PINK � - FINANCE G I Y OF SA I NT PALT L Council �� ��
C un ' sol ion
Presented By ��
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
RESO ED, that the Council of the City of Saint Pa 1
does hereby confi the following appointments and reappo ntments,
made by the ayor, to the City of Saint Paul Hispanic Adv sory
Committee :
Reappointed to fill two-year terms - terms to expire on
Mar h 31, 1987:
Robe to Acosta
Judi deJesus
Nich las DeVora
Don ld Luna
Carl s Mariani, Jr.
How rd Wanna, Sr.
Appointed - o fill two-year terms - terms to expire on
Mar 31, 1987:
Victor Valens
Michael Medina
Hele Elizabeth Proechel
COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas �� ����� �
°r81N [n Favor
Scheibel _ Against BY
APR 9 — ���5 Form prove by 't At rney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Fa s + .il S a BY�
By� ..
t�ppro e y lqavor. D t ` ��� � `` .���� Approv b Mayor for Submission C �n il
Pu�.� �� PR 2 0 1985
� ��� ���
App1 i ca ti on for � -� •- ---• _:� .,;
� Membership for City ��
Boar , Corrmcissions and Committees ��.` v ' - ,
Name V��-1� - V ��C tJ S _ :
Add'ress t�d c w� �S � S`t. �F1�� �tb�
Street - City Zip istrict
Pnone iiome: � - 4j� ►�Jork: S p4t-1'e
Comr�eittee(s), Board(s , or C mrni.ssion(s) in which �ou are interested:
i Q � A F�A es _
Cornmunity Service%ct7 vities (past and present):
� (� � ^�. -
v ` • �� � �l � 2 �1.71 J'(� - \5\iAJIG I.LJt ��2 �1` 1
��,.�e � b As�s -- ,
Professional Activiti s:
� rt"• `. ��.J � IJS�c. ? �E,�J1 2 L�1►�CPS
- ).
�0\�1 ' �es; s -�
� �es� e� � oQ��� ; � ��o,�s .
. �
Civic/Professional �rganizatio Merrtberships:
� ``1J�- itLSQArJtL �hA��� Wen,,ec,.e �,�1�D o� ��2ec�c'o2-s
L, �Zo c`A+�e�JC:D �d A2� o� �Q e o eS
_ - fi
Reasons for � . �
your interest in this particular committ�e .
_ ,. . -- _
__ . ,
'� ---- , _ :_ ; � `_
5 r S fZ.S t .J_ _ �1. �rA J L �
_ , .
`\��� ��e.e�J t�J��`��.3� �� �i�s\(A�J�cs A+.�� �a.�- -�-
�v�P_ o �l�,sc,� ' d� :�e.�cz.. Q�2o��e.tiS A� n��� $ �
�`. �A � � C:� �f�i -�- �JID ��e _ _
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� �I� � si.�AJ� A,., `ce� � CvJ�� S �
Are you curr2ntZy serrring on any o�her city committee? If so, wF:ich comm.i.ttee(s)�
- -, Ethr_ic gro�p (to ensure fair and equal representation}: C J��� - - -- - �--' �
Other pertinent information: �1 �(l..p �id CC>• �S t�� Ox�C
^� �1 � �
_ _ � l C �1 C'e�J S e 1�DO 1C. �,,� �� ` l fJ�. �
'� A+n �-1�.� ��1�L'�c�A yJ ��i;zc.J ia�.� �A J+� S�e�� .
_ ._.. __ �.J 'i�.2 1�Q.�� �roec�s c�� `�-.�e �. S . Feo� 6`l �'7O :.
Please list 3 references: 1J�j (���Q�Py� C'I{�tJS�°_� -' ZZ� ' ��� �
2} �,n;` 1o22e� - � �� - � 9U �
_3� 1Y1 ��I���.L a���e� � ��q - � �� � � .
.,�_._.._.__ _. _ _.�, - ..e--� ._s.�_ __. ...�.....�.. .�.z��. _. .._....�..r�....�.� �_�....�.�.� ._
. �%T-4�`�/d y ��� �'':.
