85-473 WHITE - CI7V CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council ��_�73 CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File N � Council Resolution � � Presented By � �Referred To ��� Committee: Date '"`���`5` Out of Committe By Date WHEREA , Th Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of he Charter of the City of Sai t Pau , does certify that there are available for appropriation total reven es in excess of those estimated in the 1985 b dget; and WHEREA , Co ncil File 277510 , Adopted Oetober 1 , 19 1 , did establish certain Spe ial F nd Polieies; and WHEREA , the Mayor reeommends that the following add tions be made to the 1985 budge : Current Amended FINANCING LAN Budget Ch nges Budget ------- -- ---- ------- 162 System and B ilding Construction 11056 - 200-0 0 Fund Balance -0- 61 ,719.68 61 ,719.68 SPENDING PL N 162 System and B ilding Construetion 11056- 98-00 - Building Improvements -0- 61 , 19. 68 61 ,719 .68 ------- --- ----- --------- -0- 61 , 19 .68 61 ,719 .68 NOW, T EREFO E, BF IT RESOLVED, That the City Coun il adopts the abovE ehanges to he 19 5 Budget. v d a to fu ding: Appr val Recommended: . Finanee Dir etor ��,Qv , Budg D eetor COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays .r.w.tisF Se�l�vA! o'e`" In Favor Masanz -►liaesitr— scneibe� __ Against BY Tsdaewn Wilson Adopted by Council: ate APR 9 - 1985 Form Approv�y City Attorne}� � � l� ' �� r ,�_ ,� �,,�,,y�°'.1` Certified P s �Counci e BY .� �• Bp t# by Mavor: a e � ��� 1 � ���� Appro by Mayor for Submis ' cil B By PUBLISHE�3 APR 2 0 1985 Finance & Mana ment S rv�ces' DEPART,J�lENT ��`�) 3 N� 1426 Gary Dodge `�ONTACT 7011 PHONE � February 27, 19 5 DATE �Q/�� ,� Qi ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROU ING OR ER Cli All Locations for Si nature : Department Direct r 4 Director of Mana ement/Mayor �Finance and Manag ment S rvices Director 6 City Clerk 2 Budget Director 5 Chair, Fin. t. Personnel Com. � City Attorney 7 Cit Council 8 Chief Accountan WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAK NG ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rational ) : To finiah constructi of th facilities monitoring and control syatem usi,�. previously authorized funds from the City d Coun y. K' C�j� �� MA 1 1 i985 � �'S ��� � `�'� REC �FFI�� COST/BENEFIT BUDGETA Y AND ERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: � '�` FE8 2 1985 None OFftCE OF f DiRECTOR �EPARTMENT OF FfNANCE AND MANAGEM T 8ERViCES FINANCING SOURCE AND UDGET CTIVITY NU{�ER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not - Total Amount of Tr nsacti n: 61,719.68 quired if under $10,00Q) Funding Source: und Ba ance Activity Number: 11056 ATTACHMENTS List and Number All Attachments : R::� ��t� 1. Council Resol ion ��AR :, ti985 �I�►YO 'S OFFICE DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIE X Yes No Council Resolu ion Required? Resolution Required x Yes No Yes x No Insura e Requ'red? Insurance Sufficien ? Yes No Yes X No Insura e Atta hed: (SE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 —-:-;; � , . _ . .--—•_. ..:_ � - ._..,,:_;_ -- �. _ _ �.,�;'r�---.��� - - , �-. . `,f = :,.>�' f '.'. �ITY' O� .sAINT�.