85-482 WMITE , - C�TV CLERK � AINK� - FINANCE ITY OF SAINT PALTL Council � � ~CANARV - OEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. 1 � ' ouncil Resolution Presented By / S Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, there is an pparent shortage of day care services in the Ci y of St. Paul ; and WHEREAS, the c ty is nly one of several units of government and non� rofit organizations oncern d with the quality and quantity of day care se ice in St. Paul ; and WHEREAS, the ity doe not have a comprehensive review and assessmen of the supply and de and fo day care, economic social , health and physical factors which influen e availability, affordability and quality of day care, nor does the city have an ass ssment of how the broad range of city resources and services coul promo e development of quality day care services. NOW, THEREFOR , BE I RESOLVED, that the City Council requests that he St. Paul Planning Commis ion develop an assessment of day care needs an resources in St. Paul b Septe ber 1, 1985m including recommended actions to mprove day care service in the ity; and BE IT FURTHE RESOLVED, that the Commission should consider at leas the following: � infor ation vailable to facilitate day care planning and de elopment, inclu ing ne studies if appropriate and needs for on�going 'nformation; -- the e tent t which involvement of city facilities and servi es could impro e day are supply and/or quality particularly as it r lates to low a d mode ate income families ; � ways 'n whic the city could enhance the economic viability of day care as a small b siness by utilizing city economic and developm nt prog ams; � whet er the city should start a day care center for city em loyees, eith r by i self or in conjunction with Ramsey County; � whet er cha ge or improvement is needed in the present regu atory stru ture f r day care; � whet er a p rmanent child care council should be establish . COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher Drew [n Favor Masanz NiCOSfa schetbei __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Passed by Coun 1 Secreta y BY By� Approved by Mavor: Dat Approved by Mayor for Submissi n to Council BY BY WHITE� - CITV CLERK COIIRCII PINK - FINANCE I TY OF SA I NT PAU L ` GANARV - DEPARTMENT �_ � �BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � ouncil Resolution Presented By . Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date FURTHER RESOLV D, tha the Commission is requested to organize an ad oc task force to advis the C mmission in its assessment, comprised of repres ntatives of: day care p ovider , both child care and support services; employe s, who offer day care servic s for employees' children, both large and small employers; Ram ey Cou ty employees; City employees; State of Minneso a Human Services Depar ment; amsey County Department of Human Services; St. Paul School Distric ; priv te foundations providing or supporting day car programs; and any oth r groups or individuals that the Commission ma deem advisable. COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas �F� �y�s � �V Drew In Favor Masanz -Wia�sie- � Scheibel __ Against BY ,6M�se� Wilson APR 9 - 1��� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passe u c 1 Secr BY B � � �985 ppproved by Mayor for Submissi to Council 1.1p e by Mavor: Dat By — BY PUB�.i � E�D AF�2 0198 WHITE — C�TV CLERK � �`� {/^ PINK — FINANCE I TY OF SA I NT PALT L Council CANARV — DEPARTMENT BLUE — MAVOR File NO. 1 , o ncil Resolution � Presented By � i- Refer To � �� Committee: Date "-� Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, there i a sh tage of day care services in the City of St. Pa 1 ; and e \ WHEREAS, the City Counci � considered a proposal that the City's publ 'c health service should li ense d y c � facilities; and WHEREAS, the City does n t have�a comprehensive review and assessment o the supply and demand for da care, �e economic, social , health, and physi al factors which influence ailabi ity, affar�dability, and quality of day care, n r does the City have an assess nt of how '�he