99-912oRi��N�� Council File # ��� , Green Sheet # RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To T� . Date RESOLVED, that the Licensee, 7MS Investments, Inc. 1a Lex Liquor Barrel (License ID No.13653), located at 451 Lexington Parkway North in Sain aul is hereby ordered to pay a fine of $200.00 for the violation of the sale of tobacco or tobacco roducts to a minor. Said fine shall be paid to the Office of License, I pections and Environmental Protection within thirty (30) days of the adoption of this resolution y the Council and signature by the Mayor. This resolution and the action ofthe Co� in the August 11, 1999 Notice of Violation 1� report, and such azguments as may have been facts were not contested by the licensee. � �.3 . ��°�� ��.� �` �\`�� / j�fi this matter are based upon the facts contained to the licensee, the July 28, 1999 Compliance ented to the Council at the public hearing. The Requested by Department of: � ���` .i1v Adopted by Counc'1 Adoption Cert' ied By: Approved y Mayor: By: Date Form Approved by City Attorney by Council Secretary � ' 9 �� p gY �/VCS� � Q+�(ri4li� �� Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: � LZEP 1999 Public Hear. �� RqRWfi OROER TOTAL �E OF SIGNATURE PAC,ES GREEN SHEET ov�rrrt o.fcrort q9-9��" , �,-��;, No ! 'v "v : U 9 aneawrt ❑ fJ1YATO111EY ❑ OlYMC{�IIK ❑wwwcuuaEaxccane ❑wuicw.mm�ccro ❑ 1110'dtpltAtmtlW1) � (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Concerning adverse action against the Cigarette License held by JMS Investment, Inc., dba Liquor Barrel, 451 Lexington Parkway North. a PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION IFAPPROVED AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION SOURCE (EJ�WN) Hac this P�eoMrtn eoer worketl under a contract farthis tleparMerM19 vES NO Hes fhia Deiawufirm e�er been e dly emvbYee9 YES NO Doec this P�rm 0� a sldi not normalNP��s�d bY �Y curtent dty empbyee4 YE3 NO la Min pe(sonlfi'm a ter0eted vmdoR YES NO Nain all vea arrevreB m 9eoa2te aheet aM att�h M nfeen sheet COET/REVENUE BUIXiETm (CIRCI.E ONE) ACTMTY NUMBER YES NO �9-9►�- UNCONTESTED LtCENSE HEARING Licensee Name: JMS Investments, Inc. d/b/a Lex Liquor Barrel Address: 451 Lexington Parkway North Council Hearing Date: September 22, 1999 Violation: Sale of Cigarettes to a Minor Minn. Stat. § 609.685 St. Paul Legislative Code § 324.07 Date of Violation: Place: Presumptive Penalty: July 28, 1999 Licensed Premises $200.00 Fine Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf of client, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection: $200.00 fine (first offense) Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution 2. Notice of Violation 3. License information 4. Compliance Report OFFICr ° T'HE CITY ATTORNEY �� �� �� Claytan b.. _,obiraax, Jr., Ciry Attorney CITY OF SA1NT pAUI, Norm Coleman, Mayor Civil Division 400CiryHall Telephone:651266-8710 ISWestKe!loggBlvd Fauimile:651298-56l9 Saint Paul, bfinnesota 55702 - August 11, 1999 NOTICE OF VIOLATION Owner/Manager Lex Liquor Barrel 451 Lexington Parkway North Saint Paul, MN 55104 RE: Cigarette license held by JMS Investments, Inc, d/b/a Lex Liquor Barrel for the premises at 451 Lexington Parkway N. in St. Paul LicenseID #: 0013653 Dear Sir/Madam: The Off3ce of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection has recommended adverse acfion against the cigarette license held by JMS Investments, Inc. d/b/a Lex Liquor Barrel for the premises at 451 Lexington Parkway North in Saint Paul. The basis for this recommendation is as follows: On July 28,1999, an underage person entered the Leg Liquor Barrel at 451 Lexington Parkway North and asked to purchase cigarettes. The individual was able to purchase a package of Marlboro cigarettes without being asked for any proof of age. This sale was in violation of Minn. Stat. §609.685 and Saint Paul Legislative Code §324.07. Since this is a first violation, the licensing o�ce will recommend a$200.00 fine. At this time you have three options on how to proceed: If you do not dispute the above facts and do not wish to have a public hearing, you wi11 need to pay the recommended fine for this violation. If this is your choice, you should make payment directly to the Office of License Inspections and Environmental Protection, Room 300 Lowry Professional Building, 350 Saint Peter Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102. The letter should be directed to Ms. Christine Rozek. Payment of the fine will be considered to be a waiver of the hearing to which you are entitled. Page 2 Lex Liquor Barrel August 11, 1999 qa _y�a- 2. Altematively, if you do not dispute the above facts, but wish to have a public hearing before the Saint Paul City Council, you will need to send me a letter with a statement admitting the violation and requesting a public hearing. We will need to receive your letter by Monday, August 23, 1999. The matter will then be scheduled before the City Council for a public hearing to determine what penalty, if any, to impose. You will have an opportunity to appear before the Council and make a statement on your own behalf. 