� Y �' 73 i�::,, ti� '`'`'� �1J�. �5 �t . f,=y/ r�=�� `�"'i � � ori,zc� or 2�Fr,, czTwr COu1CLL � .. ;.�-� �� �;_; _"••� ;�.�� F��•� �'��� _'�'�'.. ��'/ . . . . �. 1�'>� �� !.-f � . MAR H 2 8 , 19 8 S -�. � r..>� D a i`e `���.,_�:�";� . . 01`1�? f��c (�i EE FEPO � . �—; T � � = S� t r P� � i Ci�1 Cc =� � ��i ! : r t=; 0 i�:`1 C � ►„ �,�� . + .r� I! i ... ,.. � �? FINANCE, MANAGEMENT & PE SONNEL C`� ~ « JAMES SCHEIBEL ' 1. ���:oval o= 'nut°s f�om �e�t:ng hei.d ;�iarc: 14, I985. A��;{ove;� - 2. Resolut�on a t::or_� n; an a..^:ena�ent to t:e Pavcnent 2nd Priority A� s��^en;. da��3 L`ecs uoer 11, 1982 b t:ae�n �:;e C�t�, HRA, Ist va��onal` Ban:�c and t:�e Dis;._�c� �?�a�_n� De�re?o�Tent o. (L1 var)%ri� Acrio.s/ /3y ri,✓�,dC�° COl/H.%TTPL° _ �•S wr-�.s �iscvss?D f�ND /�eTL?d oN /A/ �11c?RG'�/� y M i TTP° 3. Resolution a �rovin a joint pro;�a.n for financ�ng rental housing . d Qivia� �re- I��.�Za-y aan oval t a Joint Powers ��ree^�en-t ia connect�.on tiierew t:�. (Fina.nc�) "�AsS�� f��� MH2.Un�� . 4. Resolut�<��.. eZding the 1985 bud�et and addi���o the F aancing PI2rz artd to �e S�e:� ' n� c��on. (F=nan �) �rrssa"G e �eco . 5. , Resolution a thori� ng an a�res:�e:tt wit?� Ramsey C�unty whereby �:�e Citf will pro�ride Iao..oratorf s -�.-:•icns for Ia:Ke water tes�ing. (Co�u,-�ity Ser✓ic�s) 1v�4 S5 H G °i ��� �G/�1�/J�'j `U'J 6. Resolut�on a �rovin an agre�ment with t::e Stats of �finnesota whe� by t::e City's °uolic He�It Depa .;,e.^.t c�rill ad.-�inis�er a re�t:gss heal�� prcgra.� � it`�in Ra„sz;� Cou:Z�f. (Co sa i�,y Se�^rices) f-�A �sa�-e �e� H�ve��De?� i. P,esoIL�=0I1 3. ODt�.^.o �70T?C�°S I'?�.'.Z'��P.� t�;@ 31?QC3ti0I1 Oi ii1QL'S�_,8 r°1J@:lilE? �JOP.� . - aut;cr=�y be ween t. e Depar�zen� o� p�� and t:�e St. Paul Por� �ut:� rity an� ide:�- t���in� the aeci�i areas o= responsibilities. (PE�7) �A=',Sr'G-G-' �f?G o i+/ C��l/.D�..L 8. Resolution a enair.g the 1985 bud�et b,v addin; SII2,OOQ to t:�e Fina c�ng Plan and to tne Sae^d:ng PIan f r Homeg�own Economy Fund-?roc,ir�:aent �ssistanc Pro�ra�. (PEJ) ���.�G e � �e.�_ �a tir-e .+�r� e'1� . °. Resolut'_on a ' - t:or'__-n; an a;_se:.*,e;;� wi"; :•1et���ol�tan iVas;.e Cozt_o --T ' o_o . tZe C�;• ag�' 's to ,aintain int�rc��tors and a�p ,-TO o ,. �Q Co.,:...iss�on wn.._..�r I°85 tzrou�z Dec�^:o 31 g ; � _ u..-�nanc_s r�r t.... ��r_:. o� J3.'IL':."- I, , 1 85. (Psblic �Yor:cs) �.�.ss,9�e ��o �.y�.� a e� ' ��. R°SO?LIt=0I1 3:.°T1C;�:� ��;° YOB� bL1C�?t �]v aQ . , �--° �D@.^.G�il� ?IcSl �O Ti �=C S � C.:�:1� SjIJ'�?.niG �O ��° �'.�:.Tl �:I7 7T3i2 ci,Q � =� i�al and ��__„ , - � �o �4SS.7G� . ��"� /�7r�1C,'-.�Gti=� � j.:��.i��..� :Ia.lIlt°:1aI1C°. t*�LT i- r ( zc ��tor?:s) 11. Resocut�on a nd;,n� �:;e 1985 bud�et bv addinQ 52�3 4 ;, t::e �e:�din� I� " . • ' - , 67 to t.ie �=nan '^� PIa.*� art� to � �n �o Tr3::��c Si�r�I � Li�nt'z � ' ° � - � :fain;.ena,-tcs- CPubI c �Vor<s) �/�-s's'l�G� EC'a �;•��/��� ....-': 'ciALT • SL•�lFVT'ri rLOOI: SAINT P�, L.