' OFFICE Oc THE I•It�YOR - AN� ��%
347 CITY HALL /yf� �j�
- AINT PAUL, F1INilESOTA 55Z02 /�' 8S
, 298-4323 S�FF��,�,
� Application for
Membership for City �
Boa ds, Commissions and Comrn.ittees •
;� � ,
C � I�� � , �
�vame Hel n Eli abeth Proechel `�� � ��
Address 224 North Fairview Ave, , St. Paul, I��`: 55104/IZerr� am Pa�:�
Street City Zip District
Phone Home: 6 6-816 Worg, Substitute Teacher on-call
Committee(s), Board s), or Commission(s) in which you are interested:
Hispanic dv�.so y C.
. - .,
Communit� Service/A tiviti s (past and gresent): :�'
l. support group a Prerr'am Park Co:.,.:un�.t�- Center (1970-to nres nt)
2. M�CCA and othe envi onmental groups (1a68-to ��d sev��iti�s
, 3: volunteer bili gual utor for T��igrants-in-Action, St. Paul �� ��_ `
4. developing sup ort.:.slstem for Hispanics imrr?igra�cing legally (latie � 70s)
5. part of supx�or syst m for I?ispanics ti,rithout papers (1980-t present)
z7_,,, , Z - -
6. support fine a ts and Nispanic involvement, especially Casa b'estiva�
7. translate and each xtensively bilingually without pay (19 0-to notia}
8. active in own orsh�. comriunity and a representative to Sec ion of the
Americas and r1d C nference (197�-to nresent) ' .
, 9, active in educ tion issues, new schools, Centra��Advisory, C uncil,etc.
ProfessionaZ Activi ies: . (1970-to present)
, 10. er,ployee of St. ;Pau l Scrools intermittently (1970- to pr sent)
� 11. developed t stin� and curricu.lum for science and math bi ingual7y
at St. Paul TVI (1978-81) , tau�ht Spanish at Bemidji Sch ols (1978},
i�! y 1 v �
12. have tar�envcflurses toNards Bilingual �ertificate at LT� of T��? (19'73-84}
13. �,ttended a d often invited to c�nferences as � bilin�ual teacher.
' (ove )
�^ivic/Professional Organization Memberships: (fe��r �t p�esent beCa�se of money)
t�re__sent membership: Reserve Teachers Association, Central �c�visory C.
�:� Gt emb rshi�s ;ricl �de : T� .C�g,, p��LU 8e ACT, 1,� Amnestv InternatiorLal;
tidCAL, KSJN & MPR, St. � Paul Arts Council, MFT � St. Paul Local no: 28,
ASCP Registry--chemist (1956-84) , and some others I may have forgotten.
� � . -
; .
j ti
- . �
, � , , .
� , -
1�easons for your in��terest in this particular committee . .
, ,:
___.__. ___ �t,ra e� h�r�,�,�`r�; sed i n �1 S��vadar`of U.S,' narents and have maintained _
personal ties wi�h thase who have also left and those �rho stayed there.
The increasing difficult.y which family members experienced who wished to
- {mm_ ;grat-P �Pd m � look into "la situacion sin solucion". I discovered
�:hat I had been� indelibly linked witr the fate of hispanic peanles, no
matter whether I ��anted to be or not, resultin� in firally changing my _
...�Q�ial security�desi�nation to �iisnanic rat'rer tran ��ite. I have been
very vocal in support of the underpriveled, esre�cially those from C. A. ,
�c�using some irr'itation among the ver�r priveleged and educated Central
,..�m_ericars in St: Paul and the leaders of the N'nvican Arierican community.
� have also found wonder�ul �riends at Guadalupe Church, the Spanish
�3aptist Church in r�Tinnea.polis, my Cuban, Puer�o Rican, P�iexican, and
�hicano stu dents at TSTI not to mention Central American, especiall if __
i:hey are poor, scased and need sorething or �nYnPbody. I air� no a
Gommunist and I do not sunport violence f��m the left or the right; but
ort� �eaceful attem ts to br�n about economic and social �'ustice.
M,y presence would lend support to the ide�.'"" eaceniks from the Hispanic
aommunity are not only possible, but also �desired and effective. •
+�re �ou currently servin� on any other city com.mittee? If so, which co�cittee(s)�
�omrr�ission(s)/board i"SI= no
. �L _ _
. � . . Y . . _ . . . . � . . �
. . � . � ��_. '�.. . , _. . ' � .' � ' - _..
. ... . . - . . . . _ . . ... . . ._ ..
. . . � . . . . . . . . ....:_.._.��. . . .. . :. . � - .