3. If you do dispute the above facts, a hearing will be scheduled before an Administrative Law Judge. At that heazing both you and the City wi11 be able to appeaz and present witnesses, evidence and cross-examine the other's witnesses. The St. Paul City Council will ultimately decide the case, If this is your choice, please advise my legal assistant, Peter Pangborn, and we will take the necessary steps to schedule the administrative hearing. He can be reached at 266-8710. If we have not heard from you by Monday, August 23, 1999, we will assume that you do not contest the facts and tivill schedule this before the City Council for hearing. Please be advised that the clerk who was identified as having made the sale on this date is also being chazged an administrative penalty pursuant to Minn. Stat. §461.12, subd. 3. This is a separate action from this license matter. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (651) 266-8710. Sincerely, � ���., � Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attomey cc: Robert Kessler, Director of LIEP Christine Rozek, Depury Director of LIEP Christopher Dart, Community Orgainzer, Lexington-Hamline Communiry Council. 1160 Selby Ave., St. Paul, MN 55104 a q-�►�- STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) Ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on August 11, 1999, she served the attached NOTICE OF VIOLATION on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Owner/Manager Lex Liquor Barrel 451 Lexington Parkway 13orth St. Paul, MN. 55104 (which is the last known address of said person) and depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the Uni�d�aCes mails at St. Paul, Minnesota. / \ /1 /�1�. G \ CLEMENTS 5ubscribed and sworn to before me this llth day�f Augu�t�999. / / / vv l //o � - R P. PANGBOFiN Notary PUb7.1 NOTARYPUBUC-MINNESOTA �` ti1Y Comm. E�ires Jan. 37. 20q qq �°� ►� � i� � a a x M W O � � r � O U N � J O 1 M v 'L � C � C O R � � � L d N C N V J N � w N � N U � J ¢ U N U a � � o m � N C IU N IJ U L � I�� rn � w �� Z iN � `U M J � O � m � a z � � N N d ? a W � Q"� � V � J W � � m E � �O Z = m � � W J U Z H Z w z w o ? a g � �U C O U U .` N � o � d m 0 Q X W N C N 9 E � Z U a � U C N 3 N c d � m Z a c� m l Q 0 U c R � N C N a � � Z N � n o � -� o a � N � N � G � LLJ m� 0 F � V � v Z � Y a Z O � a � v � y N .._I N V m 01 � C U7 � f6 O � NN �s ` a �' � � a � a� °' � a� a '� � f6 c� •�� w(JwLL �� j O Q� o '� � p 3 Z a 0 �j �, �.- F , �.. o- .-.0 - 6 ��] O � (60 Nf1 � O � � a Q � m-OI-3rn ❑�� � o ❑ � U ac.: �.-_� ��rN ����a� >� � •i � p1 � X�.�2jo _t a) oCR p_ . U ' r O I > U�C 6 Wtn > p_��ON �N Y > � � .�.. � "i � �E$ � >+> J �-�-. � � � (4 11-� � U aUL� ���3Q�N�N �ON�N �O C Oe LL M'�`N' � 0� �p�7 d C(0 U(ff �' V JO...WM�p. 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Direc�or CITY OF SAINT PAUL A'orm Colem.an, May'or LOWRYPROFESSIO.'��AL BUlLDI.YG Suite 300 350 Sc Peter S:reei Sain1 Paul, Minnuota Si102-I510 TOBACCO C0�IPLLA.1 CE CHECK FOR1I �9�q�a� Telephor.e: 672-? 66-9090 Facsimile: 612-266-9G99 61?-?66-91?4 DATE: ��� TLVIE: �� Q� LICENSE I.D. rUNIBER: NAME OF C0�4PLLANCE CHECKER L..K e NAME OF ADUI,T SUPERVISOR: �; ra-I LEX LIQUOR BARREL NAME & ADDRESS OF LICEA'SED VE?�'DOR: 451 LEXINGTON PKWY N ST PAUL, MN 55104 LicenseType: License» Cigarettel�obacco 00�3653 TYPEOPESTABLISI�IENT: �ic��^ S�t- �VAS THE TOBACCO: SELF-SERVE?_ ASSISTED?!r MACHLNE?_ WHERE WAS THE MACHI!VE LOCA3ED? -----' DOES THE ESTABLISHME N MINORS? ��o SALE WAS MADE• YES t � NO WAS AN I.D. REQUESTED? Y'eS 1�'AME OF CLERK: ve �•tew SEX: M F �� DRIVER'S LICENSE �I OTHER I.D. TYPE OF I.D. �� J� �J I.D. # �-Loo - 75�r oG`7 -142 AMOUNT SPENT ON PURCFIASE 3•�'s IF A SALE WAS NOT MADE: REAS�V (CHECK ONE) I'�� � 1) I.D. WAS CHECKED 2> BUSINE,SS CL�S£D j'� �N��`� G�P�� -r lNc� S S�1r2 B�Q� �- ���- rn�v ss��-� �°� 3'�" � 3) OUT OF BUSIIVESS �li� BQN EyPs � 4) UIQSATISFACTORYCONDITIQNS �� / i 7 6 S � 5) WERE NOT ALLd�VED TO ENTER THE ESTABLISI-LtifENT License Group Comments Tezt Licensee: �MS INVESTMENTS !NC �BA� LEX LIQUOR BARREL License #: 0013653 08/04/'Ig9g qg �q I a� 7l28199 Failed tohacco complia�ce check. To CAO for adverse aetion. CAR 09/17/98 Cong2tulations �etter sent. PJW OS/�0/98 Passed cigarette compliance check. PJW On 21�7/99 Completed required alcohol awareness training-DL On 'I/21/99 Failed check; 'unofficial" waming -training due Z24/99-DL 12185 083189 Ph On P.ppn For Trtr QF Off Sale Liquor And Original ConNainer License From L.G., Inc. - Dba LEx Liquor Warehouse (Same Address) Id 16�72 App'D C.F. 89-1548 092292 Ph Suspending Off Sale Liquor 8 Original CoNtainer License Due 7o Sale Of Alcohol To A Minor Heard By City Council, Licenses Suspended For 3 DAys With Two Of The Days Stayed. Suspension To Be Effecfive 101292 - C.F. 92-1451 6/24/93 Renew App'D - Mailed 7/13/93 5/� 3/96 Cig Code Added Fdld �E65222—Lap-Lic 10/9/96 C.F. #96-1268 App'D Imposing Three (3) Day Suspension W/One(1) Day Stayed For 18 Months For The Viola6on Of "Sale Of Alcoholic Beverage To An Underage Person". Grounds For Departure From The PresumpGve Penalry Is A Previous Similar Violation In � 992. Suspension To Take Place Commencing 10/30/96. �0/16/96 C.F. 96-1323 App'D Changing Effec6ve Date Of Suspension To �0/23/967l30l96 Liquor Sale To Minor: Warning �q -g �a� Address ( Licensee � CoMect � License, �grtlhpltlec 4 Typc C p�operty �' Licensee r Unofficial T All Street #: 57 Street Name EXINGTON Street Typc �—� Directiarc C_�., UnR # r � CAy eAtl> ��� ,'.