�t[\'\'E��7T:1 55IC3 ^-~--�� �NHITE - CITV CLERK / PINK - FINANCE COIIIICIl �J CANARV�- DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L �� � �/ BLUE - MAVOR File NO � ' Council Resolution Presented By d�l ✓ Referred To �'V �� Committee: Date � `—/� —g� Out of Committe By Date WHERE�S, The Mayor, rursu t to Section 10.07.1 of the City Charter, does ertify that there are avaialable for propr ation revenues in excess of those estim�ated in he 1985 budget; and WHERF�AS, Council Fi e 2775 0 adopted October 1, 1981, did establish certa' Special Fund ', Policies; and WHEREAS, The Mayor ec ds the following changes to the 1985 budget: Current Amended Budget (�ange Budget FII�NCING PLAN 128 Ho�egrown Ec nomy F d 36501 Procur ent sistance Program -3699 Counci for onomic Self-Reliance 0 +80, 00 80,000 7399 Transf r�rom PID Operations Fund 0 +20, 00 � 20,000 -4099 Contra t Plac t Fee 0 +12, 00 12,000 0 +112, 00 112,000 SPEI�IDING PLAN 128 Homegrown Ec nomy F 36501 Procur ent sistance Program -218 Consult t Se ices for Training 0 +54, 70 54,770 -219 Procur t Ou reach Technical 0 +38, 00 38,400 Assis ance -259 Travel, Train° g 0 00 600 -299 Miscell eous rvices 0 +7, 30 7,530 -537 Indirec Costs (Transfer to PID 0 +3, 00 3,000 Oper ions F d) -622 Loan Re yment 0 +7, 00 7,700 0 +112,000 112,000 NET Q�E +112 000 COU[VCILMEIV Requested b De ent of: Yeas Nays --,�Y�� Fletcher Drew in Favor Masanz Nicosia Scheibel __ Against BY Tedesco . Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Counc'1 Secreta BY By. A►pproved by 1�lavor: Date A ro e by Mayor for Submissio uncil � By _ By WHITE — CITV CLERK PINK — FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council /�^ //�r b / CANARVL— DEPARTMENT File N a✓ _TI / BLUE — MAVOR � ' Council Resolution . Presented By Referred To lN C'E Committee: Date 3 � �'2 '8S Out of Committe By Date RE90LVID, That the C ty Co cil adopts these changes to the 1985 budget; BE IT FU.L�HER RESOL , Tha the City Council rescind Council File 84-1641. � ed as t Fund' g: Approval Recommended: Director of F ance ''� L� � Budget ir tor 2.�y� _2_ COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas �r 5d�1" y�rv Drew N in Favor nnin & Eco omic D velo ment Masanz _ �Ih.�sl� scneibe� __ Against BY 3adeeeo Wilson Adopted by Council: D e APR 9 — 1985 Form Approved by Ci Att rney Certified a.s d Counci , r BY By ` l�p d by Nlavor. Date `PR 1 � 1g85 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By UBLISHE AP R 2 0 1985 a . • , � ,. � �S,�7� -. PLANNING & ECONO IC DEV. EPARTf�tENT Ri�t�x� D�°' ONTACY 7494 EXT. 332 HONE � �� �� JANUARY 16, 1985 ppTE � � (Routing and Explanati Sheet) Assi Number for Routin Order Cli All Lxations for ral Si atu � ���epartment i recto Q� ��� � City Atto y � R�,,�n,�,� . ECEIVED 4 Di rector of Manage nt/Ma�yor �� ` � Fi nance and Manage nt Servi ces Di rector FES O 1 1985 A N 3 0 19a5 5 City C1erk ., �,� °�c� oF �H� a,�c� �� ATTORNEY C�� DEPARTMEntT pF �Aa: = Budget Qire tor al{�I t �\ � SERV�CES i�hat Will be Achi ved b Takin Action on the Attached Materfals? Pur se Rationale : The 1985 Budget w 11 be mended to establish financing and appropriatio for the Homegrowa Econom - Procurement Assistance Program. R�CEI� p Financial Bud t r and rsonnel I acts Antici ated: FEB 2 6 � 85 SEE ABOVE MAYOR�S pfFl f Fundin Source an Fund A tivit Number Cha d or Credited: SEE ATTACHED Attachments list nd Nu r all Attachments : 1. Council Resol ion a ading the 1985 Budget � DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIE�iII E Yes No ouncil Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes No nsuran e Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes No nsuran e Attached? Revision of October, 19 2 (SPP RPVPP'CP SidP for �I Structions) i -..