' ... . . . . ���� . ' . . .. . . . . . . , . �'(/4..
i��thnic-gronp (to ensure fair and equal represent�tion): wh ite sk�n, German� y�q�rrt�Q,
' �urname, U. S. ci;tizen, culturally and linguistically Bilin�ual Hispanic.
�ther pertinent infermation: I have been invited by a nu,~�ber of churc�.es �
i;o speak on my experiences �ro:aing up and returning to visit L1 Salvador,
Y <�lso anpeared ori K��A, and have been asked to confer Taith business people.
T�a.ve traveled in the U.S. , �urope, T:e,:ico, C.�,. and Carribean and love it.
,�_�onferred with Nlarta Casals I�min, director of the Kennedy Center in 1980
a� well as other Hispanic directors of arts organizat?ons her�, in Colorad�
, ;.
�7i n - '-" T f' T'7� " � t.1 O n•
, �ppointed to Central H.S. Advisory council as Hispanic advocate ' (1984-5)�
='��ease list 3 references: 1) C /�/f C('}�' fn ��� -7 C�G, 6 ,
��1�1 1 t'1_�1e.��
�� a o � h �.� C���e �c] �tir�nn��P�ir C u-Gl-�.`�, -���;, �� 5�-�. �o z.�
�� Ar ro s �v�L C� 2 � - � � ? — ,
� ;,.--- • . �� ��-��r�°
.`- ��� ;� /; OFFICE OF THE MAYOR
. ' .�� S INT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55202
- RECE[ Ep -. . .
AppZication for -
Membership for City ���� � � '�84 .
Boar s, Commissions and Commit�ees '
�r ' ��YQR�S � ��CE
Name 1 v J"
Address �• � �
Street City Zip istrict
Phone Home: � Work: J 2 j�
Comraiftee(s), Board( , or mmission(s) in which you are fnterested:
� _
P�� �l� �D �c�'1��i% �
Communit� Service/Ac 'vities (past and present):
/ • . //'� � . �7/ � �
� � :
ProfessionaZ Activiti s.
J{� 9/ � � �`
J��`I�i'' ' �'� '� ,;.:
��G� .��i7 5`� -- /(�I��/lyl .
. �
- � - .
. . . � •. . .. . .._ ' . � ."y.
. � . . � - • � . `1�� . . .
Civic/Professiona.I Organization Membexships: . .�
Reasons for yoe�r interest in th3s particular committee; _ • -
f �,�/11��^ _ .f/J J. ��O/j�� �
/�'� � . / f�
. . -
l _ �� �� : � . .
_ - _ �
, :-- �� � n � � �
� ��
�Y'�'i�� � Z�� �'��,�rn�TJ"�� .
Are you current3g serving on any other city committee? If so, which committee(s)l :
comrnission(s)/boaxd(s): • '
, . . ___... . .
._ _ ,- ._ . . ..._,_ :�_
, .. , ,
„ . _ . . . ..F_�� t.
. ... . . ..
Ethnic group (to ensure fair and equaZ representation): � �
_ /�����1���`�/ v
Other pertinent information: . : .
, .�
: ���::�
P.Iease Iist 3 references: 17 � ����� �b�-�Z. � .
2) ��1��!V�� 1 'V{�" k�l`Yi F-" ��� '� �� �.
_�� ������C� 8�✓� �l-2 �
_ .
�. �
_ ;�,°`T,°,d. C TY OF SAI�TT P�lUL _ �'S ` ���
�;� '��� OFFICE OF THE MAYOR !� , - -...
� �� ,�:��_�,���, � : � ��;�.�ECE VED
� � � 347 CITY HALL �. ��� � �.�''
�as. �- � .
GEORGE LATIMER (612) 298-4323 �� , ''
, ' , �.,, �. � �ITY' AT ORNEY
,, ,n
_ �
\:��� .,��- � �
T0: Co ncil resident Victor Tedesco�
a d Mem ers of the Saint Paul City Council
FROM: Ma or Ge rge LatimerC� ���.
DATE: Ma ch 26 1985 �-� -
I am aski g for your consideration and approval of the
attached esolu ion reappointing Acosta, deJesus, DeVo a,
Luna, Mar' ani a d Wanna to serve as members of the
Saint Pau Hisp nic Advisory Committee - and appointin
Balens, M dina nd Proechel as new members. These ter s
will expi e on arch 31, 1987, ftesumes for Valens,
Medina an Proe hel are attached.
Thank you.
attachmen s