85-476 WHITE — CITV GLERK PINK — FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council /� //�, CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. ` • � • BLUE - MAYOR � . _ C u cil Resolution Presented By � ' / �/ � ✓ Referred To � ,V Committee: Date '�� —�`5 — Out of Committee y Date RESOL ED, that the proper City officials are hereby a thorized and directed t execu e an Agreement with the State of Minnesota; WHEREB , the City's Division of Public Health will ad 'nister a refugee heal h prog am within Ramsey County subject to the terms conditions of aid Ag eement, a copy of which will be kept on file of record in the epartm nt of Finance and Management Services. COUIVCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays �Fleteher $OA1N � o'e'"' In Favor Masanz R v�� Sc�he�b � __ Against BY � � �edeaco Wilson APR 9 - 1985 Form A roved b Ci Atto ey Adopted by Council: Date c Certified Pa s d by unc 1 Secr BY ss� p� t�p o by Mavor: Dat AI'R � � 1985 Appr ed by Mayor Eor Submi i uncil B p1,� � ��;�� � 1985 ;� �' �tt ���'* � 6 elsri.� i..,' : Communit Ser�vices • DEPARTMENT ��`5�- z� No 627 . Kathy Mohrland ' C�NTACT 292-7702 PHONE Februar 28, 1985 DATE 1 e�� fr � i ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTI G ORDE Cli Al1 Locations for Si nature : � Department Director 3 Director of Manage ent/Mayor 4 Finance and Managem nt Ser ices Director 5 City Clerk Budget Director � City Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED TAKIN ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) Resolution to allow Ci y sign tures on an agreement between the City of St. ul and the State of Minnesota whe eby th city will administer a refugee health program ithin Ramsey County. R:: ���Itf�� . ��qR r� �� RECE►�ED . _ �Ayo.; �s o��'s hs�i ��� � MAR � i�'i COST/BENEFIT, BUUGETAR AND P RSONNEL IMPAC S��lVTICIPATED: �` Terms of agreement ar not to exceed $17,352.00. C AT�ORNEY No personnel impacts re anti ipated. FINANCING SOURCE AND 6 DGET A TIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's si a- ture not r - Total Amount of Tra sactio : $17,352.00 quired if der $10,000) Funding Source: Activity Number: 3 244 ATTACHMENTS List and Number 11 Attachments : 1 . Council Resoluti n DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW Yes No Council Resolu ion Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes No Insuran e Requ red? Insurance Sufficient. Yes No �/�' Yes No Insuran e Atta hed: (SE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 N �� - ...r,... .+. ..�.�.�...vv�n� '� C NTt�AC�'UAL �non-state empfoyee? SERVICES . �`5=�7� ^ Trn.No. Account I.D. Orpa zation F. . Requisition No. Vendor Number Type Terms Cost Code . CD.7 C.CD.2 C.CD.3 ' aao 0 1 00 $4009 0'�13050003 � �+5 Cost Code 4 Amount Suffix Object 11 68.00 01 742 $END TYPE OF TRANSACTIO : � ao � A4i Q ZC�7 y 5 �j.,(���5 Entered by Date Number A44 � 45 ❑ A46 Entered by Date Number NOTICE TO CONTRACTOR: You are r quired by Minnesota Statutes, 1981 Supplement, Section 270.66 to provide your social security number or Minnesota tax ide tification number if you do business with the State of Minnesota. This