`"��'!-�7J�.-Now � �,t,,.�-_'� • �;+J'� — � � �_ � ..?�N i� " 3ditlac " '� ° � tjse�.i'e�is IARD HOANGBILLIARD r H�OAN�G �L�I I..tL �y �S INC ' �p( LIQUOR WAR i CJJN_ S70RE'NWVALSI(1'S COu �� -q� � ��, � Atltlre 7ypE � J'� 3Sd Y2�-� 3- „z uwnseeNrvuuvvt�imnviJWC: �`� '-`�� �'� ` �� ���"' DBA EX LIQUOft BARREL SYre = Stre+ License � �jcensee � Lic.Types � Insurance � Bond � Requiremerds � Stre' !•` propedy � Licensee �' Unofficisl � ProjectFactlrtator. GUNTHER,VNLLIAM(BILL) Dire�3 Street #: 51 ; Adverse Action Commen[s und ' �reet Name. EXINGTON ! � �� � SYreet Type: PkVW Direc[iort � Und Ind: � Unit #: r f Cdy iPAUL CammeMs: � Stffie. �4N — Zip: i5104 `F7n8/99 Failedto6acca compliance check. To CAO � �,for ativerse ac[ion. � � � Ward l� ;�09M 1AB Congratulations letter sent. P,IVV - ° Dist Counal: 13 ;�08A Oi98 Passetl cigarette compliance check. P,fW " € l Licensee: �IMSWVESTMENTSMC Cammerrts: DBA: EX LIQUOR BARREL Sales Tax Itl� 544207 Bus Phone: 651) 696-4077 N Off Sale �i 23 ttems Found qq .q �a� TypE .� �.' �t�. � � . x uccnsectu�au�v�aimoviaw�. �� ��" r=-^w �' - DBA EX LIQUOR BARREL SYre � 7 SYre; �icense Licensee � �ia Types � Insurence I Bond � Requiremet8s � Stre� UcenseeName: MLSWVESTMENTSWC '^;�r�,�� Dire�� DBA EX UQUOR BARREI ` Sales Tax Id: 544201 � � Non-ProfM1: [— iNOrker's Comp: 4ROR000 ����!eS_�'� Un� ;- � CoMred Rec'tl. OfJ0ID000 AA Treining Rec'Q OAOrt1000 �� j AA Fee Colleded ONON000 DiscouM Rec'd: r �Mail Licefue To: — r Mat To CoMact �' License Atl 'uess -Meil Invoice Ta: — r Mail To Contact �` License Atltlress Backgro�mtl Check Required � Lieense # History 54517 OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY C!¢yton M Rabrnson, Jr., City Anorney CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Cvlemon, Mtryar Civi! Division 400 Ciry Hall I S West Kellagg Blvd Sain! Paul, Minnesata 5510? q°I -9 i�-- Telephone: 651266-87l0 Facsi�ile: 651298-56! 9 September 8, 1999 NOTICE OF COUNCIL HEARING OwnerlManager Lex Liquor Barrel 451 Lexington Parkway North Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104 RE: Cigazette license held by JMS Investments, Inc. d/bia Lex Liquor Barrel for the premises located at 451 Lexington Pazkway N. in St. Paul License ID No. : 13653 Our File Number: G99-0282 Dear Sir/Madam: Please take notice that a hearing conceming the above-named establishment has been scheduled for 5:30 p.m., Wednesday, September 22, 1999 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed aze copies of the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Council for their consideration. This is an uncontested hearing in that the facts contained in the report concerning the unlawful sale of cigazettes have not been disputed. You will have an opportunity at the Council hearing to present oral and/or written remazks as to the penalty, if any, to be imposed. The recommendation of the license office will be for a$200.00 fine. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. Very truly yours, � Lcc� �U VZLC r.�.c-ti Virgima`D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Christopher Dart, Community Orgainzer, Lexington-Hamline Community Council, 1160 Selby Ave., St. Paul, MN 55104 oRi��N�� Council File # ��� , Green Sheet # RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To T� . Date RESOLVED, that the Licensee, 7MS Investments, Inc. 1a Lex Liquor Barrel (License ID No.13653), located at 451 Lexington Parkway North in Sain aul is hereby ordered to pay a fine of $200.00 for the violation of the sale of tobacco or tobacco roducts to a minor. Said fine shall be paid to the Office of License, I pections and Environmental Protection within thirty (30) days of the adoption of this resolution y the Council and signature by the Mayor. This resolution and the action ofthe Co� in the August 11, 1999 Notice of Violation 1� report, and such azguments as may have been facts were not contested by the licensee. � �.3 . ��°�� ��.� �` �\`�� / j�fi this matter are based upon the facts contained to the licensee, the July 28, 1999 Compliance ented to the Council at the public hearing. The Requested by Department of: � ���` .i1v Adopted by Counc'1 Adoption Cert' ied By: Approved y Mayor: By: Date Form Approved by City Attorney by Council Secretary � ' 9 �� p gY �/VCS� � Q+�(ri4li� �� Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: � LZEP 1999 Public Hear. �� RqRWfi OROER TOTAL �E OF SIGNATURE PAC,ES GREEN SHEET ov�rrrt o.fcrort q9-9��" , �,-��;, No ! 