85-508 �,, - ciTV oF sT. Pau� COUNCIL FI E NO. � FINAL ORDER �� � � By i. �: File No. l-11�� 's-112 !� s•�I24A f•I1241, �-ll , f-� 43. s-llZ4i, t-Il?�►S, �-21x4i, �-1I247 � VQtiny � In the Matter of � � ��� �� �� �; �;l,A� _ Wrrd 3��Nts�r , S �r . . . 3 S-11239 North sid Hip,hl nd Parkway from S . Snelling Avenue to east 533 feet 3 �' , , , 4 S-11241 Soutti sid of La ond Avenue From Aldine Street to west 90 feet ore-or-less 3 S-11242 North sid Munst r Avenue From F.d�cumhe Road to Sue Street 3 S-11243 lioth side. Norbe .t I.ane from Dorothea Avenue to (centerline) of orbert Place extended nd North sid Dorot ea Avenue at 1925 and 1907 Dorothea Avenue 2 S-11244 East side Oneida treet from Jefferson Avenue to ttie north 125 f et and North sid of Jefferson Avenue from Oneida Street to the east SO feet. 3 v - � 3 S-11246 Both sides Pinehu st Avenue from Kenneth Street to the east 400 eet (with inte ral cu b) eas t 3 5-11247 North%side of St. Paul Avenue at 1118, 1116, and 1112 St. Paul A enue bet�aeen Th resa P ace and Magoffin Avenue. ment and has tully considere the sam ; now, thereTore, be it RESOLVED, That the ouncil of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City fficers ar hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; nd be it FURTHER RESOLVE That up n the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers all calculate all expenses incurred therein a d shall rep rt the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the ity Charter. APR 1 1 1985 COUNCIL PERSON Adopted by the Council: Date Yeas Nays � Certifie ss d y Council Se ta I�fasaA: ��- 8Cheibwl In Favor By ��� Against T��� � � 19 5 Mayor Milso� PtJe�tlSt�� APR 2 0 1985 ST PAUL � CITY COUNCIL c� PU LI HEARI NG NOTICE �-�-�5�� SIDEW LK CONSTRUCTIO File No. S-11238 City Council District 41 5 Dear Prope ty Own r: District Planning Cou cil 4�10 o cons der the construction and/or reconstruction of idewalks PU R P 0 S � here n cessary, at the follo�aing location: A � D oth Si es CHELSEA STREET from W, Hoyt Avenue to W. Id ho Avenue LOCATION H E A R I N G hursda , April 11, 1985, 10:00 A.M. ity Co ncil Chambers, 3rd �loor City Hall f tl�e ouncil aPproves the orders (or any part thereo ) , a ortion of the costs will be assessed (after constr.uct on) against I N F 0 R M AT I 0 N enefit ed properties. The F.STIMATED ASSESSMENTS for his pro3ect re as ollows: ESIDEN IAL rates (SINGLE FAMILY TO THREE FAMILY) - Fo a 5-foot ide silewalk: New construction (where no walk existe ) , $13.00 � er fro t ft. ; replacement of old sidewalk, $6.50 per ront ft. • or a 6 foot wide sidewalk: New construction, $15.60 er front t. ; re .lacement of old sidewalk, $7.80 per front ft. 11 cor er residential properties will receive a credi up to the irst 1 0 feet of new or reconstructed sidewalk along nd abutting he "lo g side" of the property. OMMERC AL rates (all property other than residential) 00% of actual cost estimated to be approximately $4.0 per square oot o.f. walk constructed. onstru tion: 298-4255 Assessments: 298-45 3 QUESTIONS lso, C'ty staff will be available to answer any last inute uestio s on this project in the City Council Chambers from :30 to 10:00 A.M. the same day as the hearing. Notice sent March 22, 1985, by the Valuation and Assessment Divi ion Department of Finance and Management Services Room 218 City Hall - Court House St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 . ST PA UL � C ITY COU NCIL c� PU LI HEARI NG NOTICE �=��� SIDEW - LK CONSTRUCTION File No. S-11239 City Council District ll 3 Dear Prope ty Own r: District Planning Cou cil 4115 o cons �ier the construction and/or reconstruction of idewalks PU R P 0 S E ltere n cessary, at