info mation may be used in the enforcement of federal and s te tax la s. Supplying these numbers could result in action to require you file state tax returns and pay delinquent state tax liabili ies. This ontract will not be approved unless these numbers are provided. Th se numbers will be available to federal and state tax autho ities and s ate personnel involved in the payment of state obligat+ons. THIS CONTRACT, which sh I be inter reted pursuant to the laws of the State of Minnesota, between th State of Minnesota, acting through its De artment f Heal (hereinafter STATE) and t e St. aul Division of Public Aealth address 555 Cedar Street, Saint Paul, M nnesota 55101 Soc.Sec.or MN Tax I.D. No. Federal Employer I.D. No.(if applicable) , ; (hereinafter CONTRACTOR►, itnesseth that: . � WHEREAS,the STATE ursu nt to Min es ta Statutes 144.05 Sections (b) and (f �977 is empowered to f c' ta e, c �nate, �n su r e o iza ion serv c n services to ro ect the ublic health ,and WHEREAS, Con ess ha a ro riated funds to assist states and �ocalities i meeting the ublic hea need of their refugee population ,and WHERE/�S,CONTRACTOR r presents t at it is duly qualified and willing to perform the services set forth her in, NOW,THEREFORE,it is agre d: I. CONTRACTOR'S DUTIE (Attach dditional page if necessary). CONTRACTOR,who is not a state em loyee, shall: A. Admin3.ster a fugee ealth program within Ramsey County in an ePfi 'ent and effective manner purs to procedures as outlined herein. 1. For each fugee hose initial U.S. resettlement is in Ramsey ty after January 1, 1985 d for whom no previous screening services hav been provided in this stat , the llowing, duties, shall._be undertaken:. _ ._ - . .,. . _ ��., _ , __ ... .. _ �-. . ._ a Conta tfie� fugee, or..the, sporisor of the .refuges. in, ord�r , t a referraL.;�pight �� be ma � for c�eneral health assessment, ..,. ._ - _ _ - _. � � � . . _. , _ ..., . . _ ,.... . . . . _ , �b.� Re�er 11 re � gees,. �or;a geiieral,health assessment,. �yalua ' :n,- and.�reatment or _. ., .,._, _ . enco qe"�Yi `sporisor to make such`re�erral. :� �� :r,_, 2. Provide f llow- within 30 days to all retugees who vrere refe ed for a general health as essmen to ascertain if the assessment was campleted nd if acute disease problems ecessi ting follow-up were identified. 3. Assure fo low-up for all refugees identified as having an acute disease problem including all Cl ss A (active or suspected active tuberculosis) and Class B (ttl}+ori.,,7 �;e :..+ ...�.�,_s�-.�-.a --'-s--. . . _ . . .. . . . �. ndo� �{ N, Aoue6y — uaai� Ado� asuadsnS A�ua6d — �/ui I ._. _. , wa l�edaQ uoi e��siwwPy — uoui�es �o1�e�luo� — �fieue i un 6uuuno �y ,l�ua6y — an�g 3uawi�edap a�ueui j — a3!y a�ep _ . .. �.::e1eQ ! ,.. _ _. allll �, , • _. _ (a�nleu6�s pez�� ylne�a3ua� aoue�qwn�u3) Ag (a�n3gu8�s paz��oylne) A8 _ ._ _ . �:��Gi N.1.�- �O .�NDISStUVWO��` �- - ,. � _ _ _ : .;='-�1N3W1lib'd3 a0 A�N3Jt/ 31`d1S Q _� - _ .��.�v�f:�. 1'.: .. • L., . - .lt�.�_. '.'.'. . . . ��O',' O" �_._=3�.. . _ _ .i:=•��;; .,:i: ._._. _ . , -_. ��Il\ 311 __- e�ep ,.�. .......... ....,..., �,,. , .