'v "v : U 9 aneawrt ❑ fJ1YATO111EY ❑ OlYMC{�IIK ❑wwwcuuaEaxccane ❑wuicw.mm�ccro ❑ 1110'dtpltAtmtlW1) � (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Concerning adverse action against the Cigarette License held by JMS Investment, Inc., dba Liquor Barrel, 451 Lexington Parkway North. a PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION IFAPPROVED AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION SOURCE (EJ�WN) Hac this P�eoMrtn eoer worketl under a contract farthis tleparMerM19 vES NO Hes fhia Deiawufirm e�er been e dly emvbYee9 YES NO Doec this P�rm 0� a sldi not normalNP��s�d bY �Y curtent dty empbyee4 YE3 NO la Min pe(sonlfi'm a ter0eted vmdoR YES NO Nain all vea arrevreB m 9eoa2te aheet aM att�h M nfeen sheet COET/REVENUE BUIXiETm (CIRCI.E ONE) ACTMTY NUMBER YES NO �9-9►�- UNCONTESTED LtCENSE HEARING Licensee Name: JMS Investments, Inc. d/b/a Lex Liquor Barrel Address: 451 Lexington Parkway North Council Hearing Date: September 22, 1999 Violation: Sale of Cigarettes to a Minor Minn. Stat. § 609.685 St. Paul Legislative Code § 324.07 Date of Violation: Place: Presumptive Penalty: July 28, 1999 Licensed Premises $200.00 Fine Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf of client, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection: $200.00 fine (first offense) Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution 2. Notice of Violation 3. License information 4. Compliance Report OFFICr ° T'HE CITY ATTORNEY �� �� �� Claytan b.. _,obiraax, Jr., Ciry Attorney CITY OF SA1NT pAUI, Norm Coleman, Mayor Civil Division 400CiryHall Telephone:651266-8710 ISWestKe!loggBlvd Fauimile:651298-56l9 Saint Paul, bfinnesota 55702 - August 11, 1999 NOTICE OF VIOLATION Owner/Manager Lex Liquor Barrel 451 Lexington Parkway North Saint Paul, MN 55104 RE: Cigarette license held by JMS Investments, Inc, d/b/a Lex Liquor Barrel for the premises at 451 Lexington Parkway N. in St. Paul LicenseID #: 0013653 Dear Sir/Madam: The Off3ce of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection has recommended adverse acfion against the cigarette license held by JMS Investments, Inc. d/b/a Lex Liquor Barrel for the premises at 451 Lexington Parkway North in Saint Paul. The basis for this recommendation is as follows: On July 28,1999, an underage person entered the Leg Liquor Barrel at 451 Lexington Parkway North and asked to purchase cigarettes. The individual was able to purchase a package of Marlboro cigarettes without being asked for any proof of age. This sale was in violation of Minn. Stat. §609.685 and Saint Paul Legislative Code §324.07. Since this is a first violation, the licensing o�ce will recommend a$200.00 fine. At this time you have three options on how to proceed: If you do not dispute the above facts and do not wish to have a public hearing, you wi11 need to pay the recommended fine for this violation. If this is your choice, you should make payment directly to the Office of License Inspections and Environmental Protection, Room 300 Lowry Professional Building, 350 Saint Peter Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102. The letter should be directed to Ms. Christine Rozek. Payment of the fine will be considered to be a waiver of the hearing to which you are entitled. Page 2 Lex Liquor Barrel August 11, 1999 qa _y�a- 2. Altematively, if you do not dispute the above facts, but wish to have a public hearing before the Saint Paul City Council, you will need to send me a letter with a statement admitting the violation and requesting a public hearing. We will need to receive your letter by Monday, August 23, 1999. The matter will then be scheduled before the City Council for a public hearing to determine what penalty, if any, to impose. You will have an opportunity to appear before the Council and make a statement on your own behalf. 3. If you do dispute the above facts, a hearing will be scheduled before an Administrative Law Judge. At that heazing both you and the City wi11 be able to appeaz and present witnesses, evidence and cross-examine the other's witnesses. The St. Paul City Council will ultimately decide the case, If this is your choice, please advise my legal assistant, Peter Pangborn, and we will take the necessary steps to schedule the administrative hearing. He can be reached at 266-8710. If we have not heard from you by Monday, August 23, 1999, we will assume that you do not contest the facts and tivill schedule this before the City Council for hearing. Please be advised that the clerk who was identified as having made the sale on this date is also being chazged an administrative penalty pursuant to Minn. Stat. §461.12, subd. 3. This is a separate action from this license matter. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (651) 266-8710. Sincerely, � ���., � Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attomey cc: Robert Kessler, Director of LIEP Christine Rozek, Depury Director of LIEP Christopher Dart, Community Orgainzer, Lexington-Hamline Communiry Council. 1160 Selby Ave., St. Paul, MN 55104 a q-�►�- STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) Ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on August 11, 1999, she served the attached NOTICE OF VIOLATION on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Owner/Manager Lex Liquor Barrel 451 Lexington Parkway 13orth St. Paul, MN. 55104 (which is the last known address of said person) and depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the Uni�d�aCes mails at St. Paul, Minnesota. / \ /1 /�1�. G \ CLEMENTS 5ubscribed and sworn to before me this llth day�f Augu�t�999. / / / vv l //o � - R P. PANGBOFiN Notary PUb7.1 NOTARYPUBUC-MINNESOTA �` ti1Y Comm. E�ires Jan. 37. 