broad range of City resources an services could promote de elopme of quality�day care services; therefore, be i '=� RESOLVED, that t e City Council appoint'.a task force on day care needs nd resources in St. Paul , whi h will make recommendatlons to the City Council by Aug st 1 , 1985, and be it `� FURTHER RESOLVED, that the task force shou��l consider at least the following: °�, -Info ation vailable to facilitate�day care planning and d velopment, � incl ding ne studies if appropriate�,, and needs for ongoing information R -The xtent o which involveme�nt of Cit facilities and servi ces could impr ve day care supply and/or quality, articularly as it elates to the eeds o low and moderate income fam� ies " -Ways in whi h the City could enhanc� the ee omic viabilit of day care as a small usiness by utilizing City Econom and Develop ent Programs -Whe er the City should s�tar-t a day care cente for City e ployees, eit er by i self or in conjunction with Ramsey unty -Whe her ch nge or improvement is needed in present�regulat ry structures for day ca e COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher °reN1 In Favor Masanz Nicosia scheibel __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Coun il Secret y BY By, A►pproved by Mavor: Dat Approved by Mayor for Submissi n to Council BY - — BY WMITE � - C�TV CLERK �.����� PINK - FINANCE GIT OF SAINT F�ALTL Council CANARY - DEPARTMENT 1 BLUE - MAYOR F11C NO. 1 Co ncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee B Date � � -Whether p ma ent Child Care Council should be established FURTHER RESOLVED, t at the t sk force shall consist of 15 memb�rs selecte through the City' s pen Ap oin nt process, and shall include representa ives of:each type of da ca.re p ovide (child care and support services)(4) , . employers who offe day c re servi s for employee's children (1 large em loyer and 1 small employ r) (2) , Ramsey Cou employees (1) , City employees (1 ) State of Minnesota Human ervices Depa ment (1 ) , private foundations pro iding or supporting day are pr grams (2) , and t-large community representativ s (3) , one member of the ity Co ncil (1 ) , and be i FURTHER RESOLVED, hat th Department of Planni and Economic Developme t shall assign planning s aff to ork with the task forc and that all affected City Departments shall assist he task force as request . \ ''\ COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher Drew IIl F8V0[ Masanz Nicosia Scheibet __ Against BY Tedesco Wiison Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Dat Certified Yassed by Council Se retary BY By Approved by 1+lavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to ouncil By BY � �:. C TY OF �AINT PAUL �5 ' �� Md�ti Y�. �`` -� • O FIC� OF T�T� CZTY C�IINCIL aar��++. . �,{li1sa�;( � � . � �-''.. �— . . - Ddte : Apri1 2, 198 � C M (�"T' EE RE PORT . _ _ FIC.� .,^ ; _ T� _ �JQitl F�CZ f Cif'� COUhCI � , � � `� - •, ,r� - FR�M ' COt�►1 ��"� e Oh City Development and Transportation C H A! Co ncilman William Wilson _ l . Mini -5to ��ge (Committee recommends appraval ) 2. Ru i es an regu l at i ons for approved act i v i t i es i thP pa ks ( ommittee recommends approval ) �.%"t4 �c. � at.�, 4� Care ��r'v i.�ces (Comm i t�tee recommencls approva l ) r►�,/!��''���.,�t' , �J �,�� -- 4. Re o 1 ut i on - App 1 i cat i on of Phy i 1 i s tth i er f r an . Ad inis� ative Review, under provisions of Se tion 64 206 ( j of the St. Pau 1 �eg i s 1 at i ve Code, o the is uance of a building permit for structures within a lanne Development located at southwest corn r of Lo din L ne and McKnight f�oad (Committee recom ends ap roval as amencled) 5. A pea i of Lawrence 5 i gns to a dec i s i on of the Pl nnin Cqmmission to aeny an applicatir�n fi r a si n var ance for property at �lil University A enue tN rtnwe �t corner of University and 7ransfer Ro d (C mmitt e recommends approval as amended) ' 6. An ordin nce prohibiting "stun guns" in tne Cit of St Pau ; amending Cnapter L25 of the St. aul Le isla� ve Code (Committee recommends approvai ) CI1'Y HALL S ENTH FLOUR SAIN'T PAUL,MiN F,SOTA SSI02 .�.��