85-475 WH17E — CITV,CIERK PINK — FINANCE G I T OF SA I NT PAU L Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT 7� 7�4 BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � I `� , � Co ncil Resolution Presented By � � �eferred To �� Committee: Date �� Out of Committee By Date BE IT RESOLVED, By the Co ncil f the City of Saint Paul, upon recomme dation of the Mayor and advice o the ong-Range Capital Improvement Budget C mmittee , that the Capital Improvem nt Bu get, as heretofore adopted and amended by this Council, is hereby furthe amen ed in the following particulars: Current Amended Year Fund Log No. Pro ' ct Appropriation Change A ro riation ,;,_ 983 CA S-5542 WA NER R AD $ 627,242. 26 -$258 ,000.00 $ 69 ,242. 26 �: ; Si ley t Childs , � 1983 CA -- SH PARD CHESTNUT $ - O - +$258 ,000.00 $ 58 ,000.00 �,_ TR FFIC MPROVEMENT APPROVED AS TO FUNDING: APPROVED: Peter Hames, Director �'1� Gregory le s Finance and Management Servi e Budget Director r M •• _ �� ��� � ��� ��t., � ,�,�p w.w,�,•1,�t'.�•,•:� �8k1[��A���fE[� �"'°'"���i��'e�t��!.L. . ���i fd3�E�-�f'���t������'�;`�lt�a''j{.i�,� 'ia_':•.v COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays -�e�SoNN�N Public Works 1- 5-85 DJD Drew FBVOi Masanz �ii�e�aia Scheibel __ gainst BY Iada� Wilson APR 9 1985 Form Approv d y City Attorn Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pa s d y ouncil S ar BY sy � '� Appr y ayor for Sub issi n to ouncil t#ppro Mavor: Date � � BY Pt18tl E� � �c 2 0 1985 B _ �--.;. � . - � --—•._ .; �;'`���` �`�;:-��� . �I `-� al� .�AI�1'T� ^, � Y � �' - `�� � fr.•-ii i�-:�l:'1• . . �-�.l�L :� r��-: '= S•;';� � ' ~ICi OI^ 'Z'FiI; C*m?T .. �� ' s ' =3:_: :� j�::."� �- COu\CZL +F�i\`l.C__� _�'.. ���/ 1�,;�!y� •� ,.�f . ' ,;;. .� �� D o t e , MARCH 2 8, 1 8 5 ,�-._ <.r y�:�a . . ._.. C f�� I��� [i l EE FE PO � � . � 1 i 0 • S �tn� F�•� Ci►, Cc � � ��ii r�; � i�:l = C � M.� '�� � - j< < �- G i? FINANCE, MANAGEMENT & PERSONNEL C`� � � � JAME SCHEIBEL ' 1. Ap�rovai o= m.inu�es f om mee _:!� held :�farc: 14, 1985. �p,�;�o:P1-� - � ; - 2. Resolutyon aut::or��in an a:.� :;a.�ent to the Payment and Priori�y ��_�sr:e::t d t�: Dece�oer 11, 198Z bet -esn �`: C:.t7, HR�, lst Nat�onal Ban:�c �zd tze Dis�=c� Hea�'_^� Deve?o�r.;eZt Co. (�iay r)� cr-io.+/ /,j'� F'i,✓.�,�d�e ��,.s+f,.i7~r�c' - r�is u�ras iscvssez� f�.vD f/cr�d oN /+J �rI�R�Y �byMrTT � j. Resol.ut�OII 3D�Z'JVl:I� joi.nt pTO�T2P.1 f0� f1.i13I1C�IIg re:ltal. �lOLI51II� .21�G� $IVZA ?�2E.'- Iiminary a�proval to Joir.� Powe:s Agres^�ent in connect�on the_ewitz. (Fi �,-!ce) "�Ass�v�e /-��c�aMtieanc 4. Resolution amending t e 1985 bud�et and adding �61,7I9.68 to the Financ=ng Iart and to y`?�e S�endin? Plan or Sys e:a and Buildin� Const;-uction. (F�nz*�c°) f i4ssH:G E-' j-�'eCO.41 C,t/a�b. 5. , Resolution autho�.�in an a�� ee.:,ent wit� R��sey Coimty wh.ereby t:'�e C�tl wi? provide Iaporatory ser-�.�ic�s f r I�:�ce water tes��.ng. (Commu.�ity Serrices) ��s��c e �e:�o r�f P w e b 6. Resolut�0I1 aDDrOVTIl� agT° u2:2� Wlt�: t::e �ta�° Oi �lIIIl°SO'Ca 97t1e�°JV tj':@ C i.VrS PLIDZIC He3?th Depa�� ::t WI.? 3Q.��;1j.S��Z' a r°�11�?° heai�il DTO�:r.Z Wii.:1:.R R"' SzY . County. (Comr�t�T i�y S �rices T->s� �s.�r..e h'e_e.o ,s' �.%� e?, 7. Resolu��on acopt�.ng p I_c�es regar�ir.; t'::e alloc���on oz" indus��ial r�•re:�ue bon� : autzeri�y bet:Jeen �::e Depar�..ent o� P�� and t:�e St. Paui Port aut:�orty anci ide:�- t��yin� the s�eci�=c r°as o� res�onsibiiities. (pF�) ��A s.s/-16-�° �e c o.