20q qq �°� ►� � i� � a a x M W O � � r � O U N � J O 1 M v 'L � C � C O R � � � L d N C N V J N � w N � N U � J ¢ U N U a � � o m � N C IU N IJ U L � I�� rn � w �� Z iN � `U M J � O � m � a z � � N N d ? a W � Q"� � V � J W � � m E � �O Z = m � � W J U Z H Z w z w o ? a g � �U C O U U .` N � o � d m 0 Q X W N C N 9 E � Z U a � U C N 3 N c d � m Z a c� m l Q 0 U c R � N C N a � � Z N � n o � -� o a � N � N � G � LLJ m� 0 F � V � v Z � Y a Z O � a � v � y N .._I N V m 01 � C U7 � f6 O � NN �s ` a �' � � a � a� °' � a� a '� � f6 c� •�� w(JwLL �� j O Q� o '� � p 3 Z a 0 �j �, �.- F , �.. o- .-.0 - 6 ��] O � (60 Nf1 � O � � a Q � m-OI-3rn ❑�� � o ❑ � U ac.: �.-_� ��rN ����a� >� � •i � p1 � X�.�2jo _t a) oCR p_ . U ' r O I > U�C 6 Wtn > p_��ON �N Y > � � .�.. � "i � �E$ � >+> J �-�-. � � � (4 11-� � U aUL� ���3Q�N�N �ON�N �O C Oe LL M'�`N' � 0� �p�7 d C(0 U(ff �' V JO...WM�p. 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Direc�or CITY OF SAINT PAUL A'orm Colem.an, May'or LOWRYPROFESSIO.'��AL BUlLDI.YG Suite 300 350 Sc Peter S:reei Sain1 Paul, Minnuota Si102-I510 TOBACCO C0�IPLLA.1 CE CHECK FOR1I �9�q�a� Telephor.e: 672-? 66-9090 Facsimile: 612-266-9G99 61?-?66-91?4 DATE: ��� TLVIE: �� Q� LICENSE I.D. rUNIBER: NAME OF C0�4PLLANCE CHECKER L..K e NAME OF ADUI,T SUPERVISOR: �; ra-I LEX LIQUOR BARREL NAME & ADDRESS OF LICEA'SED VE?�'DOR: 451 LEXINGTON PKWY N ST PAUL, MN 55104 LicenseType: License» Cigarettel�obacco 00�3653 TYPEOPESTABLISI�IENT: �ic��^ S�t- �VAS THE TOBACCO: SELF-SERVE?_ ASSISTED?!r MACHLNE?_ WHERE WAS THE MACHI!VE LOCA3ED? -----' DOES THE ESTABLISHME N MINORS? ��o SALE WAS MADE• YES t � NO WAS AN I.D. REQUESTED? Y'eS 1�'AME OF CLERK: ve �•tew SEX: M F �� DRIVER'S LICENSE �I OTHER I.D. TYPE OF I.D. �� J� �J I.D. # �-Loo - 75�r oG`7 -142 AMOUNT SPENT ON PURCFIASE 3•�'s IF A SALE WAS NOT MADE: REAS�V (CHECK ONE) I'�� � 1) I.D. WAS CHECKED 2> BUSINE,SS CL�S£D j'� �N��`� G�P�� -r lNc� S S�1r2 B�Q� �- ���- rn�v ss��-� �°� 3'�" � 3) OUT OF BUSIIVESS �li� BQN EyPs � 4) UIQSATISFACTORYCONDITIQNS �� / i 7 6 S � 5) WERE NOT ALLd�VED TO ENTER THE ESTABLISI-LtifENT License Group Comments Tezt Licensee: �MS INVESTMENTS !NC �BA� LEX LIQUOR BARREL License #: 0013653 08/04/'Ig9g qg �q I a� 7l28199 Failed tohacco complia�ce check. To CAO for adverse aetion. CAR 09/17/98 Cong2tulations �etter sent. PJW OS/�0/98 Passed cigarette compliance check. PJW On 21�7/99 Completed required alcohol awareness training-DL On 'I/21/99 Failed check; 'unofficial" waming -training due Z24/99-DL 12185 083189 Ph On P.ppn For Trtr QF Off Sale Liquor And Original ConNainer License From L.G., Inc. - Dba LEx Liquor Warehouse (Same Address) Id 16�72 App'D C.F. 89-1548 092292 Ph Suspending Off Sale Liquor 8 Original CoNtainer License Due 7o Sale Of Alcohol To A Minor Heard By City Council, Licenses Suspended For 3 DAys With Two Of The Days Stayed. Suspension To Be Effecfive 101292 - C.F. 92-1451 6/24/93 Renew App'D - Mailed 7/13/93 5/� 3/96 Cig Code Added Fdld �E65222—Lap-Lic 10/9/96 C.F. #96-1268 App'D Imposing Three (3) Day Suspension W/One(1) Day Stayed For 18 Months For The Viola6on Of "Sale Of Alcoholic Beverage To An Underage Person". Grounds For Departure From The PresumpGve Penalry Is A Previous Similar Violation In � 992. Suspension To Take Place Commencing 10/30/96. �0/16/96 C.F. 96-1323 App'D Changing Effec6ve Date Of Suspension To �0/23/967l30l96 Liquor Sale To Minor: Warning �q -g �a� Address ( Licensee � CoMect � License, �grtlhpltlec 4 Typc C p�operty �' Licensee r Unofficial T All Street #: 57 Street Name EXINGTON Street Typc �—� Directiarc C_�., UnR # r � CAy eAtl> ��� ,'.`"��'!-�7J�.-Now � �,t,,.�-_'� • �;+J'� — � � �_ � ..?�N i� " 3ditlac " '� ° � tjse�.i'e�is IARD HOANGBILLIARD r H�OAN�G �L�I I..tL �y �S INC ' �p( LIQUOR WAR i CJJN_ S70RE'NWVALSI(1'S COu �� -q� � ��, � Atltlre 7ypE � J'� 3Sd Y2�-� 3- „z uwnseeNrvuuvvt�imnviJWC: �`� '-`�� �'� ` �� ���"' DBA EX LIQUOft BARREL SYre = Stre+ License � �jcensee � Lic.Types � Insurance � Bond � Requiremerds � Stre' !•` propedy � Licensee �' Unofficisl � ProjectFactlrtator. GUNTHER,VNLLIAM(BILL) Dire�3 Street #: 51 ; Adverse Action Commen[s und ' �reet Name. EXINGTON ! � �� � SYreet Type: PkVW Direc[iort � Und Ind: � Unit #: r f Cdy iPAUL CammeMs: � Stffie. �4N — Zip: i5104 `F7n8/99 Failedto6acca compliance check. To CAO � �,for ativerse ac[ion. � � � Ward l� ;�09M 1AB Congratulations letter sent. P,IVV - ° Dist Counal: 13 ;�08A Oi98 Passetl cigarette compliance check. P,fW " € l Licensee: �IMSWVESTMENTSMC Cammerrts: DBA: EX LIQUOR BARREL Sales Tax Itl� 544207 Bus Phone: 651) 696-4077 N Off Sale �i 23 ttems Found qq .q �a� TypE .� �.' �t�. � � . x uccnsectu�au�v�aimoviaw�. �� ��" r=-^w �' - DBA EX LIQUOR BARREL SYre � 7 SYre; �icense Licensee � �ia Types � Insurence I Bond � Requiremet8s � Stre� UcenseeName: MLSWVESTMENTSWC '^;�r�,�� Dire�� DBA EX UQUOR BARREI ` Sales Tax Id: 544201 � � Non-ProfM1: [— iNOrker's Comp: 4ROR000 ����!eS_�'� Un� ;- � CoMred Rec'tl. OfJ0ID000 AA Treining Rec'Q OAOrt1000 �� j AA Fee Colleded ONON000 DiscouM Rec'd: r �Mail Licefue To: — r Mat To CoMact �' License Atl 'uess -Meil Invoice Ta: — r Mail To Contact �` License Atltlress Backgro�mtl Check Required � Lieense # History 54517 OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY C!