85-488 N�HITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA IT L Council � _ CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. BLUE - MAVOR � C u ci e ol 'on Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED; That u on ex cution and delivery of a release in full to the City , in form to be approved by the City Attorney , th proper City offi ers a e hereby authorized and directed to pay out of the Tort iabil ty Fund 09070-511-000 , to : 1 . Kenneth Stev ns an Great Central Insurance Company the su of $741 .00 in f 11 se tlement of their claim of damages sustained on or about eptem er 6 , 1983 , as more particularly set out in the Notice o Clai filed in the City Clerk ' s office on February 29 , 1984 . 2 . Aly J. Grund ofer he sum of $222 . 77 in full settlement of his cl�aim of dam ges s stained on or about February 12 , 1985 , s more particu arly et out in the Notice of Claim filed in he City Clerk ' s offic on February 22 , 1985 . 3 . P.atricia Mag li-Jo nson the sum of $511 .44 in full settle ent of her claim of da ages sustained on or about March 12 , 1 85 , as more part cular y set out in the Notice of Claim filed in the City Cle k 's o fice on March 18 , 1985 . COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays �So�t^/� Drew In Favor Masanz �-1�}ieea�i�' schetbel � Against BY -�ede�� Wilson A r� 9 — 1985 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Ya s y Council S ta BY - ` t�pprove b Mavor. Date �'� � ' ` ��''�� p►pproved by Mayor for Submission to Coun il BY BY Pt� CSN� n�!� " �? 198� � -�s=�� +`C�TT ,,� CITY OF SAINT PAUL o'` 'y� OFFICE OF THE CI Y ATTORNEY + "='�1°" �� EDWARD P. STARR CITY ATTORNEY o° "� �Q���•�,r� 647 City Hall, Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 612-298-5121 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR 29 March 1985 M E M O R A N D U M CLAIMS AGAINST C TY OF SAINT PAUL BY KENNETH STEVE S AND GREAT CENTRAL INSURANCE COMPAN ; ALY J. GRUNDHOFER; and PATRICIA MAG LI-JO NSON Claimant , Kennet Stev ns and his insurance carrier Great Cen ral Insurance Compan , req est reimbursement for money which was ost while in the pos essio of the Saint Paul Police Department . The money was being eld a evidence in a theft case . This offic approves the set lemen of their claim in the amount of $741 . 0 . Claimant , Aly J. Grund ofer , was involved in an automobile ac ident with a City of 5 int P ul , Department of Police , vehicle on February 12 , 198 . Th driver of the City squad was Thimothy Hayes . Expenses are for the r pair of the damaged vehicle . This off ' ce approves the set lemen of Mr . Grundhofer ' s claim in the amou t of $222 . 77 . Claimant , Patric ' a Mag li-Johnson , was involved in an automob' le accident with a ity o Saint Paul , Department of Public Work , snow plow on Mar h 12 , 1985 . Expenses are for the repair of he damaged vehicle . This office approves the settlement of Ms .M geli- Johnson ' s claim n the amount of $511 .44 .