�,�v�����, r�i� oc�vwe� Nroviaeo Dy,t.vrv i ttHl:I Vli pursuant w tn�s wni�ac.'i 5�78It DC pC�TO�fTI@O'LO the sat- isfaction of the STATE, as determined in the sole discretion'`of its aut�orized agent, and in accord with alt applicable �edera{,"�tate' and local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations. CONTRACTOR shall not>receive'payment for work found by the STATE to`�ue unsatisfactory,or performed in violation of federal,state or local law,ordinance,rule or regulation. • -: - ^ 19 .._. _ IV. TERM OF CONTRACT. This contract shall be effective on , , or upon sach date as it is executed as to encumbrance by the CommissioneF*�ceYwhich�ver occurs later, and shall cen�' in effect until , 19 or until all obligations set forth in this contract have been satisfactorityfulfilled, which�r'�ir�s �g' . , ,�. V. CANCELLATION. This contract may be cancelled by the STATE or CONTRACTOR at any time, with or without cause, upon thirty (30) days' written notice to the other party. ?�°� ihe event of such a cancellation CONTRACTOR shalt be entitled to payment, deter^�:�ed on a pro rata basis, for work or serv�ces satisfactorily performed. • VI. STA�r�'^ 4_1'.';�^Ji-i1ZED AGENT. The STATE'S authorized agent for the purpos�� o� a�Jministration ot this contract is Such� ,t�`a� t�'a4���thority for acceptance of CONTRACTOR'S services and if such services are aceepted as satisfactory, shall so certify on each invoice submitted nursuant to Clause II, paragraph B. VI1. ASSIGNMENT. CONTRACTOR shall neither assign nor transfer any rights or obligations under this contract without the prior written consent of the STATE. VIII. AMENDMENTS. Any amendments to this contract shall be in writing, and shall be executed by the same parties who executed the origirral contract, or their successors in office. IX. LIABILITY. CONTRACTOR agrees to indemnify and save and liold the STATE, its agents and employees harmless from any and all claims or causes of action arising from the performance of this contract by CONTRACTOR or CONTRACTOR'S agents or employees. This clause shall not be construed to bar any_legal remedies CONTRACTOR�may have for-tfie�STATE'S tailure to fulfill its obligations pursuant to this contract. ���"� "`��� ` ``r�! •�- - � - ° ---•-• X. STATE AUES�I'�'S:-'Tlie bo�ok's,`records;docu�ieri{s;�arid accountirlg procedures and practices of the CONTRACTOR relevant to this contract shall be subject to examination by the contracting depariment and the legislative auditor. XI. OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS. Any reports, studies, photographs, negatives, or other documents prepared by CONTRACTOR in the performance of its obligations under this contract shall be the exclusive property of the STATE and all such materials shall be remitted to the STATE by.-C�NTF�ACTaft:Upqn.;cor�pletion;term'tnation or cancellation of this contract. CONTRACTOR shall :'�_ r� nb�Gse�,wdlin�ly^altav¢�l�x quse !o h�5e such"rr�a#ePials Us`�d for ariy pyrpase otkier-��_ah'p�rfo�man�b#.CONTRACTOR'S obli- � .:' .�. _.. ,._.�.J . , _ .., . ...,.�,_:F ;.,-.� �1. . �i. _ �.. .-. ..� . . ._: r • .