the following location: A N � NORTH IDE HIGHLAND PARKWAY from S. Snelling Avenue t E. 533 ft. LOCATION H E A � I N G hursda , April 11, 1985, 10:00 A.M. ity Co ncil Chambers, 3rd F7.00r City Hall � f the ouncil approves the orders (or any part thereo ) , a ortion of the••costs will be assessed (after constr.uct on) against I N F 0 R M ATI 0 N enefit ed properties. The ESTIMATED ASSESSMENTS for his pro�ect re as ollows: • ESIDEN IAL rates (SINGLE FAMILY TO THREE FAMILY) - F� a S-foot ide si ewalk: New construction (where no walk existe ), $13.00 er fro t ft. ; replace�ent of old sidewalk, $6.50 per ront ft. • or a 6 foot wide sidewalk: New construction, $15.60 er front t. ; re lacement of old sidewalk, $7.80 per front ft. 11 cor er residential properties will receive a credi up to the irst 1 0 feet of new or reconstructed sidewalk along nd abutting the "lo g side" of the property. OMMERC AL rates (all property other than residential) 100% of actual cost esCimated to be approximately $4.0 per square f.00t of walk constructed. Constru tion: 298-4255 Assessments: 298-45 3 QUESTIONS Also, ity staff will be available to answer any last inute questio s on this project in the City Council Chambers from 9:30 t 10:00 A.M. the same day as the hearing. March 22, 198 by the Valuation and Assessment Div'sion Notice sent Department of Finance and Managemen Services Room 218 City Hall - Court House St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 ST PA U � � C ITY COU NC I L. PU LIC HEARING NOTICE �5-�0� � SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTIO File No. S-11240 City Council Distric 4� 3 Dear Prop rty er. : District Planning Co ncil �l15 To con ider the construction and/or reconstruction of sidewalks PU R P 0 S E Where ecessary, at the follo�aing location: A N D Both s'des ITASCA AVENUE from Cleveland Avenue to retu n court LOCATION H E A R � N G Thursd y, April 11, 1985, 10:00 A.M. City C unctl Chambers, 3rd Floor City �Iall If the Council approves the orders (or any part there f) , a portio of the��costs will be assessed (after const.r.uc ion) against I N F 0 R M AT I 0 N benefi ted properties. The ESTIMATED ASSESSMENTS for this project are as follows: RESIDE TIAL rates (SINGLE FAMILY TO THREE FAMILY) - F r a 5-foot wide s 'dewalk: New construction (where no walk exist d) , $13.00 per fr nt ft. ; replacement of old sidewalk, $6.50 per front ft. � For a -foot wide sidewalk: New construction, $15.60 per front ft. ; r placement of old sidewalk, $7.80 per front ft. Al1 co ner residential properties will receive a cred t up to the first 50 feet of new or reconstructed sidewalk along and abutting the "1 ng side" of the property. COMM�R IAL rates (all property other than residential 100% o actual cost estimated to be approximately $4. 0 per square foot o walk constructed. Constr ction: 298-4255 Assessments: 298-45 3 QUESTIONS Also, ity staff will be available to answer any last minute questi ns on this project in the City Council Chamber from 9:30 t 10:00 A.M. the same day as the hearing. Notice sent March 22, 198 , by the Valuation and Assessment Div sion Department of Finance and Managemen Services Room 218 City Hall - Court House St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 ST PAU � � CITY COUNCIL PU LI HEARI NG NOTICE -�5-��' SIDEW LK COI� STRUCTIO File No. 5-11241 City Council District � 4 Dear Prope ty Own r: District Planning Cou cil l�l o cons'der the construction and/or reconstruction of idewalks PU R P 0 S E here n cessary, at the following location: A N � outh s de LAFOND AVENUE from Aldine Street to W. 90 f et more- LO C AT�I 0 N r-less H E A R I N G hursda , April 11, i985, 10•00 A.M. ity Co