85-478 Y4Yi1TE - CITV CLERK � COURCII � PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA LT L CANARY - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO• � Cou cil Res lution . , _ Presented By �eferred To / ' Committee: Date D �Z— QS Out of Committee y Date RESOLVED, that the Co cil of the City of Saint Paul does hereby appr ve the renewal of the agreem nt between the City and the Metropolitan Waste ontrol Commission whe eby th City agrees to maintain interceptors and appur enances as described i said greement for the term of January 1, 1985 throug December 31, 1 85, sa'd agreement being amended in Section 6.02 to in rease payment from $ 3,100 0 $24,500 and the City further agrees to the te s of said agreement to ind nify and hold harmless the said Metropolitan W ste Control Commis ion fo any claims or injuries caused by the City's pe formance under said agr ement, and the proper City officers be and are hereby uthorized and directed t execu e the said agreement on behalf of the City of S int Paul. COUfVCILME[V Requested by Department of: �Q Yeas ����ays u Public Work (REB) °`ew [n Favor Masanz Mliw�ia scnetbe� __ Against BY .�alese� W ilson APR 9 — 1985 Form Approve b c� Y tto Y Adopted by Council: Date Certified P s d y ounc 1 Se y BY / � sy � Approv d �Vlavor: Dat 1 C �5 Approved by ayor or Submissi to Council BY 116L SHE-0 0 . • �- . �--d'S_- �7� , ' � STATEMENT OF AGREE.'�'IENT RE`'EWAL " INT RCEPTOR !KAINTENAAIACE AGREEb1ENT N0. 124 The Met opoli an Waste Control Commission and the Cit of St. Paul agree t rene the Interceptor Maintenar.ce Agreement o. 124, � '� _.�.._ which is cur ently in force between these parties. The te s of the Agreemen for he renewal period shall be the same as hose con- J tained in th Agre ment, which was executed `or the Januar 1, 1984 through Dece er 3 , 1984 period with the exception of Sec ion 6.02: �� "6. 02. Cost stimates Monthl Pa ents." The parties estimate that th tota amount of cost which the Commission wi 1 be re- quired o pay to the Municipality for performance of his Agree- ment in 1985 ill be $24, 500.00. The Cc.*.unission agr s to pay to the unici ality on or before the last day of eac month in 1985, � e sum of $2, 041 .67 as an advance payment of uch costs. On or b fore pril 1, 1986, the Municipa'_ity wi�l su it �o the Commission a etailed statement of ti7e �ctual costs i curre3 by the Mu icipal ' ty w�ich the Com�►ission is reauired to �ay in ac- cordance with Section 6 . 01, ar.d will re-_t to the Co � issioa any am -.^t pa ' 3 to the �!unici�a?ity wh�c^ is in exce s of such actual c�sts. If the total of the mon�:=y advar_ces revi�usly �aid b ��e C r*imission _s less =han the �ctual amour_ of =uch costs, ��e Co , .:ission =!:all pai to the "_*?icipai ity n cr �e- rore M V 1� 19EE , an �:"C�.^:L E'C"d� �C �:'_c .:iFrerE^.,c �E:wF�_. �u.` �ctual c�sts and y:�e -nc��� •,� ;�,-�r_c�= -_ _ . _��_- -�_ _ �'`-_ �Iunici a:ity shail '�ceer ��'�a�_ed -ecerc� =_L-��,i-_ _ - _, -- _ _� of the L..pes Gpec��iFd _n .�_ct_cn S . OI , '__'� __ _- '-='s `-_ Commis ic^: t ;�v, �::c _`�a=' -.�.�� _-.� __-_ � . ��-°�-- _- ---_ Commis ��:� on r2�uest. The re e�al eriod �or 2-�terce.tor Mai^.==_-ance ;��ee.: er,z `:� . '2� shall be Ja ::�ry 1 , 1985 thr�ugh De��:nber 31, '_985 . That both rartie= - agree Lo th =�ne ai period and te*_-�s is 2vic=-�ced by ��e sicna�sre= • � affixed to h�s s ate:nent: FOR THE CIT �F S . ?AUL THE *SETRCPOLI'=ti hTr�:TE �Oti RCZ =�MA!'!���.��?� �J` �A � ��� /r� ..Y�, , (TITLE) Peter E. Mein�=-:a, Chair�a L'�tc� ,� �';'• �'-� !-� .L � (TITLE) Louis J. BY i?'.