¢yton M Rabrnson, Jr., City Anorney CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Cvlemon, Mtryar Civi! Division 400 Ciry Hall I S West Kellagg Blvd Sain! Paul, Minnesata 5510? q°I -9 i�-- Telephone: 651266-87l0 Facsi�ile: 651298-56! 9 September 8, 1999 NOTICE OF COUNCIL HEARING OwnerlManager Lex Liquor Barrel 451 Lexington Parkway North Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104 RE: Cigazette license held by JMS Investments, Inc. d/bia Lex Liquor Barrel for the premises located at 451 Lexington Pazkway N. in St. Paul License ID No. : 13653 Our File Number: G99-0282 Dear Sir/Madam: Please take notice that a hearing conceming the above-named establishment has been scheduled for 5:30 p.m., Wednesday, September 22, 1999 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed aze copies of the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Council for their consideration. This is an uncontested hearing in that the facts contained in the report concerning the unlawful sale of cigazettes have not been disputed. You will have an opportunity at the Council hearing to present oral and/or written remazks as to the penalty, if any, to be imposed. The recommendation of the license office will be for a$200.00 fine. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. Very truly yours, � Lcc� �U VZLC r.�.c-ti Virgima`D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Christopher Dart, Community Orgainzer, Lexington-Hamline Community Council, 1160 Selby Ave., St. Paul, MN 55104 oRi��N�� Council File # ��� , Green Sheet # RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To T� . Date RESOLVED, that the Licensee, 7MS Investments, Inc. 1a Lex Liquor Barrel (License ID No.13653), located at 451 Lexington Parkway North in Sain aul is hereby ordered to pay a fine of $200.00 for the violation of the sale of tobacco or tobacco roducts to a minor. Said fine shall be paid to the Office of License, I pections and Environmental Protection within thirty (30) days of the adoption of this resolution y the Council and signature by the Mayor. This resolution and the action ofthe Co� in the August 11, 1999 Notice of Violation 1� report, and such azguments as may have been facts were not contested by the licensee. � �.3 . ��°�� ��.� �` �\`�� / j�fi this matter are based upon the facts contained to the licensee, the July 28, 1999 Compliance ented to the Council at the public hearing. The Requested by Department of: � ���` .i1v Adopted by Counc'1 Adoption Cert' ied By: Approved y Mayor: By: Date Form Approved by City Attorney by Council Secretary � ' 9 �� p gY �/VCS� � Q+�(ri4li� �� Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: � LZEP 1999 Public Hear. �� RqRWfi OROER TOTAL �E OF SIGNATURE PAC,ES GREEN SHEET ov�rrrt o.fcrort q9-9��" , �,-��;, No ! 'v "v : U 9 aneawrt ❑ fJ1YATO111EY ❑ OlYMC{�IIK ❑wwwcuuaEaxccane ❑wuicw.mm�ccro ❑ 1110'dtpltAtmtlW1) � (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Concerning adverse action against the Cigarette License held by JMS Investment, Inc., dba Liquor Barrel, 451 Lexington Parkway North. a PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION IFAPPROVED AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION SOURCE (EJ�WN) Hac this P�eoMrtn eoer worketl under a contract farthis tleparMerM19 vES NO Hes fhia Deiawufirm e�er been e dly emvbYee9 YES NO Doec this P�rm 0� a sldi not normalNP��s�d bY �Y curtent dty empbyee4 YE3 NO la Min pe(sonlfi'm a ter0eted vmdoR YES NO Nain all vea arrevreB m 9eoa2te aheet aM att�h M nfeen sheet COET/REVENUE BUIXiETm (CIRCI.E ONE) ACTMTY NUMBER YES NO �9-9►�- UNCONTESTED LtCENSE HEARING Licensee Name: JMS Investments, Inc. d/b/a Lex Liquor Barrel Address: 451 Lexington Parkway North Council Hearing Date: September 22, 1999 Violation: Sale of Cigarettes to a Minor Minn. Stat. § 609.685 St. Paul Legislative Code § 324.07 Date of Violation: Place: Presumptive Penalty: July 28, 1999 Licensed Premises $200.00 Fine Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf of client, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection: $200.00 fine (first offense) Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution 2. Notice of Violation 3. License information 4. Compliance Report OFFICr ° T'HE CITY ATTORNEY �� �� �� Claytan b.. _,obiraax, Jr., Ciry Attorney CITY OF SA1NT pAUI, Norm Coleman, Mayor Civil Division 400CiryHall Telephone:651266-8710 ISWestKe!loggBlvd Fauimile:651298-56l9 Saint Paul, bfinnesota 55702 - August 11, 1999 NOTICE OF VIOLATION Owner/Manager Lex Liquor Barrel 451 Lexington Parkway North Saint Paul, MN 55104 RE: Cigarette license held by JMS Investments, Inc, d/b/a Lex Liquor Barrel for the premises at 451 Lexington Parkway N. in St. Paul LicenseID #: 0013653 Dear Sir/Madam: The Off3ce of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection has recommended adverse acfion against the cigarette license held by JMS Investments, Inc. d/b/a Lex Liquor Barrel for the