ncil Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall f the ouncil approves the orders (or any part thereo ) , a ortion of the-cqsts will be assessed (after constr_uct on) against I N F 0 R M AT I 0 N enefit ed properties. The ESTIMATED ASSESSMENTS for his project re as ollows: ESIDEN IAL rates (SINGLE FAMILY TO THREE FAMILY) - Fo a 5-foot ide si ewalk: New construction (where no walk existe ) , $13.00 er fro t ft. ; replacement of old sidewalk, $6.50 per ront ft. • or a 6 foot wide sidewalk: New construction, $15.60 er front t. ; re lacement of old sidewalk, $7.80 per front ft. 11 cor er residential properties will receive a credi up to the irst 1 0 feet of new or reconstructed sidewalk along nd abutting he "lo g side" of the property. OMMERC AL rates (all property other than residential) 00% of actual cost estimated to be approximately $4.0 per square oot of walk constructed. onstru tion: 298-4255 Assessments: 298-45 3 QUESTIONS lso, C'ty staff will be available to answer any last inute uestio s on tliis project in the City Council Chambers from :30 to 10:00 A.M. the same day as the hearing. Notice sent March 22, 1985 by the Valuation and Assessment Divi ion Department of Finance and Management Services Room 218 City Hall - Court Hov.se St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 ST PAIJL � CITY � OUNCIL PU LI HEARI NG NOTIC � ��s���''� SIDEW LK CONSTRUCTIO File No. S-11242 City Council District 41 3 Dear Prop ty Own r: District Planning Cou cil. 4�15 To consider the construction and/or reconstruction of idewalks PU R P 0 S E here necessary, at the £ollowing location: A N D North ide MUNSTER AVENUE from Edgcumbe Road to Sue S reet LOCATION H E A R I N G Thursda , April ii, i9ss, lo:oo A.M. � City Co neil Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall If the ouncil approves the orders (or any part there f) , a portio of the�-costs will be assessed (after constru� ion) against i N F 0 R M AT I 0 N benefitted properties. The ESTIMATED ASSESSMENTS for this project are as follows: RESIDE TIAL rates (SINGLE FAMILY TO THREE FAMILY) - F r a 5-foot wide s'dewalk: New construction (where no walk exist d) , $13.00 per fr t ft. ; replacement of old sidewalk, $6.50 per front ft. • For a foot wide sidewalk: New construction, $15.60 per front ft. ; r placement of old sidewalk, $7.80 per front ft. Al1 co ner residential properties will receive a cred't up to the first SO feet of new or reconstructed sidewalk along and abutting ti�e "1 ng side" of the property. COMMER IAL rates (all property other than residential 100% o actual cost estimated to be approximately $4. 0 per square foot o walk constructed. Constr ction: 298-4255 Assessments: 298-45 3 QUESTIONS Also, ity staff will be available to answer any last minute questi ns on this project in the City Council Chamber from 9:30 t 10:00 A.M. the same day as the hearing. Notice sent March 22, 1985 by the Valuation and Assessment Div sion Department of Finance and Managemen Services Room 218 City Hall - Court House St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 ST P ,4UL CITY COUNCIL G�� PU � I H � ARI NG NO � ICE _�5-5�,� � SIDEW LK CONSTRUCTIO File No. 5-11243 City Council District ll 3 Dear Prop rty Own r: District Planning Cou cil ��15 To consider the construction and/or reconstruction of idewalks PU R P O S E here n cessary, at the following location: A N � Both S'des NORBERT LANE from Dorothea Avenue to (Cent rline) of Norber Place extended and North Side Dorothea Avenue at 1925 L 0 C A T I 0 N and 19 7 Dorothea Avenue H E A R I N G lo:oo A.M. City Co ncil Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall If the ouncil approves the orders (or any