�`..:rst, C��ef ':am,i:�=tra�or Nove.:.ber 28 , :?84 DATED DATED � Public works DEPARTMENT �� 7�N0 1155 , . . • Roy Bredahl � y CQNT,ACT '�,, 2 2_fi PHONE � Februar 25 1985 DATE 1 �� � � � j ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTI G ORDE Cli All Locations for Si nature : 3 Director of Manag ent/Mayor Finance and Managem nt Ser ices Director 4 City Clerk Budget Director 4 cit council � City Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED TAKIN ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) Reimbursement to Cit for 'ntenance work erforme City on Metropolita Waste Control �ommission's facilit es. ��CE1V�� . Frd � , �y�� ECEIVED MAYOR'S OFFICE Eg Z 7 »�j COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETAR AND P RSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: CI ATTORNEY Increase credit fro $23,10 to $24,500 for 1985 from Metropolitan Waste C ntrol Commission to Interceptor Sewer Mainte ance Fund. FINANCING SOURCE AND UDGET TIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's si na- ture not r - Total Amount of Tr nsacti n: 524,50o quired if nder $10,000) Funding Source: M tropol tan Waste Control Commission ACt'IV'Ity Numbel^: C edit I terceptor Sewer Maintenance Fund - Code 22203 ATTACHMENTS List and Number All Attachments : l. Resolution au rizing execution of agreement 2. Copy of propos agre ent DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIE �Yes No Counci Resol tion Required? Resolution Required X Yes No Yes �No Insura ce Req ired? Insurance Sufficien ? Yes No Yes No Insura ce Att ched: (S E REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 :�..,..`_ � _ , .. . . .___. --�- }?y��.�F�.� + ° �il�� . ��' .�.7..c���� '����j l, l� �-� - r / 0 f'.•^fJ r,,/C'"'-:� t��1i ��I.� r` .. . '-s' �:� :'..u` :� t.:.f . . zC+��. 0� �.��11� CiiT�:r C4u\CZL � . ;:=' . =��. -_ •� ;t.�. . 1._�s`� '-. �I,�`1/ . ..: � . . . � r.,'� QQte , MARCH 28 , 1985 '~. �� �'�y�,�.,, . . ._.. C ►y? ��cf�i E � FE PO � � . , I �� • � tn- F� � I Ci�.' C � � � �:�I r F; O �`�:i = � �-�-�,, . M' J !� � `- � O i? FINANCE, MANAGEMENT & PER ONNEI, C`�'G � JAMES SCHEIBEL ' 1. 1�DD_OVSI Oi illl�°S �OIIl :u°°�j.II� hei:i �In�C: Z'-�� 1�$S. i`��:��?v�P� _ - 2. Resoiution au ::or�i g 2n a..mena�*�ent to the Payment and Prior_�y ��: �::e:�t dat°d D@C°�O@�' I1� G8� be :v@°,*1 yi @ Cii.j�� �iR.�, Is� va��OIlai B8RlC cI1Q i.il@ 15i.='?C� H@2i.=a^.� De.re�o�r�ent C . (�1a or),2� fIc rio.r/ /jji Fi,✓�,+'�C 'L' C.OrYr'/.%TT c°P ., �i Lvr-�s ?�i sc�sse D F���� �rrod o.V /f/ �N2_R.r,� l; , Y �, •yMITTPe 3. Resolut�ort a� rovin� a joint pro�ran �or fiaanciag rental housin� ,d g�viag pre- I��za_y ap� vaI t a Joi:.t Powers ��?'oome�L lyl connec��on tner�wi��z. (Fi:��,zc�) . "�Fi s�/�i'C�e /-�°Ci�J I�12.[/DC� � � "- 4. Resolu�ion ending the 1985 budget and addi.ng $bI,7I9.68 to the F' anc:.ng Plan and to �7e Snen '�a� P? for Svste� and Buildin� Cons�:uction. (r;nan e) �-j►s�.Q:.e �eco �a���z,�_D. S. , Resolution a *_hori�,n; an a;re�ment with Ramsey Coimty whereby the Cit� wi?I provide IaQOra�orf s ��ic�s for Ia:�ce water testing. (Cor,Bnunity Se��icss) i��ss�� e �e.� .�/•�e u a e� 6. Resolut:on a �rovin an a�re�:aent wit?� t::e Sta�e o� �iir.r:esot� wher �v t::e Citv's �L'.DI3.0 1'1@�7� Depa ::�ent LJIII aci.�inis�er a T°�ll�@° Ile3T�i1 D�C��:I1 '"Z�:l�n Re�;S2;/ Cou-�ty. (Co :.�i�y Sz�;ices) f-�A 55�G-t.° �}JP__G M hf o•�/Z? °_� . %. P.esol���'_on 3 �ODt�A� TiJ01?C=°S r��2.T�1P.� t�:@ a.1�OC��3.0II a� li1CIISi._:.� rsvenue bond = au�:.cr:L� oe..:tie�n � .e Debar�.:,ent o= P�� ana the St. Paul Por� ;�ut:� r t� and iden- t��yin� the �eci�ic areas of res�onsioilities. (PE�) j Al=s,�G-? �e c. .�r.�! �-r/.��.� 8. Resolution ..e^di:, t`�e 1985 budget by an�in; SI12,000 to �':e Fin c�n� Plazt and to tae Spend:n Plart or Kor,:e�=own Economy FLmd-P�oc�.:.re:ne�t assistan e Pro;ram. (PEJ) ��. ,��>�.�G e ���,��,y s,;-e n��e� � ?. Reso�ut'_on u�:or'_ �.a� � a��oomar` ;�i`�, ,{ `_� t:�e C�t;' a -°°s to •e _��o Iita.n �Vas;.: C;,n;,=� Co.-;r*rission w e: _ n o�,f �1985 t:zrou�: `Dec°�' er 3I, 1985. (Punlic Works `�r `:e `�-_:• oi J2.T1L'3Z'1' I,. r�ss.v�e ��e N M, A,� �e� � . i0. Re50ILIL_otl --e:: !;o i.i� JD ?7�.L � 1�jQ$SCDSC�P� bV aQC:.:l� SJ jj�?�6 �� �:` �:r � Il 2i� _ °:2G�:1 pr -, _ ' .C�.:I� ?73 � �O �-7 � �-tai ana Li;h.t_ng :•Iaint�narcce. (p olic SVor:cs) 7-'-9_5"SA f�t°f. vi'7.s�/C'/.�ZL'� II. Resolution r�e::�i,n �:;e 1985 bu �e t.e Spendin ?� __. �� t be 2��R� 52?3,46% to t�e Fia c°_::g Plan and to �� or Trs���c Sigr.ai � Li.?n��n� ;•fai:t�en�zc�- (Pc�� iic ,�lor<s) ��J-s'S',�G' .�EC' �l�•P�t/�e� ' ' . � `.1� [:�LT • � � . . . . . . SEVE�iT'r� FLOOR .,_._Y�� S�IINT �.UL. 1ii�'1'ESOT:l551C2