� f ..i . . ... ._ v _:�i-� gafions under th�s contract witRout the prior written consent��-th�STA�'�.' . �� . __,��, . ; �,3 �o,,� Y�, X11. AFF-IRMA-TIV_�-AGT�qN�dWherr��apl�caFble;� G04�FRACTOR;;Gerti��s.tha�-ft has:�ece"wed=:a:certifigate,of;eor�?pl.iance from the Commissioner of Human Rights pursuant to Minr�eso�a;Statutes, 'F981 SuppleFrtentUSeeiio�;363L073� _�.., . �.:r,�.,�; XIII. WORKERS' COMPENSATION. In accordance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, 1981 Supptement, Section 176.182, the STATE affirms that CONT'RACTOR has provided acceptable evidence of compliance with the workers' compensation insurance coverage requirement of Minnesota Statutes, 1981 Supplement, Section 176.181, Subdivision 2. - - XIV:.ANTI-T�iUST„�ON.�F��,4�TOR hereb� assignsrto th�State�.o#,Minnesota,..any and a1L_claims.foc-ov,erc�iacges�as-fio goods an�i/or .. .��.1 -:..aJ�... ..� .�. :..� liJ.. . f . services provided in connection with this contrect result�ng from�ant�trust;vio�atif�r�s._which`arisa undgr_.the,antitrust lauvs of the United $tatss and,the:antitcust,la,nis of the.State of Minnesota y :-, � .t� �� - ? , c.r.r7i1� C _ � ° �:J�_ .... � XV. OTHER PROVIS{QNS. (Attac�t,add4UQna� Rage if r��cessary) ,� j. J. , ,, y r, �•,� r� _ ._.. .. _. .. ... . �"__. _ .. . __ :....._.. r.'� ._. . ._. .+ , .. .. . _.. _ _�_ . . .. _. . . �. ._4�,.�. . y . ,i.��T�'i.� . � _�.._ . -. .. ' ' _ .--. �•. . .. . I' " 7i _�. _LCi . �.�::Z . ,. � For purposes of admirist,ration of this contract, ttie� teizn�_"refugee".��as�th+a -����-��meaninq as defined-in �Sec�tion'101(a) (4Z) �o�.�the Immigration.aric�Nationality-Act, � and with the exception of Soviet Jewis�: refngees;. any sii�h person:receiv�nq-.this _..� _...: ��_,... ..- _ .,,.. _ ., . alien classifica�ion, regardless of national origin,; is eligible for s�rvi_ces � under this program • Y � . _. x . , ., . � :� . .. . . ....� 5.iti?' .. . _. ,. '�' _ �._ � ... ... . . ..-. . . _ . . . . . . . '�. . . !. - - ...� _ . ...__��'�. e�i?Z'?L7S`~' ._ ._ .. , o._ . _,... . .. �..�. �i�,._ . :}_1l.�: �`O:' t.:"r! y ,��i:�: c:....,. ..._. �� :�'. ,. ._�. . :1-:� �' ._.It?�>::.i si`r�.,�2� - . � �..)�i�. , �, . - _ ?..��-. � .. .. .�n�s. .. ..... . �l: . .. .. . .....� .... ._�...-�.�:�/� .. ._'���"�.� IN WITNESS WHEREOF;_'the parties have cauSed�thiscontraGgro�be,duly exec�t�d•.intentfing-t�.be bo�nd;.t'heYeby.-; •-.-,._ _ - r • APPROVED: � \ ^ NOTE Remo"ve carbons befo'r�obtaining signatures. � ' '" � ` ' " � " � �`'` __.. _.� ; _� : " -• : � __ . _ -• . , ; . ' ..� ,� _. ; - . , . .� , ., , c ,:" . � , .; .' _,. . . � 'As to'form and ekecution by the •�� 1 CONTRACTOR�� � ATTORNEY GENERAL: � Director, Dept. of Commiznity Se (If a corporation,two corporate officers must execute.) By By ..��. . . _ ..... � � �.1. ... . .. :.. - .. ,_ . �-�J� ,, f•,_ Title Date Ma or -_i� osts — C _ � r .:4Q COMMISSIONER OF ADMtNISTRATION: BY - By(authorized signaturej .. ... . . � L�.a:,1�. ' . � � . . . �S, L?�. 1� _ � " _ '-i. _ � T�t�� Director, Department of Finance � ' :: oete <:; o,-,A Mon�rrcmon-F .�'arvi r•ac -� r ' . . . , . ' � ��` �7� Exhibit A tuberc losis prophylaxis, and those identified with parasitic diseas . 