85-513 WHITE - GTV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT _�j� BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � ouncil Resolution Presented By � ^ �S ✓ Referred To Committee: Date '� �� Out of Committee y Date An a 'nistrative Resolution changing the grade for he title of Housing Information Coordinator in t e Civil Service Rules. RESOLVED, th t the ivil Service Rules be amended in Section 3.K by striking from Grade 9 the itle o Housing Information Coordinator and inserting his title in Grade 14; and e it FURTHER RESO VED, t t this regrading upon its passage is to be ret oactive to the date of its a roval y the Civil Service Commission. Approved: Margaret S hcer, Chair COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas �� g�ay� �� PERSO L Ok'FICE �'""'' [n Favor Masanz I�esi4 Scheibel __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson APR 1 1 1985 Fo�m Ap ove y Ci t rney Adopted by Council: Dat c�.c.�l C Certified a. •ed �c' ,e r ry BY gy, � � l.1 by �Vlavor: Da e APR 1 m 1985 Approv Mayor for Submi on o ouncil By BLISNE A F�?�� '', Personnel Office DE P�iRT�IENT ���,S/ N� 3 3 4 Jeanette Sob CONTACT 2 _ PHONE Februa 7, 1985 DATE reen eQ ,. ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTI G ORDE Cli All Locations for Si nature : " Department Director Director of Manage ent/Mayor Finance and Managem nt Ser ices Director City Clerk Budget Director �"City Attorney ' WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED 6 TAKIN ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ A stud of the dutie and r s Rdtiotldle) • , Y ponsibilities of the Housing Information Coord nator has ', been made. This stu y indi tes that the proper grade fo� Housing Informat on Coordinator '', is Grade 14. The Ma or has concurred with the recommendation that this pos tion be placed I in Grade 14. � R�CEIVED ' ��-s FEB '12 `i985 � � ��� MAYOR'S OFFICE COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PE ONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: RLC�jvE None FEg 8 198 MAYOR'S����r FINANCING SOURCE AND BU GET AC VITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's sign -, ture not re- ', Total Amount of Tran ction; quired if un er ', $10,00Q) ', Funding Source: ' Activity Number: ' ATTACHMENTS List and N ber A1 Attachments : , 1. Resolution 2. Copy for City Cle k ' DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW ' Yes No Council R solutio Required? Resolution Required? Yes No ' Yes No Insurance Require ? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No �j/� ' Yes No Insurance ttache : �, ' (SEE VERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) ' Revised 12/84 :"::":'='"f-,:'�:�,. f!I'.L' -Y' Or' �..�IN'1' �..,E�.�C.1�L /� -.:� 1` � . )•y-;� �;f\ ��5.'J��i /�� //'�'��' x. �y?i i'���• .1';,l`�-jt ox�z�zcr�ax+, ..�'�TI: CTT�� corJ�c��, � � . '=., � � - rs� s:,.. _�_.�_:.,,_:y �,.� � �`_�ti\.� � '_ �.'.-� �� t� �=�:�� • April , .19 85 \ � ~�,'�� �`�,::� :>'=� 5`,;��' '"." C O (�i� �1/1 (��' � E [� C P 0 � �' �' O = SQlCIi t��.3 �. � t'i y1 COL� :i�i ! � �E� � I��� ' C U T�3:7; i��? Q 7 FINANCE, MANAGEMENT AND P�:R ON�dEL ' C A I R J�ES SCHEIBEL � 1 . Approv 1 of mi utes from April 1 , 1985, meeting. L--A►� Over -T-o �E� �Yt��T11��7 2. Resolu ion ame ding the 1985 Capital Improvement Budget and t ansferring $30,000 from B rgess/Stinson to ArundelJCharles/Edmund Reside tiai Stree� P ving rogram. {Public Works) � ��° � 3. esol'ution ame c�ing the St. Paul Salary Plan and Rates of Com ensation wi h r ard to an education reimbursement policy. (Personnel �P �e� � 4. Resoiution est blishing the terms of retroactivity of finding in the Campara 1e Wor h Study. (Personnel ) �����/�� U - -- 5. Adminis rative Order - Approval bf Payment to� Miehael J. 8ett ndorf for t�e pur ose o� appraising praperty in connection with the exp nsion o�= F i re St t i on .�17. (F i nance 8 Management)��s�(��� ��� ��� e� 6. Resolution ame ding the 1985 budge* and ad"di� 70,452� the Financing / Plan an to th Spendin Plan for Facility System Centrai Ope ations. (Financ � Man gement? �� f��� �� ��v 7. Resolution ame ding the 1985 budget and adding $104,520 to th Financing Plan an to th Spending Plan for Police Department-Fult Time Certified. (Pol ice n_� y�'),�/� . , /7� �v(/l�t 8. Resolution aut orizing zn agreement with the City of Weodbury wherehy the Cit wili rovide r dio and electronic equipment repair s rvicPs to Woodbur . (Po i ce) ���p„% _ w/ 9. Resolut'on aut orizing an agreement with ISD #625 whereby the Cit� will furnish the se vices of two police officers to the Oistrict. �y»v�� iv NOT ON PREPARED GENDA: ;,. .... • . . �� .�l�e ��`ac��Y�tr�" t��`2e�"�f,�.�- ,ava���`�ion '�r�o� •�, tne:� ci.��.i .se�u�,�������. ;c��r����.� � ����- CITY HALL S�VENT�I FLOOR , , SA1NT PAU . �SI�tiESOTA 55103 . . . � '�2�� � . .