part thereo ) , a ortion of the-costs will be assessed (after constr.uct on) against I N F 0 R M AT�I 0 N enefitted properties. The FSTIMATED ASSESSMENTS for his pro�ect re as ollows: ESIDEN IAL rates (SINGLE FAMILY TO THREE FAMILY) - Fo a 5-foot ide si ewalk: New construction (where no walk exist ) , $13.00 er fro t ft. ; replacement of old sidewalk, $6.50 per front ft. • or a 6 foot wide sidewalk: New construction, $15.60 per front ft. ; re lacement of old sidewalk, $7.80 per front ft. 11 cor er residenCial properties will receive a cred t up to the first 150 feet of new or reconstructed sidewalk along and abutting the "lo g side" of the prope:ty. COMMERCIAL rates (all property other than residential) 100% of actual cost estimated to be approximately $4. 0 per square foot of walk constructed. Constr ction: 298-4255 Assessments: 298-45 3 QUESTIONS Also, ity staf.f will be available to answer any last inute questi s on this project in the City Council Chambers from 9:30 t 10:00 A.M. the same day as the hearing. March 22, 198 , by the Valuation and Assessment Div'sion Notice sent Department of Finance and Managemen Services Room 218 City Hall - Court House St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 S T P �U L C I T Y -C O U f�J C I L ��� PUBLI C HEARI NG NOTICE ���-�� SI E ALK CONSTRUCTIO File No. S-11244 City Council Distric li 2 Dear Pro rty er: District Planning Co ncil �� To con ider the construction and/or reconstruction of sidewalks PU R P 0 S E Where ecessary, at the follo�ving location: A N � East S'de ONEIDA STREET from Jefferson Avenue to N. 1 5 feet and N. 125 feet and North Side JEFFERSON AVENUE from Onei a Street LO C AT I 0 N to E. 0 feet H E A R i N G Thursd y, April 11, 1985, 10:00 A.M. City C uncil Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall If the Council approves the orders (or any part there f) , a portio of the��costs will be assessed (after constr.uc ion) against I N F 0 R M ATI 0 N benefi ted properties. The ESTIMATED ASSESSMENTS for this project are as follows: R�SIDE TIAL rates (SINGLE FAMILY TO THREE FAMILY) - F r a 5-foot wide s'dewalk: New construction (where no walk exist d) , $13.00 per fr nt ft. ; replacement of old sidewalk, $6.50 per front ft. . For a -foot wide sidewalk: New construction, $15.60 per front ft. ; r placement of old sidewalk, $7.80 per front ft. All co ner residential properties will receive a cred't up to the first 50 feet of new or reconstructed sidewalk along and abutting the "1 ng side" of the property. COMMER IAL rates (all property other than residential ' 100% o actual cost estimated to be approximately $4. 0 per square foot o walk constructed. Constr ction: 298-�+255 Assessments: 298-� 13 QUESTIONS Also, ity staff will be available to answer any last minute questi ns on thi_s project in the City Council Chamber from 9:30 t ]_0:00 �.M. the same day as the hearing. March 22, 198 , by the Valuation and Assessment Di ision Notice sent Department of Finance and Manageme t Services Room 218 City Hall - C�urt House St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 ST PA L CITY COUNCIL ��� PU LI HEARI NG NOTICE �s-�� �' SID W LK C ONSTRUCTION File No. S-11245 City Council District 413 Dear Prope ty Own r: District Planning Cou cil 4�15 o cons der the construction and/or reconstruction of idewalks P U R P 0 S E here n cessary, at the following location: A N � oth si es PINEHURST AVENUE from Cleveland Avenue to K nneth L 0 C A T I 0 N treet ith integral curb . H E A t�I N G hursda , April 11, 1985, 10:00 A.M. ity Co ncil Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall f the ouncil approves the orders (or any parC thereo ) , a orticm of the�•costs