-.-� , .. _ i'y;,�''��.:F�1 � �ITY O�' .SAIITT �1�- .EL��. S' �E�75�' � fr.^ir T�,�����' ��� c "„ r��:::�' :� S•;_;I OFI.+'zC.��� OT' 2'Fii�. C:T=.'' COu\C.L .. ;;=• _ =;.. - •� �;�� ; %.Y' :�__=:::-�.�f _ �e `�• "� _%'��'�� �Q . MAR H 28 , 1985 �;.�•_,� .y..�;;�� . , ._.. CO �ti? ��if�i EE FE PO � . � T � � • �� tn F� •� i Ci�;J Cc �,.� � ��iI - - r �'' �� i�•"1 ' C �` r`+'j i� 1!i.�..° Q �; FINANCE, MANAGEMENT & PE ONNEL C`�.� ( . JANiES SCHEIBEL . . `"— 1. �pprovai o= nutss �om me�t�.g held ;�farc:� I4, I°85. �,�.�,�ove� , , �..-_. 2. Resolut;on au ::or�i g an a,.�:enc-�e::t to t:�e Payate:�t and Priori�y A�= e^:en� d���� D@C°�0@� 11, G$2 be :Je°:1 �;:@ Cii.j, �i�� IS� VaL'onal Ban:�c ��� �hB 15�_?C� �°Zi._i.� De:re Iop r.,ent C . (�ia or)/L,o Ac ria�/ 3,v Fi�✓�y��. Go.sr.�+.r'7-r Pe - �i w�s �i s c vsse o F,�,��D �=;�d o.�1 /fi �N�R>Y C� H M r rTPe �y 3. Resolution a� roving a joint pro�ran for financ?ng rental housing . d givin o pre- ?imiza_y appr va I to a Join� Powers A�r��.^.:ent in connect�.on tnerewi �:. (i-i:��-?c�). {�.95�'A�e �eC�o He.v��� ,� 4. Resolution am nding he 1985 bud�et and adding $bI,719.63 to the Fi ancing Plan and , to t�e S�endi. ? Plan for Syste:a and Buildin� Const:-cict;on. (rinanc ) f-'srss,q`G� eco.ti ci.iD�7�: �j/5. , Resolut'Qn au hori�i ; an a�res.;,ent wit?� Ramsey Coimty whereby the itf will provice IaQOra�orf se �ic�s or Ia:�ce water testzn� (Cor,mivaity Se�rices) /���9.SJ H G °� °• f�e_ C..o.�1�1 e,u-D�� ..� 6. ResolLt�OII a.D rovin� an agree:ae:;t Wlt:l til@ $t�'t° Oi ;vii.r.r:esot� W�g�� V ��;g Cl�t�S PL:OII.0 He�Ith De�a� e:�t WIT I 3C1I71T1lSi.�r a rei;:;e� heal�'� prog_y.� �.� ;.?�in Ra�;sey . Cot:nty. (Co:r � i�y er,ricss) � � ,'�'� �.aG-e � •eco �rae�DeT . ' � 7. ResoiLt'_on ac nt��? olicies reP�r^in� � iT ° ..; � ,__.. � t..e a�_oca��.on or incust__�I r�•renue bond - au�:cr=�y oet: een t;: Depar�:,.ent o� PF� ana t:e S�. Paul Port �ut:�o �ty ana icen- t��yin� the s eci�ic areas o� res�onsioili�ies. (PED) ���S�la-�° • L°GO �/ �q/D�--°J� � 8. Res��t�t,t� . di:t; :�e 1°8� aus���r by_.��� ,���t�4 ,�o t:�e F�nan ing Plan and to tn�e<;vS� I�t,�fo �- ..Ftutd-Procurs�meiit �ssis�anc� Pro;r�m. (PED) �'t�,��rc. e `e_a n.!-� N752� R � 9 Resolut'_on au� .or'_- �t ' , _wn an a,_���;er� ;�i"� 1,{e�_c�olitan tVas;.� Ccr.��ol t.ie C�.�}' 3,�g'^�o �.p ;1^�I1t43.i1 1Rt.a'.�C°i�J�OrS 1I1d+a.�D � o ' �•�•�'"•••ZSSi0I1 WII.°.�°Q�t a y D _ ur�.,nanc..s ;o I�,.85 t,z ou�z c°:.^.ber 3i n ��r t t _.:. oi .iw.L��,- I ��,s��,� , I�85. {Pub Iic �Vorrs)� � �/�0. Resolut'_on a:-e ��N v�io �c� �:.e Sne, p ° ` ` 85 buc;et oy adaz::; 5513,?C6 � ^,�Z�- �O i.:@' 3R ci.C.' �O 7�-=9sSA � � �Or �G'�L�C 1'r13T and L��"i��:i� :•181Rt°.^.c^S1Cg� � ��p i^ j0 rrC-' f G�� �j r:CS� �1 II. Resocut'_on ar�e. ci.ing t, e 1985 budget oy adcLnQ 52?3 467 r, t:e �endin� P a.n �or Tra�:��c Si?T� ° � to - �1 � ? ,. � � t:ie • �anc�r.g Plart ar;d to �--� � � � L•:�n�,a� •tain�e:��zc�. (t�u�Ii ;Yor�s) , � .s.a¢� J :�o,� .,P,►Jne� . C:i� "ci.=.LL • ' S�VEVTri FL00:: ^---^„ SAINT P�.0 jtl��'ES�T:I �3?C?