premises at 451 Lexington Parkway North in Saint Paul. The basis for this recommendation is as follows: On July 28,1999, an underage person entered the Leg Liquor Barrel at 451 Lexington Parkway North and asked to purchase cigarettes. The individual was able to purchase a package of Marlboro cigarettes without being asked for any proof of age. This sale was in violation of Minn. Stat. §609.685 and Saint Paul Legislative Code §324.07. Since this is a first violation, the licensing o�ce will recommend a$200.00 fine. At this time you have three options on how to proceed: If you do not dispute the above facts and do not wish to have a public hearing, you wi11 need to pay the recommended fine for this violation. If this is your choice, you should make payment directly to the Office of License Inspections and Environmental Protection, Room 300 Lowry Professional Building, 350 Saint Peter Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102. The letter should be directed to Ms. Christine Rozek. Payment of the fine will be considered to be a waiver of the hearing to which you are entitled. Page 2 Lex Liquor Barrel August 11, 1999 qa _y�a- 2. Altematively, if you do not dispute the above facts, but wish to have a public hearing before the Saint Paul City Council, you will need to send me a letter with a statement admitting the violation and requesting a public hearing. We will need to receive your letter by Monday, August 23, 1999. The matter will then be scheduled before the City Council for a public hearing to determine what penalty, if any, to impose. You will have an opportunity to appear before the Council and make a statement on your own behalf. 3. If you do dispute the above facts, a hearing will be scheduled before an Administrative Law Judge. At that heazing both you and the City wi11 be able to appeaz and present witnesses, evidence and cross-examine the other's witnesses. The St. Paul City Council will ultimately decide the case, If this is your choice, please advise my legal assistant, Peter Pangborn, and we will take the necessary steps to schedule the administrative hearing. He can be reached at 266-8710. If we have not heard from you by Monday, August 23, 1999, we will assume that you do not contest the facts and tivill schedule this before the City Council for hearing. Please be advised that the clerk who was identified as having made the sale on this date is also being chazged an administrative penalty pursuant to Minn. Stat. §461.12, subd. 3. This is a separate action from this license matter. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (651) 266-8710. Sincerely, � ���., � Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attomey cc: Robert Kessler, Director of LIEP Christine Rozek, Depury Director of LIEP Christopher Dart, Community Orgainzer, Lexington-Hamline Communiry Council. 1160 Selby Ave., St. Paul, MN 55104 a q-�►�- STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) Ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on August 11, 1999, she served the attached NOTICE OF VIOLATION on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Owner/Manager Lex Liquor Barrel 451 Lexington Parkway 13orth St. Paul, MN. 55104 (which is the last known address of said person) and depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the Uni�d�aCes mails at St. Paul, Minnesota. / \ /1 /�1�. G \ CLEMENTS 5ubscribed and sworn to before me this llth day�f Augu�t�999. / / / vv l //o � - R P. PANGBOFiN Notary PUb7.1 NOTARYPUBUC-MINNESOTA �` ti1Y Comm. E�ires Jan. 37. 20q qq �°� ►� � i� � a a x M W O � � r � O U N � J O 1 M v 'L � C � C O R � � � L d N C N V J N � w N � N U � J ¢ U N U a � � o m � N C IU N IJ U L � I�� rn � w �� Z iN � `U M J � O � m � a z � � N N d ? a W � Q"� � V � J W � � m E � �O Z = m � � W J U Z H Z w z w o ? a g � �U C O U U .` N � o � d m 0 Q X W N C N 9 E � Z U a � U C N 3 N c d � m Z a c� m l Q 0 U c R � N C N a � � Z N � n o � -� o a � N � N � G � LLJ m� 0 F � V � v Z � Y a Z O � a � v � y N .._I N V m 01 � C U7 � f6 O � NN �s ` a �' � � a � a� °' � a� a '� � f6 c� •�� w(JwLL �� j O Q� o '� � p 3 Z a 0 �j �, �.- F , �.. o- .-.0 - 6 ��] O � (60 Nf1 � O � � a Q � m-OI-3rn ❑�� � o ❑ � U ac.: �.-_� ��rN ����a� >� � •i � p1 � X�.�2jo _t a) oCR p_ . U ' r O I > U�C 6 Wtn > p_��ON �N Y > � � .�.. � "i � �E$ � >+> J �-�-. � � � (4 11-� � U aUL� ���3Q�N�N �ON�N �O C Oe LL M'�`N' � 0� �p�7 d C(0 U(ff �' V JO...WM�p. 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Direc�or CITY OF SAINT PAUL A'orm Colem.an, May'or LOWRYPROFESSIO.'��AL BUlLDI.YG Suite 300 350 Sc Peter S:reei Sain1 Paul, Minnuota Si102-I510 TOBACCO C0�IPLLA.1 CE CHECK FOR1I �9�q�a� Telephor.e: 672-? 66-9090 Facsimile: 612-266-9G99 61?-?66-91?4 DATE: ��� TLVIE: �� Q� LICENSE I.D. rUNIBER: NAME OF C0�4PLLANCE CHECKER L..K e NAME OF ADUI,T SUPERVISOR: �; ra-I LEX LIQUOR BARREL NAME & ADDRESS OF LICEA'SED VE?�'DOR: 451 LEXINGTON PKWY N ST PAUL, MN 55104 LicenseType: License» Cigarettel�obacco 00�3653 TYPEOPESTABLISI�IENT: �ic��^ S�t- �VAS THE TOBACCO: SELF-SERVE?_ ASSISTED?!r MACHLNE?