� Resa�utforf�Requi r�c�r '� Yes No , Yes X No In uranze qui�r�ed?� _ . . iInscr�ance �uff�:�3e�t? . .: Yes Np �/j/�._:. Yes X No In urance ��ached?. : _ . � . .�; d , ; � �. . . _ ;Revisitir�� of ,Qctober, 1982 , , . _ . , ,. . : , ; _ � ;- � :(�ee::�e�er,se Si�c�e �or Tns ructions) ' ,�;;��:.°-.=-'�, �, ,-, ►�.(�..IN'1' �1�.�U L `, � ; . ,� f,\:.. , I 1 � O� l :1%�� �``�1" ti� J 1 0�s�� �'_�'r�`:,.'�.� c,-� 1�I��ICI�� OI�' r.l`FIT: CITX COUICIL. ����, t'- _;�:?-�_�;f !:i"�I ,'s-- ` '- � �Q �f..' ' ��:�.� _` �>� • April 4, .1985 � ��..;�� `�:_: -���� ��... 0 f�3 f�Z" � E � E P � � �' �' O = �Q! i t'� !.! d � t'i� COi.���t' I F E� O I��I� = G U ��j ;?? �� FINANCE, MANAGEMENT AND PERSOi NEL � ' CF-� I R J ES SCHEIBEL � � 1 . Approvai f minut s from April 1 , 1985, meeting. 1-A�� � e r � �j Ex� �YI��TI 1��� 2. Resolutio amendi g the 1985 Capital Improvement Budget and tran ferring $30,000 f om Bur ess/Stinson to ArundeiJCharles/Edmund Residenti 1 Street P ving Pr gram. (Public Works) � 3• S�aul Salary Plan ,�d Rates of Compe sation �� '�'`u��'�'�dri reimbursement po1 i cy. (Personnel ) Prv e� . 4. Resolutio establishing the terms of retroaetivity of findings i the : , Comparab 1 Worth Study. (Personne 1 ) Q��/������ / � /(. 5. Administr tive 0 der - Approval of Payment to- Michael J. Betten orf for the purpo e o� a praising property in connection with the expan ion or F i re Stat on �17 (F i nance � Management)��5�(����. �� (�'/, �� �°� 9 9 "d �9 ��� av/c/ 9 / 6. ResQlutio amend n the 1985 bud e* ana ad i 70,4 2 to the Financin Plan and o the pending Plan for Facility System Central Opera ions. (F i nance Manag ment) n���l��� tl" v 7. Resolutio amend ng the 1985 budget and adding �104,520 to the inancing Plan and o the pending Plen �or Police Department-Full Time C rtified. (Pol ice) �� ��� . 8. Resolutio autho izing an agreement with the City of Woodbury w ere+�y the City ill pr vide r dio and electronie equipmenL repair ser ices to Waodbury. (Po 1 i e) ���/p„% — Uc�.�. 9. Resolutio autho izing an agre�ment with ISD �625 whereby the City will furni�h t e servi ces of two police otricers to the District. �v�� NOT ON PREPARED A NDA: Resolution ch nging the grade of the title of Housin Information Coordin tor i the Civil Service Rules. (Personnel) ���� CITY HALL EV�NTFI FLOOR , , S�1INT PAUL, il�\ESOT��55103 -�'�?�.��