85-509 WHITE - CITV �LERK PI'NK - FINANCE GI Y OF SAINT PALTL Council -�.,p9 CANARV - D�PARTMENT File NO• BLU'E - MAVOR � KS - 4/11/85 C uncil Resolution Page 1 of 2 p ges � � i - Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOL ION OF THE COUNCIL OF TT� CITY OF SAINT AUL, MINNESOTA, CONCERNING THE SUBMISSION OF AN PLICATION FOR AN URBAN DEVELOPMENT ACTIO GRAN'f WHEREAS, the C' y of S . Pau1, �Mirnesota, desires to undertake and to encourage private en rprise to undertake development and redevelopment act vities within the Universit /Snell' g area of the City of St. Paul; and WHEREAS, the C' y of S . Paul desires to assist a private developer i the development of the p ject own as the Midway Professional Building-Spruce Tree Ma.11, to be located the s uthwest corner of the University-Snelling inte section of the City of St. P l; an WE�REAS, the C' y of S . Paul proposes to provide assistance to the d velopment through the construc ion of ublic access for transportation and a public p rking ramp in connection w'th the evelopment; and WHEREAS, the p posed evelopment would serve to eliminate blight and the causes of blight fro the S lling-ihiiversity area, to increase taxes from he developed property d to p vide new employment onportunities within the C ty of St. Paul; and Wf-iEREAS, in or er to ke the proposed development _feasible, the City of St. Paul desires to ply f and obtain an Urban Develon�ent Action Grant hrough the United States De artment of Housing and Urban Development; and WHIItEAS, as a art of he application for such assistance the City of St. Paul is reauired to make ertain epresentations to the United States Department of Housing and Urban De elopme concerning the city's commitment to the propo ed development; COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher Drew [n Favor Masanz Nicosia schetbel Against BY Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date Form p d y City t rn Certified Passed by Council Secreta y BY By Approved by IVlavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Coun il BY BY WN17E - UTV CLERK P`INK - FINANCE CI y OF SAINT PAUL Council � �ac� CANp.RV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. !� � ' � , C uncil Resolution P�ge 2 of 2 p ges Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT SOLVED, by the City Co�cil of the City of St Paul that in the event th an Ur an Development Action Grant is awarded to and accepted by the City f St. aul for use in connection with the proposed de elopment, the city will take al neces ary steps to enable it to utilize tax incremen financi.ng as detaile in the Urban Development Action Grant application in connection with the oposed development and in accordance with the terms o the final Urban Developme t Acti n Grant Agreement to be entered into between t e City of St. �aul and he Uni ed States Department of Housing and Urban Deve opment. • COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas ��' �ays / � 11l�N �'°°r' In Favor Masanz -I�lisocis Scheibel � _ Against BY Tedesco Wilson AP 1 �� 1985 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified P s by Counc' ,e r ta BY B � Appr y ;Navor: Date � PR 1 2 1985 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Coun il _ sY PllBLISN AP 2 0 1985