_ WHERE WAS THE MACHI!VE LOCA3ED? -----' DOES THE ESTABLISHME N MINORS? ��o SALE WAS MADE• YES t � NO WAS AN I.D. REQUESTED? Y'eS 1�'AME OF CLERK: ve �•tew SEX: M F �� DRIVER'S LICENSE �I OTHER I.D. TYPE OF I.D. �� J� �J I.D. # �-Loo - 75�r oG`7 -142 AMOUNT SPENT ON PURCFIASE 3•�'s IF A SALE WAS NOT MADE: REAS�V (CHECK ONE) I'�� � 1) I.D. WAS CHECKED 2> BUSINE,SS CL�S£D j'� �N��`� G�P�� -r lNc� S S�1r2 B�Q� �- ���- rn�v ss��-� �°� 3'�" � 3) OUT OF BUSIIVESS �li� BQN EyPs � 4) UIQSATISFACTORYCONDITIQNS �� / i 7 6 S � 5) WERE NOT ALLd�VED TO ENTER THE ESTABLISI-LtifENT License Group Comments Tezt Licensee: �MS INVESTMENTS !NC �BA� LEX LIQUOR BARREL License #: 0013653 08/04/'Ig9g qg �q I a� 7l28199 Failed tohacco complia�ce check. To CAO for adverse aetion. CAR 09/17/98 Cong2tulations �etter sent. PJW OS/�0/98 Passed cigarette compliance check. PJW On 21�7/99 Completed required alcohol awareness training-DL On 'I/21/99 Failed check; 'unofficial" waming -training due Z24/99-DL 12185 083189 Ph On P.ppn For Trtr QF Off Sale Liquor And Original ConNainer License From L.G., Inc. - Dba LEx Liquor Warehouse (Same Address) Id 16�72 App'D C.F. 89-1548 092292 Ph Suspending Off Sale Liquor 8 Original CoNtainer License Due 7o Sale Of Alcohol To A Minor Heard By City Council, Licenses Suspended For 3 DAys With Two Of The Days Stayed. Suspension To Be Effecfive 101292 - C.F. 92-1451 6/24/93 Renew App'D - Mailed 7/13/93 5/� 3/96 Cig Code Added Fdld �E65222—Lap-Lic 10/9/96 C.F. #96-1268 App'D Imposing Three (3) Day Suspension W/One(1) Day Stayed For 18 Months For The Viola6on Of "Sale Of Alcoholic Beverage To An Underage Person". Grounds For Departure From The PresumpGve Penalry Is A Previous Similar Violation In � 992. Suspension To Take Place Commencing 10/30/96. �0/16/96 C.F. 96-1323 App'D Changing Effec6ve Date Of Suspension To �0/23/967l30l96 Liquor Sale To Minor: Warning �q -g �a� Address ( Licensee � CoMect � License, �grtlhpltlec 4 Typc C p�operty �' Licensee r Unofficial T All Street #: 57 Street Name EXINGTON Street Typc �—� Directiarc C_�., UnR # r � CAy eAtl> ��� ,'.`"��'!-�7J�.-Now � �,t,,.�-_'� • �;+J'� — � � �_ � ..?�N i� " 3ditlac " '� ° � tjse�.i'e�is IARD HOANGBILLIARD r H�OAN�G �L�I I..tL �y �S INC ' �p( LIQUOR WAR i CJJN_ S70RE'NWVALSI(1'S COu �� -q� � ��, � Atltlre 7ypE � J'� 3Sd Y2�-� 3- „z uwnseeNrvuuvvt�imnviJWC: �`� '-`�� �'� ` �� ���"' DBA EX LIQUOft BARREL SYre = Stre+ License � �jcensee � Lic.Types � Insurance � Bond � Requiremerds � Stre' !•` propedy � Licensee �' Unofficisl � ProjectFactlrtator. GUNTHER,VNLLIAM(BILL) Dire�3 Street #: 51 ; Adverse Action Commen[s und ' �reet Name. EXINGTON ! � �� � SYreet Type: PkVW Direc[iort � Und Ind: � Unit #: r f Cdy iPAUL CammeMs: � Stffie. �4N — Zip: i5104 `F7n8/99 Failedto6acca compliance check. To CAO � �,for ativerse ac[ion. � � � Ward l� ;�09M 1AB Congratulations letter sent. P,IVV - ° Dist Counal: 13 ;�08A Oi98 Passetl cigarette compliance check. P,fW " € l Licensee: �IMSWVESTMENTSMC Cammerrts: DBA: EX LIQUOR BARREL Sales Tax Itl� 544207 Bus Phone: 651) 696-4077 N Off Sale �i 23 ttems Found qq .q �a� TypE .� �.' �t�. � � . x uccnsectu�au�v�aimoviaw�. �� ��" r=-^w �' - DBA EX LIQUOR BARREL SYre � 7 SYre; �icense Licensee � �ia Types � Insurence I Bond � Requiremet8s � Stre� UcenseeName: MLSWVESTMENTSWC '^;�r�,�� Dire�� DBA EX UQUOR BARREI ` Sales Tax Id: 544201 � � Non-ProfM1: [— iNOrker's Comp: 4ROR000 ����!eS_�'� Un� ;- � CoMred Rec'tl. OfJ0ID000 AA Treining Rec'Q OAOrt1000 �� j AA Fee Colleded ONON000 DiscouM Rec'd: r �Mail Licefue To: — r Mat To CoMact �' License Atl 'uess -Meil Invoice Ta: — r Mail To Contact �` License Atltlress Backgro�mtl Check Required � Lieense # History 54517 OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY C!¢yton M Rabrnson, Jr., City Anorney CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Cvlemon, Mtryar Civi! Division 400 Ciry Hall I S West Kellagg Blvd Sain! Paul, Minnesata 5510? q°I -9 i�-- Telephone: 651266-87l0 Facsi�ile: 651298-56! 9 September 8, 1999 NOTICE OF COUNCIL HEARING OwnerlManager Lex Liquor Barrel 451 Lexington Parkway North Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104 RE: Cigazette license held by JMS Investments, Inc. d/bia Lex Liquor Barrel for the premises located at 451 Lexington Pazkway N. in St. Paul License ID No. : 13653 Our File Number: G99-0282 Dear Sir/Madam: Please take notice that a hearing conceming the above-named establishment has been scheduled for 5:30 p.m., Wednesday, September 22, 1999 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed aze copies of the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Council for their consideration. This is an uncontested hearing in that the facts contained in the report concerning the unlawful sale of cigazettes have not been disputed. You will have an opportunity at the Council hearing to present oral and/or written remazks as to the penalty, if any, to be imposed. The recommendation of the license office will be for a$200.00 fine. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. Very truly yours, � Lcc� �U VZLC r.�.c-ti Virgima`D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Christopher Dart, Community Orgainzer, Lexington-Hamline Community Council, 1160 Selby Ave., St. Paul, MN 55104