85-505 WMITE - CiTV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COUnCII CANARV�- DEPAFtTMENT G TY OF SAINT PAUL "SO� BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � � , ncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, t e Div' sion of Housing and Building Code Enfo cement has requested th City Council to hold a public hearing to co sider the advisability and n cessity of the correction or wrecking nd removal of the f llowi g described building, said structure h ving been reported to const' tute a public hazard: 2389 Edgecumbe art of st vac accruing & Detach d (garage only) eg at pt midway on a 1 run two-ca garage from pt on Ely 1 of and 196 3/10 ft from NE cor of Lot 17 to pt on Wly 1 of and 196 3/10 ft from NW cor of sd lot th Ely on sd 1 to Ely 1 of sd lot th Sly on sd Ely 1 to SE cor of sd lot th SWly on Sly 1 thereof 140 33/100 ft th Nly to beg being part of said Lot 17 Blk 5 Bohland' s Edgecumbe Hills WHEREAS, s of arch 22, 1985 the Ramsey County Recorde 's records indicate the ab ve pr perty is torrens property, certificate f title No. 311854, Doc ment o. 746908 dated April 18, 1984 . The fe owner is Bromley T. Rasm ssen, address not given, but according to Ra sey County tax records is 601 H llsboro Ave. So. , St. Louis Park, MN 5 427. Twin Cities Federal ortga e corporation holds the mortgage on a ortion of this property p rsuan to two mortgages dated April 18, 1984, filed May 9, I984 as Documen s Nos 756909 and 756910. There are no judg ents or liens of record WHEREAS, he Di ision of Housing and Building Code Enf rcement, on behalf of the C ' ty Co ncil of the City of Saint Paul did not' fy by mail the above noted parti s of interest at their last known addr ss. WHEREAS, publ ' c hearing was held by and before the C uncil of the City of Saint P ul i the Council Chambe of the Court House f said COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas F�etcher Nays Drew In Favor Masanz NiCOSia schetbe� _ Against BY ` Tedesco Wflson Form Approv it Attor� Adopted by Council: Dat Certified Passed by Council Se retary BY 6 By A►pproved by Mavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to ouncil By _ BY . � . _J �S,_ ��-- city at 10 ; 00 m, o Thursday, April 11 , 1985, to consid r the advisability a d nec ssity of ordering the correction or wre k-- ing and remova of s i�d structure on the above described pro erty inasmuch as sa d str cture is reported to constitute a hazar to public heal h, sa ety and welfare. WHEREAS, u n the facts presented at the said hearing co sist� ing of photogra hs, i spection reports and the recommendatio s of the Building De artme t, it is further determined that the a ove building consti utes hazardous building within the definit' on of Minnesota St tutes 463.15 for the following reasons; l. The bui ding s a detached two--car garage; 2 . This bu lding has had the rear wall collapse into the building; 3. The soi is roding into the garage; 4 , The owne has ade no attempt to satisfactorily corre t the deficiencies and d mages as alleged herein; 5 . The cont nued eteriorating condition contributes a b ight- ing influence on the n eghborhood; now, therefore, e it, RESOLVED, Th t in ccordance with Minnesota Statutes Secti ns 463 .15 through 4 3,25 nd based upon the foregaing findings of the City Council, th Coun il of the City of Saint Paul does hereb make the followi g Ord r: ORDE R 1 . The owner of t e above described building shall make he same safe and not detri ental to the public peace, health, saf ty and welfare eithe by c rrecting the hazardous condition of th building as indic ted i this order or by having the building azed and materials the efrom remove d from the premises within thirt (30) days from the dat of t e service of this Order; 2 , Unless su h cor ection action is taken to comply with t is Order or an answe serv d upon the City of Saint Paul and filed in the Office of the Clerk of District Court of Ramsey County, Minnesota within wenty (20) days from the date of the service f this Order a Moti n for summary enforcement of this Order as it relates to the razing of the said building will be made to the amsey County District Co rt. �\\� _ 3/ �/� -2- WMITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE I TY � OF SA I NT PAU L Council CANARV ��DEAAI?TMENT � / BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � ouncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 3. In the event that the building is to be razed by the City of pursuant to ju gment of the District Court, all personal pro ert Y and fixtures o any ind which may unreasonably interfere wi h the razing and rem val o these buildings shall be removed withi ten (10) days from the e try of judgment; and if not so removed, the City of Saint Paul hall emove and dispose of such personal prop rty and fixtures a prov' ded by law; 4. If the City f Saint Paul is compelled to take any c rrective action herein, all n cessary costs expended by the City will be assessed against the bove described real estate and collect d as other taxes; an be i FURTHER RES LVED, that a certified copy of this resoluti n and incorporated Or er he ein be served upon the last record own r of the above described prope ty in the manner provided by law. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas ��;_�Nays, 3�1'��' Community Services �°" In Favor Masanz Ni�esi�-. "� Scheibel __ Against BY ` � Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date APR 1 � 1985 Form Appr ved by City Attorney Certified - s y Council c r BY � �3 2 � sy t\pp by Nlavor: Date ' R 1 � 1985 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Counc' By By PU�u E� A R2 0 1985 . � �� �5-5�,5' �.��.=TO, , CITY F SAINT PAUL �j, OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY O y Fi ` "'������" 'g EDWARD P. STA R, CITY ATTORNEY �O �C� �°Qn�.�s� 647 City Hall, Sa nt Paul,Minnesota 55102 612-298-5121 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR March 27, 1985 Steve Roy Housing and Bld v Cod 445 City Hall Bldg. Re: 2389 Edgec e ( arage only) Our file S 5-013 Your file 4389 Dear Stev2: Enclosed is res lutio for presentation to the City Council requested in yo r let er directed to me . If you have any uesti ns, do not hesitate to call me . Sir�cer y, � � ,, JOHN B. McCORMIC Assistant City A torne JBMcC:rl Enc . /��-- — , DEPARTMENT (�/�d''S` N� 476 , CONTACT oZ - PHONE J��� ��.��' DATE 1 Q/�� e�r A9S �GN NUN�ER FOR ROUTING RDER 1 i Al l Locations for Si nature : � Department Director Director of Managemen /Mayor Finance and Management Servic Director � City Clerk � Budget Director � City Attorney WHIqT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY T ING AC ION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ `����f" . Rationale) : .�'z. p�o �, ��� C09T/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSON EL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: G¢�i��� `� �'Yi ��� i�� Z2�C;� l.� C=O�cl.�Q� 5��� ��� FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET CTIVIT NUNBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- ?otal Amount of Transacti n: � �d�•do quired if under $10,000) Funding Source: Activity Number: (��j 3 � ATTACHMENTS List and Number All At achments : � . �/ DE A TMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW Yes No Council Resolut'on Req ired? Resolution Required? �` Y s No Y�s �No Insurance Requi ed? Insurance Sufficient? Y No Yes �No Insurance Attac ed: . (SEE REVERS SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revis�ed 12/84 . _�_��� l.ED ��tr� �- �i CITY OF SA NT PAUL R` ' � � �j 3� '�'�� ��� DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNIT SERVICES o = i f; 7•r r, � 111�111111 a° � I =�?� �� (��-���� � ��m ne .. ._ t.r .i i'+.i �m '°°' DIVISION OF HOUSING AND BUILDING CODE E FORCEMENT George Latimer City Hall,Saint Paul, innesota 55102 Mayor 612-298-4212 April 9, 1985 Date of Hearing: April 11 , 1985 Mr. President and M mbers of the City Counci RE: 2389 Edgecumbe (garag only) File No. 4389 Honorable Council: The Division of Hou ing and Building Code Enforcement is hereby submitting its report on the condi 'on of he structure at the location referred to above The owner of record 's Brom ey T. Rasmussen (fee owner) , 1601 Hillsboro Av nue South, St. Louis Par , Minn sota 55426. Z'he legal descriptio of th property is: Part of st. vac. accruing and b . at pt. midway on a L. r n from pt, on Ely. L. of and 196-3/10 ft. from N.E, co . of Lot 17 to pt. on Wly L. of and 196-3/10 ft, from N.W. cor. of SD. lot th. ly. on SD L. to Ely. L. f SD. ot then Sly. on Bohland's Edgecumbe Hills Addit'on. The building is a de ached arage (two-car) . This building has ha the r ar wall collapse into the building and the soil is eroding into the gar ge. Inasmuch as the cond'tions o tlined above constitute a public hazard and th owner has made no attempt t satis actorily repair the damage despite our warning , and the continued vacant nd boa ded-up condition contributes a blighting influ nce on the neighborhood, it 's the ecommendation of this Division that this matte be re- ferred to the City At orney' office for razing and removal through Distric Court proceedings. S' erely, � �G enn A. Erickson Supervisor of Code En orceme t cc: Messrs. George L timer, ayor John McCormick, sst. C'ty Attorney Fire Marshal Frank Staffenson, Housin Code File