85-483 WMITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE I TY O F SA I�NT PA.0 L Council �_ ��3 CANqRV - DEPARTMENT File NO. BLUE - MAVOR o n eso ti � �� Presented By - _- Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, Secti n 64.205 provides the City Council the discretion t waive or refund zoning fees under specific circumstance ; and WHEREAS, the b nefits of the Board of Zoning Appeals' decision as pecifi d in Resolution 9662 endures to persons owning lots throu h 20, Block 1, Londin Hills Addition, and the City gen rally ather than the appellant Phyllis L. Ethier; now, therefo e be i RESOLVE , that the fee in the amount of $160.00 for adminis- trative revi w be w ived for zoning file 4�9662; and be it further RESOLVE , that the Building Division be directed to authorize the payment f $160 00 to Phyllis L. Ethier to reimburse the costs associated "th app ication for administrative review ��9662 COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas ��r�W Nays M�Sd�" [n Favor •14+ec�«E. 5cne�be+ _ __ Against BY Sonr,en �edeaei) W��son PR 9 — 1985 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date — Certified Pa•s d Council S tar BY gy, t�pprov y Mavor. Date •�1�� � � ���5 Approved by Mayor for Submission to C uncil BY - BY � P tsNE� 1�,��� 0 1985 �. � •y.. ;�✓,_G�.:'�-''�; "� ��L�(-r�/}t.e�--�� � � �s-s��"� 6dHEREA , Sect'on 64.205 provides the City Coun�il the discretion o waiv or refund zoning fees under specific circumstanc s; and WHEREA , the enefits of the Board of Zoning Appeals' � � decision as specif'ed in Resolution 9662 endures to persons owning lots 1 thro gh 20, Block 1 , Londin Hills Addition, and the City ge erally rather than the anpel�ant Phyllis L. Ethier; nosv, theref re be t RESOLV D, tha the fee in the amount of $1b0.00 for adminTS - trative rev ew be aived for zoning file #9662; and be it furthe RESOLV D, tha the Building Division be directed to authori e the payment of $16 .00 to Phyllis L. Ethier to reimburse the cos s associated ith ap lication for administrative review #9662 WMITE - CITV CLERK 2-13-85 PINK - FINANCE COUnCII BLUERY - MAVORTM�"T ITY OF SAINT PALTL File NO. �' � ouncil Resolution Presented By ' � �=-�'li��l �eferred To � E� "t� � Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREA , Phyl is . Ethier applied for an Administrative Revi w, under provi ions o Se ion 64.206(1 ) of the St. Paul Legislative ode, of the issu nce of a bui ding permit for structures within a Plann d Development locate at th southwest corner of Londin Lane and McK ight Road; and WHEREA , the int Paul ard of Zoning Appeals conducted pub ic hearings on Octobe 23, 1984; vember 13, 1984; and January 22, 1 85, in accordan e with he requireme ts of Section 64.204 of the Legis ative Code; and LJHEREAS, the S int Pa.ul Board o Zoning Appeals, based upon e idence presented at the pu lic hearings on 0 tober 23, 1984; November 13, 1984; and January 2, 198 , as substantially eflected in the minutes on record with the P1a ning D vision, found on a te of 5-0 that the Zoning Administrato erred in issuing the buildi g permit for a structure hat is not in co forman e with the Planned Dev lopment Ordinance govern'ng Lot 1 , Block 1 , Lon in Hills Addition, and �iat the Zoning Administ ator be advised t revok said permit and order tf� removal of the struc ure located at 3 8 Londin Place (Lot 1 , Block 1 , L ndin Hills Addition) and reso1ve to a firm all building permits assigne before August 20, 1 84; and WHEREAS, a citi en s��ould not have �o pay to force the City to obey its own laws; noN�, t erefore be it RESOLVED, that he fee in the amount of $160.00 or the admini trative review be rei bursed to Phyllis L. Ethier. COU[VCILME[V Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays 7Ci3lA��Y. $UVIVIeVI Drew In Favor Masanz Nicosia Scheibel _ Ag3illSt BY Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretar BY By t#pproved by Nlavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Counc 1 By _ By � �� ' ITY �D�.+� �A NT �AUL 7 `J��``��`3 II ' { �t9���;f . FFICE OF TA� CITY COIINCYL �;�, i'M's,s�s�^ �� Ddte ; April 2, 1 85 OM iTT' EE RE PORT ` FIL�� � . .�� .. � _ �. . •t ' r� •n .. TO = Spi � Pau ! Cif`�► Cocancit �_ � . , , �.j FR� � ' C� ����QQ pZ"1 City Development and Transportation � GNAtR C uncilman William Wilson _ l . Mi i -St r��ge (Cnmmittee recammends approval ) . L. Ru 1 es an regu l at i ons for approveci act i v i t i Es i n the p rks (Committee recommends approual ) 3 . Da Car Services (Committee recommends approval ) -- :�r;,:-:. . "� t�� <on - App 1 i ca�t i on of Phy i i i s Eth i er f r an . Ad i n i st at i ve Rev i ew, uncier prov i s i ons ofi Se t i on 64.206 ( 1 j of the St. Pau 1 �eg i s 1 at i ve Cocte, o the is uance of a building permit for structut�es within a lanne Development located at southwest �corn r of Lo din L ne McKnight �oad . (Commi�ttee recom ends ap rova 1 a amencied) � - -----..��,._, 5. A pea 1 or' Lawrence S i gns to a dec i s i on of the Pl nnin Commission to deny an application or a si n var ance for proper�ty at 211 ] University A enue � (N rtnwe t corner of Universi�y and Transfer Ro cl (C mmitt e recommends approval as amended) - 6. An ordin nce prohibiting "stun guns" in the Cit of St Pau ; amend i ng Chap�ter 225 of �the St. Pau 1 Le isla�t ve Cocie (Committee recommends approva�l CTTY HALL SE ENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MI ESOTA 55102 ��„ _ _ __ __ ,_ .._..__ --_ _ __,__ _ _ -=- --__.. ..._,.__. .... ... .. .._�_ _.-- ._�.. . ._.� . __ ..,�._ - --�---�.L,......,...�,.�,,,a,,.,.--