4. Collec and ecord information which documents the esults of each r fuge 's heal th assessment on the "Refug e Heai th Screen ng an Follow-Up Information" form (which ca be found as Exh bit B which is attached and made a part he eof ) for all re ugees whose initial resettlement is in Ramsey County after anuar 1, 1985. Completed forms shall be su mitted to the St te wi tiin 45 days of the refugee's arrival in Ramsey County 5. Submit narr tive reports to the State within 20 d ys after the en of e ch quarter which shall address progr ss being made i achieving program objectives, problems w ich have been e coun ered and methods used or changes bei ng made to resol e pro lems , need and justification for alt ring the target of a y objectives and any other information which may be use ul to the State, the HHS Regional Office, t e Centers for Di ease ontrol , or the Office of Refugee Reset lement. 6. Uti 1 i e fun s provided by the State to support staff whose respon ibili ies will relate to items 1 through 5. 7 . Return to he State all unexpended Federal f nds upon � comp l ti on of the contract peri od a l ong wi t a f i na l expend 'ture eport . II . State ' s Dut ' es The innesota Department of Health will provi e ta the contr ctor he following : A. C nsul ation and training on refugee health pr blems and r commendations for intervention . B. " efug e Health Screening and Follow-Up In ormation" forms for documentation of health assessment inform tion . C . Summar findings of data submitted by loc 1 health genci s and other epidemiologic findings f refugee opula ions in the state. :.Retur� complsted form o: EVlinnesata Department of Health E hi bi t B t ' Refugee Health Unit ��c���7(� ` 717 Delaware Street SE ' P.O. Box 9441 Minneapolis, MN 55440 (612) 296-5505 R FUGEE EALTH SCREENING AND FOLLOW-UP INFORMATI N , Do not complete m e than o e form per month for each refugee. NADdE(last,first,mltldle) DATE OF BIRTH (month,tlay,year) Alien Registration#{A (from ACVA form) **If you have previ usly com leted this form for this refugee and have no additional infor ation, please go directly to item �f 7. MONTH YEAR 1. General Medical Scr ening T ok Place on at: CLINIC OR PHYSICIAN CITY C UNTY 2. Immunization Reco d: DTP/Td �_ �._ �_ � /� . Mo. Yr. Mo. Yr. Mo. Yr. Mo. Yr. mo• Y r• Polio � ..�LL_ ��� Mo. Yr. Mo. Yr. Mo. Yr. '�'�• r�• Measles Mumps _.L—_ Rubella I Mo. Yr. Mo. Yr. Mo. Yr. � 3. Tuberculosis Scree ing: Chest X-Ray: Chemotherapy and Chemoprophy axis Tuberculin Skin est (taken in U.S.) 1.0 Infected without disease- rophylaxis prescribed 1.�PPD 0-4 m 1.�Normal 2.O Infected without disease- o prophylaxis 2.�PPD 5-9 m 2.❑Abnormal rescribed 3 ❑PPDZ10 m 3.�Suspected tuberculosis dis ase-chemotherapy prescribed 4.O Tuberculosis disease-che otherapy prescribed 4. Hepatitis B Screeni g 1.0 H BsAg neg tive 2.O H BsAg pos ive 3.0 Screening t done 5. Screened for paras tes: ❑ Yes ❑ N o If positive, chec parasit for which treatment was given: ❑Ascaris O Trichuris ❑ Clonorchis ❑Strongyloides O Other;specify ❑ Hookw rm � Giardia ❑ Paragonimus �Amoebic Dysentery nc es) W I HT(Ibs.) HEMOGL BIN H�MATOCRIT % 6. 