will be assessed (after const.r.uct on) against I N F 0 R M AT I 0 N enefit ed properties. The ESTIMATED ASSESSMENTS for his project re as ollows: ESIDEN IAL rates (SINGLE FAMILY TO THREE FAMILY) - Fo a S-fooC ide si ewalk: New construction (where no walk existe ) , $13.00 er fro t ft. ; replacement of old sidewalk, $6.50 per ront ft. • or a 6 foot wide sidewalk: New construction, $15.60 er front t. ; re lacement of old sidewalk, $7.80 per front ft. 11 cor er residential properties will receive a credi up to the irst 1 0 feet of new or reconstructed sidewalk along nd abutting he "lo g side" of the property. OMMERC AL rates (all property other than residential) 00% of actual cost estimated to be approximately $4.0 per square oot of walk constructed. onstru tion: 298-4255 Assessments: 298-45 3 QUESTIONS lso, C"ty staff will be available to answer any last inute uestio s on this project in the City Council Chambers from :30 to 10:00 A.M. the same day as the hearing. March 22, 1985 by the Valuation and Assessment Div'sion Notice sent Department of Finance and Management Services Room 218 City Hall - Court House St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 ST PA U L C I TY COU NC I L �� � PU LI HEARI NG NOTICE ��-�� � SIDEW LK CONSTRUCTIO File No. S-11246 City Council, District l�3 Dear Prope t� Own r: District Planning Cou cil 4{�15 o cons der tl�e construction and/or reconstruction of idewalks PU R P 0 S E here n cessary, at the following location: A N D Both s'des PINEHURST AVENUE from Kenneth Street to E. 400 feet L 0 C A T Ifl N With i tegral curb H E A R I N G hursda , April 11, 1985, 10:00 A.M. ity Co ncii Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall f the our�cil approves the orders (or any part thereo ) , a ortion of the -costs will be assessed (after constr.uct on) against I N F 0 R M AT I 0 N enefit ed properties. The ESTIMATED ASSESSMENTS for his project re as ollows: ESIDEN IAL rates (SINGLE FAMILY TO THREE FAMILY) - Fo a 5-foot �ide si ewalk: New construction (where no walk existe ) , $13.00 er fro t ft. ; replacement of old sidewalk, $6.50 per ront ft. � � or a 6 foot wide sidewalk: New construction, $15.60 er front t. ; re lacement of old sidewalk, $7.80 per front ft. 11 cor er residential properties will receive a credit up to the irst 1 0 feet of new or reconstructed sidewalk along nd abutting the "lo g side" of the property. OMMERC AL rates (all property other than residential) 100% of actual cost estimated to be approximately $4. per square f.00t of walk constructed. • Constru tion: 298-4255 Assessments: 298-45 3 C� UESTIONS Also, City staff will be available to answer any last inute questio s on thi.s project in the City Council Chambers from 9:30 to 10:00 A.M. the same day as the hearing. March 22, 1985, by the Valuation and Assessment Div sion Notice sent Department of Finance and Managemen Services Room 218 City Hall - Court House St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 ST PA U � C ITY COU NCI L G� PU LI HEARI NG NOTICE ���-5�'� SIDEW LK C ONSTRUCTIO File No. S-11247 City Council District l� 3 Dear Prop rty Own-r: District Planning Cou cil 4�-5 To consider the construction and/or reconstruction of idewalks PU R P 0 S E here n cessary, at the following location: A N D orthea t Side ST. PAUL AVENUE at 1118, 1116 and 1112 etween heresa Place and Magoffin Avenue LOCATIQN H E A R I N G hursda , April 11, 1985, 10:00 A.M. City Co ncil Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall If the ouncil npproves the orders (or any part thereof) , a Portion of the��costs will be assessed (after constr.uction) against I N F 0 R M AT I 0 N benefitted properties. The ESTIMATED