�f ��t/_ �_.!i 8. Reso lution amendi:�g e 19 85 budget 3y adding S I12,000 to �::e Financin� PI and to the Soending Pls.n fo Eiome�_own Economy Ftmd-P:octse�e:�t assistance Pro;ran (PEJ) �f%�=5�.�� e i���� .�.�-e .✓ e� � ?. Resolut'_on aut:or'__�n a�n a� �omo;;� ;,� _�, : � i:. de*�o�olita.r� �Vast� C;,Z-,�I C�:.:rriss ��o . t:�e Cit;' ag'-'ees �o � n��z 'nt�rce�tors and appur�enanc�s �or t:e -�,._ on wn„_��, �1985 tl1XQU�R Dec�^:be� 3i, IQ 5. (Public iVor:cs �--_.. oi anL��-,: I, fJS5�7G� ��C O.r! t°.t/ � 't°...D � _�. Resolut_on a�ene.`Z� � Iogs • � � bua^�� i.;l° CDe^Gi:l^ :��c.R •T � '�7V 3QCj.:Iy SJ�J'��.�i6 i.0 i.=:° f"'�:c.� �^:'J 77 ��'`). � �Or �3i�� S1Te2aI an '�r - , rc,' ^ , 3 ei�G' �.O 7�'4ss'.�' .� o C L��.'�-:Iy .iaint°:I8I1C°- �PLDI�.. �40r. 5� G� ���., .y�, .�� -.� 11. Resolution ame:�ciing � ,e 1985 bud;st bv addin� S'"' 67 z; , the Snendia� Plan �or Tr:��= �;-, � . `���`� to tne , _n�nc:,; °I anc to �ilsSAG� �c'�,y Si'- `I ,� L:�i:t�zg ;.Sainten�nc�. (Pu�I�c ;Vor�s) P�r/ e� ' :J:-'� 'c:ALL • . SLV�� T'ri�LOOR S�1INT P�,UL. �il�'1' SOT:: 55103 w-.-^„ _���1��� � C�"F -y7� � ��ie aaitai Ir.�rove:aen� Budget by transier-:ng g«g,000 r��, ^ -, " - 'blev to hilds o Snepard � C::es;.aut Tr���c I..^;nrove.^..ent. (?�,:b ���or:cs} , - .v a e - _�. R�soiut�.on c:zan�ing t::e rade o the title of Hoi:sing In=or^a��on Coordina��r i. t:�e C�vil Serrice Ru�es. �(P rsonne�) !,�i?� oveR vNri 1.. "7- yRs �y �e �7-I �✓� . _ . . ?t°SO?12t�0I1 C.:3T2�'_il� t�:@ �'_e a: b. CI3.S5 SD@^..:.�..C3t�0I1 for t�:e �=�?° pL �LI:)e:`:_S pt � C�c° E.�:�orce.:�ent in �'_:e �.vil S r•,rice Ruies, (Personnei) - �'C..�� M .+ee ,vb � 7� .�ss � � ; - _�. R°SOIL't�0I1 3.II°:1C'.'.�:1� �:iG �V11 S �"IZC° RuZes by lI1S@��II� t:lE t�i.i° C?33.,,^i•S i•i?.i�� ZR Sec..�on 3.�, Grace 25 an inse�--�.n; the s�eci��c�t'ons ia Se���on 32. (Perso:u. ?) L�;.a oJer� - _... Resoiut;on ar..endin� t::e i�ril c rvics Rules by inse�i:�� �:e ;.��le E.:,�Ioyee 3ez '_4s �fa::��er in Sec��n ,,.K, rade I5 and inse��a� �::e spec�_ - ' S�c�_or. SZ. Pers, � �.a;a o �e� � �c���ons iZ ( z.; _-. Re�oT,�.._or. a�e^c_,, �::e •;it c ,-.,.i�o RL��s b;r ir.se`-~:.-:� �:e �;�'_� ��: a:±c ��-- c,rvo �e�_� -� �.t ���-vr Sec� Gr - ' • - - ✓ ' - _� a ��_ iZ on ,,.�, �cs 31 zac inser�_r? �:e s�ec�.- _ � �.� �-- (Pe�sonr.e?) -� __c;�_o,.s '_Z __on „_. � �D Q�e� 18. Resoiution an:endin� the �vil Se_��ice Rules by inserting the t:tle Loss Cont�I Coor- d�r:ator in Section 3.J, ade 1 and inser�ing t:�e speci�ica��ons in Sect�on 32_ (Pe�sn.} �.G r-� i.� o v� P� _9. Resolut�on ainending t:�e • 'viI Se rice Rules by inserting the title of Tr�-ts�ort �ion Supe�^risor in Sec�ion 3.. , Grad.. 15 and inser�ing the spec:.�ications in Sec�ion 32. (Personnel) J�,�ss�v� e ��caMMP z>eD �0. Resolution c:zang?ng the � 'tle, v ade and class speci�ication �or t:�e title o£ D�rec�or o�:�e Zoo in th� Civil rvice u1es. (Personrcel) i,ss,sTGe JYecoMM nJDe Z'_. Resoiution es�ablishing e rate o= pay for Building Mai.ntenarrc° Eagineer in �,.�i Sa1ar� PI�Z and Ra��s o= orm�e::s tian Resolution. (Personnel) � �ss.��e �j°ed�l,�;�e a e.�j __. Resolut=on a.nendi.ng the �vil Se ice Ruies in Section 19, Leave o= Abse:tcs, to ir.clude a ne��r ection Ig.D. • ,�".�vss..¢�e T�e�e.�!ri!e D�J7 Z3. Discussion o= City Gar�,� . �i sc vsse� oiVL ��. Disc:ssion os" cont-act 'co, Iianc st��ing for the Hu�an Rignts De�ast�ent. � ,5��$�c � o �y -