7. DIAGNOSfS/REASON OR TODA 'S VISIT AGENCYSUBMITTIN FORM DATE ADORESS CITV,STATE,ZIP ' Dist�ibufion: White—MDH Refugee H lth Unit �anary—Local Health ncy H E-01196-01 :r..,-;-.-�� � _ , - - --—•_.. y',,-��"�i.��, .Cz 1 Y- o� .�.�x�rT�.��..��. ��"5-.�/7� � f-.^;• ,�---L�i�.S` • = -�. Y�..r -� �;-,I 02'?�IC^ O£` T�Zi�. C.�T`.' . ��:_ ,, - _ :� �•�;r COu1CZL `F�t'`+ -� _' �� 1�%:I! . . . . . . � ;��. . '= ',��'f � � • ~: /':.�f � D� t e � �]�RC 2 8 t 19 8 5 �4���� C ►�? I��cE!iEE FEPO � � . � � i 0 = Scrn P� •,� I Ci�;j Cc �� � ��ii � � � r '' � �'1 ' C�% T+'Z r� I 1 i�'? Q �? FINANCE, MANAGEMENT & PE ONNEL � C`�'� 1 • JAME5 SCHEIBEL ' 1. ��_oval of 'nut°s from mee*�n� held �iarc: 14, I985. �p�r?o��� -- � , - - 2. Resolut�on a t?:or��'ng an a...^:enc::�e::t to t�e Pavment and Priorit;r A� �sr:e�z da��d ��e= $ *;Ye n :e 1 t vat:o a Decs. II, 19 2 b ,. � y C��y, HRA, s n I Ban:K �zd t7e Dis�.:c� �.�at�n� D°•r°?o�;r.eZt o. (bi vor)fl/,o �4crion/ r�y F;,✓,9,r�ce �o,��,.iTT�'� - �'"!r s w�s D/SCrJ55PD �7,r/j) ffcrP._d oN /•V ,E,+J2RGy .. ,'lMrTTPe. 3. Resolution a �rovin a joint pro;ra.� for financ�ng re:�tal housin� .d g�viz� ?re- ?i�.=:a�f app oval t a Joint Pocaers :�are�^:ent � ' � = , � � i.n connect�on tner w �a. +(F�n�.c,.) ��ASSAG �eG MH2.UDG'.� 4. Resolution ending the 1985 budget and adding $61,7I9.68 to the F nanc�ng Plan arid �o ,}:.e S�en n� PI for S�ste:3 and Build?n� Cons��uct�on. (Fwnan e) f'.ass�!'G e j�'eco HG.vb�.D, ____-- ._ __ . , S , Resolution a thori.� n� an a�re��,ent with R�msey County whereby the C:.tf will pr�vice Iaqora�orf s :-ricss for Ia:Ke water tes�i.n�. (Cor,untmity Se�✓ices) it-'9 ss q c ,�e_� .y�r 2 r�'D e D 6. Rssoiution a �rovin an agree�ent with t;�e Stats of tifi.r.r.esota whe� �v t:e Ci.��r�s ° o?i Healt Depa� .;.e.^.t will _ •� ;�y;; .R � �.Z •�� �:sz•r . Co r..• `o S� - . _ e�j i. ResoiT�t'_on 3�ODt=:1� PO??C_°S I'°�?rC.],A� t�g g1lpC��i0I1 Oi 2i1G�'L'S�_'_.'. T�veaue �OIIC� - aut:crity oe�:�re�n t .e Depax��e^t oz P�� and t:�e St. Paul Por� aut:� r_ty and iden- t�;;r:n� the aeci�i ar°a.s of res�onsibili�ies. (PED) j='.�ss��-e ,�'e c .v.� e.�.a�_D 8. Reso Iution � ..endi:tg �he IQ 85 bud�et by addin� �II2,OQO to �.e Fin c�ng P Iait a.nd �o tne Spend:n Plan r Homeg_own Economy F�md-?roc�.irement Assistan .. Pro;-�a. (PEJ) ��s.�G e �e�oR��.r-eNT.,e7� °. Rss��ut'_on t:or'__ n; a.n ���^e;; � . �, a.�-_�... t wi�'. �iet_opolitan �Vas�s C;,n��o Co..�..ission :�i;e_��v t..e C��:� agr es to ,a�.nt.:sn interc°�tors ar:d a�pu��� o I°8� �:�rou�R Decs�c r 3I ' _ � ��c_s �or t:e t�r� _ ' ub 1. , o� ,;�nLa^,� I, �'frss,��e �c o .y�',���� CP �c �Var:cs) • :.0. Reso?ut'_on a enc'_z� ��;e I985 buc;e� by ad Q � 6 • • . � .e ��enc.�.n�..�Ia.n � r Tr��'_c S_ �:a S�1� � •- .�., t'_^ �C::.� 7T3� �i.0 �O �4S'SAG� �EG� �>.y�,�/?�c_-� ;taI and L��:ii.�.;I� :'�a1:It.°.:2cI1C°. j �cn t01?.0 �'iOr�SJ 11. Resolution a endirt� t;;e 1985 bu ?At bv , o � t:.e S�endin� PI� .-. �' , add�n� S2_3,a67 to t?�e �ina ';;� pT � �.n � r Tra��� gr.ai � L:?i:" Q ; �= � an anc to c Si � 1, •iaiatenaZC°- (p's� ;c �Yor�s) �.�s-s��� ��o �P�vDe� :.:T� i:�LL • . SL•VENT'ri rLOOI: SAI�IT P►UL, �ittiti'ESOT:���SC'_ • „_,_^�,