ASSESSMENTS for this project are as follows: RESIDE IAL rates (SINGLE FAMILY TO THREE FAMILY) - For a 5-foot wide si ewalk: New construction (where no walk exist d) , $13.00 per fro t ft. ; replacement of old sidewalk, $6.50 per front ft. . ror a 6 foot wide sidewalk: New construction, $15.60 per front ft. ; replacement of old sidewalk, $7.80 per front ft. All cor er residential properties will receive a cred t up to the first 150 feet of new or reconstructed sidewalk along and abutting the "lo s; side" of the property. COMMER IAL rates (all property other than residential) 100% of actual cost estimated to be approximately $4. 0 per square foot o walk constructed. Constr ction: 298-4255 Assessments: 298-1+5 3 QUESTIONS Also, ity staff will be available to answer any last inute questi ns on this project in the City Council Chamber from 9:30 t 10:00 P�.M. the same day as the hearing. Notice sent March 22, 1985 by the Valuation and Assessment Div sion Department of Finance and Managemen Services Room 218 City Hall - Court House St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 . � ��-- sas' --- BELI3I�iARY QRDER . ; , -.,� _ _� +;3 C��e'fito -�8f Ch�isNiCOala . �` �- - ��-,_<x.. � . ,��A��►tte.r.: ��dew-_ �st�t�s�io�,�txuct,i��r� ' ',�k:t��.. fo��ng�ncaiio : _ . , - • Voting .,_ ... , � w��: . ' iie.`�b� �claho - 5'��Ik�B:— ''�id�e3}o!° ' � 'SL'�eet frnm`� �ay�`�Y., �4�•;:�, 3 .�1I2139—N rth side i�hland 1�i7�,�vag Sr`birr�.Snel��g Ave:t�;�s��33 ' fe�t. , e . . 3 5-]124t1--$o sides It ` Avenue frem Clevela�r'eY 3�;zr�.'to�R���n�o�t�'t. # �11241-•- h slde of fv�d�kvenue frai3i`�'Aldine St.to West 90 feet rr►Qre- , . or-less::: ._ .. - • 3 &lig+�$�-. ' h s4fie M ter.�xenue,frva�������.'���� � =Se�Xl,�f 5��. rbe�'t.I.ai�:#r�n�Dcarc�#�ca�1ve.�o � -�f - d`;�p�.�i:de D�o�'pthea A�entte.�t �;as� �,. - � . .� - .. , �_,�.� �� f � 2'_ f �� . 8�� . �Stre�f�1#��;�Ye .ia:�!�or�512"�f�t : ��aiid 1�0 �af 3etferao Avenue from Oneida St.to the E�sst�i�r. . �. � 3 5-11243 ' Bo sides ehu�,.Ave�f���:�:'�'a���a�eth-St. (wit�inte�ri cu�cb?. , , .. ;, �- ,: ,. . , 3 8-112,�l6— sides . :urst,f�ven�#�r��Cenneth 5#.to the F.�stl0��#eet� ` (with it�tegra curb). . .: 1 3 S-1I�4T�No ast si oi St.Pa�Avettue at 11I8, 1116 and IlI2 3t.Paui Awt.be�ween Tl�eresa L and�'�,� -• �' ' � } • , D� , �;T_ UN CD���RATFS� `� • #��Eq,�.��ri ', � ' � � F P`or�` �►i� sid�i� A�`e�at i�8� �w�;er� .�waik�e'r�teQ?��i1 Q�� � t o�'i� $� .������►�s�aaat;� ', ¢,. � �� t� e �d ��' G"R�.tiqp #����0: gP-� �t �x � t�D o'l��z . ��2 �'' �:�et., z.� � }_ . ': i 't3�rf'�► "rtie$�r�`�e a ci�ed�t up to� f:-t8�1��s-.j aevv or recons ted si walh along and.;abuttix►� the `.lOx���" oi�t}�e ! . _r .; -. �::,., , � ProPertY• . . i- ,, s �ia�: , CO�MER rates tall r�erty other than resides�i�al) � 100�:oi ac#ual t est ed#o be 1�►PrO�Y�.00 per squax�e foat oi vvalk� construeted: �., . ,. . � The Cauncil the City i Saint Paul havh�g seceived.the rt oj,the�ayor , u�n t1�e above improve nt. asd� lstav�g� �si��-a�i�:`��bY .., F; - _ . reso}a�es; - 4 . _ - ._ _ . _� .; ��y. ,���i��i�1►-� . G�<Tyt9'ttt �:..=��'*t i.. l.i�,e� ��•"+�� . �e*� �€'r'� _t_�rz �^tt � �!_� ��4'�.u t_ 11 ���. � ���[f� • t , �� � ���d�� ,^r.:r' tc R..�,: . . ':.� �,�� '_ �. : � . 3. That not' e of said public hearing be given to the persons and in�the �. manner provide by the C rter,stating the time an�place of hearu}g,th�na}t�x� of the improv ent�a�d t total cers£thereo�as est�nated. : � � �• Fi1�Nos. 5-,112 , 5-1123 $=112#0, 5-1124;1, S-I�$.42;:,�5;11243 S-11244 .5�11?�45, ; 3=1�1246, 5-11247 :. ._. -. , �., •:. . ..r� � , - �:. i Adopted by he Counc 1 March 14,1985. t � Approved reh ls, 1 85. :, , _ a .�(Marc3Y 23,fS855